• Title/Summary/Keyword: GIS-based Spatial Analysis

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Estimation of the Availability of National Woodland Burial Ground through GIS-based Limited Area Analysis (GIS 기반의 제한지역 분석을 통한 국립수목장림 입지가능규모 산정)

  • Moon, Chang Soon;Lee, Shi Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.36-43
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    • 2018
  • In Korea, 'forest welfare' is officially included as a policy object and used as an academic term. The Korea Forest Service strives to provide a forest welfare services suitable for each life cycle from birth to death, and the public is highly aware of the need for these policies. The demand for National Woodland Burial Grounds is expected to increase as the interest in natural burials including woodland burial is increasing. As the demand for the Woodland Burial Grounds is increasing, there is only one National Woodland Burial Grounds currently available. Although other forest welfare facilities, such as natural recreation forests, must have undergone feasibility assessment according to relevant laws before approval of the designation, there are no institutions performing Woodland Burial Grounds feasibility assessments at the time. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the policies to cope with the increased demand. This study used GIS to prepare the basic data to be used in the process of selecting suitable forest locations. The area that cannot be used according to related laws was analyzed and the size of the possible areas in the state forests was assessed.

A Study for Planning Optimal Location of Solar Photovoltaic Facilities using GIS (GIS를 이용한 태양광시설 설치를 위한 적정지역 선정에 관한 연구)

  • Yun, Sung-Wook;Paek, Yee;Jang, Jae-Kyung;Choi, Duk-Kyu;Kang, Donghyeon;Son, Jinkwan;Park, Min-Jung;Kang, Suk-Won;Gwon, Jin-Kyung
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.243-254
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    • 2019
  • With the recent accelerated policy-making and interests in new renewable energy, plans to develop and supply the new renewable energy have been devised across multiple regions in Korea. Solar energy, in particular, is being applied to small-scale power supply in provincial areas, as solar cells are used to convert solar energy into electric energy to produce electric power. Nonetheless, in the case of solar power plants, the need for a large stretch of land and considerable sum of financial support implies that the planning step should take into consideration the most suitable meteorological and geographical factors. In this study, the proxy variables of meteorological and geographical factors associated with solar energy were considered in analyzing the vulnerable areas regarding the photovoltaic power generation facility across the nation. GIS was used in the spatial analysis to develop a map for assessing the optimal location for photovoltaic power generation facility. The final vulnerability map developed in this study did not reveal any areas that exhibit vulnerability level 5 (very high) or 1 (very low). Jeollanam-do showed the largest value of vulnerability level 4 (high), while a large value of vulnerability level 3 (moderate) was shown by several administrative districts including Gwangju metropolitan city, Jeollabuk-do, Chungcheongbuk-do, and Gangwon-do. A value of vulnerability level 2 (low) was shown by the metropolitan cities including Daegu, Ulsan, and Incheon. When the 30 currently operating solar power plants were compared and reviewed, most were found to be in an area of vulnerability level 2 or 3, indicating that the locations were relatively suitable for solar energy. However, the limited data quantity for solar power plants, which is the limitation of this study, prevents the accuracy of the findings to be clearly established. Nevertheless, the significance of this study lies in that an attempt has been made to assess the vulnerability map for photovoltaic power generation facility targeting various regions across the nation, through the use of the GIS-based spatial analysis technique that takes into account the diverse meteorological and geographical factors. Furthermore, by presenting the data obtained for all regions across the nation, the findings of this study are likely to prove useful as the basic data in fields related to the photovoltaic power generation.

Improving Digital Map Production Using a Field Survey System -Focusing on Geographic Survey and Structural Editing Processes (현장측량시스템 활용을 통한 수치지도 제작공정 개선 -지리조사와 구조화 편집과정 중심으로)

  • Jeon, Bu-Nam;Choi, Yun-Soo;Lee, Im-Pyeong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.13 no.2 s.32
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    • pp.71-77
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    • 2005
  • Digital maps that art the primitive components for GIS has been increasingly used for various applications. Although their production processes has been noticeably improved, particularly, the geographic survey and structural editing processes still depends on the traditional process depending on maps printed on papers. This study thus proposes a new efficient method employing a computerized filed survey system into these processes. We applied this method to producing a digital map ver 2.0 and compare the results nth those based on the existing method. From this comparison analysis, it is shown that the proposed method saves about 5% from the overall cost by reducing the man power and processing steps required for digital map production.

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Research on the relationship between the thermal characteristics and the type of land cover in Beijing urban area by ASTER data

  • Zhu, QiJiang;Zhang, Xin;Bai, Xianghua
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.277-279
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    • 2003
  • The study utilizes remote sensing as the main monitoring means. With different spatial high-resolution, multichannel ASTER remote sensing image as the main information in Beijing city zone; with regional border and statistical data as auxiliary factor a study between the thermal space distribution character and the underground medium is analyzed based on the GIS logical algorithm and synthetic analysis technology. Results show thermal forming mechanism and the rule of distribution is mainly related to the underground medium and the change of the city distribution. Different underground medium has different degree and intensity influence on the thermal space distribution. Furthermore, urban greenbelt and water areas can reduce the thermal effect and large-scale greenbelt creates green island effect. In addition, Road net, residential area, population density, heat resources and so on have some positive effect on the thermal distribution, which increase the local temperature and intensity on the other hand. It is important to study the thermal distribution and its related factors, which contributes to the plan, construction and development of the city.

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Resiliency Assessment of Sarasota Bay Watershed, Florida

  • Lee, Hye-Kyung
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.32-41
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    • 2019
  • As population in Sarasota and Manatee Counties, Florida in the United States is projected to increase, land use changes from land development happen continuously. The more land development means the more impervious surfaces and stormwater runoff to Sarasota Bay, which causes critical impact on the resiliency of the ecosystem. In order to decrease its impact on water quality and the ecosystem function of Sarasota Bay, it is important to assess the resilient status of communities that create negative impacts on the ecosystem. Three types of guiding principles of resiliency for Sarasota Bay watershed are suggested. To assess resiliency status, three indexes - vulnerability index, socio-economic index, and ecological index are developed and analyzed by using geographic information system for each census tract in the two counties. Since each indicator for vulnerability index, socio-economic index, and ecological index is measured with different metrics, statistical standardizing method - distance from the best and worst performers is used for this study to directly compare and combine them all to show total resilience score for each census tract. Also, the ten most and the ten least scores for the total resilience index scores are spatially distributed for better understanding which census tracts are most or least resilient. As Sarasota Watershed boundary is also overlaid, it is easy to understand how each census tract attains its resilience and how each census tract impacts to Sarasota Bay ecosystem. Based on results of the resiliency assessment several recommendations, guidelines, or policies for attaining or enhancing resiliency are suggested.

Development of Estimation Method for Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient of Buildings Based on Spatial Information (공간정보기반 건축물의 풍속고도분포계수 산정 방법 개발)

  • SEO, Eun-Su;CHOI, Se-Hyu
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.32-46
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    • 2017
  • Recent rapid urban expansion and crowding of various industrial facilities has affected the features of a significant part of downtown area, resulting in areas having buildings with a wide range of height and the foothills. To compute a velocity pressure exposure coefficient, namely the design wind speed factor, this study defines ground surface roughness by utilizing concentration analysis for the height of each building. After obtaining spatial data by extracting a building layer from digital maps, the study area was partitioned for the concentration analysis and to allow investigation of the frequency distribution of building heights. Concentration analysis by building height was determined with the Variation-to-Means Ratio (VMR) and Poisson distribution analysis using a buildings distribution chart, with statistical significance determined using Chi-square verification. Applying geographic information systems (GIS) with the architectural information made it possible to estimate a velocity pressure exposure coefficient factor more quantitatively and objectively, by including geographic features, as compared to current methods. Thus, this method is expected to eliminate inaccuracies that arise when building designers calculate the velocity pressure exposure coefficient in subjective way, and to help increase the wind resistance of buildings in a more logical and cost-effective way.

The Spatial Location Analysis of Disaster Evacuation Shelter for Considering Resistance of Road Slope and Difference of Walking Speed by Age - Case Study of Seoul, Korea (도로경사와 연령별 보행속도 차이를 고려한 자연재난 대피소의 입지분석 - 서울시 사례분석)

  • Lee, So Hee;Goo, Sin Hoi;Chun, Young Woo;Park, Young Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2015
  • In Korea, local governments have decided the location of shelters as part of their disaster planning. However, no quantitative standards, such as assuming different hazard and shelter types, shelters' capacity, are specified in that planning. To propose the direction of disaster evacuation policy, first of all, the current state of shelters' location and evacuation area is needed to be analyzed. In addition, considering topographical condition such as road slope and physical strength by age are important factors to measure optimal evacuation route. The purpose is to suggest a new methodology of estimating optimal evacuation route considering resistance of road slope and difference of walking speed by age. Moreover, as a case study of Seoul, Korea, using coverage analysis of GIS analysis tool, the accessible area (or vulnerable area) to the shelters is evaluated based on the spatial distribution of disaster evacuation shelters and their accommodation capacity, according to evacuation time within 7.5, 15 and 30 minutes. The main results are summarized as follows: 1) The average area of disaster evacuation shelter per person is calculated as 0.45 square meters. Considering that the minimum shelters' area per person is 1 square meters, only 45% of people in Seoul can be accommodated. 2) The ratio of inhabitants who live in accessible area within 7.5 minutes presents only 33% of all. Furthermore, the ratio of inhabitants by age group of 5~9 or over 65 years old shows significantly lower percentage in comparison with 15~49 years old people.

A Study on the Strategy to promote Geospatial Information Industry based on Users Requirements Analysis (수요자 요구 분석을 통한 공간정보산업 진흥 전략에 관한 연구 -전문가 설문조사를 중심으로-)

  • Seok, Sangmuk;Song, Ki Sung;Hwang, Jung Rae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.400-409
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    • 2016
  • The geospatial information industry has the advantage of being able to converge with other industries to create new value. Therefore, efforts are underway to promote the growth of this dwindling national industry by endorsing policies and initiatives to promote its convergence with other industries. In this study, feedback was collected from experts in various fields through three rounds of polls using the Delphi method. The poll results were used to investigate the causes of hindrance to the growth of the geospatial information industry and to build a comprehensive solution to this problem. As a result, 27 strategies were constructed based on the users' requirements related to policy, data and service, including the demands for establishing public polling methods, enhancing data quality and advertisement. Since the coefficient of variance fell between 0.11 and 0.20 in the importance evaluation, an amicable consensus was reached between the experts. Considering that the convergence of industries is achieved through the integration of various types of technology and information, it is important to consider the requirements of users in different industries. In this respect, the results of this study will serve as a useful base for constructing mid-to-long term road maps to promote the development of the geospatial information industry.

Multi-Dimensional Flood Damage Analysis (Ⅰ): Principle and Procedure (다차원 홍수피해산정방법(Ⅰ): 원리 및 절차)

  • Choi, Seung-An;Yi, Choong-Sung;Shim, Myung-Pil;Kim, Hung-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.39 no.1 s.162
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2006
  • Recently, the flood damages including losses of human lifes and property have been rapidly increased according to extreme floods. And we know that the flood control project is needed for diminishing flood damages. However, we have had the lacks in a reasonable methodology for the economic analysis of food control project. This study aims to improve the existing economic analysis method for flood control project. So, first of all, we understand the problems of existing economic analysis and investigate the methodologies of foreign countries. Based on that, the Multi-Dimensional Flood Damage Analysis(MD-FDA) is developed in this study. The survey of properties on the floodplain is conducted, then the damage rate obtained by evaluating the monetary values of surveyed property is applied, and the expected flood damage is calculated. Also by considering damage area in the floodplain as well as spatial distribution of inundated depth using GIS, the flood damages are evaluated more accurately than existing method. From the study, we know that the MD-FDA can improve the problems of existing method and evaluate the reasonable flood damages by using updated nation리 statistics.

Development of an Emissions Processing System for Climate Scenario Inventories to Support Global and Asian Air Quality Modeling Studies

  • Choi, Ki-Chul;Lee, Jae-Bum;Woo, Jung-Hun;Hong, Sung-Chul;Park, Rokjin J.;Kim, Minjoong J.;Song, Chang-Keun;Chang, Lim-Seok
    • Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.330-343
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    • 2017
  • Climate change is an important issue, with many researches examining not only future climatic conditions, but also the interaction of climate and air quality. In this study, a new version of the emissions processing software tool - Python-based PRocessing Operator for Climate and Emission Scenarios (PROCES) - was developed to support climate and atmospheric chemistry modeling studies. PROCES was designed to cover global and regional scale modeling domains, which correspond to GEOS-Chem and CMAQ/CAMx models, respectively. This tool comprises of one main system and two units of external software. One of the external software units for this processing system was developed using the GIS commercial program, which was used to create spatial allocation profiles as an auxiliary database. The SMOKE-Asia emissions modeling system was linked to the main system as an external software, to create model-ready emissions for regional scale air quality modeling. The main system was coded in Python version 2.7, which includes several functions allowing general emissions processing steps, such as emissions interpolation, spatial allocation and chemical speciation, to create model-ready emissions and auxiliary inputs of SMOKE-Asia, as well as user-friendly functions related to emissions analysis, such as verification and visualization. Due to its flexible software architecture, PROCES can be applied to any pregridded emission data, as well as regional inventories. The application results of our new tool for global and regional (East Asia) scale modeling domain under RCP scenario for the years 1995-2006, 2015-2025, and 2040-2055 was quantitatively in good agreement with the reference data of RCPs.