• Title/Summary/Keyword: GIS method

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Near Real Time Flood Area Analysis Based on SAR Image and GIS (GIS와 SAR 영상을 연계한 근 실시간 홍수지역 분석)

  • Sohn, Hong-Gyoo;Song, Yeong-Sun;Kim, Gi-Hong;Yun, Kong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.4 no.4 s.15
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2004
  • Accurate classification of water area is a preliminary step to analyze the flooded area and damages caused by flood. This is essential process for monitoring the region where annually repeating flood is a problem. The accurate estimation of flooded area can ultimately be utilized as a primary source of information for the policy decision. In this paper, flooded areas was classified using 1:25,000 land use map and a RADARSAT image of Ok-Chun and Bo-Eun located in Chung-Book province taken in 12th of August, 1998. Then we analyzed the flood area based on GIS. A RADARSAT image was used to classify the flooded areas with slope theme generated from digital elevation model. In processing on a RADARSAT image, the geometric correction was performed by a backwardgeocoding method based on ephemeris data and one control point for near real time flood area analysis.

Error Assessment of Attitude Determination Using Wireless Internet-Based DGPS (GIS를 활용한 지진위험도 분석)

  • Koh June Hwan;Kwon Jay Hyoun;Choi Yoon Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.239-249
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    • 2005
  • It is the general consensus that korea is safe from some disasters, particularly earthquake. However, it is not difficult to see the countries considered as safety zones have occasionally experienced a severe earthquakes. In this case, damages and casualties are much serious because they were not prepared for the earthquakes. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a counterplan about an earthquake. In this paper, we analyzed several damages by earthquakes using GIS based methods, and derived a counterproposal. The disasters caused by earthquakes are categorized into three riskiness factors, that is, a building destruction riskiness, a blaze riskiness and a refuge riskiness. Then, it is quantitatively analyzed by the degree of damage so that overall riskiness of the earthquake are assigned. In addition, it was shown that the analysis can be utilized to establish the escape route from the earthquake. It is expected that this study shows an good example of GIS application especially for preventing disasters.

Study on the Estimation Method of Safely Index for Community Disaster (지역안전도 진단 방법 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Dae-Won;Jeong, Sang-Man;Park, Moo-Jong;Kim, Hung-Soo;Seoh, Byung-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2007
  • We reconstructed the community disaster risk and patterns of damage magnitude using 'Annual Report of National Disaster Data'. And we developed the inspection index for damage reduction capacity of each facility or each damage prevention measure. The inspection indices include climatic and hydrological vulnerabilities, and disaster probability components. Also we considered all indices and components for DB construction on the GIS system. Then we constructed 'Inspection for Safety Degree of Community System(ISDCS)' according to the facility's criteria from the combination of damage reduction capacity of facility and damage magnitude. The safety index has designed a system that encourages communities to carry out a list of activities in the raw from natural disaster. The activities ultimately saves lives, reduce property damage, and protect disaster facilities. Damage patterns were also analyzed according to damage type using pattern analysis and GIS.

A Study for the Efficiency to Extract Hydrologic-Topographical Parameters Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 수문지형인자 추출에 관한 효용성 연구)

  • Choi, Hyun;Ahn, Chang-Whan;Lee, Je-Yun;Han, Ho-Wook
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.937-941
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    • 2007
  • For Hydrologic analysis of the river, the exact Dividing Watershed and Hydrologic-Topographical Parameters affect enormously Hydrologic analysis of the river basin. Therefore the extraction of Hydrologic-Topographical Parameters as well as Dividing Watershed are stiuied by several ways. However the definite standard of all those means are not settled. Recently GIS is applied to the field of water resources so that we can divide Watershed and calculate Hydrologic-Topographical Parameters of the targeted area easily and objective way for using DEM. Thanks to DEM, we don't have to spend much time as we did before. However other problems are generated such as the parameter value is changed by the precision of established NGIS(National Geographic Information System), etc. In this study, using GIS which is popular recently, we suggested efficient extract method of Hydrologic-Topographical Parameters SCS(Soil Conservation Service) CN(Curve Number) in watershed.

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Extraction of Crime Vulnerable Areas Using Crime Statistics and Spatial Big Data (공간 빅데이터와 범죄통계자료를 이용한 범죄취약지 추출)

  • Park, So-Rang;Park, Jae-Kook
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.161-171
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    • 2018
  • This study set out to identify crime vulnerable areas with the GIS spatial analysis technique for the prediction of crimes. Crime vulnerable areas were extracted from the statistics of crimes with the GIS hotspot analysis technique and the inverse distance weighted(IDW) method applied to different crimes according to places and use districts. The scope of surveillance and weight were calculated for each of CPTED surveillance elements including CCTV, streetlamp, patrol division, and police substation. Maps of crime vulnerable areas were overlapped one after another to make a CPTED-based one expressed in four grades(safety, attention, warning, and risk).

Implementation of Geosensor Interface using Object Oriented Design Pattern (객체지향 설계 유형에 의한 지오센서 인터페이스 구현)

  • Baek, Jeong-Ho;Lee, Hong-Ro
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.193-206
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    • 2006
  • This paper proposes The Efficient method that should design Geosensor model based on object oriented design pattern and implement the Geosensor network interface system using JBuilder. Such as geosensor technology will be to a new research paradigm of GIS which can manage a great quantity of field information by means of constructing the real time remote sensing network. The technology that integrates object oriented design pattern Geosensor interface network with GIS will be necessary elements that satisfy the function of GIS increasing day by day. Therefore, we would like to utilize GoF design pattern in order to change for the better object oriented Geosensor middleware. This paper shall contribute to implementing the optimal Geosensor interface that can develop reusable, modular and modifiable software by using the object oriented design pattern.

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Development of a Web-based PPGIS Prototype for Community Regeneration Project Support (커뮤니티 재생사업 지원을 위한 웹 기반 PPGIS 프로토타입 개발)

  • Park, Yu-Ri;Koh, June-Hwan;Ahn, Hyung-June;Seo, Chang-Wan;Kim, Geun-Han
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.159-169
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    • 2009
  • As public participation in the community issues have expanded, an urban planning paradigm has been changed to the planning with public participation. The role of GIS also expanded to support decision making process for the public in addition to supporting that of decision-makers. Residential Environment Improvement, which is the improvement method of an undeveloped urban area, is to regenerate a community based on public participation. However, the current process of public participation is formal. Therefore the purpose of this study is to lead the public a positive participation in Residential Environment Improvement using GIS. We proposed a web_based PPGIS model including project information service, public opinion expression service, two-way communication service and GIS services, and developed a prototype. This model can be a useful tool to make decision makers, experts and the public share their ideas and communicate each other, and to increase the public participation in planning process.

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Video GIS using Virtual World Mapping Technique (가상 세계 매핑기법을 이용한 비디오 GIS)

  • Kim, Sung-Soo;Lee, Seong-Ho;Kim, Kyung-Ok;Lee, Jong-Hun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.10 no.4 s.22
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we propose Media CIS system architecture which provides geographical information of geo-features in video sequences by using 3D geographical database and GPS-related data resulted from 4S-Van. We introduce a novel interoperable geographical data service concept, so-called, Virtual World Mapping (VWA) that can map 3D graphic world with real-world video to provide geographical information. Our proposed method can easily retrieve geographical information and attributes to reconstruct 3D virtual space according to certain frame in video sequences. Our proposed system architecture also has an advantage that can provide geographical information service with video stream without any image processing procedures. In addition to, describing the details of our components, we present a Media GIS web service system by using GeoVideo Server, which performs VWM technique.

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Spatiotemporal Distribution of Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer through GIS over 2007-2012 in Kermanshah-Iran

  • Reshadat, Sohyla;Saeidi, Shahram;Zangeneh, Ali Reza;Khademi, Nahid;Khasi, Keyvan;Ghasemi, SayedRamin;Gilan, Nader Rajabi
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.17
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    • pp.7737-7742
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    • 2015
  • Background: Cancer is one of the common causes of disability and mortality in the world. The present study aimed to define the spatiotemporal distribution of gastrointestinal tract cancers using a geographic information system (GIS) over the time period of 2007-2012 in Kermanshah-Iran. Materials and Methods: The method of studying was descriptive-analytical as well as comparative with gastrointestinal tract cancer patients based in the City of Kermanshah over the time period covered. For data analysis, the GIS and SPSS 16.0 were applied. Results: According to the pathological reports within the space of 5 years, 283 cases of gastrointestinal tract cancer (157 in males, 156 in females) were reported. The performed tests in terms of spatial distribution in the environment of GIS indicated that the disease demonstrated a clustered pattern in the City of Kermanshah. More to the point, some loci of this disease have emerged in the City of Kermanshah that in the first level, 6 neighborhoods with 29-59 cases of this disease per square kilometer and in the second level, 15-29 cases. Conclusions: Gastrointestinal tract cancer demonstrated an ascending trend within the space of 5 years of research and the spatiotemporal distribution of cancer featured a concentrated and clustered pattern in the City of Kermanshah.

Public Transport Network Connectivity using GIS-based Space Syntax (GIS 기반 Space Syntax를 이용한 대중교통 접근성)

  • Jun, Chul-Min
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2007
  • The local governments of major cities in Korea are giving focus on public transportation to reduce congestion and improve accessibility in city areas. In this regards, the proper measurement of accessibility is now a key policy requirement for reorganizing the public transport network. Public transport routing problems, however, are considered to be highly complicated since a multi-mode travel generates different combinations of accessibility. While most of the previous research efforts on measuring transport accessibility are found at zone-levels, an alternative approach at a finer scale such as bus links and stops is presented in this study. We proposes a method to compute the optimal route choice of origin-destination pairs and measure the accessibility of the chosen modes combination based on topological configuration. The genetic algorithm is used for the computation of the journey paths, whereas the space syntax theory is used for the accessibility. This study used node-link data in GIS instead of axial lines which are manually drawn in space syntax. The resulting accessibilities of bus stops are calibrated by O-D survey data and the proposed process is tested on a CBD of Seoul.

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