• Title/Summary/Keyword: GIS method

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Estimation Method of the Design Wind Load of Soundproof Wall Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 방음벽의 설계풍하중 산정방법)

  • Lee, Dong-Ho;Choi, Se-Hyu
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.75-85
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    • 2015
  • Recently deformed or destroyed of soundproof wall by local winds and typhoon has increased. This research proposed the estimation method of the design wind load of soundproof wall using spatial information analysis based on 1:5,000 digital map and performed comparative analysis with actual application cases. According to the result of quantitative evaluation using GIS, the surface roughness in the downtown area packed with buildings was III and the surface roughness in the suburban district with a relatively small number of buildings was II and the surface roughness in the district packed with open areas and typical farmhouses was I. This shows that the wind load of the soundproof walls reflecting the actual surface conditions was estimated. If the quantitative GIS analysis presented in this study is applied to wind-resistant design of soundproof walls, it is supposed that this will be helpful in more rational wind-resistant design by remedying the existing problem in which the wind load varies depending on designer's subjectivity.

Acquisition of Geographic Information in North Korea Using High Resolution Satellite Image (고해상도 위성영상을 이용한 북한지역 지리정보 구축 실험연구)

  • SaGong, Hosang;Han, Sun-Hee;Park, Jin-Hyeong;Seo, Ki-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.46-56
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    • 2004
  • As economic cooperation and exchanges between North and South Korea have been glowing much more than before, the demand for geographic information on North Korea is recently increasing. In fact, there is no specific method to be provided with geographic information on North Korea. In this regard, the study searched a method to collect geographic information on North Korea by using the high spatial resolution satellite image. In order to produce its best result, the study collected the geographic information on the case study area and ensured the location accuracy. This study produced total 52 items of geographic information on North Korea. Horizontal and vertical errors of stereo image, which are 4.6m and 0.9m respectively, showed high accuracy. In addition, even though the horizontal error of single image is 9m, which is bigger than that of stereo image, there is no doubt that it can be used as basic data for North Korean studies and related projects.

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Grid-typed GIS Representation of Distributed Evapotranspiration Estimation Results (분포 증발산량 산정 결과의 격자형 GIS 표현)

  • Park, Jin-Hyeog;Hwang, Eui-Ho;Lee, Geun-Sang;Chae, Hyo-Sok
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.88-97
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    • 2004
  • A Grid-based distributed evaporation prediction model which calculates temporal and spatial evaporation with a heat balance method was developed. And, the model was considered as the integration with distributed hydrological model in near future. 'This model was programmed by fortran language and used ASCII formatted map data of DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and land cover map extracted by remote sensing data. Also, temporal variations and spatial distributions of evaporation are presented by using GIS. To verify the applicability of the model, it was applied to the Shonai river basin ($532km^2$) which has sufficient meteorological and hydrological data, Japan. The result shows that the estimated mean annual evaporation was 825.4mm, and this value is estimated as suitable things in considering rainfall and discharge data in study area.

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Estimation of Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient using GIS (GIS를 이용한 풍속고도분포계수 산정)

  • Seong, Min-Ho;Choi, Se-Hyu
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2011
  • As an urbanization is in progress, the change of the planimetric features and topography including high-rise residential buildings commonly occur. The change of the planimetric features and topography causes occurrence of the strong wind and wind speed increase or decrease due to the effect of planimetric features and topography on the windward side even though the wind blows with the same speed. In the design standard, this change by wind speed is defined as the velocity pressure exposure coefficient, the value of coefficient is estimated and reflected by ground surface roughness, but in a reality, ground surface roughness is determined in accordance with the subjective judgement of designer and then the velocity pressure exposure coefficient is estimated, moreover the research and data for classification of ground surface roughness are insufficient. In this paper, we will estimate the velocity pressure exposure coefficient by the quantified method for classifying ground surface roughness by using GIS according to the height of a building targeting area where high-rise residential buildings are built lately. When the structure subjected to wind load is designed, reasonability of design and safety of structure will be more improved by using the estimation method of velocity pressure exposure coefficient presented in this study.

The Design and Implementation of GIS Data Processing using 3-Tiers Architecture for selecting Route (3계층 구조를 이용한 GIS 자료처리 설계 및 구현 -도로의 노선선정을 중심으로-)

  • 이형석;배상호
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2002
  • The design of data processing of GIS requires efficient method with analysis procedure. This system is easy to be used and managed for presenting route according to conditions as a graphic user interface environmental window system by applying three tiers based object-oriented method. The tier of data is in charge of a class for the exchange, extraction and conservation of data between GeoMedia and application tiers. A route selection algorithm was applied to application tiers, considering all conditions which are necessary for the route selection between a beginning point and an end point, and it was added by module such as data handing, road condition, buffering, clothoid and AHP to select the alternative route followed by new condition. The user tier can express the data acquired by an application tier. Thus three tiers based architecture was presented by implementing design of GIB data processing for its efficiency.

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The Assessment of Application of the Distributed Runoff Model in accordance with Rainfall Data Form (강우 자료 형태에 따른 분포형 유출 모형의 적용성 평가)

  • Choi, Yong Joon;Kim, Joo Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.252-260
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    • 2010
  • The point rainfall measurements need to be converted to the areal rainfall by means of mean areal precipitation (MAP) estimation methods. And it is not appropriate to evaluate the areal rainfall with constant drift because of the geomorphological influences to rainfall field. Non-stationarity should be applied to the estimation of the areal rainfall, therefore, to consider these effects. Kriging methods with special functional would be a suitable tool in this case. Generalized covariance Kriging method is the most developed one among different Kriging methods. From this point of view this study performs the analysis of its applicability to distributed runoff model. For these purpose, distributed rainfall was created by Thiessen and Kriging method. And distributed rainfall of each method was applied into HyGIS-GRM. The result of applying, Runoff was different in the rainfall data form. Therefore, To apply Kriging method with physical meaning is that it is the useful method as distributed rainfall-runoff model.

Vector Map Data Watermarking Method using Binary Notation

  • Kim, Jung-Yeop;Park, Soo-Hong
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.385-395
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    • 2007
  • As the growth of performance of the computer and the development of the Internet are exponential, sharing and using the information illegally have also increased to the same proportion. In this paper, we proposed a novel method on the vector map data among digital contents. Vector map data are used for GIS, navigation and web-based services etc. We embedded watermark into the coordinate of the vector map data using bit operation and extracted the watermark. This method helps to protect the copyright of the vector map data. This watermarking method is a spatial domain method and it embeds the watermark within an allowable error. Our experiment shows that the watermark produced by this method is resistant to simplification and translation.

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A method for Measuring Positional Accuracy of Road Objects in Digital Topographic Maps (수치지도 도로사상의 위치정확도 측정방법)

  • 박수홍;구자용
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.119-131
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    • 1999
  • Various digital topographic maps including 1:1,000 and 1:5,000 have been produced for years and these digital maps are expected to serve a wide range of purposes. Most previous research about measuring positional accuracy for digital topographic maps depends int a method that acquires sample points from the tested map and compares to the corresponding known true locations using some statistics. Recently, a simple method for measuring positional accuracy for linear features is introduced but it has substantial problems applying to the spatial features such as roads, railroads, streams represented with double lines on the recently produced 1:1,000 and 1:5,000 digital topographic maps. This study develops and implements an effective method that measures road objects represented in the 1:5,000 digital topographic maps using a conventional GIS software. We also apply this method to a small study area located in Kangnam Gu, Seoul and illustrate the usefulness of this method.

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A GIS Vector Data Compression Method Considering Dynamic Updates

  • Chun Woo-Je;Joo Yong-Jin;Moon Kyung-Ky;Lee Yong-Ik;Park Soo-Hong
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.13 no.4 s.35
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    • pp.355-364
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    • 2005
  • Vector data sets (e.g. maps) are currently major sources of displaying, querying, and identifying locations of spatial features in a variety of applications. Especially in mobile environment, the needs for using spatial data is increasing, and the relative large size of vector maps need to be smaller. Recently, there have been several studies about vector map compression. There was clustering-based compression method with novel encoding/decoding scheme. However, precedent studies did not consider that spatial data have to be updated periodically. This paper explores the problem of existing clustering-based compression method. We propose an adaptive approximation method that is capable of handling data updates as well as reducing error levels. Experimental evaluation showed that when an updated event occurred the proposed adaptive approximation method showed enhanced positional accuracy compared with simple cluster based compression method.

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An Evaluation of the Neighborhood Walking Environment Using GIS Method -Focusing on the Case Study of Changwon City- (GIS기법을 이용한 근린주구 보행환경평가 -창원시를 사례지역으로-)

  • Park, Kyung-Hun;Lee, Woo-Sung;Byeon, Ji-Hye
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.78-90
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    • 2010
  • This research tried to suggest a method of DB construction in the field using evaluation variables and Mobile GIS focusing on Changwon City as a leading study to encourage walking and biking in everyday life. First, twenty evaluation variables of WEs(walking environments) were selected through the literature review, and also scored separately. Second, the field survey-DB of each variable was built effectively using Mobile GIS. Finally, WEs were evaluated synthetically based on the obtained data. The results of this research are summarized as follows. While the WE of the zones located in the fringe of Changwon square were generally got a high score as over 42, other zones located in detached or row house area were evaluated relatively highly bad. Findings from this research will help in determining the zone required improvement of WEs or easy access to main destination such as a park, shopping center, school, etc. and also selecting variables of WEs, needed an intensive improvement, in the selected zone after comparing the results of field and questionnaire survey. Furthermore, those will be used as a means of decision making support for planing, designing and maintaining of WEs to promote people's physical activity in their daily lives.