• 제목/요약/키워드: GIS응용

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Technology Tree and Domestic Research Status of Satellite Remote-Sensing of the Earth (위성자료를 응용한 지구관측 분야의 기술분류와 국내 연구동향 파악)

  • 김승범;김문규;안명환;김계현;사공호상
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.253-273
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    • 2001
  • In this review article, we produce a technology tree in the earth observation by remote sensing, which is the Level I technology in the tree. To define Level II technologies, we create a two-dimensional matrix of technologies viewed from methodology and application viewpoints. Consequently the following fields are selected: reception-archiving, atmosphere, ocean, land, GIS, and common technology. For each Level II technology, we extract half a dozen Level III and about 20-30 Level IV technologies. For each Level IV technology, we review the status of domestic research and the approaches for acquiring deficient technology in Korea. Also we survey foreign institutions specializing in the deficient technologies and the time when the deficient technologies are needed. Furthermore we assign priority technologies from the viewpoints of public need and economic benefits. The information given in this article would help understand and collaborate among different disciplines, be a useful guide to a beginner to remote sensing, and assist policy making.

A Study on the Development of Intelligent Markup Indicator (IMI) Technology for Underground Facilities Management Using IoT (IoT를 이용한 지하매설물관리용 지능형표지기(IMI) 기술개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tai-Dal
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 2017
  • Geographic Information System The geographic information system (GIS) has been limited to the government and some public sectors. Recently, the market has been diversified by combining with other areas such as mobile and CRM (Customer Relationship Management). The development direction of GIS technology in the 21st century is Web GIS, 3D GIS, mobile GIS, LBS, etc. as general technology for GIS application system development and spatial information service. In this study, we developed a new concept marking nail (a marking nail with built - in intelligent storage memory device) from the function of simple positioning of a marking nail related to a previously used underground item,, Burial depth, pipe thickness, piping material, management agency, contractor, contact, etc.) and store it in DB server, if necessary.Make it available in the right place. Through this research, it is possible to prevent and minimize various accidents caused by irregular excavation works, etc., and to provide information for establishing countermeasures related to sink holes. In order to provide systematic and reliable information on underground burial management, it was proposed to input information conveniently in the field, and the purpose was to reduce the incidence of buried underground pipes absolutely.

Integrated Water Distribution Network System using the Mathematical Analysis Model and GIS (수리해석 모형과 GIS를 이용한 통합 용수배분 시스템)

  • Kwon, Jae-Seop;Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2001
  • In this study, GNLP(GIS linked non-linear network analysis program) for pipeline system analysis has been developed. This GNLP gets the input data for pipeline analysis from existing GIS(geographic information system) data automatically, and has GUI(graphic user interface) for user. Non-Linear Method was used for hydraulic analysis of pipe network based on Hazen-Williams equation, and Microsoft Access of relational database management system(RDBMS) was used for the framework of database applied program. GNLP system environment program was improved so that a pipe network designer can input information data for hydraulic analysis of pipeline system more easily than that of existing models. Furthermore this model generate output such as pressure and water quantities in the form of a table and a chart, and also produces output data in Excel file. This model is also able to display data effectively for analysed data confirmation and query function which is the core of GIS program.

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UHF Narrow Band Type Partial Discharge Diagnosis Method for the Internal Insulation Performance Verification of the Gas Insulated Switchgear (가스절연 개폐장치의 내부절연 성능검증을 위한 UHF 협대역 부분방전 진단법)

  • Song Won-Pyo;Kim Jung-Bae;Kim Min-So;Jung Jae-Ryong;Park Seung-Jae;Ko Heui-Suk
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers C
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    • v.54 no.9
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    • pp.414-420
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    • 2005
  • A method for partial discharge diagnosis based on UHF narrow band type for GIS has been developed and calibrated. In generally, PD cannot be directly measured under on-line condition, but we can indirectly measure the electromagnetic wave made by PD using the high-frequency antenna. Compared with VHF band, electromagnetic waves of UHF band have a low influence for external noise in high-voltage substation. Therefore, we can detect the real abnormality with several pC in GIS using UHF narrow-band type method. For the case of no internal VHF sensor for GIS of the domestic substation, it has applied to use the external UHF sensor attached in spacer in GIS of existing substation. In this paper, we firstly described the technique of partial discharge measurement using frequency analysis and phase analysis in UHF band. Secondly, we presented the results of sensitivity test, the relationship of dBm-pC and diagnosis result of the cause of PD source by phase analysis. And then, we report the diagnosis result of partial discharge on the real GIS in domestic substation. These results make above method applicable for measurement of quantity and cause of PD for real operation GIS in high-voltage substation.

A Case Study for Augmented Reality Based Geography Learning Contents (증강현실기반의 지리 학습 콘텐츠 활용 사례연구)

  • Lee, Seok-Jun;Ko, In-Chul;Jung, Soon-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.96-109
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    • 2011
  • Recently, the geographic information system(GIS) is generally used in various fields with the development of information and communication technology, with expansion of its applications and utilization scope. Especially, utilizing GIS is expected to have positive effects on the geography learning and more helpful for the geographic information observation compared to the picture or 2D based media. The effective visualization of complex geographic data does not only take realization of its visual information but also increases the human ability in analysis and understanding to use the geographic information. In this paper, we examine a method to develop the geography learning contents based on the technology with augmented reality and GIS, and then we have a case study for various kinds of visualization techniques and examples to use in geography learning situation. Moreover, we introduce an example of the manufacturing process from the existing GIS data to augmented reality based geography learning system. From the above, we show that the usefulness of our method is applicable for effective visualization of the three-dimensional geographic information in the geography learning environment.

Analysis of Geological Risk and Excavation Index using GIS Techinque (지질 피해예상 및 절취 난이도분석을 위한 GIS응용 연구)

  • 김윤종;김원영;유이현;이사로;민경덕
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.43-55
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    • 1994
  • Two thematic maps on environmental geology were produced in the Cheong-Ju area, with aids of GIS technique. They are landslide hazards & risk maps and cut-fill maps. The models of environmental geology map and digital database were established for creation of these maps by means of cartographic simulation in GIS. These special maps are very important for understanding the environmental characteristics of the study area, and can be applied in the establishment of the regional land use planning. For instance, the landslide hazard and risk map can play very important role in the road design, and cut- fill map in the construction work in the area. The scoring system for landslide analysis was developed through the evaluation of each environmental geologic factor in relation to the others and reflects the relative imporatance of each factor. The excavation index(easy, intermediate and difficult) was evaluated through cut-fill analysis, and they can be very useftil for assessing the degree of excavation difficulty.

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GeoSensor Data Stream Processing System for u-GIS Computing (u-GIS 컴퓨팅을 위한 GeoSensor 데이터 스트림 처리 시스템)

  • Chung, Weon-Il;Shin, Soong-Sun;Back, Sung-Ha;Lee, Yeon;Lee, Dong-Wook;Kim, Kyung-Bae;Lee, Chung-Ho;Kim, Ju-Wan;Bae, Hae-Young
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2009
  • In ubiquitous spatial computing environments, GeoSensor generates sensor data streams including spatial information as well as various conventional sensor data from RFID, WSN, Web CAM, Digital Camera, CCTV, and Telematics units. This GeoSensor enables the revitalization of various ubiquitous USN technologies and services on geographic information. In order to service the u-GIS applications based on GeoSensors, it is indispensable to efficiently process sensor data streams from GeoSensors of a wide area. In this paper, we propose a GeoSensor data stream processing system for u-GIS computing over real-time stream data from GeoSensors with geographic information. The proposed system provides efficient gathering, storing, and continuous query processing of GeoSensor data stream, and also makes it possible to develop diverse u-GIS applications meet each user requirements effectively.

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GIS-based Pickup-Delivery Scheduling Model for Container Transportation (컨테이너 운송체계 개선을 위한 화물수거-배송계획 시스템 개발)

  • Yoon Hang-Mook;Hwang Heung-Suk;Kim Hyung-Bo
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.29 no.3 s.99
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    • pp.221-226
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    • 2005
  • This paper provides a method to implement IT system for supply chain management problem The fundamental scheduling issues that arise in the pickup delivery system are optimizing the system with the minimum cost, the maximum throughput and the service level. This study is concerned with the development of the customer responsive pickup-delivery system based on e-logistics and demand chain management. Through this study, the pickup-delivery problem of the vehicle using the GIS PDP and GUI- type computer programs are formulated. The computational results show that the proposed method is very effective on a set of test problems.

The Design and Implementation of Isotherm and Isohaline Forecast System using Temporal GIS (TGIS 개념을 이용한 등온선 및 등염분선 예측시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kwak, Ho-Young
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.73-86
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    • 2000
  • The Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system that collects, stores, analyzes and processes geographic object data existing in space. The GIS is widely used in application fields related to geography such as city planning, land-register management, forest resources management, etc. The importance and necessity of the GIS have been well demonstrated, and therefore many studies on this system have been carried out. However, most of those studies have just treated geographic information as spatial information, but have not considered or have overlooked changes of spatial data dependent on time. For example, transportation information management and atmospheric phenomena forecast, have not exactly reflected the actual world which changes with the flow of time. In this thesis, a temporal GIS is established to effectively and precisely process information on space objects changing with time and a database is built up in reference to changes in water temperature and salinity. And the isotherm and isohaline forecast system implemented to support graphical tool.

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Pollutant Source Database and Water Quality Managemen Ecosystem Model for Juam Reservoir Watershed Using GIS (GIS를 응용한 주암 상수원수계의 오염원 DB 구축과 수질관리 생태계모형)

  • 양홍모;권유리
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.209-219
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    • 1999
  • 주암호는 전라남도와 광주광역시에 약 1,180,000톤/일의 생활용수와 공업용수를 공급하는 상수원이다. 상수원수계의 생활하수, 축산폐수, 숙박업소, 식당 등 점오염원과 주거지, 농경지, 산림지역에서 우수와 함께 유출되는 비점오염원으로부터 발생하는 오염부하량으로 이들 상수원의 수질은 점점 악화되어 3급수로 전락할 우려가 높아지고 있다. 이들 상수원의 수질관리에 있어 중요한 인자의 파악과 인자들간 상호작용의 이해를 용이하게 해주는 수계수질관리 부분생태계모형을 제시하였으며 지리정보체계를 응용하여 수계의 점오염원과 비점오염원을 데이터베이스화하는 방법, 오염부하량 산출방법, 점원 및 비점오염원의 공간분석, 상수원 보호구역으로부터 완충구역분석, 위성자료 분석을통한 상수원 수계 토지이용분석과 비점오염원 부하량산출 응용 방법등을 연구하였다 분석결과 주암호수계의 BOD 부하량은 주거지. 생활하수, 축산폐수, 경작지, 식당이 차지하는 비율이 높으며 총질소 부하량은 경작지, 산림, 생활하수, 추간폐수가 높으며 그리고 총인 부하량은 생활하수, 축산폐수, 경작지가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 점오염원인 생활하수, 축산폐수, 식당 뿐만 아니라 비점오염원인 경작지도 수질오염에 상당한 영향을 미치고 있다.

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