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Variations in Morphological and Geochemical Characteristics in Manganese Nodules from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf with Varying Water Depths (동시베리아해 대륙붕에서 산출되는 망가니즈단괴의 수심에 따른 형태학적·지화학적 특성 변화)

  • Hyo-Jin Koo;Hyen-Goo Cho;Sangmi Lee;Gi-Teak Lim;Hyo-Im Kim
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we explore the morphological and geochemical characteristics for 440 manganese nodules collected from two different water depths [ARA12B-St52 (150 m, n = 239) and ARA12B-St58i (73 m, n = 201)] on the continental shelf of the East Siberian Sea from the ARA12B expedition in 2021. We also discussed the variations in the characteristics of manganese nodules with varying water depths in the Arctic Sea. The sizes of the nodules are generally greater than 3 cm at both sites. However, there is an obvious difference in the morphology with water depths. For the nodules collected at 150 m, brown-black colored tabular, tube, and ellipsoidal shapes with a rough surface texture are dominant. On the other hand, yellow-brown tabular shapes with a smooth surface texture are common for the nodules collected at 73 m. Furthermore, the slope of trend line between size and weight is significantly different at both sites: particularly, the slopes of nodules at 150 and 73 m are 1.60 and 0.84, respectively. This indicates the difference in the internal structure, porosity, and constituting elements between both nodules. Micro X-ray Flourescence (µ-XRF) results clearly demonstrate that the internal textures and chemical compositions are different with water depths. The nodules at 150 m are composed of a thick Mn-layer and a thin Fe-layer centered on the nucleus, while the nodules at 73 m are alternately grown with thin Mn- and Fe- layers around the nucleus. The average chemical compositions obtained by µ-XRF are 40.6 wt% Mn, 5.2 wt% Fe, and 7.9 Mn/Fe ratio at 150 m, and 10.3 wt% Mn, 19.0 wt% Fe, and 0.6 Mn/Fe ratio at 73 m. The chemical compositions of the nodules at 150 m are similar to those of nodules from the Peru Basin in the Pacific Ocean, while the compositions of the nodules at 73 m are similar to those of nodules from the Cook Islands or the Baltic Sea. The observed morphological and geochemical characteristics of the nodules show a clear difference at the two sites, which indicates that the aqueous conditions and formation processes of the nodules in the Arctic Sea vary with the water depths.

Manufacture and Characteristics of Peel-off Pack for Natural Cosmetics Using Pullulan and Polysaccharides (Pullulan과 Polysaccharides를 이용한 천연화장품용 필 오프 팩의 제조 및 특성)

  • Jun Soo Kwak;So Young Jung;So Min Lee;Seok-Ju Lee;Sofia Brito;Byungsun Cha;Hyojin Heo;Lei Lei;Sang Hun Lee;Ha-Hyeon Jo;You-Yeon Chun;Ye Ji Kim;Hyung Mook Kim;Mi-Gi Lee;Byeong-Mun Kwak;Bum-Ho Bin
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2023
  • In this study, for a natural cosmetics market, we sought to explore alternatives that can replace polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) of peel-off packs. A peel-off type pack was prepared by combining pullulan, a water-soluble polysaccharide, and other polysaccharides (sodium hyaluronate, cellulose gum, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium alginate, corn starch), and the pH, viscosity, and stability against temperature of each peel-off type pack were confirmed. The thickness and tensile strength of the manufactured film were measured for comparison with the PVA peel-off type pack, and applicability, drying speed, and removal degree were measured. Among them, the pullulan-sodium hyaluronate peel-off type pack showed excellent film formation ability to replace the peel-off type pack containing PVA with 5.12% thin film thickness and 4.23% high film tensile strength. When applied to actual skin, the degree of spread of the pack, the usability that can be uniformly applied, and the formation and removal strength of the film when removed after drying were also similar to the peel-off type pack containing PVA. Therefore, it was confirmed that the film formed of pullulan-sodium hyaluronate showed enough physical properties to replace the PVA of the peel-off type pack as a natural peel-off type pack.

Study on Skin pH Improvement Effect through Regulation of Na+/H+ Exchanger 1 (NHE1) Expression of Prunella vulgaris Extract and Its Active Compound, Caffeic Acid (꿀풀 추출물과 그 활성 화합물인 카페인산의 Na+/H+ exchanger 1 (NHE1) 발현 조절을 통한 피부 pH 개선 효과에 대한 연구)

  • No-June Park;Sim-Kyu Bong;Sang-A Park;Gi Hyun Park;Young Chul Ko;Hae Won Kim;Su-Nam Kim
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to discover substances that regulate skin surface acidification using human epidermal keratinocyte cell lines, and to investigate their effects on the moisturizing ability and skin barrier function of the stratum corneum. Prunella vulgaris (P. vulgaris) is an herb widely distributed in Northwest Africa and North America that has been studied for its anti-apoptotic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects. However, research on the regulation of NHE1 expression and the restoration of skin barrier function has not been conducted. Analysis of P. vulgaris revealed the presence of rosmarinic acid and caffeic acid as active ingredients, which were tested for toxicity in human epidermal keratinocyte cell lines (HaCaT), and showed no toxic effects were observed at high concentarion (100 ㎍/mL or 100 µM). It is known that sodium-hydrogen ion exchange pumps (NHE1) decrease in expression in aging skin to maintain the acidic pH of the stratum corneum, and it is hypothesized that this decrease plays an important role in the impaired restoration of skin barrier function in aging skin. P. vulgaris extract and caffeic acid increased the expression of NHE1 in keratinocytes, increased the expression of natural moisturizing factor (NMF) precursor filaggrin and ceramide synthesis enzyme serine palmitoyl transferase (SPT). In addition, P. vulgaris and caffeic acid decreased the extracellular pH of keratinocytes, indicating a direct effect on skin pH regulation. Taken together, these results suggest that P. vulgaris and caffeic acid can regulate skin pH through NHE1 modulation, and may help to restore skin barrier function by increasing NMF and ceramide synthesis. These results show the possibility that honeysuckle and caffeic acid can have a positive effect on skin health, and can be the basis for the development of new skin protection products using them.

Efficacy evaluation dental plaque and halitosis removal of mouthwash containing sodium chloride (염화나트륨 함유 구중청량제의 치면세균막 및 구취 제거 효능평가)

  • Lee, Jong-Cheon;Cho, Ja-Won;Yoo, Hyun-Jun;Kim, Chan-Ho;Choe, Byeong-Gi
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of mouthwash containing sodium chloride on dental plaque, gingival inflammation index, and bad breath through clinical trials. Materials and Methods: This trial was designed as 12 weeks and subjects were instructed to put an appropriate amount of the provided standard detergent on a toothbrush and brush their teeth 3 times a day. They were instructed to gargle a mouthwash provided to each group after brushiung. Efficacy was evaluated by performing gingival and periodontal-related index tests, dental plaque changes, and bad breath tests a total of 5 times. All data were statistically analyzed using 2-sample t-test, paired t-test to compare between groups at 95% significance level using IBM SPSS Statistics 24.0. Results: As a result of the PMA index measurement, the gingivitis improvement effect rate of the experimental group compared to the control group was 107.63% after 8 weeks and 73.08% after 12 weeks. As a result of the PHP index measurement, the plaque improvement effect rate of the experimental group compared to the control group was 79.37% after 8 weeks and 74.06% after 12 weeks. As a result of measuring volatile sulfur compounds using Oral Chroma, the effectiveness of improvement in bad breath in the experimental group was 65.06% after 8 weeks and 99.33% after 12 weeks, compared to the control group. Conclusion: As a result of this study, it was confirmed that effective gingivitis alleviation, plaque removal effect and bad breath removal effect can be expected when a mouthwash containing sodium chloride, green tea extract, and sodium monofluorophosphate is used.

Optimized Production through Enlargement Comparison Grown in Various Mixed Soils using Tubers of In vitro Pinellia triparita(Blume) Schott (기내증식 대반하의 상토 조성별 괴경 비대 조건 비교를 통한 최적 배양묘 생산 조건 확립)

  • Lee, Ka Youn;Min, Ji Yun;Kim, Mi Sun;Moon, Byeong Cheol;Kang, Young Min
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.33-43
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    • 2016
  • Pinellia tripartita(Blume) Schott is a herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the Araceae and distributed on Asia including of Korea, Japan, and China. P. tripartita is often used for gardening but has not been developed mass-breeding methods. In this study, we compared the tuber growth in different combinations of mixed soils used six compositions. Tubers used to study was cultured in vitro and divided into two groups. Type I was diameter more than 1cm and the group of Type II was diameter below than 1cm. Enlargement of tubers and growth of aerial parts were measuring the plant height, number of fresh leaves and dead leaves, number of bullets, tuber size, and fresh / dry weight. The size/weight and numbers of tubers from the mixed soil B (coir 68.0%, peat moss 14.7%, perlite 3.0%, vermiculite 7.0% and zeolite 7.0%) were the best grown up for eight weeks. In case of Type I, GI (Growth index) of tuber size and weight were 45% and 101%, respectively. The difference of growth was doubled compared to the bad growth treatment as the mixed soil E(Coir 14.3%, peat moss 14.3%, perlite 42.9%, vermiculite 14.3%, and zeolite 14.3%). These results could be used as the basic information for the similar experimental design for the P. ternata.

MDP(Markov Decision Process) Model for Prediction of Survivor Behavior based on Topographic Information (지형정보 기반 조난자 행동예측을 위한 마코프 의사결정과정 모형)

  • Jinho Son;Suhwan Kim
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.101-114
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    • 2023
  • In the wartime, aircraft carrying out a mission to strike the enemy deep in the depth are exposed to the risk of being shoot down. As a key combat force in mordern warfare, it takes a lot of time, effot and national budget to train military flight personnel who operate high-tech weapon systems. Therefore, this study studied the path problem of predicting the route of emergency escape from enemy territory to the target point to avoid obstacles, and through this, the possibility of safe recovery of emergency escape military flight personnel was increased. based problem, transforming the problem into a TSP, VRP, and Dijkstra algorithm, and approaching it with an optimization technique. However, if this problem is approached in a network problem, it is difficult to reflect the dynamic factors and uncertainties of the battlefield environment that military flight personnel in distress will face. So, MDP suitable for modeling dynamic environments was applied and studied. In addition, GIS was used to obtain topographic information data, and in the process of designing the reward structure of MDP, topographic information was reflected in more detail so that the model could be more realistic than previous studies. In this study, value iteration algorithms and deterministic methods were used to derive a path that allows the military flight personnel in distress to move to the shortest distance while making the most of the topographical advantages. In addition, it was intended to add the reality of the model by adding actual topographic information and obstacles that the military flight personnel in distress can meet in the process of escape and escape. Through this, it was possible to predict through which route the military flight personnel would escape and escape in the actual situation. The model presented in this study can be applied to various operational situations through redesign of the reward structure. In actual situations, decision support based on scientific techniques that reflect various factors in predicting the escape route of the military flight personnel in distress and conducting combat search and rescue operations will be possible.

Contamination of operator's clothing by aerosols during scaling (스케일링 시 에어로졸에 의한 술자의 의복 오염도)

  • Kang, Kyung-Hee;Kim, Ye-Jin;Min, Ji-Yeon;Park, Seul-Gi;Woo, Ju-Hee;Goong, Haw-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Dental Administration
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2017
  • Recently interest in infection control is increasing in hospitalsnfection control has become more important in the overall health care practiceental hospital also requires thorough infection control. There are various kinds of vectormedical clothing. Contaminated clothing of a hospital staff can be a vector of nosocomial infecton. actual case of nosocomial infecton caused by contaminated medical clothing, nursing students were measuring contamination levels of uniforms and pathogenic microorganism wdetected in front of the uniform and pocket. There is also a high risk of exposure to contamination in the dental hospital. We conducted a study to enhance awareness about infection and proper clothing management by comparing before and after contamination of clothing caused by aerosols produced during scaling. Subjects were scaling operators' uniforms in the department of dental hygiene, K University located in Daejeon. Before scaling, the uniform was sterilized by autoclavecaling was performed times in the same place (an average of 60 minutes per person, a total of 180 minutes). ive parts of the uniform (sleeves, chest, belly, thigh, edge of pants) contracted Rodak-plate for 15 seconds. After incubating the contacted Rodak-plate at 37℃ incubator, contamination levels by measuring the number of colonies. As a result, all parts increased number of colonies. ontamination order chestedge of pants thigh belly sleeves. Increase rate of colonies was also high in the order chest edge of pants thigh belly sleeves. This study showed seriousness of clothing contaminationcaused by aerol produced during scalingcontamination of clothing can be a path to nosocomial infecton. According to th study, infection control for clothing as well as dental instruments should be implemented and thorough infection control training needed for dental staff. In further researches, practical infection prevention supplementing clothing management method.

Effects on Ginseng Growth and Ginsenoside Content in ICT-based Process Cultivation and Conventional Cultivation (ICT 기반의 공정재배와 관행재배에 있어서 인삼 생장 및 진세 노사이드 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwang Jin Chang;Yeon Bok Kim;Hyun Jung Koo;Hyun Jin Baek;Eui Gi Hong;Su Bin Lee;Jeei Hye Choi;Hyo Yeon Son;Tae Young Kim;Dong Hyun Kim
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.12-19
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    • 2023
  • This study conducted an experiment with EC 1.0ms/cm ratio and excellent soil conditions for germination in ICT-based ginseng process cultivation. The first growth survey was conducted before transplantation of ginseng 1-year roots grown by seeding ginseng in the process cultivation, conventional cultivation and a second growth comparison survey was conducted after 3 months of growth. In the results, it was confirmed that ginseng grown in the process cultivation grew more than in the field. As a result of comparing the contents of 11 ginsenosides of 1-year and 2-year-old ginsenosides in the process cultivation and conventional cultivation ginseng, it was confirmed that the content of the process cultivation ginseng was higher than that of practice cultivation ginseng. In conclusion, conventional cultivation ginseng grows due to various factors under the natural cultivation environment, but process cultivation can secure the growth stability of ginseng by allowing stable soil and environmental control, so continuous research is needed in the future.

Characterization of Agronomic Traits and Evaluation of Lignan Contents in Asian and African Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Germplasms (아시아 및 아프리카 원산 참깨(Sesame indicum L.) 유전자원의 농업형질과 리그난 함량 평가)

  • Sookyeong Lee;Jungsook Sung;Gi-An Lee;Eunae Yoo;So Jeong Hwang;Weilan Li;Tae-Jin Yang
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.413-434
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    • 2023
  • Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is an ancient oilseed crop, which is usually cultivated for its seeds. Sesame breeding aims to achieve high seed yield and quality, along with resistance to biotic or abiotic stresses. It is estimated that sesame is originated from Asia or Africa continent. In this study, we characterized 10 agronomic traits and evaluated lignan contents in 165 sesame germplasm originated from Asia or Africa, to select high-yield or high-lignan content accessions. Sesame germplasm showed diverse phenotypes and highly variable lignan contents (sesamin: 0.5-12.6 mg/g, sesamolin: 0.1-3.5 mg/g, lignan: 1.1-16.1 mg/g). Based on originated continent, there are significant difference in agronomic traits, but no in lignan content. Correlation analysis revealed that yield-related agronomic traits were negatively related with lignan contents. Also, PCA analysis showed that most agronomic traits and lignan contents were principal components explaining diversity of whole sesame germplasm. Sesame germplasm was clustered into three groups based on agronomic traits and lignan contents. Finally, we selected high-yield (IT29416, IT167042, K276848, K276849) and high-lignan candidate accessions (IT169254, IT170031, IT169250, IT154876, IT170034), respectively. These accessions are expected to be valuable resources for breeding of high-yield and high-lignan contents functional cultivars.

A study on performance evaluation of fiber reinforced concrete using PET fiber reinforcement (PET 섬유 보강재를 사용한 섬유 보강 콘크리트의 성능 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Ri-On Oh;Yong-Sun Ryu;Chan-Gi Park;Sung-Ki Park
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.261-283
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to review the performance stability of PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) fiber reinforcing materials among the synthetic fiber types for which the application of performance reinforcing materials to fiber-reinforced concrete is being reviewed by examining short-term and long-term performance changes. To this end, the residual performance was analyzed after exposing the PET fiber to an acid/alkali environment, and the flexural strength and equivalent flexural strength of the PET fiber-reinforced concrete mixture by age were analyzed, and the surface of the PET fiber collected from the concrete specimen was examined using a scanning microscope (SEM). The changes in were analyzed. As a result of the acid/alkali environment exposure test of PET fiber, the strength retention rate was 83.4~96.4% in acidic environment and 42.4~97.9% in alkaline environment. It was confirmed that the strength retention rate of the fiber itself significantly decreased when exposed to high-temperature strong alkali conditions, and the strength retention rate increased in the finished yarn coated with epoxy. In the test results of the flexural strength and equivalent flexural strength of the PET fiber-reinforced concrete mixture, no reduction in flexural strength was found, and the equivalent flexural strength result also did not show any degradation in performance as a fiber reinforcement. Even in the SEM analysis results, no surface damage or cross-sectional change of the PET reinforcing fibers was observed. These results mean that no damage or cross-section reduction of PET reinforcing fibers occurs in cement concrete environments even when fiber-reinforced concrete is exposed to high temperatures in the early stage or depending on age, and the strength of PET fibers decreases in cement concrete environments. The impact is judged to be of no concern. As the flexural strength and equivalent flexural strength according to age were also stably expressed, it could be seen that performance degradation due to hydrolysis, which is a concern due to the use of PET fiber reinforcing materials, did not occur, and it was confirmed that stable residual strength retention characteristics were exhibited.