• Title/Summary/Keyword: GAT-1

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Accuracy of an equation for estimating age from mandibular third molar development in a Thai population

  • Verochana, Karune;Prapayasatok, Sangsom;Janhom, Apirum;Mahasantipiya, Phattaranant May;Korwanich, Narumanas
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This study assessed the accuracy of age estimates produced by a regression equation derived from lower third molar development in a Thai population. Materials and Methods: The first part of this study relied on measurements taken from panoramic radiographs of 614 Thai patients aged from 9 to 20. The stage of lower left and right third molar development was observed in each radiograph and a modified Gat score was assigned. Linear regression on this data produced the following equation: Y=9.309+1.673 mG+0.303S (Y=age; mG=modified Gat score; S=sex). In the second part of this study, the predictive accuracy of this equation was evaluated using data from a second set of panoramic radiographs (539 Thai subjects, 9 to 24 years old). Each subject's age was estimated using the above equation and compared against age calculated from a provided date of birth. Estimated and known age data were analyzed using the Pearson correlation coefficient and descriptive statistics. Results: Ages estimated from lower left and lower right third molar development stage were significantly correlated with the known ages (r=0.818, 0.808, respectively, $P{\leq}0.01$). 50% of age estimates in the second part of the study fell within a range of error of ${\pm}1year$, while 75% fell within a range of error of ${\pm}2years$. The study found that the equation tends to estimate age accurately when individuals are 9 to 20 years of age. Conclusion: The equation can be used for age estimation for Thai populations when the individuals are 9 to 20 years of age.

Transcriptome Analysis Unveils Gln3 Role in Amino Acids Assimilation and Fluconazole Resistance in Candida glabrata

  • Santos, Francisco J. Perez-de los;Garcia-Ortega, Luis Fernando;Robledo-Marquez, Karina;Guzman-Moreno, Jesus;Riego-Ruiz, Lina
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.659-666
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    • 2021
  • After Candida albicans, Candida glabrata is one of the most common fungal species associated with candidemia in nosocomial infections. Rapid acquisition of nutrients from the host is important for the survival of pathogens which possess the metabolic flexibility to assimilate different carbon and nitrogen compounds. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, nitrogen assimilation is controlled through a mechanism known as Nitrogen Catabolite Repression (NCR). NCR is coordinated by the action of four GATA factors; two positive regulators, Gat1 and Gln3, and two negative regulators, Gzf3 and Dal80. A mechanism in C. glabrata similar to NCR in S. cerevisiae has not been broadly studied. We previously showed that in C. glabrata, Gln3, and not Gat1, has a major role in nitrogen assimilation as opposed to what has been observed in S. cerevisiae in which both factors regulate NCR-sensitive genes. Here, we expand the knowledge about the role of Gln3 from C. glabrata through the transcriptional analysis of BG14 and gln3Δ strains. Approximately, 53.5% of the detected genes were differentially expressed (DEG). From these DEG, amino acid metabolism and ABC transporters were two of the most enriched KEGG categories in our analysis (Up-DEG and Down-DEG, respectively). Furthermore, a positive role of Gln3 in AAA assimilation was described, as was its role in the transcriptional regulation of ARO8. Finally, an unexpected negative role of Gln3 in the gene regulation of ABC transporters CDR1 and CDR2 and its associated transcriptional regulator PDR1 was found. This observation was confirmed by a decreased susceptibility of the gln3Δ strain to fluconazole.

Development of Product Recommendation System Using MultiSAGE Model and ESG Indicators (MultiSAGE 모델과 ESG 지표를 적용한 상품 추천 시스템 개발)

  • Hyeon-woo Kim;Yong-jun Kim;Gil-sang Yoo
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2024
  • Recently, consumers have shown an increasing tendency to seek information related to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects in order to choose products with higher social value and environmental friendliness. In this paper, we proposes a product recommendation system applying ESG indicators tailored to the recent consumer trend of value-based consumption, utilizing a model called MultiSAGE that combines GraphSAGE and GAT. To achieve this, ESG rating data for 1,033 companies in 2022 collected from the Korea ESG Standard Institute and actual product data from N companies were transformed into a Heterogeneous Graph format through a data processing pipeline. The MultiSAGE model was then applied in machine learning to implement a recommendation system that, given a specific product, suggests eco-friendly alternatives. The implementation results indicate that consumers can easily compare and purchase products with ESG indicators applied, and it is anticipated that this system will be utilized in recommending products with social value and environmental friendliness.

A Study on Korean Man's Head Ornaments in the Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 남자(男子)의 수식(首飾) 연구(I))

  • Chang, Sook-Whan
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.99-116
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    • 2008
  • This study reviewed pertinent literature and examined relics of manggon(a headband worn to hold a man's topknot hair in place), donggot(a topknot pin), and chigwan(a topknot cover). Before the modernized short hair style, wearing a gat was an important custom. Therefore, manggon, which was used to hold a man's hair in place under the gat, was considered an essential part of the man's official dress code. Donggot is a pin that held the topknot hair in place. It was a must have for a married man, like the binyeo, a lod-like hairpin, for a married woman. Unlike gwanja, it had nothing to do with official rank, but materials were of a variety of materials, including jade and gold. The structure of the donggot was studied in three parts-head, neck and body. Major forms for the head include the mushroom, bean and ball. Bullet and half-cut bullet forms were also found. Forms for the neck include straight-neck and curved-neck. A neck with a belt around a double chin was also found. Forms for the body include the tetrahedron, octahedron and cylinder. The most popular form for silver and white bronze donggot heads was the mushroom, followed by bean and pile forms. Chigwan is also called chipogwan, chichoal, choalgyesogwan, noingwan and sangtugwan. In poetry it was called chichoal, and it used to be called taegogwan in the past as well. Chigwan was so small that it managed to hold a topknot. According to confucian custom in the Joseon period, by wearing chigwan, men didn't display their bare topknot even when they didn't dress up. When they went out, they wore another official hat over the chigwan.

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A Study on Clothing Terms in the foreign language study books of the Joseon Period (조선시대 외국어학습서를 중심으로 본 복식명칭 연구)

  • Kim Eun-Jung;Kang Soon-Che
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.56 no.6 s.105
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    • pp.72-86
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    • 2006
  • The study aimed to materialize the meaning of the names through analyzing names that have synonyms and ambiguous words. The subjects of the study are seven foreign language study books such as $\ll$譯語類解 Yeokeoyuhae $\gg$ $\ll$譯語類解補編 Yeokeoyuhae - supplementary book$\gg$, $\ll$同文類解 Dongmunyuhae$\ggl$, $\ll$象語類解 Mongeoyuhae$\gg$, $\ll$象語類解補編 Mongeoyuhae- supplementary book$\gg$, $\ll$俊語類解 Oaeeoyuhae$\gg$ and $\ll$方름類釋 Bangeonyuseok$\gg$. The study selected vocabularies related with headgear, socks, clothing from those vocabulary books. The results are as follows: 1. The result focusing on the same Chinese terms in multiple forms has shown that '帽子(Moja), 斗逢(Dubong), 頭面(Dumyen), 襪(Mal), 木?(Mokgeuk),  據子(Nanmalja), 樓子(Oja), 小樓子(Sooja), 養衣(Saui), 團領(Danlyeng), 掛子(Goija), 齊肩掛(Jegyengae), 彩兒(Sama), 單補(Dango)' have differences in Korean annotations, and it has been found that these differences are spelt as synonyms in general. 2. The result focusing on the same Korean terms in multiple forms has shown that Gamto, Gat, Satgat, Bolkki, Gatmo, Neoneol, Gatdongot, Ddambatgijeoksam, Nuyeok, Tyeollik, Goui, Baji, Gatdongot, Hatot, Dongdoljji, Yusam, Chima and ete. have 2 or more Chinese spellings. Among these, Neoneol, Ddambatgijeoksam, Nuyeok, Tyeollik, and etc. seem to have used similar Chinese spellings, and Gat, Dongdoljji, and etc. seem to have used Chinese spellings according to the multiple forms in each country. 3. There have also been records of terms seldom used at present such as Dalogi, Neoneol, and etc., and it has been found that Mahulae, Doljji, Dunja, and etc. are the terms have been geographically influenced by the northern race as they have been left as a dialect in North Korea currently. 4. Mahulae, Kulimae, Neolku, and etc. may be inferred as they have originated from Manchu language through pronunciation of each country spelt in translated books.

Deep Learning-Based Companion Animal Abnormal Behavior Detection Service Using Image and Sensor Data

  • Lee, JI-Hoon;Shin, Min-Chan;Park, Jun-Hee;Moon, Nam-Mee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.10
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we propose the Deep Learning-Based Companion Animal Abnormal Behavior Detection Service, which using video and sensor data. Due to the recent increase in households with companion animals, the pet tech industry with artificial intelligence is growing in the existing food and medical-oriented companion animal market. In this study, companion animal behavior was classified and abnormal behavior was detected based on a deep learning model using various data for health management of companion animals through artificial intelligence. Video data and sensor data of companion animals are collected using CCTV and the manufactured pet wearable device, and used as input data for the model. Image data was processed by combining the YOLO(You Only Look Once) model and DeepLabCut for extracting joint coordinates to detect companion animal objects for behavior classification. Also, in order to process sensor data, GAT(Graph Attention Network), which can identify the correlation and characteristics of each sensor, was used.

GaAs MESFETs with the submicronmeter gate length ($1{\mu}m$ 이하의 게이트 길이를 갖는 GaAs MESFET)

  • Cho, H.R.;Kwon, Y.S.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1990.07a
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    • pp.439-442
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    • 1990
  • GaAs MESFETs with the submicron gat are fabricated. $G_{m,mas}$ = 195mS/mm with the $0.5{\mu}m$ gate length and $G_{m,mas}$ = 170mS/mm with the $0.6{\mu}m$ gate lenth. $f_{mas}$ = 7GHz with the $1.5{\mu}m$ gate length and the $120{\mu}m$ gate width. We can estimate that $f_{mas}$ = 15GHz with $0.6{\mu}m$ gate length and that $f_{mas}$ = 18 ${\sim}$ 20GHz with the $0.5{\mu}m$ gate length.

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Analysis of 16S-23S rRNA Intergenic Spacer Regions of Aeromonas veronii biogroup sobria and A. caviae (Aeromonas veronii biogroup sobria와 Aeromonas caviae의 16S-23S rRNA Intergenic Spacer Regions 분석)

  • 강동율;이훈구
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.173-180
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    • 2000
  • The intern1 spacer regions (ISR) between the 16s and 23s $1_RNA$ genes of Aeronzonus iwonii blogroupsobria and A. caviae were investigated by PCR fragment length typing and DNA sequencing. A. iwonii bv.sobria has a speciIic 16s-23s pattern of 2-4 fiagments ranging Goin 479-539 bp, with the exception of thespecies Aeron7onns cmiae, which has 3 fragments ranglog from 470-602 bp. In all of the.4 vei*onii bv. sobr,iaand A, caviae strains examined in this study, the 470-481bp Tragnent, designated TSR-1, invariably contained $tDNA^{uc(GAT)$ and $tDNA^{Ala(TGC)$ in contrast to ISR-2 (513-525 bp). ISR-3 (537-539 bp) and ISR-4 (568-602 bp)containing TEX>$tDNA^{Olu(ITC)$ A stretch of 20 nucleotides (178-197 bp) in the ISR-4 was conserved only wit11mA.caiiue, from which the A. caiiae specific primer, named prAC-F, was designed and used for PCR with aAcaviae coimnon reverse primer A PCR product of 450 bp was apparent alnong I , caiizne strains, but not ii1.4.ijeronii bv. sob~ia strains. The PCR product was oot detected t"-om strains belonging to A. hjili-o~~hila, Ebrio,aud the family Ef\ulcornertei,obncteriaceae. This study provides the first molecular tool for mdentifying the species 8.caviae.ing the species 8. caviae.

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The Beauty of Line on Men′s Costume in the Chosun Period (조선시대 남자복식에 표현된 선(線)의 미(美))

  • 도주연;권영숙
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.517-536
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the internal and external line beauty of men's dress of the Chosun period from the views of dress design and dress aesthetics. 1) External Line Beauty of Men's Dress of the Chosun Period ① Functional Beauty : Having the beauty of functional line in terms of convenience, action, effectiveness, practivce and sanitation. ② Structural Beauty : Having the beauty harmonizing between lines of internal and external structures. ③ Ornamental Beauty : Having the beauty of simple line by matching accessories (gat, fan, sejodae, shoes) with a simple dress. ④ Wearing Beauty : Making tall-looking or expressing a mature masculine beauty by a visual mistake caused by a combination of internal and external structural beauty lines. 2) Internal Line Beauty of Men's Dress of the Chosun Period Including a simple but natural beauty based on natural philosophy, the beauty of courtesy emphasizing official hat and dress and the beauty of dress having aesthetic consciousness with which people enjoy an idyllic life.

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The Glucoamylase Signal Sequence Directs the Efficient Secretion of Human $\alpha$1-Antitrypsin in Yeast Cells (효모에서 Glucoamylase 신호서열에 의한 인체 $\alpha$1-Antitrypsin의 분비 효율 향상)

  • Song, Moo-Young;Kwon, Ki-Sun;Kang, Dae-Ook;Yu, Myeong-Hee;Park, Hee-Moon;Kim, Jinmi
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.203-207
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    • 1993
  • Five different secretion vectors were constructed by varying the signal sequences and .alpha.-antitrypsin (.alpha.1-AT) a numan secretory protein, was produced from yeast cells. The signal sequences used are those of acid phosphatase (PH05) and .alpha.-factor (M f.alphal1) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, glucoamylase (STA1) of Saccharomyces diastaticus, and human .alpha.1-AT. Four vectors directed the efficient secretion of .alpha.1-AT ito the culture media. The secretion vector carrying the glucoamylase signal sequence (pGAT11) showed the highest efficiency of secretion. About 70% of .alpha.1-AT produce dwere secreted into the media. The endo H treatment of partially purified .alpha.1-AT indicates that the secreted .alpha.1-AT appeared to be glycosylated. This glycosylation pattern was altered when amino acid substitution mutations were introduced at the three glycosylation sites of .alpha.-AT.

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