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Deep Learning-Based Companion Animal Abnormal Behavior Detection Service Using Image and Sensor Data  

Lee, JI-Hoon (School of Computer Science and Engineering, Hoseo University)
Shin, Min-Chan (School of Computer Science and Engineering, Hoseo University)
Park, Jun-Hee (School of Computer Science and Engineering, Hoseo University)
Moon, Nam-Mee (Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Hoseo University)
In this paper, we propose the Deep Learning-Based Companion Animal Abnormal Behavior Detection Service, which using video and sensor data. Due to the recent increase in households with companion animals, the pet tech industry with artificial intelligence is growing in the existing food and medical-oriented companion animal market. In this study, companion animal behavior was classified and abnormal behavior was detected based on a deep learning model using various data for health management of companion animals through artificial intelligence. Video data and sensor data of companion animals are collected using CCTV and the manufactured pet wearable device, and used as input data for the model. Image data was processed by combining the YOLO(You Only Look Once) model and DeepLabCut for extracting joint coordinates to detect companion animal objects for behavior classification. Also, in order to process sensor data, GAT(Graph Attention Network), which can identify the correlation and characteristics of each sensor, was used.
Abnormal Behavior Detection; Behavior Pattern Analysis; Multimodal Analysis; Deep Learning; Wearable Device;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
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