• Title/Summary/Keyword: Future perception

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A Study on the Subjectivity with Curriculum in Food·Cooking Area Based on NCS -Focusing on Graduates of Hotel Cooking Department in Incheon Region- (NCS기반 음식·조리분야 교육과정의 주관적 인식에 관한 연구 -인천지역 호텔조리학과 졸업생을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Chan-Woo;Kim, Dong-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.192-202
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzed the influence relations of the subjectivity of satisfaction with curriculum in food cooking area based on NCS by applying Q methodology, targeting graduates of hotel cooking department in college. This paper largely suggests two research questions like following. Research Question 1: What are the acceptance types of satisfaction with curriculum in food cooking area based on NCS? Research Question 2: What are the homogeneous characteristics and implications of each type? In the results of typological analysis based on such research questions, total four types were drawn like following: Type1(N=7): Basic Practical Classes Pursuit-type, Type2(N=5): Domestic Employment Preference-type, Type3(N=5): Famous Chef Inviting Class Pursuit-type, and Type4(N=3): Tailor-Made Lessons Pursuit-type. Each type showed its own distinctive characteristics. In this study, the graduates' perception in a specific cooking department would be used as a basis for follow-up researches. In the future, it would be necessary to have researches to establish the customized-curriculum system such as planning/operating student-centered teaching/learning guidelines and also conducting mentoring programs. Also, it is expected to have continuous follow-up researches to complement the limitations of this study.

A study on the necessity recognition of dental health center establishment in the school (학교 내 구강보건실 설립 필요성 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Eun-Seo;Kim, Eun-Ji;Kim, Ji-Yeon;Yoon, Dong-A;Lee, Kyeong-Hee
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.441-453
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to contribute to the development of basic data for establishing and expanding the dental health centers in the future by examining the awareness of the dental health center establishment and the level of dental health knowledge in the school. Methods: A survey was conducted from April 2017 with 336 students over 10 years old in South Korea to investigate the awareness of the dental health center establishment in the school and their dental health knowledge level. The results were summarized as follows. Statistical analysis of the collected data was performed using the SPSS WIN 21.0 statistical program. Results: It was necessary to establish the dental health centers in the school with their establishment rate of 82.8%, and the reason for the establishment of the dental health center was the possibility of regular checkup with the highest at 43.6%. In the school, 62.8% answered no experience of dental health education with the highest rate. Dental health education in the school was answered to be necessary with 91.0% the most prevalent one. Factors affecting the recognition of the expected effect of establishing the dental health center in the school, it is expected that if the establishment of the oral health center is needed and the oral health education is needed in the school, And the perception of the effect is increased. Conclusions: 91% of the respondents considered that dental health education was necessary and 83% answered they needed dental hygiene. However, only 37.2% of the students experienced dental health education in the school. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the dental health center establishment, and to develop the foundation of life dental health care through regular dental examination and proper brushing education.

The Effects of 4D-Frame Teaching upon Mathematically Gifted Elementary Students' Mathematical Creativity and Spatial Sense (4D 프레임 활용 학습이 초등 수학영재학생의 공간감각 및 수학적 창의성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Ju Yong;Choi, Jae Ho
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2013
  • The aim of this study was to develop a gifted educational program in math-gifted class in elementary school using recently developed 4D-frame. This study identified how this program impacted on spatial sense and mathematical creativity for mathematically gifted students. The investigation attempted to contribute to the developments for the gifted educational program. To achieve the aim, the study analysed the 5 and 6th graders' figure learning contents from a revised version of the 2007 national curriculum. According to this analysis, twelve learning sections were developed on the basis of 4D-frame in the math-gifted educational program. The results of the study is as follows. First, a learning program using 4D-frame for spatial sense from mathematically gifted elementary school students was statistically significant. A sub-factor of spatial visualization called mental rotation and sub-factors of spatial orientations such as sense of distance and sense of spatial perception were statistically significant. Second, the learning program that uses 4D-frame for mathematical creativity was statistically significant. The sub-factors of mathematical creativity such as fluency, flexibility and originality were all statistically significant. Third, the manipulation properties of 4D-frame helped to understand the characteristics of various solid figures. Through the math discussions in the class, participants' error correction was promoted. The advantage of 4D-frame including easier manipulation helped participants' originality for their own sculpture. In summary, this found that the learning program using 4D-frame attributed to improve the spatial sense and mathematical creativity for mathematically gifted students in elementary school. These results indicated that the writers' learning program will help to develop the programs for the gifted education program in the future.

The Study of Educational Consumer's Perception for Exploring Educational Capacity Consolidation Way of General High School in Gyeongsangbuk-do (경상북도 일반고의 교육역량 강화 방안 탐색을 위한 교육수요자의 인식 분석)

  • Jung, Hyun-sook
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.71-99
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to explore educational consumer's satisfaction on general high school's educational program and preference on main strategy for drawing out some strategy for consolidating educational capacity of general high school which is in disadvantage due to high school diversity and special high school promotion policy and draw out some suggestions in long and short term perspective for consolidating the capacity of general high school in Gyeongsangbuk-do. The study analyzed responses from 31 general high schools in Gyeongsangbuk-do, 3,383 parents, and 7,953 students. The results showed that Generally the satisfaction on program in educational capacity consolidation policy is medium level and student satisfaction is low. For satisfaction, the satisfaction on small-size school's educational program is high which means that small-size school's cooperative school organizational culture is important. The preference of practice strategy is significantly different by school size and position. In the future, the autonomy for strategy establishment in each school for reflecting educational consumer's various demand in making general high school's educational capacity consolidation strategy should be enlarged.

The Origin of Thinking Mind (우리는 왜 생각하는 존재가 되었는가?)

  • Park, Man-joon
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.131
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    • pp.131-163
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    • 2014
  • This Paper aims to elaborate on the origin of thinking mind. And this is a cooperative project between philosophy and neuroscience and brain science. I have written this paper in admiration for the achievements of twentieth century neuroscience and brain science, and out of desire to assist the subject in future. Much of the history of modern philosophy, from Descartes and Kant forward, consists of failed models of brain. As Edward O. Wilson precisely said, the shortcoming is not the fault of the philosophers, who have doggedly pushed their methods to the limit, but a straightforward consequence of the biological evolution of the brain. Guiding that investigation down pathways that will illuminate brain research is a task of neuroscience and brain science. Investigating logical relations among concepts is a philosophical task. If we are to understand the neural structures and dynamics that make perception, thought, intentional behaviour possible, clarity about these concepts and categories and their relations is essential. Hence our joint venture of philosophy and science. Sure, it is human beings that perceives, not parts of its brain. And it is human beings that who think and reason, not their brain. But the brain and its activities make it possible for human beings-not for it-to perceive and think, to feel emotions, and to form and pursue projects. Thus We try to investigate and reveal the origin of thinking mind as follow: 1) The difference between chimpanzee and human beings 2) brain and mind 3) the origin of thinking 4) the wisdom of nature.

A Study on National Security Policy Platforms by South Korea's Ruling Parties During General and Presidential Elections (17대·18대 대선과 18대·19대·20대 총선에 나타난 새누리당의 외교안보통일 공약 분석 : 북핵, 남북관계 그리고 한미동맹 공약을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Jong Kun
    • Korean Journal of Legislative Studies
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.53-75
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    • 2016
  • This article presents a descriptive analysis on national security policy platforms promoted by the ruling parties of South Korea during general and presidential elections. National security platforms made during the elections campaigns are a window that allows us to see how the ruling party perceives the threat environment, opportunity-structures, policy preferences and material capabilities faced by the state. South Korea presents a unique case since it faces constant military threats from North Korea and interacts with China and the United States. Therefore, the national security policy platforms, which are explicitly campaigned during the general and presidential elections, showcases the worldview of the ruling party. The study essentially focuses on three areas of the platforms - its threat perception on North Korea, the ROK-US alliance and the future vision for the Korean peninsula by covering two presidential elections and three general elections for the last 20 years.

A Study on Collaboration of Korean Performing Arts Markets - Focused on PAMS, Haevichi Arts Festival, G-FAFE (국내 공연예술 마켓의 협업 방안 연구 - 서울아트마켓, 제주해비치아트페스티벌, 경기공연예술페스타를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sun Young;Yi, Eui Shin
    • Review of Culture and Economy
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.21-61
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    • 2018
  • Most of the Korean performing arts markets are not only small but also show their limitations in terms of their role as a platform for the promotion of performing arts and future growth prospects. This study started from the perception that the domestic performing arts markets need the cooperation between the markets in order to overcome the current situation and become the representative performing arts markets of Asia. To do this, we conducted surveys and in-depth interviews on market collaborations with domestic performing arts officials such as PAMS, Jeju Haevichi Art Festival and G-FAFE. For successful inter-market collaboration, the first is to change ideas and thinking about collaborations, second, to select programs suitable for direct supervision and collaboration based on evaluation of comparative advantage, and third, to establish and operate the 'Performing Arts Market Collaboration Promotion Committee(tentative name)'. And the fourth, starting from the sharing of the network that is most required at this stage, it is necessary to develop the sharing of manpower and places through mutual financial support or sharing between the central government, the metropolitan municipalities.

Development of STEAM Program Based on Gamification for Students of Elementary School (게이미피케이션을 적용한 초등학생 융합인재교육(STEAM) 프로그램 개발)

  • Kwak, Sojung;Kwon, Jieun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Computer Game
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2018
  • As the age that importance of convergence is bigger develops, there is growing different tries and changes in the education sector to train talents necessary for the future age. This paper is aimed at applying gamification factors that can attract elementary school students to participate in classes and cause interests as well as developing a STEAM program for elementary school students. Also, the purpose of this article is to propose educational values and possibility of the STEAM program which gamification factors applied to, and effective methods. For doing this, first, we conducted a study in relationship between the theological background and education on gamification factors based on literature surveys. Second, the STEAM program for elementary school students applying gamification factors and a program called 'My Little Building Forest' were developed. We made three-step contents for classes and activities and textbooks and kits and others with a theme, "principles of the cognitive science on depth perception". Third, developed programs apply to real classes as demonstrating them. We analyzed results through surveys on levels of satisfaction and interviews for teachers and others. Fourth, we discuss possibilities and values and limitations and others on the STEAM program applying gamification factors as we are based on results of analysis. We hope that we maximize impacts of the STEAM education through this education and contribute to train talents to lead age of the convergence.

A Study on the Development of Mobile APP Usability Evaluation Tool for Time Management (시간관리 모바일 앱 사용성 평가도구 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Saem;Nam, Won-Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2021
  • Although several industrial revolutions and technological developments have provided time for modern people, more than 75% of modern people are currently suffering from the problem of "lack of time". Therefore, in this paper, it was judged that it was necessary to improve the mobile APP service for efficient time management of modern people, and a study was conducted on the development of usability evaluation tools. First, the current status was analyzed through case studies of six time management apps with different purposes, and then usability studies were conducted to establish a total of five evaluation principles with operability, cognition, user suitability, minimization of work errors, and sharing. Based on this, a draft of the time management mobile app usability evaluation item was prepared, and a total of 44 usability evaluation tool items were derived through three Delphi surveys of design experts over 5 years and less than 10 years. As a result, intuitive screen and menu composition and user's perception of content were evaluated as the most important factors, and conclusions such as the need to improve the structure and function of the main content screen for user error prevention and usability were drawn. This study will not only contribute to improving the usability of existing time management mobile apps, but will also be used as a material for designing an integrated time management platform for efficient time management and purpose promotion in the future, and is expected to be used as an academic reference.

A Study on Perceptions for the Establishment of Collection Development Policy in Court Libraries (법원도서관 장서개발정책 수립을 위한 이용자 인식조사 연구)

  • Kwak, Seung-Jin;Noh, Younghee;Chang, Inho;Kim, Jeong-Taek;Shin, Youngji
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2021
  • This study is the most important component in establishing the court library as the best legal library in Korea responsible for professional legal services. A perception survey was conducted on the target. As a result, first, looking at the collection direction based on the needs of general users, in the case of collection types, preference in the order of books, electronic materials, and non-books should be considered. It seems to be necessary to plan a collection development policy reflecting the high preference for books. In addition, in the non-books section, the preference for non-book materials in the form of video rather than audio is much higher, and in the case of language, domestic books should be collected mainly. Second, looking at the collection direction based on the needs of experts, the satisfaction of experts is generally low, so it seems that a collection development policy should be established to improve this. As for the type of information source, preference was shown in the order of electronic materials, books, and non-books. There is a need. The future collection direction should be based on the preference shown in the order of procedural law, specialized field, basic substantive law, and legal series. Also, when collecting the same book, electronic form of legal data should be considered rather than printed. In addition, it is necessary to collect collections mainly from domestic books, and then, it is expected that the scope of collection should be expanded to prioritize English and American books, Japanese books, and German books.