• Title/Summary/Keyword: Freedom for Expression

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Convergence studies on static and dynamic analysis of beams by using the U-transformation method and finite difference method

  • Yang, Y.;Cai, M.;Liu, J.K.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.383-392
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    • 2009
  • The static and dynamic analyses of simply supported beams are studied by using the U-transformation method and the finite difference method. When the beam is divided into the mesh of equal elements, the mesh may be treated as a periodic structure. After an equivalent cyclic periodic system is established, the difference governing equation for such an equivalent system can be uncoupled by applying the U-transformation. Therefore, a set of single-degree-of-freedom equations is formed. These equations can be used to obtain exact analytical solutions of the deflections, bending moments, buckling loads, natural frequencies and dynamic responses of the beam subjected to particular loads or excitations. When the number of elements approaches to infinity, the exact error expression and the exact convergence rates of the difference solutions are obtained. These exact results cannot be easily derived if other methods are used instead.

Malaysia's Flawed Democracy: A Stumbling Block Towards Becoming a First World Developed Nation

  • Juli Ooi
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.271-303
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    • 2023
  • In 1991, Malaysia, under the leadership of then-Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, launched an ambitious 30-year national development program known as Vision 2020. The goal of this program was to transform Malaysia into a First World developed nation by the year 2020. One of the aspirations of the program was to create a psychologically liberated, secure, ethical, and mature democratic society. Vision 2020 is a failure and Malaysia is still not a mature democracy. This article identifies four main areas that make up a flawed democracy practiced in Malaysia, and shows how they work against the country's aspirations to become a developed nation. The electoral system is rigged to help the incumbent remain in power. The widespread practices of money politics have become a curse to the country. The press and media organizations are restricted. Civil society activities are suppressed. As a result of these issues, Malaysia will not be able to achieve the status of a developed nation, lacking democratic accountability and inclusive institutions.

A Study of Internet Filtering for Public Information Resources (공공정보자원에서의 인터넷 필터링에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, You-Seung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.111-133
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    • 2007
  • Illegal and harmful information on the Internet have been a great concern not only for regulatory authorities, but also all the public institutes, such as public libraries and schools, that provide Internet access service. In particular, for public libraries which play an important role in organizing, opening and providing information resources in the information society, providing Internet access service are indispensible. Therefore, any changes of Internet content regulatory system may have direct effects on services of public libraries. Due to unique characteristics of the Internet, content refutation on the Internet has made a best use of various regulatory methods, ranging from governmental regulation to self-refutation and technical regulatory methods. However, nation by nation. technical regulatory methods on the Internet have been developed in quite different ways. Applying them on public library has been strongly criticised for violating freedom of expression and rights of access to information. This article begins with a theoretical discussion about free speech rights and refutation on Internet. Then it examines filtering software which is one of the most popular technical regulatory methods based on both technical and socio-humanities' prospects and analyses several governments' regulatory approaches to Internet filtering. As a conclusion, issues concerning Internet filtering at public institutes are critically apprised.


  • Shin, Sung-Woong;Cho, Soo-Churl
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.3-24
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    • 2001
  • All human being can't exist by oneself. That is, all human being depend on intimate attachment for their survival. Physical and psychological powers and control functions are prerequisites for one's survival and these serve important functions in interpersonal relationships. There are two kinds of powers and controls. One is positive power which helps one survive effectively. Another one is negative power which disturbs one's effective survival. Introspection is one of the positive power and most important process in understanding oneself and others. Thus, the purpose of this study is to elucidate the physical and psychological meaning of the characteristics of water and based on this meaning, to suggest one way of introspection. The authors reviewed the precept of water which is described in Bible and oriental classical books such as 'the Analects of Confuicus(論語)', 'Tao Te Ching(道德經)', 'Mencius(맹자)', 'Chronicle(史記)', 'The Doctrine of the Mean(中庸)', 'University(大學)'. The author also reviewed 'The History of Three Countries(삼국사기, 삼국유사)', 'The Precept of Religion', and 'the modern poems' which includes the symbolic meaning of water. The results are summarized as follows:1) The flow of water itself is the expression of introspection. Because, water does not flow without filling a puddle. 2) Water is the symbol of 'Immortality'. 3) Water symbolizes 'Modesty and Trust'. 4) Water is the symbol of 'Freedom from Greed'. 5) Water symbolizes 'Goodness and Beauty'. 6) Water symbolizes 'Naturality and Love'. Immortality, Modesty and Trust, Freedom from Greed, Goodness and Beauty, and Naturality and Love are eternal, universal values which all human should seek and achieve. By the process of introspection through the symbolic meaning of water, we can achieve these positive aspects of human mind and spirit.

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Internet Broadcasting As a Place for Conspiracy Theory or Discussion: Focus on BJ Hammer Wife of Afreeca TV (음모론 혹은 토론의 장으로써의 인터넷 방송: Afreeca TV의 망치부인을 중심으로)

  • Han, Sukhee
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzes various aspects of the Internet broadcasting that has rapidly increased in South Korea recently. Due to the development of technology, the Internet Broadcasting industry that ordinary viewers do the broadcasting themselves has appeared. Today, the most popular platform of the Internet broadcasting in South Korea is "Afreeca TV", which allows BJs do broadcasting in their channel with own contents. Related to current chaotic Korean society, Current Affairs/Politics becomes one of the new popular genres. Specifically, this study focuses on BJ Hammer Wife as a case study, who is famous in the Current Affairs/Politics industry. Then it examines what characteristics of her channel, her opinions, and the method of communication with common viewers implicate messages regarding the freedom of speech in South Korea. Throughout this, it explores that the Internet Broadcasting functions as a place for conspiracy or discussion, and discusses the blueprint of the Internet broadcasting.

A Comparison between Extract Products of Magnolia officinalis on Memory Impairment and Amyloidogenesis in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease

  • Lee, Young-Jung;Choi, Dong-Young;Han, Sang-Bae;Kim, Young-Hee;Kim, Ki-Ho;Seong, Yeon-Hee;Oh, Ki-Wan;Hong, Jin-Tae
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.332-339
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    • 2012
  • The components of Magnolia officinalis have well known to act anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and neuroprotective activities. These efficacies have been sold many products as nutritional supplement extracted from bark of Magnolia officinalis. Thus, to assess and compare neuroprotective effect in the nutritional supplement (Magnolia $Extract^{TM}$, Health Freedom Nutrition LLC, USA) and our ethanol extract of Magnolia officinalis (BioLand LTD, Korea), we investigated memorial improving and anti-Alzheimer's disease effects of extract products of Magnolia officinalis in a transgenic AD mice model. Oral pretreatment of two extract products of Magnolia officinalis (10 mg/kg/day in 0.05% ethanol) into drinking water for 3 months ameliorated memorial dysfunction and prevented $A{\beta}$ accumulation in the brain of Tg2576 mice. In addition, extract products of Magnolia officinalis also decreased expression of ${\beta}$-site APP cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1), amyloid precursor protein (APP) and its product, C99. Although both two extract products of Magnolia officinalis could show preventive effect of memorial dysfunction and $A{\beta}$ accumulation, our ethanol extract of Magnolia officinalis (BioLand LTD, Korea) could be more effective than Magnolia $Extract^{TM}$ (Health Freedom Nutrition LLC, USA). Therefore, our results showed that extract products of Magnolia officinalis were effective for prevention and treatment of AD through memorial improving and anti-amyloidogenic effects via down-regulating ${\beta}$-secretase activity, and neuroprotective efficacy of Magnolia extracts could be differed by cultivating area and manufacturing methods.

Through SNS and freedom of election Publicized criminal misrepresentation (SNS를 통한 선거의 자유와 허위사실공표죄)

  • Lee, Ju-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, the Constitutional Court's ruling through the SNS was virtually guaranteed the freedom of election campaign through, though, still a large portion of campaign restrictions on public election law provisions exist to this forward in the election is likely to cause a lot of legal problems. In this paper, the Constitutional Court's ruling through the SNS was virtually guaranteed the freedom of election campaign through, though, still a large portion of campaign restrictions on public election law provisions exist to this forward in the election is likely to cause a lot of legal problems. Moreover, in the mean time the campaign and which in the course of the election campaign through the SNS, the infinite potential of the growing point than any point spread from the SNS and freedom of election campaign through public election law with regard to the limitation of the diffusion of false facts, awards, a number of problems are likely to occur. You've been in this business and disseminate false guilt disparage precandidacy for true-false, as well. He should be able to reach a specific goal you want to defeat through the dissemination of information which is specified as a crime for this strictly for the fact that disseminate false, rather than to interpret it is the judgment of the Court in that judgment against have been made. Therefore, this strict interpretation of the law and the need to revise or delete before I would like to discuss about. The legislation would repeal the cull of Ron sang first of all point out the issue through analytics. First, the purpose of the data protection Act provides limited interpretation to fit in this world of sin. Secondly, this sin is committed for the purpose of prevention, since the purpose of the objective in this case of sin and the need to interpret strictly. Why I am the Internet space in the case of so-called tweets from followers, this means in some cases done without a lot of the stars because of this, there will be a limit to the punishment of sin, this is obvious. And, in the long-awaited Constitutional Court ensures the freedom of election campaign through SNS and free election in the country, even in the limited sense interpretation opens the chapter of communication is needed. This ensured the freedom of expression will be highly this is a mature civil society that will be imperative.

A Study on the Expression of Fashion Concepts in the Paintings of Frida Kahlo (프리다 칼로 회화 작품에 나타난 패션 컨셉 표현에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Eun-Kyung;Kwak, Tai-Gi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.60 no.7
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    • pp.103-116
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    • 2010
  • Recently, the art of the Latin America Culture is being actively introduced into our country. Many concepts in the fashion field contain Latin American culture and their influence is growing. This present study, based on a correct understanding of and research on Latin American culture, is an attempt to expand the expression of fashion design and explore the use of works of art in fashion. The case study is on Frida Kahlo (1907~1954), who was a Mexican woman painter who gives us some inspiration in contemporary fashion design. The scope of this case study investigates the Haute couture and the Pr$\hat{e}$t-$\grave{a}$-porter women's wear collections and photos from 1998 to 2009 which were greatly influenced by Frida Kahlo and analyzes through the formative elements of dress, color, form, pattern and material. Frida Kahlo was a painter whose composition of surrealism held the world of life and death, pain and pleasure, love and parting, thought and freedom, and tradition and modern, etc. As a design inspiration, her influence reaches into accessories, and hairstyles, as well as the Pr$\hat{e}$t-$\grave{a}$-porter. This current study for the correct understanding of the new culture and the introduction of art into the fashion design might be helpful in making fashion a work of art and in extending the expression of the fashion design concept which is based on commercial art.

An Analysis of 'Any' and 'Amwu' ('ANY'와 '아무'에 관한 분석)

  • Kim, Hanseung
    • Korean Journal of Logic
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.253-287
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    • 2014
  • In First-Order Logic the English expressions, 'any', 'every', 'all', and 'each' are treated on a par but have different meanings in the natural language usages. Especially the expression 'any' is typically used only in the negative contexts, which linguists have paid attention to and attempted to provide an adequate explanation of. I shall show that the explanations so far mainly from linguists are not satisfactory and revive the philosophical insights concerning the logical features of 'any' provided by Zeno Vendler in 1962. I shall claim that the expression 'any' has what Vendler calls the 'freedom of choice' as its primary meaning and denotes what Kit Fine calls an 'arbitrary object'. It will be shown that the logical features of 'any' are manifested more evidently in the analysis of the Korean expression 'amwu'. I believe that this analysis has significant philosophical implications. As an instance I shall show that we can take a fresh perspective on the problem which involves the universal generalization rule and the preface paradox.

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Humors in Female Costumes Depicted in Genre Paintings in the Late Joseon Dynasty (조선후기 풍속화에 표현된 여성복식의 해학미)

  • Kwon, Ha-Jin;Kim, Min-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.60 no.2
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    • pp.35-50
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    • 2010
  • In this dissertation, the analysis of the study of female customs from late Joseon Dynasty and their genre painting to research humors and its aesthetic senses in that certain era. The purpose of the genre paintings is to look at general populations in an objective point of view and endeavor better value of public life style to embody clear understandings of humanity. The artists such as Hong-Do Kim and Youn-Bok Shin expressed their arts based on reasonable reality with sarcastic but humorous and creative ways to criticize the society's problems with clear statements. Therefore, the formative characters are realism, exaggeration and coloring of the whole arts that represents as innovative and original genre of it's time. Hong-Do Kim and Youn-Bok Shin expressed the women in society as open minded with versatile and refined looks in their paintings as the reality was repressed and closed mind for women figures in late Joseon Dynasty. The female customs in the paintings has both suppression and expression in their dresses and exaggerated shapes of accessories and the use of color were also found. All of these elements has the aesthetic values of satirized eroticism, the hint of next evolution of the late Joseon Era under the conservative disposition of social characters and freedom of expression of playfulness. These elements were new developments and a step forward of female 'sex' and expression of satirized eroticism. The exaggerated and distorted forms and accessories demonstrates unbalanced and asymmetrical elements in humorous characters and they include spontaneity. Also, using the five traditional color schemes of Korean art displays humor in playfulness of an art with splendid and purity, duality of positiveness and artless, smart and elegance looks.