• Title/Summary/Keyword: Free agent

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  • Lim, Byung Hwa
    • Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.343-349
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    • 2013
  • The optimal portfolio selection problem under inflation risk is considered in this paper. There are three assets the economic agent can invest, which are a risk free bond, an index bond and a risky asset. By applying the martingale method, the optimal consumption rate and the optimal portfolios for each asset are obtained explicitly.

Preferred Skin Color Reproduction of Digital Image by Ink-jet Printer (잉크젯 프린터에 의한 디지탈 이미지의 바람직한 피부 색재현)

  • 서봉우
    • Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.37-49
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    • 1996
  • The practical lith developer is a hydroquinone solution of moderate alkalinity and low free-sulfite ion concentration with potassium bromide as the restraining agent. In the study on composition of ilth developer to promote high sensitivity, high contrast and long term preservation or use, a new composition of lith developer, namely PK lith developer, was developed and of was found that PK lith developer was superior to the lith developer which was commercially available in terms of contrast, speed and preservation. This paper also describes studies on the addition of hdydrazine to PK lith developer, which have led to further improvements in the system.

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Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of Glycyl Norfloxacin Derivatives (Glycyl Norfloxacin 유도체의 합성과 항균작용)

  • 이현수;임채욱;임철부
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.442-446
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    • 1999
  • The synthesis and antimicrobial activity of N-substituted glycyl derivatives of Norfloxacin were described. Norfloxacin was treated with chloroacetyl chloride to yield chloroacetyl norfloxacin (1). This compounds was treated with alkylamines to obtain quinolone carboxylic acids (2-6), which were reacted with pivaloyloxymethyl chloride to get pivaloyloxymethyl quinolone carboxylates (7-11). Free carboxylic quinolones (2-6) showed little stronger activities to their pivaloyloxymethyl esters (7-11). In quinolone analogues, longer alkyl chain compounds showed stronger activities than shorter one.

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Studies on the Hemolytic Mechanism of Antitumor Platinum Complex (항암성 백금화합물의 용혈독성기전에 관한 연구)

  • 최병기;박영숙;정세영
    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • v.8 no.3_4
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 1993
  • This study was designed to determine the hemolytic mechanism of antitumor agent tetraphosphine platinum (II) complex (RC-1), which was synthesized recently. Erythrocytes treated with RC-1 showed concentration and time dependent lipid peroxydation, methemoglobin synthesis and hemolysis. And also treatment of radical scavengers showed the inhibitory effect of hemolysis and the decrease of malondialdehyde levels in RC-1 treated erythrocytes. So, the mechanism of hemolysis was considered to be the generation of free radicals, methemoglobin synthesis and the lipid peroxidation of phospholipid which composed of erythrocyte membrane.

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Preparation of $\etha$-N-[(2-Chloroethyl) nitrosocarbamoyl]-L-lysine ($\etha$-N-[(2-Chloroethyl) nitrosocarbamoyl]-L-lysine의 합성)

  • 김정균;조인섭
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.177-179
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    • 1983
  • A copper complex of $\epsilon$-N-[(2-chloroethyl)carbamoyl]-L-lysine was prepared by the treatment of the L-lysine copper complex with 2-chloroethyl isocyanate in cold water. Within the L-lysine copper complex molecule, the $\alpha-amino$ and carboxyl groups are bounded to $Cu^{2+}$ but the $\epsilon-amino$ group is free and can react with carbamoylating agents. A potential antitumor agent, $\epsilon-N-[(2-chloroethyl)$ nitrosocarbamoyl]-L-lysine was synthesized by nitrosation of this copper complex with Na $NO_{2}$ in anhydrous formic acid, followed by the passage of $H_{2}$S gas.

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기술사마당 - 도시 쓰레기 소각에서 발생하는 다이옥신으로부터 국민건강을 지키자

  • Choi, Hae-Wuk
    • Journal of the Korean Professional Engineers Association
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.44-50
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    • 2013
  • The treatment of city life wastes is headache problem. Now, only small portion of burnable wastes is burnt at modern process incinerators, the other large portion is buried in the soil by landfill method. The burnable wastes will be increased year by year. The dioxin, the cancer-causing agent, produced by incineration of wastes influences harmful effect to national human health. The new idea of burnable wastes treatment is using the city life wastes as auxiliary fuel of fluidizing bed combustion boiler of large scale coal-fired power plant. The dioxin-free treatment of burnable wastes is sucessfully achieved by burning the wastes, in flyash storm at fluidizing bed combustion boiler.

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Path Planning for a Robot Manipulator based on Probabilistic Roadmap and Reinforcement Learning

  • Park, Jung-Jun;Kim, Ji-Hun;Song, Jae-Bok
    • International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
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    • v.5 no.6
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    • pp.674-680
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    • 2007
  • The probabilistic roadmap (PRM) method, which is a popular path planning scheme, for a manipulator, can find a collision-free path by connecting the start and goal poses through a roadmap constructed by drawing random nodes in the free configuration space. PRM exhibits robust performance for static environments, but its performance is poor for dynamic environments. On the other hand, reinforcement learning, a behavior-based control technique, can deal with uncertainties in the environment. The reinforcement learning agent can establish a policy that maximizes the sum of rewards by selecting the optimal actions in any state through iterative interactions with the environment. In this paper, we propose efficient real-time path planning by combining PRM and reinforcement learning to deal with uncertain dynamic environments and similar environments. A series of experiments demonstrate that the proposed hybrid path planner can generate a collision-free path even for dynamic environments in which objects block the pre-planned global path. It is also shown that the hybrid path planner can adapt to the similar, previously learned environments without significant additional learning.

The Effects of Glycerol Aftertreatment for Low-Formaldehyde Finishing (Glycerol 후처리에 의한 Free-formaldehyde 발생 억제 효과)

  • Choi Suk-Chul;Kim Ho-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 1986
  • To control the amounts of formaldehyde released from the cotton fabric finished with N-methylol compounds, glycerol was used as a formaldehyde-scavenging agent. It was observed the effects of catalysts and curing conditions when aftertreated with glycerol on melamine resin finished fabric. The effects of Different processes of glycerol treatment, and different resins, urea resin and melamine resin, were compared. The conclusions obtained from the results are as follows: 1) It was shown hatt the aftertreatment with glycerol (treated without catalyst) was more effective than treated with catalysts in controlling free formaldehyde. 2) The optimum curing temperature and curing time for the glycerol aftertreatment without adversely affecting the other properties of fabric was about $160^{\circ}C$, 3 min. 3) According to the increase of glycerol concentration in both aftertreatment and simultaneous treatment the amounts of free formaldehyde was reduced. The rate of decrease was manifest within the limits of $6\%$ in the case of simultaneous treatment with glycerol ana resins, and $3\%$ in the case of glycerol aftertreatment on resin finished fabrics. 4) Dry wrinkle recovery angle was decreased the increase of glycerol concentration. Melamine resin had a little adverse effect than urea resin, particulary glycerol aftertreatment. 5) The breaking strength was increased with the increase of glycerol concentration.

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The Characteristics of Cr-Free Coating Hot Dip Galvanized Sheet Steel

  • Kim, Jong-Gi;Moon, Man-Been;Yun, Jeong-Mo
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.24-29
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    • 2011
  • The greatest purpose of chromate treatment is to improve anti-corrosion by stabilizing a metal surface. Because metal surface forms a compound by absorbing oxygen or water in the air by being generally unstable, it is necessary to improve anti-corrosion of the metal by forming the metal surface with a stable film. When considering the economical efficiency and requirements together because the film of the metal surface treated with chromate has good anti-corrosion and the stability also in the air by being compact and strong, Chromate treatment has been used most up to the electronics industry from the auto industry. However, these days, because hexavalent chromium is both a toxic agent to be able to cause cancers and deadly poisonous environmental pollutant, the strong legal controls on its use is being imposed all over the world. Because of this reason, a new anti-corrosion method is being required. Also, by users' various demands, the passivations that have recently been developed require various characteristics such as conductivity, chemical resistance, alkali cleaning resistance as well as anti-corrosion. We could confirm the results such as excellent anti-corrosion compared to chromate, conductivity, chemical resistance and detergent resistance as the result of analysis of various characteristics of the galvannealed sheet steels coated with Cr-Free solution developed in this research.