• Title/Summary/Keyword: Free Trade Area

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A Research on the Establishment of New Korea-Russia Bilateral Cooperation Law for the Sustainable Arctic Development

  • Kim, Bongchul
    • Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.84-96
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    • 2020
  • The Republic of Korea (Korea) and the Russian Federation (Russia) are actualizing the cooperation in the Arctic area. As a result, Korean companies have begun to enjoy real economic benefits. However, since there are some troublesome aspects associated with this cooperation, measures that can lead to sustainable development through the supplementation of relevant norms are critical. Russia is also aware of these problems in obtaining economic benefits in the future; cooperation between the two countries should be extended to sufficiently cover this point. The laws related to the region are vague and do not encompass every field. In addition, when it comes to national interests, many situations arise from areas where international and national laws are not clearly harmonized. Therefore, efforts should be made to reflect the interests of both sides and to maintain economic benefits, in case Korea participates in Russia's development of the area, as well as for the legal foundation to reduce negative issues. The Korea-Russia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiation is on the track for the purpose. The two governments should consider various tasks, such as harmonizing with the former FTAs and dealing with the domestic law in accordance with the new FTA. The two countries also have to conduct researches on the efficient use of the FTA and for the 'Sustainable Arctic Development'.

Analysis of Economic Effects of the Land Utilization and Promotion Projects(In the Case of Sinseok Area, Dangjin Districts in Chungnam Province) (농지이용증진사업의 경제효과분석)

  • Park, Jae-Keun;Lim, Jae-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.293-309
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    • 1998
  • This study is aimed at identifying the decision making criteria as B/C ratio, IRR and NPV based on the expected benefits and costs of the land utilization and promotion projects which have implemented to improve agricultural structure under WTO system. To carry out the objectives of the study, Sinseok project area located at Dangjin district, Chungnam province was selected. Sinseok project area has 306.2 ha of paddy area with 172 farm households. The project area will be operated by the 33 specialized farm households after completion of the project which will have 20 years of economic life. After completion of the project, farm size will be increased from 1.8ha to 9.3ha. Land intensity of the project area will be increased by 10%. Increase of land productivity and cost saving due to the labor saving technology as farm mechanization will be expected. According to the survey results, the annual amount of production cost savings per farm was estimated 3.884million won and increased total farm income was expected about 43.8million won per year. The total expexted project benefits was expected 174million won per year. The project costs to promote land utilization and structural change consisted of handling charges, and direct payment for land movility. The decision making criteria representing economic feasibility of the project such as B/C ratio, NPV and IRR were estimated 2.49, 483million won and 30% respectively when the cut-off rate was taken into account 10%. In conclusion, the land utilization and promotion project proppeled by the Korean Government under the agricultural land law is considered economically feasible from the view points of expected project benefits and costs. Accordingly the project have to be implemented more strongly under the G't financial support considering WTO and UR negociation which were aimed at achieving the free trade and improvement of international competitiveness of farm products.

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An Analysis of Research Trend on Risk Management in FTA (리스크관리 측면에서 FTA 연구동향 분석)

  • LIM, Mok-Sam;CHOI, Mi-Soo
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    • v.78
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    • pp.119-143
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    • 2018
  • This research aims to review every important academic research on risk management in FTA and to suggest a future area for further research. This research area seems to focus on conceptual study or fact finding rather than on theory development or empirical research on causal relationship or theory testing. The National Assembly Digital Library analyzed the results of 3,576 researches on thesis and journals fromthe results of the FTA. Research on FTA is analyzed in four major themes. First, there have been previous studies on business performance such as FTA export performance and economic effect. Second, analyzed the effects of FTA in product and service. The products are classified into agricultural, marine products, manufacturing, textiles and clothing, medicinal pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and others. Services are classified into educational and cultural contents, service industry and financial industry. Third, research on the risk management of FTA Origin is broadly classified into the use of country of origin and the verification of origin, and the use of origin includes the study of rules of origin and systems of origin and management. Origin verification was divided into origin verification and origin risk management. Fourth, study on the conclusion area of the FTA, studies were conducted on areas such as Korea-US FTA, Korea-China FTA, Korea-EU FTA, Korea-Japan FTA, Korea-Chile FTA, and Korea-ASEAN FTA. Search results through the FTA, focused on analyzing the FTA area and concept research by research purpose. In addition, research methods are mainly focused on documentary survey, and research areas are concentrated on specific countries such as China and USA. This implies a necessity for a future development in that research area. Other areas for future research may include case research on actual failures in FTA, proactive risk management strategy, and integrated risk management for export companies. Risk management in FTA may help investment expansion, and that is why research on the issue matters.

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Regional Structure of International Physical Distribution through Clearance Depot (통관거점을 이용한 국제물류의 지역구조)

  • Han Ju-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.6 s.111
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    • pp.631-652
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    • 2005
  • This study is to clarify regional structure and connection of international physical distribution through clearance depot of Cheongju customs of inland location. The trade of clearance depot of Cheongju customs industrial characteristics reflects of territorial hinterland. As origins and destinations of freight as exports and imports region, territories of Cheongju customs trade mainly with Japan, China, and USA. Origin and destination of freight of Cheongju customs territory are hinterland and foreland of Incheon International Airport and Busan port. In case of export, foreland of Busan port is board, and in case of import, the hinterlands of Incheon International Airport and Busan port are similar. Clearance depot of inland-located Cheongju is construct by the advantages of rapidness and inexpensive cost. And the kind of freight and system of physical distribution of each enterprise show different characteristics. For each export and import freight, each shipper corporation has its own physical distribution system, and structure of international distribution is classified into export pattern of bonded industry and bonded warehouse. Again the patterns of bonded warehouse are distinguished free on board price system with division of labor in base of production in overseas, free on board price system, and cost-insurance-freight with division of labor in base of production in overseas. These Phenomena are caused by transaction between headquarter and its overseas corporation, initiative freight handling of export corporation, choice of inexpensive cost, and international convention.

A Study on The Korean Trade Remedy System under the FTA and the Negotiation of Trade Remedy in Korea-China FTA (FTA체제 하(下)에서의 한국의 무역구제제도 및 한·중FTA 무역구제 협상)

  • Kim, Yong-Duk;Kim, Su-Mi
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.573-600
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    • 2009
  • Currently, the Free Trade Agreement(FTA) promoting regionalism or bilateralism has been increasingly concluded, which is against multilateralism of the WTO. The adoption of the TRS under the FTA carries various issues from the rationale of its existence to its contents. To explain these contradictory issues between the WTO and the FTA, this paper studied on the TRS by analyzing present cases and negotiation results of the TRS under the FTA and comparing them under the WTO. The TRS under the WTO agreement is limited only to antidumping, countervailing duties and safeguard as the agreed concept. When the negotiations of the FTA are on the process, it is necessary to adopt the TRS depending on the negotiating party countries of the FTA after considering fully the economic situations of Korea and the need of protection for the domestic industries. Currently, Korea has entered into the FTA with several countries and most of the agreements with respect to the TRS maintain and observe the right and duty in the WTO agreement and when necessary, in some of the FTA agreements, they have changed parts of the TRS. Consequently, it is needed to establish the basis for application of the TRS. Also, additional application of the SSG provision to some sensitive goods is highly recommended.

Opportunities and Challenges for Vietnam in AEC (AEC 출범 이후 베트남 경제의 기회와 도전)

  • Beak, Yong Hun
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.101-124
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    • 2017
  • This study is to examine the current situation of the AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) and analyze macroeconomic situation of Vietnam since the launch of AEC. According to recent trade indicators, Vietnam is expected to be more productive in the manufacturing and processing sectors because it is at the heart of the global value chains (GVCs) in electronics, telephones, and textiles and shoes industry. Vietnam has signed or is negotiating free trade agreements with various countries around the world including Korea, Israel, EU and RCEP and so on. Therefore, it is expected that Vietnam's trade dependency and FDI inflows to Vietnam increase more and more. However, the fact that the proportion of exports by foreign-invested companies accounts for about 70% of the total exports implies the uncertainty of Vietnam's economy in the future. Attracting FDI investment can further reduce the competitiveness of domestic companies in Vietnam. Therefore, in order for Vietnam to maintain sustainable development in the future, it is necessary to reform the momentum of foreign-invested enterprises to the development of Vietnamese companies.

The Rationalization of PDM in Pusan Port for the Period of Round Pacific Area (환태평양 시대의 부산항 물류산업 합리화)

  • Park, S. Y.;Park, C. S.
    • Journal of Korean Port Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.93-110
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    • 1992
  • The most change in this century is supposed to be declination of ideology, and block of world economy. Addition to down full of cold war atmosphere around Northeast Asia, not only economic and social mood in this region is dramatically changed, but also it gave birth to the block of Northeast economy that accerlated new hub of world economy. According to dramatic change of economic surroundings the dynamic potential of growth in this region will be guided to enlarge inter-regional trade and increase volume of trade, thus suggests to grow steadily transportation. cargos in this region will have to arrange the system of delivery and inner transportation, accessary facilities, inter-regional harbors if North America and EC has connected easily. As have accerlated GATT and UR represented multilateralism and regionalism, it has regulated to increase trades of region due to relief of the trade barrier through specific areas has agreed with separately. The flow of regionalism of world economy has appeared to realize EC and NAFTA centered U.S.A, and also has presented to free trade region or one-size market agreement in Asia as APEC, EAEG in Malaysia, and etc. In defense to this block and internationalism of world economy, Pusan has to come forward to the hub of Northeast others has proposed a project to dominate the Northeast, Economy Association Agreement as Far East comprehensive development project in USSR, Hunchun development project in NK, and East Sea development project in PRC, Niigate regional development in Japan, Duman River development project in NK, and East Sea development project in Korea. As this exercise has proceed, Pusan also have arranged development strategy definitely and prepared provisions systematically. Engaging to participate center of delivery system is meant to be completed complex functions, namely the transfer storage processing & assembly function of international commodity. Pusan has ability to be terminal point of TSR. it had been connected to EC as the biggest economy block and TKR as complex transportation root to Far East, it would be the center of inground and seabase delivery terminal to Rotterdom as the biggest container pier and major piers to North-East and South East Asia. In order to provide a Role of 21 century's internationalization, Pusan has appealed to participate in management information research and development connected to Pohang-Ulsan-Changwon-Masan, and has utilized efficiently the resources such as man, material, money and information.

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A Study on the Business Strategy Changes of Korean Enterprises Followed by the Proliferation of Free Trade Agreement between Korea and Chile (한·칠레 자유무역협정 확산에 따른 한국기업의 경영전략 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Shim, Dong-Sup;Suh, Chung-Suk
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.495-516
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    • 2008
  • This study looks into the change in business strategies of Korean firms under the inauguration of FTA between Korea and Chile. In conclusion, the business strategy changes of Korean enterprises followed by the proliferation of FTA between Korea and Chile are able to be summarized as followings: Firstly under the proliferation of FTA, Korean companies have strategically responded so as to achieve the positive results of their businesses after the inauguration of the FTA system since April 1, 2004. Secondly, Korean large corporations including multinational corporations dealt with this changes of business environments by comprehensively considering both the changes in the business environments(Industry Attractiveness) and their Businesses Strengths, while SMEs have positively responded to the changes of business environments on the basis of their Business Strengths rather than the changes in the market. Lastly, the business strategies of Korean multinational corporations did not change much even after the inauguration of the FTA system, due to the fact that they had already started a global business strategy before the spread of FTAs.

Analysis of the Effect of Economic Growth of China's Fiscal Decentralization (재정분권화가 중국 경제성장에 미친 영향 분석)

  • Choi, Won Ick
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.157-177
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    • 2010
  • This study analyzes the effect of fiscal decentralization on economic growth by using each province city's panel data of China from 1985 to 2008. By using Recently developed fiscal decentralization index and autonomy of local government quantified this study finds the following conclusions. The increase of inflation rate affects positive effect on Chinese economy. This is the trade-off relationship with the growth of Chinese economy by the Phillips Curve theory. So this suggests the instability of Chinese economy. The affiliation of WTO of China shows positive effect on Chinese economy. This can be translated as the real evidence about free trade theory of Classical School. Expenditure decentralization in China led to economic growth and revenue decentralization also affected positively although it was not as much as expenditure decentralization's effect. Central tax and local tax negatively influenced economic growth; and differently from our expectation, local government autonomy quantified was not relevant to economic growth.

A Study to activate and evaluate competitive advantage on Free Trade Zone of Busan Port (부산항 관세자유지역의 경쟁력 평가 및 활성화 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Hur, Y.S.;Chung, T.W.
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2004
  • As the environment for international logistics varies according to the globalization in world economy, world-class seaports are struggling for the position as strongholds in their own block. As a new government begins its own era in Korea, they are positively implementing their strategies at the level of government for making the Korean Peninsula the logistics centre in North-eastern Asia, marking the most of its geographic advantage. As one of those strategies, it plans to foster a specific area as an international logistics base camp in Northeast Asia by activating its logistics industry through inducing multinational logistics enterprises. In reality, however, in order for Busan seaport, the late-comer, to induce investment from the world-class multinational companies, a considerably large volume of investment should be given from both central and local governments. Accordingly, the objective of this study is to assess its competitiveness and to suggest an activation plan for BSDFA(Busan Seaport Duty-Free Area), based upon the results of on-the-spot interviews in China and Japan. The survey for the respondent's preference by way of Conjoint Analysis indicated that Investment procedures and limitations get the highest 36.2% preference, so the most critical strategy to be considered for attracting enterprises into DFA(Duty-Free Area) is to solve the problems related to the investment procedures and limitations. The simulation analysis results for market share showed that UAE has the highest preference and BSDFA the lowest preference among the five countries. However, when the levels of investment procedures and limitations and production costare upgraded, the competitiveness of BSDFA was elevated next to that of UAE among the 5 countries. Thus, in order for BSDFA to obtain competitiveness, it is implied that production cost level as well as investment procedures and limitations level, should be lowered so that it could meet companies' demand.