• Title/Summary/Keyword: Fractures

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Fluid Inclusion and Stable Isotope Studies of the Kwangsin Pb-Zn Deposit (광신 연 - 아연 광상의 유체포유물 및 안정동위원소 연구)

  • Choi, Kwang-Jun;Yun, Seong-Taek;So, Chil-Sup
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.505-517
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    • 1997
  • Lead and zinc mineralization of the Kwangsin mine was formed in quartz and carbonate veins that filled fault-related fractures in the limestone-rich Samtaesan Formation of the Chosun Supergroup and the phyllite-rich Suchangni Formation of unknown age. A K-Ar date of alteration sericite indicates that the Pb-Zn mineralization took place during Late Cretaceous (83.5 Ma), genetically in relation to the cooling of the nearby Muamsa Granite (83~87 Ma). Mineral paragenesis can be divided into three stages (I, II, III): (I) the deposition of barren massive white quartz, (II) the main Pb-Zn mineralization with deposition of white crystalline quartz and/or carbonates (rhodochrosite and dolomite), and (III) the deposition of post-ore barren calcite. Mineralogic and fluid inclusion data indicate that lead-zinc minerals in middle stage II (IIb) were deposited at temperatures between $182^{\circ}$ and $276^{\circ}C$ from fluids with salinities of 2.7 to 5.4 wt. % equiv. NaCl and with log $fs_2$ values of -15.5 to -11.8 atm. The relationship between homogenization temperature and salinity data indicates that lead-zinc deposition was a result of fluid boiling and later meteoric water mixing. Ore mineralization occurred at depths of about 600 to 700 m. Sulfur isotope compositions of sulfide minerals (${\delta}^{34}S_{CDT}=9.0{\sim}14.5$ ‰) indicate a relatively high ${\delta}^{34}S_{{\Sigma}S}$ value of ore fluids (up to 14 ‰), likely indicating an igneous source of sulfur largely mixed with an isotopically heavier sulfur source (possibly sulfates in surrounding sedimentary rocks). There is a remarkable decrease of calculated ${\delta}^{18}O$ value of water in hydrothermal fluids with increasing paragenetic time: stage I, 14.6~10.1 ‰; stage IIa, 5.8~2.2 ‰; stage IIb, 0.8~2.0 ‰; stage IIc, -6.1~-6.8 ‰, This indicates a progressive increase of meteoric water influx in the hydrothermal system at Kwangsin. Measured and calculated hydrogen and oxygen isotope values indicate that the Kwangsin hydrothermal fluids was formed from a circulating (due to intrusion of the Muamsa Granite) meteoric waters which evolved through interaction mainly with the Samtaesan Formation (${\delta}^{18}O=20.1$ to 24.9 ‰) under low water/rock ratios.

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Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Minerals from the Jinwon Gold-silver Deposit, Republic of Korea (진원 금-은 광상에서 산출되는 광물들의 산출상태 및 화학조성)

  • Yoo, Bong Chul
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.491-504
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    • 2016
  • Jinwon Au-Ag deposit is located in the Uijin gun which is southeast 300 km from Seoul. The deposit area consists of mainly Precambrian Hongjesa granite, which occurs as porphyroblastic texture, medium grain and composed of quartz, feldspar and mica. This deposit consists of four parallel hydrothermal quartz veins that fill NE oriented fractures in Precambrian Hongjesa granite. The grade of quartz veins contain from 3.0 to 21.4 g/t (average 6.4 g/t) gold and from 5.0 to 252.0 g/t (average 117.9 g/t) silver, respectively. They vary from 0.2 m to 0.6 m (average 0.3 m) in thickness and extend to about 200 m in strike length. Quartz veins occur as massive, network, cavity, breccia, crustiform, comb and zonal textures. Wallrock alteration has silicification, sericitization, pyritization and argillitization. The mineralogy of the quartz veins consists of quartz, arsenopyrite, cassiterite, pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena, electrum, tetrahedrite, canfieldite, argentite, Ag-Sb-S mineral, Mn-Fe-O mineral, Pb-O mineral and Pb-P-Cl-O mineral(chloro-pyromorphite). Chemical compositions of minerals from this deposit are as followed; Fe/Fe+Mg of sericite is from 0.32 to 0.71, As content of arsenopyrite ranges from 27.91 to 30.33 atomic %, FeS content of sphalerite range from 9.77 to 16.76 mole %, Ag content of electrum is from 29.42 to 37.41 atomic % and Ag content of tetrahedrite range from 32.17 to 36.53 wt.%, respectively. Baased on mineralogy and chemical compositions of minerals from Jinwon Au-Ag deposit, deposition of minerals was caused by a change in temperature, oxygen fugacity($fO_2$) and sulfur fugacity($fS_2$) from the near neutral hydrothermal fluid evolved by reaction with wallrock.

A Biomechanical Study on the Various Factors of Vertebroplasty Using Image Analysis and Finite Element Analysis (의료영상 분석과 유한요소법을 통한 추체 성형술의 다양한 인자들에 대한 생체 역학적 효과 분석)

  • 전봉재;권순영;이창섭;탁계래;이권용;이성재
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.171-182
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    • 2004
  • This study investigates the biomechanical efficacies of vertebroplasty which is used to treat vertebral body fracture with bone cement augmentation for osteoporotic patients using image and finite element analysis. Simulated models were divided into two groups: (a) a vertebral body, (b) a functional spinal unit(FSU). For a vertebral body model, the maximum axial displacement was investigated under axial compression to evaluate the effect of structural integrity. The stiffness of each FE model simulated was normalized by the stiffness of intact model. In the case of FSU model, 3 types of compression fractures were formulated to assess the influence on spinal curvature changes. The FSU models were loaded under compressive pressure to calculate the change of spinal curvature. The results according to the various factors suggest that vertebroplasty has the biomechanical efficacy of the increment of structural reinforcement in a patient who has relatively high level of BMD and a patient with the amount of 15%, PMMA injection of the cancellous bone volume. The spinal curvatures after compression fracture simulation vary from 9$^{\circ}$ to 17$^{\circ}$ of kyphosis compared to that the spinal curvature of normal model was -2.8$^{\circ}$ of lordosis. These spinal curvature changes cause the severe spinal deformity under the same loading. As the degree of compressive fracture increases the spinal deformity also increases. The results indicate that vertebroplasty has the increasing effect of the structural integrity regardless of the amount of PMMA or BMD and the restoration of decreased vertebral body height may be an important factor when the compressive fracture caused the significant height loss of vertebral body.

The Hospital Life of the Patient with Femoral Neck Fracture (대퇴경부 골절 환자의 입원 생활)

  • Kim, Kyung-Ja;Chi, Sung-Ai
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.35-56
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    • 1996
  • Nowerdays, the increase of traffic accidents and old age population make the Femoral Neck Fracture(FNF) patients increase. By the improvement of education and standard of living the patients demand better medical service than before. This study is designed to give practical help for the FNF patients by observing their hospital life and establish practical nursing strategies for the FNF patients. For these purposes the Ethnographic Participant Observation was adopted. By this study is focused on the hospital life patient's view. For this end, the field study adopted orthopedic ward in the C University Hospital with 400 beds in Seoul. The object patients of the study were twelve patients. The patients experienced five stages : Embarrassment, Conflict, Stability, Independent, and Extension Stage. The findings and prepared nursing strategies are stated as follows. First, in the Embarrassment Stage they suffered embarrassment, anxiety, pain, they could not do ordinary things. The patients who accidental fractures had anxiety from unfamiliar tests and from hospitalization itself. They lamented that they could not ordinary things, and do nothing but obeying the hospital, and endure the pain. They recognized the changed environment and resigned themselves to life in the ward. In this stage, full openness by the nurses is needed. Second, the attribute of the Conflict Stage were conflict, fear, curiosity, belief, reflection. When they sign the consentment form, they experience conflicts about the possibility of complication, fear of recovery from anesthesia, curiosity about the operation procedure, post - operation state, reflection on their past life, and promise to care for their family members after discharge and keep their religious life faithfully. And they accepted the operation depending on God, believing in modern medicine, and the surgeon. Asking for their changed informations, they expected positive results from the operation. In this stage, an empathic attitude by the nurses is needed. Third, the attribute of the Stability Stage were relief, gratitude, difficulty with excretion, and pain. When they awoke from anesthesia, they felt relief because of a the end of the operation, but they experienced extreme pain, difficulty of excretion in bed. They accepted the changed environment and expected recovery. In this stage, support by the nurses is needed. Fourth, the attributes of the Independence Stage were freedom, exercise, nurturing, anxiety, and discomfort. When they ambulated and exercised, they experienced freedom. They showed exhibited weakness of the digestive organs and discomfort hospital's space, structure, and facilities, the delay of medical certificate issue the lack of prompt response by the medical agents. They ate nurturious food and felt anxiety on the end of hospital life and returning to their ordinary life. They showed the independence of overcoming their environment by increasing exercise and expected their discharges. In this stage, respect by the nurses is needed for the patients to, overcome their environment and prepare for their independence. Fifth, the attributes of the Extension Stage were pessimism, isolation, dissatisfaction, and pain. Accompanied injury and old age made their ward life extend to over seven weeks. They exhibited weariness, melancholy, skeptisis, general pessimistic feeling, and desperation caused by their isolated life. They experienced the digestive discomfort caused by the prolonged medication and psycological pain caused by long-time hospitalization. As a, result, their dissatisfaction on the human, physical, and systematic environments had been increased. They acquired critical power and sought for something to do spending their time. They expected vaguely about the returning of their ordinary life. In this stage, counseling is needed by the nurse to overcome positively their psychological, social, and physical problems. The process of the FNF patient's ward life starts from the dependent state, when they are hospitalized, and gradually progresses to self-fulfillment in order to keep independent life. As a result, the FNF patients showed "Response in Challenge" or "Adaptation in Conflict" through their experiences of social, physical, and psychological difficulties.

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Limb Salvage Surgery with Tumor Prosthesis for the Malignant Bone Tumors Involving the Proximal Femur (대퇴골 근위부 악성 골종양 환자에서 종양 대치물을 이용한 사지 구제술)

  • Chun, Young Soo;Baek, Jong Hun;Lee, Seung Hyuk;Lee, Chung Hwan;Han, Chung Soo
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: As well as patient survival, the restoration of postoperative function such as ambulation is important in limb salvage operations for treatment of malignant bone tumors involving the proximal femur. The authors analyzed clinical outcomes of limb salvage operations using tumor prostheses for metastatic or primary malignant bone tumors in the proximal femur. Materials and Methods: From February 2005 to January 2014, 20 cases (19 patients) with malignant bone tumor involving the proximal femur with pain or complicated pathologic fracture were treated with segmental resection and limb salvage operations with tumor prostheses. Mean age was 63.1 years (range 35-86). Fourteen patients were male and six ones were female. The mean follow-up period was 20 months (1-94 months). There were 15 cases of metastatic bone tumor, 4 cases of osteosarcoma, and 1 case of multiple myeloma. The primary tumors of the metastatic bone tumors included 4 lung cancers, 3 hepatocellular carcinomas, and 3 renal cell carcinomas. Other primary tumors were breast cancer, thyroid cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and malignant spindle cell tumor, each in 1 case. Modular tumor prostheses were used in all cases; (Kotz's$^{(R)}$ Modular Tumor prosthesis (Howmedica, Rutherford, New Jersey) in 3 cases, MUTARS$^{(R)}$ proximal femur system (Implantcast, Munster, Germany) in 17 cases). Perioperative pain was assessed with Visual Analogue Scales (VAS). Postoperative functional outcome was assessed with Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (MSTS) grading system. Results: Out of 20 cases (19 patients), 11 cases (10 patients) survived at the last follow-up. Average postoperative survival of the 9 deceased patients was 10.1 months (1-38 months). VAS score improved from pre-operative average of 8.40 (5-10) to 1.35 (0-3) after operation. Average postoperative MSTS function score was 19.65 (65.50%, 7-28). The associated complications were 2 local recurrences, 3 hematomas, 3 infections, 2 scrotal swellings, and 1 dislocation. There was no case of periprosthetic fracture or loosening. Conclusion: Limb salvage operation with tumor prosthesis is an appropriate treatment for early pain reduction and functional restoration in malignant bone tumors in the proximal femur with pain an/or complicated pathologic fractures.

Usefulness of Three-phasic Bone Scan in Young Male Patients Suspected of Post-traumatic Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome (외상후 교감신경 이영양증이 의심되는 젊은 남자 환자들에서 삼상 골스캔의 유용성)

  • Lee, Won-Woo;Kim, Tae-Uk;Kim, Tae-Hoon;Jung, Cheoul-Yun;Moon, Jin-Ho
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.52-60
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    • 2001
  • Purpose: In young male patients who suffered several kinds of trauma with subsequent suspicious reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome, we performed three-phasic bone scan in order to investigate its usefulness. Materials and Methods: Patients with narrow range of age (21-25. mean $22.8{\pm}1.3$, all male) were included with suspicious reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome of 12 feet and 5 hands. Only one was bilateral feet case and 16 were ipsilateral (Rt:13, Lt:3). The etiologic traumas were 4 fractures, 4 sprains, 3 blunt trauma, 2 cellulitis, 1 tendon tear, 1 crush injury, 1 overexercise, and 1 unknown. Radiologically 3 showed osteoporotic changes. Three-phasic bone scans were performed $21.2{\pm}7.3wks$ after trauma. Results: According to symptom complex, confirmatory reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome 4 cases and suspicious 13 were analyzed. All confirmatory cases (100%) showed increased uptake at delay phase with periarticular accentuation. Of confirmatory 4 cases, 2 showed increased uptake in all three phases (perfusion: P, blood pool: B, and delay: D), and other 2 revealed decreased P but, both increased B and D. Of suspicious 13 cases, 9(69.2%) had increased D (4 periarticular and 5 focal), 2 decreased D, and 2 symmetric D. In 12 foot cases, so-called weight hearing patterns - increased contralateral sole at P and B - were revealed in 7(58.3%). Conclusion: Diffuse periarticular increased uptake at delay phase of three-phasic bone scan was a compatible finding to reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome in young male patients whose symptom complex strongly designated post traumatic reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome.

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Environmental and Ecological Consequences of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in the Coastal Areas of the Korea Peninsula (한반도 연안 해역에서 해저 지하수 유출의 환경 생태학적 중요성)

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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.204-212
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    • 2005
  • Recognition has emerged that nutrient inputs from the submarine discharge of fresh, brackish, and marine groundwaters into the coastal ocean are comparable to the inputs via river discharge. The coastal areas of the Korea peninsula and adjacent seas exhibit particular importance in the role of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), in terms of the magnitude of SGD and associated continental material fluxes. For example, in the southern sea of Korea, SGD transports excess nutrients into the coastal regions and thus appears to influence ecosystem changes such as the outbreak of red tides. Around volcanic island, Jeju, which is composed of high permeability rocks, the amount of SGD is higher by orders of magnitude relative to the eastern coast of North America where extensive SGD studies have been conducted. In particular, nutrient discharge through SGD exerts a significant control on coastal ecosystem changes and results in benthic eutrophication in semi-enclosed Bang-du bay, Jeju. In the entire area of the Yellow Sea, tile submarine discharge of brackish groundwater and associated nutrients are found to rival the river discharges into the Yellow Sea, including those through Yangtze River, Han River, etc. In the eastern coast of the Korea peninsula, SGD is significantly higher during summer than winter due to high hydraulic gradients and due to wide distribution of high permeability sandy zones, faults, and fractures. On the other hand, in the estuarine water, downstream construction of the dam in the Nakdong River, SGD was highest when the river discharge was lowest (but water level of the dam was highest). This suggests that even though there is no visible freshwater discharge into this estuary, the discharge of chemical species is significant through SGD. On the basis of the results obtained from the coastal areas of the Korea peninsula, SGD is considered to be an important pathway of continental contaminants influencing tidal-flat ecosystems, red tides, and coral ecology. Thus, future costal management should pay great attention to the impact of SGD on coastal pollution and eutrophication.

Determination of Appropriate Exposure Angles for the Reverse Water's View using a Head Phantom (두부 팬텀을 이용한 Reverse Water's View에 관한 적절한 촬영 각도 분석)

  • Lee, Min-Su;Lee, Keun-Ohk;Choi, Jae-Ho;Jung, Jae-Hong
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.187-195
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    • 2017
  • Early diagnosis for upper facial trauma is difficult by using the standard Water's view (S-Water's) in general radiograph due to overlapping of anatomical structures, the uncertainty of patient positioning, and specific patients with obese, pediatric, old, or high-risk. The purpose of this study was to analyze appropriate exposure angles through a comparison of two different protocols (S-Water's vs. reverse Water's view (R-Water's)) by using a head phantom. A head phantom and general radiograph with 75 kVp, 400 mA, 45 ms 18 mAs, and SID 100 cm. Images of R-Water's were obtained by different angles in the range of $0^{\circ}$ to $50^{\circ}$, which adjusted an angle at 1 degree interval in supine position. Survey elements were developed and three observers were evaluated with four elements including the maxillary sinus, zygomatic arch, petrous ridge, and image distortion. Statistical significant analysis were used the Krippendorff's alpha and Fleiss' kappa. The intra-class correlation (ICC) coefficient for three observers were high with maxillary, 0.957 (0.903, 0.995); zygomatic arch, 0.939 (0.866, 0.987); petrous ridge, 0.972 (0.897, 1.000); and image distortion, 0.949 (0.830, 1.000). The high-quality image (HI) and perfect agreement (PA) for acquired exposure angles were high in range of the maxillary sinus ($36^{\circ}-44^{\circ}C$), zygomatic arch ($33^{\circ}-40^{\circ}$), petrous ridge ($32^{\circ}-50^{\circ}$), and image distortion ($44^{\circ}-50^{\circ}$). Consequently, an appropriate exposure angles for the R-Water's view in the supine position for patients with facial trauma are in the from $36^{\circ}$ to $40^{\circ}$ in this phantom study. The results of this study will be helpful for the rapid diagnosis of facial fractures by simple radiography.

A Study on the Geochemical Clogging for the Assessment of the Hydrological Safety of the Underground Oil Storage Carvern (지하유류비축기지 수리안정성 평가를 위한 광물학적 클로깅 가능성 연구)

  • Kim, Geon-Young;Bae, Dae-Seok;Choi, Byeong-Young;Oh, Se-Joong;Koh, Yong-Hwon
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.139-159
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    • 2008
  • Geochemical analysis of the various kinds of water including observation borehole groundwater was carried out for the assessment of the hydrological safety of the underground oil storage cavern and the potentiality of mineralogical and microbiological clogging was estimated. Most of water samples belonged to $Ca-HCO_3$ and $Ca-HCO_3-SO_4$ types. There was no distinct chemical difference in the various kinds of water. All kinds of water are undersaturated with the calcite which is the major clogging mineral. Most water samples have low Fe and Mn concentrations. However, they are saturated or oversaturated with the iron-oxide/hydroxide minerals and have high dissolved oxygen contents which suggests the possibility of clogging by the iron-oxide/hydroxide minerals as a long-term aspect. Several water samples from the ground observation borehole also show the high saturation indices far the clay minerals, which can fill up the fractures, indicating the possibility of clogging by the clay minerals. Statistical analysis shows the degree of mineral precipitation or dissolution is mainly controlled by pH, Eh and DO of water samples. According to the microbial analysis, the aerobic microbes and slime forming bacteria are dominant in most water samples and anaerobic microbes including sulfate reducing bacteria are very low or not detected. Although the slime forming bacteria which are known as a main microbial cause of the clogging is lower than $10^5\;CFUs/mL$ in all water samples, because the slime forming bacteria are dominant microbe in several observation boreholes, the clogging can be caused by it as a long-term aspect. In addition, the possibility of clogging can be increased if the microbial effect is combined with the mineralogical effect such as iron oxide/hydroxide minerals for the possibility of clogging. Therefore, the systematic and long-term program for the assessment of clogging is required for the safe operation of underground oil storage cavern.

The effect of Nutrient Intake and Past Dairy Products Consumption on Bone Mineral Density of Postmenopausal of Korean Women (과거의 우유 및 유제품의 섭취가 한국노인의 골밀도에 미치는 영향)

  • 강은주
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 1998
  • This study was conducted to investigate Osteoporosis on the effect of dietary factors and past young age period's dairy products consumption on BMD in 170 postmenopausal Korean women without diagnosed disease. Bone mineral density(BMD) of lumbar spine was investigated by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Dietary assesment of the subjects were measured by Cognitive Food Frequency Recall method. The measurements of group average were 57.9kg of body weight, 36.73 of BMI(Body Mass Index), 2103.3㎉ of energy, 638.7mg of dietary calcium, 70.3g of protein, and 10.58mg of iron. Nutrient intake levels were similar to or more than the level of Korean Recommended Dietary Allowances. Bone Mineral Density(BMD) of Lumbar spine(L2-L4) of group average was 0.912g/$\textrm{cm}^2$, and under 50 yr's 1,02g/$\textrm{cm}^2$, 50~54 yr's 0.92g/$\textrm{cm}^2$, 55~59 yr's 0.85g/$\textrm{cm}^2$, over 60 yr's 0.85g/$\textrm{cm}^2$, had been getting low degree on aging. BMD of the Lumbar spine was positively correlated with calorie, body weight, dietary calcium, protein, phosphorus and serum albumin. Past dairy products consumption experiment was highly significant on BMD in teenage period(R square = 26, p-value 0.0031). Particularly in over 60 yr group, the correlations between BMD and past dairy products consumption in teenage period had shown highly significance(r=0.48, p<0.02). 55~59 yr age group had also positive correlation(R squae = 0.29, p<0.05). This results confirm that the most effective way of preventing osteoporosis and the fractures is to maximize peak bone mass in early life and to minimize bone loss through the balanced intake of Ca and other nutrients and regular physical activity.

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