• Title/Summary/Keyword: Forward Selection

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Efficient Application Way of Six Sigma at Railway Construction Project (철도건설사업의 6시그마의 효율적 적용방안)

  • Hong, Sung-Heui;Jung, Sung-Bong
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2011.10a
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    • pp.1251-1262
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    • 2011
  • K-company, being in charge of domestic railway construction and facilities management, got a success rate of 41% with the implement of a improvement scheme by prosecuting of 6 Sigma and the achievement of CTQ (Success criteria : more than 0.5 in achievement of CTQ). It is clear that the factors having an effect on achievement of CTQ are the level of project when pushing forward the project(Big Y and small y according to the scope of the work), the degree of interest of an officer in charge like sponsors, and the continuous feedback toward the implement of a improvement scheme. For improvement CTQ achievement, firstly redefine about a type of project. Secondly, derive small y by Big Y and derives a unit work by small y. Then grouping the unit works and achieve Big Y by performing of every unit work as an executive subject. Thirdly organize a committee of subject selection which is supervised by the general manager. Therefore exhibit staff's leadership, for example motivation, by strong incentives. Lastly, provide ongoing learning and enhance system monitoring about a result management of an betterment execution department.

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Prediction and analysis of acute fish toxicity of pesticides to the rainbow trout using 2D-QSAR (2D-QSAR방법을 이용한 농약류의 무지개 송어 급성 어독성 분석 및 예측)

  • Song, In-Sik;Cha, Ji-Young;Lee, Sung-Kwang
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.544-555
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    • 2011
  • The acute toxicity in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was analyzed and predicted using quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR). The aquatic toxicity, 96h $LC_{50}$ (median lethal concentration) of 275 organic pesticides, was obtained from EU-funded project DEMETRA. Prediction models were derived from 558 2D molecular descriptors, calculated in PreADMET. The linear (multiple linear regression) and nonlinear (support vector machine and artificial neural network) learning methods were optimized by taking into account the statistical parameters between the experimental and predicted p$LC_{50}$. After preprocessing, population based forward selection were used to select the best subsets of descriptors in the learning methods including 5-fold cross-validation procedure. The support vector machine model was used as the best model ($R^2_{CV}$=0.677, RMSECV=0.887, MSECV=0.674) and also correctly classified 87% for the training set according to EU regulation criteria. The MLR model could describe the structural characteristics of toxic chemicals and interaction with lipid membrane of fish. All the developed models were validated by 5 fold cross-validation and Y-scrambling test.

The factors affecting therapeutical diversification of domestic pharmaceutical companies in Korea (국내 제약기업의 치료제 질환분야 다각화 결정요인)

  • Jung, Seung-Yeon;Lee, Sang-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.490-497
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    • 2018
  • This study is to identify factors influencing therapeutic diversification strategy for Korean pharmaceutical companies. So, it purposes to find deciding factors for companies to adopt strategy for diversification or specialization. In this paper, we set six factors that are expected to influence diversification. The factors are asset scale, sales, profitability, and growth potential. Also, we included number of employees and SG&A cost ratio as factors that reflect business characteristics. We analyzed the impacts of each factor on diversification and found a relationship amongst each other. In this paper, regression analysis is applied with forward selection method, considering that it takes 5 years for companies to decide on diversification strategy. As a result, asset scale, the number of employees and profitability have significantly influenced decisions of diversification at t-1 time, and growth potential was significantly influenced at t-2 time. Korean pharmaceutical companies generally tend to go with specialization model if they have larger asset scale, higher profitability and growth potential. However, they have tendency to decide on diversification strategy, if they have large number of employees. Overall, the result of this study is expected to provide useful information for Korean pharmaceutical companies to set the suitable strategy for their situation to become a competitive company in global pharmaceutical market.

A Study on Improvement of Site Selecting Indicators for Safe Pedestrian Environment (안전한 보행환경 사업 대상지 선정지표 개선방안 연구)

  • Lee, Jong Nam;Heo, Joon;Cho, Won Cheol;Lee, Tae Shik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2013
  • As car-oriented road policies have been made forward so far, relatively pedestrians' walking conditions are so in poor environments that more than two thousand pedestrians die from car accidents every year. Pedestrians' walking right has been severely invaded like that. Pedestrians' walking right is a right that people are able to walk safely and comfortably in pleasant surroundings as long as they don't threaten the public safety, order maintenance, and welfare. The government has an obligation to provide safe, comfortable, and pleasant environments to pedestrians. Recently interests in pedestrians' safety are increasing, government-driven supports have been made to make safe, pleasant, and healthy walking surroundings. As poor walking condition improvement projects cost high, they should be progressed to accomplish maximal effects using finite finances efficiently, and post feasibility evaluations of the projects should be severely estimated. However site selecting indicators which satisfy with the goal for composing safe working surroundings have not been decided yet, though currently it has a legal basis to specify walking condition improvement sites by the Law for Pedestrians' safety and Comfort Increasement. Therefore this study focuses on suggesting improved ways for selecting sites where pedestrians' safe environment project by reviewing previous research. When project sites are selected, evaluation indicators related to awareness survey of residents and history should be excluded, and disaster safety assessments for walking safety facilities, latent human hazards and natural disasters like a strong wind are proposed besides evaluations on pedestrians' safety and walking environment for matching with the purpose of the project to make safe working surroundings.

Estimation of Monthly Temperature Distribution in Cheju Island by Topoclimatological Relationships (지형(地形)-기후(氣候) 관계식(關係式)에 의한 제주도(濟州道)의 월별(月別) 기온분포(氣溫分布)의 추정(推定))

  • Shin, Man Yong;Yun, Jin Il
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.81 no.1
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    • pp.40-52
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    • 1992
  • The use of meteorological information is essential in the industrial society. More specialized weather services are required to perform better industrial activities including forestry. A topoclimatological technique, in this study, which makes use of empirical relationships between the topography and the weather in Cheju Island was applied to produce reasonable estimates of monthly air temperatures over remote land area where routine observations are rare. Altitude values of the 250m grid points were first read from a 1 : 25000 topographic map. The mean altitude and other valuable topographical variables were then determined for each $1km^2$ land area. Daily minimum, maximum and mean air temperature data were collected from 19 points in Cheju Island from June 1987 to September 1988. The data were analyzed and grouped into 36 sets by type of air temperature and by month. Each of data set was regressed to the topographical variables to delineate empirical relationships between the local air temperature and the site topography. The total of 36 regression equations were finally selected and the equations were used to calculate the monthly air temperature for each $1km^2$ land area. The outputs were presented in a fine-mesh grid map with a 6-level contour capability.

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An Implementation of Automatic Genre Classification System for Korean Traditional Music (한국 전통음악 (국악)에 대한 자동 장르 분류 시스템 구현)

  • Lee Kang-Kyu;Yoon Won-Jung;Park Kyu-Sik
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes an automatic genre classification system for Korean traditional music. The Proposed system accepts and classifies queried input music as one of the six musical genres such as Royal Shrine Music, Classcal Chamber Music, Folk Song, Folk Music, Buddhist Music, Shamanist Music based on music contents. In general, content-based music genre classification consists of two stages - music feature vector extraction and Pattern classification. For feature extraction. the system extracts 58 dimensional feature vectors including spectral centroid, spectral rolloff and spectral flux based on STFT and also the coefficient domain features such as LPC, MFCC, and then these features are further optimized using SFS method. For Pattern or genre classification, k-NN, Gaussian, GMM and SVM algorithms are considered. In addition, the proposed system adopts MFC method to settle down the uncertainty problem of the system performance due to the different query Patterns (or portions). From the experimental results. we verify the successful genre classification performance over $97{\%}$ for both the k-NN and SVM classifier, however SVM classifier provides almost three times faster classification performance than the k-NN.

State of Visual Acuity Test and Factors Related to Vision Deterioration of Preschoolers (미취학 아동의 시력검진 실태와 시력저하 관련요인)

  • Lee, Sunghwa;Lee, Haejung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.132-142
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    • 2016
  • The study aimed to examine the state of visual acuity tests in preschoolers and determine the factors affecting the deterioration of their vision. A total of 172 pair, child aged 5-7 years and either one of their parents, were recruited from childcare centers or kindergarten between August 2015 and January 2016. Questionnaires were administered to the parents, and the children's visual acuities were measured. Using forward selection in logistics regression analysis, factors affecting vision deterioration were elucidated. Of 172 children, 128 (74.4%) had undergone a visual acuity test previously and 77 (44.8%) showed a deterioration in their vision. Children who had undergone their first visual acuity test after the age of 7 years (OR=7.425, CI=2.844- 19.385) and showed more abnormal eye symptoms, such as squinting or tilting the head to see or falling down frequently (OR=3.084, CI=1.202-7.914) and whose age was younger (OR=10.335, CI=3.252-32.848), were more likely to develop deterioration of vision. Children who had a posture such that they looked up at the computer monitor from below (OR=.075, CI=.022-.255), were less likely to show deterioration of vision. It can be inferred that early visual acuity tests is essential to detect deteriorated vision of preschoolers. Therefore, it is necessary to educate parents, personnels in day care center, and health clinics about the importance of early visual acuity tests and close observation of specific behaviors related to vision deterioration. Development of precautionary intervention program of vision deterioration in preschoolers and examination of its effects are needed.

Design of 1.0V O2 and H2O2 based Potentiostat (전원전압 1.0V 산소 및 과산화수소 기반의 정전압분극장치 설계)

  • Kim, Jea-Duck;XIAOLEI, ZHONG;Choi, Seong-Yeol;Kim, Yeong-Seuk
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.345-352
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, a unified potentiostat which can measure the current of both $O_2$-based and $H_2O_2$-based blood glucose sensors with low supply voltage of 1.0V has been designed and verified by simulations and measurements. Potentiostat is composed of low-voltage operational transconductance amplifier, cascode current mirrors and mode-selection circuits. It can measure currents of blood glucose chemical reactions occurred by $O_2$ or $H_2O_2$. The body of PMOS input differentional stage of the operational transconductance amplifier is forward-biased to reduce the threshold voltage for low supply voltage operation. Also, cascode current mirror is used to reduce current measurement error generated by channel length modulation effects. The proposed low-voltage potentiostat is designed and simulated using Cadence SPECTRE and fabricated in Magnachip 0.18um CMOS technology with chip size of $110{\mu}m{\times}60{\mu}m$. The measurement results show that consumption current is maximum $46{\mu}A$ at supply voltage of 1.0V. Using the persian potassium($K_3Fe(CN)_6$) equivalent to glucose, the operation of the fabricated potentiostat was confirmed.

Efficient Content Sharing using the Selection of Minimum Forwarding Peers in an Ad Hoc Network (최소의 Forwarding Peer 선택을 통한 애드 혹 네트워크에서의 효율적 콘텐츠 분배 방법)

  • Kang, Seung-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.165-173
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    • 2009
  • Recent portable devices are so versatile that they have multiple communication channels and play several multimedia formats. Especially, many services are under development for users who connect Internet or nearby devices via WWAN (Wireless Wide Area Network) and/or WLAN (Wireless LAN). In case of paying the telecommunication cost proportional to the amount of data downloaded, it is necessary to reduce the cost by constructing a special ad hoc network in which each participating peer downloads a specific portion of the want-to-be-shared content over the payable WWAN channel and exchanges the remaining portion with other peers using the cost-free WLAN channel. If all peers participate in forwarding packets, some transmissions are redundant which results in the unnecessary consumption of bandwidth as well as the delayed content distribution time. In order to reduce the redundant transmission, this paper proposes both the excluding method which discourages some peers not to forward redundant packets, and the minimum cover set method in which only the minimum number of peers are in charge of forwarding packets. These two methods obviate redundant packet forwarding, and result in reduction of content distribution time by up to around 29%.

Parents' Perceptions of Cognitive Rehabilitation for Children With Developmental Disabilities: A Mixed-Method Approach of Phenomenological Methodology and Word Cloud Analysis (발달장애 아동 부모의 인지재활 경험에 대한 질적 연구: 워드 클라우드 분석과 현상학적 연구 방법 혼합설계)

  • Ju, Yu-Mi;Kim, Young-Geun;Lee, Hee-Ryoung;Hong, Seung-Pyo;Han, Dae-Sung
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.49-63
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    • 2024
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate parental perspectives on cognitive rehabilitation using a combination of phenomenological research methodology and word cloud analysis. Methods : Interviews were conducted with five parents of children with developmental disabilities. Word cloud analysis was conducted using Python, and five researchers analyzed the meaning units and themes using phenomenological methods. Words with high frequency were considered as a heuristic tool. Results : A total of 43 meaning units and nine components related to the phenomenon of cognitive rehabilitation were derived, and three themes were finalized. The main themes encompassed the definition of cognitive rehabilitation, challenges associated with cognitive rehabilitation, and factors influencing the selection of a cognitive rehabilitation institute. Cognitive rehabilitation emerged as a treatment focused on improving learning, daily functioning, and cognitive abilities in children with developmental disabilities. The perceived issues with cognitive rehabilitation pertained to treatment methods, therapist expertise, and associated costs. In addition, parents highlighted the importance of therapist expertise, humane personality, and affordability of cost and schedule when choosing a cognitive rehabilitation institute. Conclusion : Parents expressed expectations for substantial improvements in their children's daily functioning through cognitive rehabilitation. However, challenges were identified in clinical practices. Going forward, we expect that cognitive rehabilitation will evolve into a better therapeutic support service addressing the concerns raised by parents.