• Title/Summary/Keyword: Format Conversion

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Design and Implementation of Conversion System from UML Class Diagram to XML DTD (UML 클래스 다이어그램을 XML DTD로의 변환 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Hong, Do-Seok;Ha, Yan;Kim, Yong-Sung
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.7 no.12
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    • pp.3829-3839
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    • 2000
  • The UML(Unified Modeling Language) Class Diagram which is a part of structure of UML is fit for Object Modeling, and more recently, as the appearance of UXF(UML eXchange Format) UML Class Diagram by itself, can be exchanged in many other different system document. So this paper suggest the conversion system from UML Class Diagram to XML DTD. As this we can easily transformation and saving the UML Class Diagram that is the standard of Modeling Language to XML document which is so reusable. Also it can give a flexible method for the representation to the logical structure of document in various way because of converting XML DTD.

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A Study on Design for the Interactive VR Fashion Show (상호작용 기반의 VR 패션쇼 디자인 설계)

  • Ahn, Duck Ki;Cho, Sung Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2020
  • This study is a VR system design designed to evaluate the impact of interaction on user experience analyzed by developer's perspective for the interactive VR fashion show. In the VR fashion show design, we produced an interactive system through the four interactive elements of camera viewpoint, cloth, effects, and sound. The interactive design system is proposed based on three application facto rs in VR space design: speed, range, and mapping. The study focused on the user experience based on format conversion to apply the Unity3D engine using 3D model, animation, 2D UI design, and simulation.

EPUB eBook Converting Schemes for Improving User Interactions (사용자의 인터렉션 향상을 위한 EPUB eBook 변환 기법)

  • Lee, Namhui;Kim, Jai-Hoon;Kim, Kangseok
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 2017
  • To access PDF documents on an electronic book, PDF documents need to be converted into EPUB which is a standard format of the electronic book. When converting a PDF document into EPUB format, we need to convert color representations from CMYK into RGB representation. It is possible to give a visual effect and a user interaction using a video and JavaScript supported by EPUB format. The schemes for converting from PDF to EPUB are studied in this paper. (1) The first study is to carry out not to lose the color conversion effect using an ICC profile. (2) The second one is a layout configuration in the conversion process. (3) The third one is to highlight a specific content such as quiz platform to provide interactive visual effect for electronic book readers. Finally, in this paper we will show the usability of EPUB based eBook converting scheme through user study.

Automatic Generation of MAEC and STIX Standards for Android Malware Threat Intelligence

  • Park, Jungsoo;Nguyen Vu, Long;Bencivengo, George;Jung, Souhwan
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.3420-3436
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    • 2020
  • Due to the increasing number of malicious software (also known as malware), methods for sharing threat information are being studied by various organizations. The Malware Attribute Enumeration and Characterization (MAEC) format of malware is created by analysts, converted to Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX), and distributed by using Trusted Automated eXchange of Indicator Information (TAXII) protocol. Currently, when sharing malware analysis results, analysts have to manually input them into MAEC. Not many analysis results are shared publicly. In this paper, we propose an automated MAEC conversion technique for sharing analysis results of malicious Android applications. Upon continuous research and study of various static and dynamic analysis techniques of Android Applications, we developed a conversion tool by classifying parts that can be converted automatically through MAEC standard analysis, and parts that can be entered manually by analysts. Also using MAEC-to-STIX conversion, we have discovered that the MAEC file can be converted into STIX. Although other researches have been conducted on automatic conversion techniques of MAEC, they were limited to Windows and Linux only. In further verification of the conversion rate, we confirmed that analysts could improve the efficiency of analysis and establish a faster sharing system to cope with various Android malware using our proposed technique.

TET2MCNP: A Conversion Program to Implement Tetrahedral-mesh Models in MCNP

  • Han, Min Cheol;Yeom, Yeon Soo;Nguyen, Thang Tat;Choi, Chansoo;Lee, Hyun Su;Kim, Chan Hyeong
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.389-394
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    • 2016
  • Background: Tetrahedral-mesh geometries can be used in the MCNP code, but the MCNP code accepts only the geometry in the Abaqus input file format; hence, the existing tetrahedral-mesh models first need to be converted to the Abacus input file format to be used in the MCNP code. In the present study, we developed a simple but useful computer program, TET2MCNP, for converting TetGen-generated tetrahedral-mesh models to the Abacus input file format. Materials and Methods: TET2MCNP is written in C++ and contains two components: one for converting a TetGen output file to the Abacus input file and the other for the reverse conversion process. The TET2MCP program also produces an MCNP input file. Further, the program provides some MCNP-specific functions: the maximum number of elements (i.e., tetrahedrons) per part can be limited, and the material density of each element can be transferred to the MCNP input file. Results and Discussion: To test the developed program, two tetrahedral-mesh models were generated using TetGen and converted to the Abaqus input file format using TET2MCNP. Subsequently, the converted files were used in the MCNP code to calculate the object- and organ-averaged absorbed dose in the sphere and phantom, respectively. The results show that the converted models provide, within statistical uncertainties, identical dose values to those obtained using the PHITS code, which uses the original tetrahedral-mesh models produced by the TetGen program. The results show that the developed program can successfully convert TetGen tetrahedral-mesh models to Abacus input files. Conclusion: In the present study, we have developed a computer program, TET2MCNP, which can be used to convert TetGen-generated tetrahedral-mesh models to the Abaqus input file format for use in the MCNP code. We believe this program will be used by many MCNP users for implementing complex tetrahedral-mesh models, including computational human phantoms, in the MCNP code.

Development of a SDTS Data Conversion System for GOTHIC (GOTHIC을 위한 SDTS 데이타 변환 시스템의 개발)

  • Zhang, Yan-Sheng;Kim, Jun-Jong;Han, Ki-Joon;Yun, Jae-Kwan
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.2 no.2 s.4
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    • pp.99-115
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    • 2000
  • A geographic information system (GIS) generally has a great deal of geographic data and has a singular storage structure individually. It is very hard to exchange geographic data between geographic information systems which store their geographic data with incompatible formats. Moreover, since it needs large amount of storage space to store geographic data and expensive cost to input them. In this paper, we designed and implemented a SDTS (Spatial Data Transfer Standard) Data Conversion System for Gothic which is an existing geographic information system. In order to convert geographic data without loss of information, we first carefully define a mapping between SDTS data and Gothic data. Especially, since SDTS data are in the format of ISO8211, the FIPS123 library is used to access them. Because the internal data format of Gothic is not open to the public, we also use the Gothic library to access Gothic data. The SDTS data conversion system developed in this paper uses an intermediate file to convert geographic data efficiently. In addition, we use UIL (User Interface Language) to implement a graphic user interface (GUI) of our system.

  • PDF

Redesigning Electronic Records Preservation Formats Based on Open Formats (공개포맷에 기반한 전자기록 보존 포맷 재설계 방향 연구)

  • Oh, Seh-La;Jung, Mi Ri;Yim, Jin Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.79-120
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    • 2016
  • Along with the changing computing environment, the production of public documents is moving to G-Cloud and On-nara System, which are re-engineered on G-Cloud. In this process, it is predicted that the Open Document Format (ODF) will replace the proprietary document format, HWP, and will become widely used in the near future. To preserve digital records produced in ODF, this study reviewed the current long-term preservation strategies and identified considerations for new formats. For ODF source files, it is suggested to eliminate the conversion to PDF/A-1 and preserve the documents in the extended ODF with added metadata of records management. Moreover, ODF is presented as an alternative format for preserving proprietary formats. Finally, this study reviewed the current long-term preservation format, i.e., NEO, and suggests a zipped BagIt package, which has an ISO 21320 specification.

Multi-view Synthesis Algorithm for the Better Efficiency of Codec (부복호화기 효율을 고려한 다시점 영상 합성 기법)

  • Choi, In-kyu;Cheong, Won-sik;Lee, Gwangsoon;Yoo, Jisang
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.375-384
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, when stereo image, satellite view and corresponding depth maps were used as the input data, we propose a new method that convert these data to data format suitable for compressing, and then by using these format, intermediate view is synthesized. In the transmitter depth maps are merged to a global depth map and satellite view are converted to residual image corresponding hole region as out of frame area and occlusion region. And these images subsampled to reduce a mount of data and stereo image of main view are encoded by HEVC codec and transmitted. In the receiver intermediate views between stereo image and between stereo image and bit-rate are synthesized using decoded global depth map, residual images and stereo image. Through experiments, we confirm good quality of intermediate views synthesized by proposed format subjectively and objectively in comparison to intermediate views synthesized by MVD format versus total bit-rate.

SLM using GIS data formats for 3D virtual model of research (SLM 포맷을 이용한 GIS 데이터의 3D 가상모델에 대한 연구)

  • Han, Jeong-Ah;Seo, Laiwon
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2014
  • In recent years, devices using the smart ponwa IT service is activated, to research how the fusion of two or more devices will be able to be interest in the soybeans. One of them in the mobile sector through the development of network and hardware digital geo-spatial map of the rapid advances being made and the computer, how do you map data to efficiently simulate a 3D environment, providing services through a virtual environment focused on whether be. In this study, augmented reality and GIS (Geographic Information System), SLM (Static LOD Model) that combines augmented reality technology on the basis of the basic concepts and approaches in geographic space and how Augmented Reality Based on this interpretation of the relevant content What to do in the development and utilization has a purpose. In this study, the conventional SLM 3DS model data structure of a data format conversion of the proposed possibilities for analyzing and, SLM model generation and format of the existing three-dimensional visualization tools SLM model format for converting a format to a model function, and visualization features. In addition, 3D virtual model to propose a format for efficiently making.

A Study on Improvement of Air Quality Dispersion Model Application Method in Environmental Impact Assessment (I) - Focusing on AERMOD Meteorological Preprocessor - (환경영향평가에서의 대기질 확산모델 적용방법 개선 연구(I) - AERMOD 기상 전처리를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Suhyang;Park, Sunhwan;Tak, Jongseok;Ha, Jongsik;Joo, Hyunsoo;Lee, Naehyun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.271-285
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    • 2022
  • The AERMET, the AERMOD meteorological preprocessing program, mainly used for environmental impact assessment and Integrated Environmental Permit System (IEPS) in Korea, has not considered the land covers characterasitics, and used only the past meteorological data format CD-144. In this study, two results of AERMET application considering CD-144 format and ISHD format, being used internationally, were compared. Also, the atmospheric dispersion characteristics were analyzed with consideration of land cover. In the case of considered the CD-144 format, the actual wind speed was not taken into account in the weak wind (0.6~0.9m/s) and other wind speed due to the unit conversion problem. The predicted concentration considering land cover data was up to 387% larger depending on the topographic and emission conditions than without consideration of land cover. In conclusion, when using meteorological preprocessing program in AERMOD modelling, AERMET, with ISHD format, land cover characterasitics in the area should be considered.