• 제목/요약/키워드: Forest Functions

검색결과 313건 처리시간 0.02초

산림기능별 목표임상 조건이 산림경영에 미치는 영향분석을 위한 선형계획기법 적용 연구 (A Case Study for Applying Linear Programming to Analyze The Effects of The Desired Future Conditions for Forest Functions on Forest Management)

  • 장광민;원현규;설아라;정주상
    • 한국산림과학회지
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    • 제98권3호
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    • pp.247-254
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    • 2009
  • 이 연구에서는 산림과학원 광릉시험림을 사례연구 대상으로 산림기능에 따른 목표임상 조건이 산림경영에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 선형계획법을 적용하였다. 이를 위해 대상산림의 사회 경제 생태적 요구에 따라 자연환경림, 자원생산림, 수원함양림 그리고 경관보존림으로 구성된 4개의 산림기능으로 구분하고, 각 기능에 적합한 산림시업체계표를 작성하였다. 선형계획수식모형은 Model II 기법을 적용하여 구성하였으며, 재적생산의 극대화를 목적함수로 그리고 비감소수확, 벌채허용면적, 계획기간말의 영급구조 및 수종선택 등의 경영방침을 제약조건에 포함시켰다. 선형계획수식모형을 이용하여 각 경영시나리오별로 최적해를 계산하고 재적생산량, 순현재가 그리고 영급구조 등을 비교하여 목표임상 조건이 산림경영에 미치는 영향을 알아보았다.

Implications of Mangrove Wetland in Socio-environmental Sector: Experiences from Southeast Coast of Chittagong, Bangladesh

  • Ullah, Md. Hadayet;Mondal, Md. Atiqul Islam;Uddin, Md. Riaz;Ferdous, Md. Azim
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 2010
  • Wetlands perform various functions of vital socio-ecological significance playing fundamental role in moderating monsoon tidal floods and coastal protection and generate goods and products such as fish and forest resources. The depletion of mangroves is a cause of serious environmental and economic concern to many developing countries. Problems of sustainability of mangrove ecosystems are not only technical but also socio-economic. Functions played by mangrove wetlands are of fundamental importance for society. The present study aims to identify the challenges of the mangrove wetlands of Southeast coast of Chittagong, their uses and socio-economic influence on local people, and the value of ecosystem services, and to suggest how to conserve this ecosystem in a more equitable way.

샛강 생태복원을 위한 해외 사례 연구의 고찰 (An Analytical Study of Foreign Researches and Examples on Ecological Restoration for the Small Stream)

  • 권태호;박재현;김동욱
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제7권5호
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    • pp.26-37
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    • 2004
  • Most domestic small rivers and streams due to industrialization and urbanization have managed by concrete structures. The environmental functions of the river and stream are disappearing and urban streams play only the role of drainage systems. Also, the researches to restore natural streams are something yet to develop and not established the restoration for ecological functions of a small stream. Therefore the researches are required to develop ecological engineering system for watershed management system to handle various pollutants with restoration for ecological functions of a small stream. To develop this, the ecological engineering system for watershed management system could be developed with ecological conservation. In addition, ecological engineering system for watershed management system should be prior to conserve the habitat of biological resources and water conservation and applied to the original shape of streams. Also, it should be designed to restore the micro-topography of stream, the habitat of plant population in watershed. It is needed to develop the integrated researches to restore a small stream ecosystem.

Compression Behavior of Wood Stud in Light Framed Wall as Functions of Moisture, Stress and Temperature

  • Park, Joo-Saeng;Lee, Jun-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • 제34권5호
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2006
  • There has been considerable research in recent times in light-timber med structures in fires. These structures have included horizontal (floor-like) panels in bending and walls under eccentric and approximately concentric vertical loading. It has been shown that compression properties are the most dominant mechanical properties in affecting structural response of these structures in fire. Compression properties have been obtained by various means as functions of one variable only, temperature. It has always been expected that compression properties would be significantly affected by moisture and stress, as well. However, these variables have been largely ignored to simplify the complex problem of predicting the response of light-timber framed structures in fire. Full-scale experiments on both the panels and walls have demonstrated the high level of significance of moisture and stress for a limited range of conditions. Described in this paper is an overview of these conditions and experiments undertaken to obtain compression properties as a functions of moisture, stress and temperature. The experiments limited temperatures to $20{\sim}100^{\circ}C$. At higher temperatures moisture vaporizes and moisture and stress are less significant. Described also is a creep model for wood at high temperatures.

난온대 상록활엽수림 보전실태 및 복원(II) -사례지의 식생복원계획- (Conservation Status and Restoration of Evergreen Broad-leaved Forests in Warm Temperate Region, Korea( II ) -Restoration Planning of Vegetation in a Case Study Areas-)

  • 오구균;박석곤
    • 한국환경생태학회지
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 2003
  • 난온대 지역인 완도난대수목원과 신지도, 장도 등을 사례연구 대상지를 선정하여, 기초환경 조사 및 훼손등급 사정 후, 산림기능과 복원목표식생 설정, 식생복원유형과 복원기법 등을 구상하여 사례지의 난온대 상록활엽수림 복원계획안을 제시하였다. 사회적 요구와 복원목표 등을 고려하여 산림기능은 생태계보존기능, 풍치보전기능, 임목생산기능으로 구분하였고, 복원목표식생은 붉가시나무림, 구실잣밤나무림, 후박나무림. 생달나무림, 황칠나무림 등으로 설정하였다. 식생복원유형은 보존형 복원형. 재현형, 조림형으로, 복원기법은 훼손등급에 따라 보존, 유도, 개량, 조성으로 세분하였다.

국유림의 경제적·공익적 기능을 고려한 적정 목재생산량 추정 (Estimating Optimal Timber Production for the Economic and Public Functions of the National Forests in South Korea)

  • 정유진;김영환;장윤성;곽두안;박기현;김다영;정형식;한희
    • 한국산림과학회지
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    • 제112권4호
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    • pp.561-573
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    • 2023
  • 국유림은 사유림에 비해 높은 수준의 자본과 기술, 노동력을 투입할 수 있고 상대적으로 집약적인 관리가 가능하다. 따라서 국유림은 장기적인 목재 수요에 대비한 산림자원의 비축기지로서의 역할뿐만 아니라, 사회가 필요로 하는 산림의 다양한 기능을 안정적으로 발휘할 수 있어야 한다. 하지만 현재 국유림은 4영급 이상인 임분이 대부분으로, 영급이 불균형한 상태에서 목재수확기에 도달하고 있다. 따라서 체계적인 경영계획에 의한 목재수확이 이루어지지 않으면 국유림의 다양한 기능의 지속성을 보장하기 어렵다. 본 연구는 국유림의 영급구조를 개선하면서도 경제적·공익적 기능을 지속가능하게 유지하기 위한 국유림의 적정 목재생산량을 추정하는 것을 목표로 하였다. 이를 위해 먼저 국유림 내에서 목재생산에 적합한 지역을 분석하고, 다목적 선형기법을 적용하여 경제적 기능과 공익적 기능을 동시에 고려할 수 있는 산림경영계획모델을 개발하였다. 분석 결과, 국유림 내 목재생산 적합 지역의 면적은 약 488천ha로, 이를 중심으로 목재수확을 적절하게 관리하면 영급분포가 개선되고 공익적 기능도 지속가능하게 유지되는 것으로 나타났다. 향후 100년 동안 국유림에서 생산 가능한 목재량은 연평균 약 200만m3으로, 이는 연간 국산목재 공급량의 44% 수준을 차지하는 것으로 나타났다.

산림의 토사유출 방지기능에 관한 연구 (Study on Quantifying Erosion Control Function of Forest)

  • 윤호중;이창우;정용호
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.36-43
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    • 2007
  • This study was carried out to know how erosion control function of forests varies as forests develop in watersheds. The erosion control function among the forest welfare functions can be estimated by comparing sediment yield in stocked with non-stocked area. Sediment yield of reservoirs in stocked area were collected from farmland improvement associations. The sediment yields in non-stocked area were using USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) in the same reservoirs. Forests' erosion control function estimated by differences of the sediment yield between stocked and non-stocked area was static model because of no consideration on forest aging. Dynamic model was developed to consider a forest stand age. The model comprises the relationship between average forest age in watershed and sediment yield. The amount of sediment yield was different depending mother rocks. It decreased exponentially according to the forest's grow up. In case of igneous rock, the volume of sediment yield $Y_{ig}=1.4431e\;^{0.023x}$(x=average forest age), metamorphic rock $Y_{me}=4.7115e\;^{0.0694x}$, and sedimentary rock $Y_{se}=1.2808e\;^{0.028x}$.

Vegetation Succession and Rate of Topsoil Development on Shallow Landslide Scars of Sedimentary Rock Slope Covered by Volcanic Ash and Pumice, Southern Kyushu, Japan

  • Teramoto, Yukiyoshi;Shimokawa, Etsuro;Ezaki, Tsugio;Kim, Suk-Woo;Jang, Su-Jin;Chun, Kun-Woo
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.196-204
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    • 2016
  • In this study, vegetation succession and the rate of consequent topsoil development were investigated in shallow landslide scars of sedimentary rock slopes covered by volcanic ashes and pumice in Kagoshima prefecture, Japan. Seven shallow landslide scars of different ages were selected as study areas. In the initial period after the occurrence of a shallow landslide, deciduous broad-leaved trees such as Mallotus japonicus or Callicarpa mollis were occupied in the areas. Approximately 30 years after the landslide, evergreen broad-leaved trees such as Cinnamomum japonicum invaded in the areas, already existed present deciduous broad-leaved trees. After 50 years, the summit of the canopy comprised evergreen broad-leaved trees such as Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii and Machilus thunbergii. Moreover, the diversity of vegetation invading the site reached the maximum after 15 years, followed by a decrease and stability in the number of trees. The total basal areas under vegetation increased with time. It was concluded that the vegetation community reaches the climax stage approximately 50 years after the occurrence of a shallow landslide in the study areas, in terms of the Fisher-Williams index of diversity (${\alpha}$) and the prevalence of evergreen broad-leaved trees. Moreover, according to the results of topsoil measurement in the study areas, the topsoil was formed at the rate of 0.31 cm/year. The development of topsoil usually functions to improve the multi-faceted functions of a forest. However, when the increased depth of topsoil exceeds the stability threshold, the conditions for a shallow landslide occurrence are satisfied. Therefore, we indicated to control the depth of topsoil and strengthen its resistance by forest management in order to restrain the occurrence of shallow landslides.

농촌 주거지역 쓰레기소각으로 인한 산불화재 개선방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Improvement Method of Forest Fire Caused by Waste Incineration at the Farming Residential Area)

  • 이영삼
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2016
  • Currently the forest area is 6,370,000 hectare (ha) which occupies 63.7% in Korea. The forest has good functions such as production of forest products, conservation of national land, prevention of disasters, etc. However constructing houses near the forest area make bad situation like illegal waste incineration by resident. So research subject is forest fire caused by waste incineration place including facility. And this study was conducted about statistical analysis and research analysis of the 100 waste incineration places including facilities at the country town. Statistical analysis shows that March is 27% which percentage is the highest number of forest fire in 10 years' average. The number of forest fire caused by waste incineration is 45 which is the third highest number in the fire statistic. The distance between waste incineration place including facility and forest area is 30m, 40m and 50m. That 40m (36%) is the most common distance from forest area. The types of waste incineration are ground (62%), the temporary facility made with oil drum can (35%) and other made with steel sheet, concrete, etc. The result of this study is that government and local government must conduct the improvement measure to reduce illegal incineration such as waste pickup area made with rain and wind proof type installed near residence, expenses for waste treatment, enlightenment and training, etc. Also considering their age and income are needed for realistic improvement.

최근 국유림경영계획에서 산림기능별 면적구분과 생태계서비스 개념의 반영에 관한 분석 (Analysis on the Area by Forest Function and the Reflection of Ecosystem Service Concepts in Korea's National Forest Management Plans)

  • 고기연;최재용
    • 한국산림과학회지
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    • 제109권2호
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    • pp.211-222
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    • 2020
  • 본 연구는 산림의 기능구분에서 시간에 따라 변화가 있는지 여부를 알아보고자 하였다. 또한 생태계서비스 개념이 현재 국유림 관리계획에서 고려되는 수준을 파악하고자 하였다. 자료는 98개 국유림의 경영계획구의 현재와 직전 기간의 경영계획서를 활용하였다, 경영계획서상 전, 현차기의 경영계획구별 산림기능별 면적의 구성 비율을 분석대상으로 삼았다. 전차기, 현차기의 2개 그룹의 평균이 정규분포를 따르는지 우선 검정하였다. 그 결과, 정규분포를 따르면 모수적 t-검정, 그렇지 않은 경우 비모수적 Wilcoxon 부호순위 검정을 실시하였다. 정규분포를 따르는 것은 목재생산림 경우가 해당되고, 나머지 5가지 기능: 수원함양림, 산지재해방지림, 자연환경보전림, 산림휴양림, 생활환경보전림은 정규분포하지 않는다. t-검정 또는 Wilcoxon 부호순위 검정을 실시한 결과, 유의미한 기능별 산림면적 비율의 변화를 보인 것은 목재생산림, 자연환경보전림이었다. '생태계서비스' 개념이 활발하게 언급되기 시작한 것은 2018년에 시작된 제6차 산림기본계획에서 부터이다. 지방산림청별 지역산림계획에서는 차이가 있었는데, 동부와 서부지방산림청 소관 지역산림계획에서는 위 개념에 대한 언급이 빈번하게 이루어졌으나 나머지 3개 지방산림청의 계획들에서는 그렇지 않았다.