국가자격 법령 및 운영 개선방안에 관한 연구: 일학습병행자격제도와 사업내자격제도를 중심으로 (A Study for Development Scheme of National Qualification Korea: About the Apprenticeship Qualifications System and In-Firm Qualifications System)
- 대한안전경영과학회지
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- 제24권4호
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- pp.157-173
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- 2022
In South Korea, the history of the qualifications has been matured with industry development. Since National Technical Qualifications Act was enacted in 1973, the government makes an effort to develop the ability for improving socioeconomic status and the contribution of qualifications to industry. As the industry has been diversified and globalized, the government has efficiently and systematically operating the qualification by enacting Framework Act on Qualifications in 1997. And then, the qualifications are classified into national qualifications, private qualifications, and foreign qualifications. However, it is hard for national qualifications to abolish or establish a qualification by each organization and the privileged license acquisitors as the qualifications are separately operated by the laws and the organizations and lack consistency. For private qualifications, it is harder to organize even by the government because of the entry barriers by each qualification association. For those reasons, it is necessary to organize the system adapted in the changing job market and operated by the organization managing the qualification system with consistency. This research indicates the inefficiency of the qualification system because the work-study parallelism National qualification system, enacted in 2020, is like the qualification system in business in terms of the general operating system and the operator, except the institute and the law related. Therefore, we analyze the work-study parallelism National qualification system and the qualification system in business and suggest the efficient method to operate and the future research plan regarding the whole qualification system.
본 논문은 2021년 말까지 발효된 한국의 자유무역협정(FTA) 총 17건의 동태적 교역효과를 확인하기 위해 1996년부터 2021년까지 한국의 HS 10단위 상품 및 국가별 수입액 패널자료를 계량분석하였다. FTA의 협상개시, 협상타결 및 서명, 비준 및 발효 등의 무역정책 전환기(transition period)동안 동태적 교역효과를 분석한 결과, 협정의 발효 시점에 수입이 증가하는 효과는 뚜렷하며 특히, 새로운 교역상품의 등장에 따른 무역외연효과(extensive margin)가 중요한 역할을 하였다. 또한, 외연효과는 FTA의 발효에 따라 관세가 인하되기 이전부터 증가하는 추세를 보였다. 이는 최근 선행연구에서 확인된 잠재적 수출기업의 수출시장 조기진입현상을 뒷받침하는 중요한 결과이다. 특히, 이런 선행효과는 FTA 협상 개시 이후에 뚜렷하게 나타나, 정책 불확실성의 감소와 시장 조기진입현상의 관련성을 시사한다.
메콩강은 동남아시아 최대의 하천으로 인도차이나 반도 5개국(태국, 라오스, 베트남, 캄보디아, 미얀마)을 관통한다. 메콩강 유역 국가들은 모두 ASEAN 회원국으로, 특히 저개발국을 중심으로 급속하게 경제성장이 이루어지고 있다. 외국인 투자의 증가와 해외기업의 진출이 증가하고 있고 이에 따라 물류산업의 발전도 기대되는 곳이다. 우리나라 물류기업의 성장을 위해 해외네트워크를 구축할 필요가 있고, 이들 국가는 좋은 투자지역이 될 것이다. 따라서 본 논문은 우리나라 물류기업이 잠재적 성장력을 가지고 있는 베트남, 라오스, 캄보디아, 미얀마를 중심으로 이들 지역에 진출하는데 있어 물류인프라 및 투자법과 제도를 분석한다. 또한 이들 국가 물류시장에 대한 SWOT분석을 하고 이에 따른 진출 방안을 제시한다. 결론적으로 이들 지역에 대한 진출방안은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 이들 지역의 물류기업 진출은 인프라 구축사업과 연계하여 이루어질 필요가 있다. 왜냐하면 이들 지역의 물류 인프라가 아직 많이 취약하고 이러한 인프라 구축사업이 해외원조를 통해 이루어지고 있기 때문이다. 둘째, 취약한 내수시장의 약점을 극복하고 풍부한 천연자원 개발과 연계하여, 제조업 또는 자원 개발기업과 공동으로 진출할 필요가 있다. 또는 해외진출 위험을 분산하기 위해 다른 물류기업과 공동으로 진출하는 것이 바람직하다. 마지막으로 중국과 인도를 잇는 물류요충지 이점을 충분히 활용하고 각 국가가 가진 물류환경에 따른 물류거점 구축에 따른 진출이 필요할 것이다.
Franchising is one of the fastest growing types of business. It is already popular and well-known in the U.S., and has been growing in many other countries including Korea. Furthermore, many Korean franchising companies have expanded their business overseas actively. According to the data by the Ministry of Industry and Resource, 82 companies out of a sample of 500 franchising companies are already operating in many foreign countries and 48% of them have started their foreign business since 2006. This clearly indicates the fast growing current trend of foreign operation by Korean franchising companies. In spite of the fast growing trend of foreign expansion in the industry, academic research on internationalization of franchising companies is extremely difficult to find. Accordingly, academic research on the issue is necessary and urgent in Korea. Among the various research questions on internationalization of franchising business, this study intends to investigate the difference in organizational factors between the franchising companies doing foreign operation and those doing business only domestically. More specifically, this research has the following purposes. First, considering the lack of theoretical basis of previous studies, resource-based theory and agency theory are employed as the theoretical bases. Second, this study explains the difference in internationalization based on organizational factors such as company size, history and growth rate. Third, the five hypotheses regarding the difference in organizational factors are presented and tested empirically, which is the first attempt in the area of this topic. Finally, the study attempts to clarify the conflicting implications among theories regarding some organizational factos such as growth rate. As the theoretical background, resource-based theory and agency theory are discussed. According to resource-based theory, a firm can grow continuously when it has competence and resource, and also the ability to develop them. The competence and resource can include capital, human resource, management skill, market information, ability to manage risk, etc. Meanwhile, agency theory views the relationship between franchisor and franchisee as an agency relationship. In agency theory, bonding capability and monitoring capability are the two key factors which promote internationalization of franchising companies. Based on the two theories, a conceptual model is designed. The model consists of two groups of variables. One is organizational factors including size, history, growth rate, price bonding and geographic dispersion. The other is whether a franchising company is operating overseas or not. We developed the following five research hypotheses basically describing the relationship between organizational factors and internationalization of franchising companies. H1: The size of franchising companies operating overseas is larger than that of franchising companies operating domestically. H2: The history of franchising companies operating overseas is longer than that of franchising companies operating domestically. H3: The growth rate of franchising companies operating overseas is higher than that of franchising companies operating domestically. H4: The price bonding of franchising companies operating overseas is higher than that of franchising companies operating domestically. H5: The geographic dispersion of franchising companies operating overseas is wider than that of franchising companies operating domestically. Data for the analyses are obtained from 2005 Korea Franchise Survey data co-generated by Ministry of Industry and Resource, GS1 Korea, and Korea Franchise Association. Out of 2,804 population companies, 2,489 companies are excluded for various reasons and 315 companies are selected as the final sample. Prior to hypotheses tests, validity and reliability of the measures of size, history, growth rate and price bonding are examined for further analyses. Geographic dispersion is not validated since it is measured using nominal data. A series of independent sample T-tests is used to find out whether there exists any significant difference between the companies internationalized and those operating only domestically for each organizational factor. Among the five factors, size and geographic dispersion show significant difference, growth rate and price bonding do not reveal any difference and, finally, history factor shows conflicting results in the difference depending on how to measure it.