• 제목/요약/키워드: Foreign language writing

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한국과학교육학회지 논문의 글쓰기 사례 연구 (Case Study on the Writing of the Papers of Journal of the Korean Association for Science Education)

  • 한재영
    • 한국과학교육학회지
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    • 제35권4호
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    • pp.649-663
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    • 2015
  • 과학교육 논문의 글쓰기 실태를 한국어 기초 문법과 번역투의 측면에서 조사하고 그 개선점을 찾아보았다. 과학교육 연구는 사회과학과 자연과학의 특성을 모두 나타내며 양적 연구를 더 많이 하는 특징이 있어 논문 글쓰기 방식에 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 이 연구에서 번역투는 순수한 한국어가 아닌 외국어에서 유래한 상투적 표현을 말한다. 한국어 기초 문법은 호응의 문제, 맞춤법 띄어쓰기 문장 부호의 문제, 사동표현의 문제, 무분별한 영어 사용의 문제로 정리하였고, 번역투는 영어번역의 문제, 일본어 번역의 문제, 영어와 일본어 번역의 문제로 구분하였다. 이에 따라 한국과학교육학회지 한 호에 실린 논문 9편의 글쓰기 중에서 한국어 기초 문법에 어긋나는 사례와 번역투에 해당하는 사례를 찾아 문제를 논의하고 대안을 제시하였다. 빈도가 높은 문제사례는 '~적', '영어 사용', '복수 표현', '하다류 피동', '~고 있는', '~을 통하여', '~에 대하여', '가지다', '관형격조사 ~의', '사물주어 수동태', '사동(시키다)' 등이었다. 연구 결과에 기초하여 과학교육 소논문의 글쓰기 특징을 '양적 연구의 글쓰기', '학술 연구의 객관적 글쓰기', '외국에서 유래한 연구의 글쓰기' 세 가지로 정리하였다. 과학교육 논문 글쓰기에 나타나는 문제를 개선하기 위해 과학교육 연구자는 한국어 기초 문법과 번역투에 관심을 기울이고, 구체적인 사례와 내용을 숙지할 필요가 있다. 이 연구의 결과는 한국어 글쓰기 교육과 문법 교육에 활용할 수 있다.

Effectiveness of Non-Face-to-Face Online Academic English Writing Instruction on Korean EFL College Learners' Writing Skills and Writing Anxiety

  • Hye Kyung Kim
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.12-17
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    • 2023
  • This study investigates the effects of online English writing instruction on university students' writing performance and their anxiety. A total of 34 participants completed the pre- and post- writing tests as well as the surveys regarding perceived anxiety toward English writing. Reflection papers and interviews were employed to triangulate the results of the questionnaires. Quantitative analysis of learners' writing outcomes and surveys revealed that online writing instruction helped improve students' writing skills and reduce writing anxiety. The interviews and reflection papers demonstrated that learners found the writing instruction helpful in reducing somatic anxiety, avoidance behavior, and cognitive anxiety. The current study suggests that adopting non-face-to-face online writing instruction aids EFL students in developing their writing and alleviating writing anxiety.

The Effect of Peer Scaffolding on College Students' Writing Skills in EFL

  • Wooyoung Kim
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.156-162
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of peer scaffolding on the writing fluency of English language learners. This study was intended to confirm that peer scaffolding in English as a foreign language (EFL) writing classes can improve students' English proficiency. An analysis of 20 EFL learners studying at a university in Gyeonggi Province was conducted based on the English Proficiency Test. In this study, 20 intermediate learners with similar proficiency levels were included in the sample. Randomly, 10 students were designated as members of the control group, and 10 students were designated as members of the experimental group. In the experimental group, students practiced essay writing, while a skilled student provided scaffolding for a less skilled student. A variety of tools were used to gather data, including tests, questionnaires, and interviews Statistical analyses of quantitative data were conducted using t-tests for independent samples, whereas analyses of qualitative data were conducted based on themes. Pre-test results indicated a significant value of sig. =0.87, which was higher than α = 0.05. According to the results of this study, the writing performance of both experimental and control groups of students was equal and homogeneous prior to treatment. However, there were significant differences between the writing of students in the two groups after the completion of the program. Due to the post-test analysis of the writing test, the test resulted in a sig. =0 .043, a value lower than α = 0.05. As a result, the experimental group participants showed a marked improvement in their writing abilities after treatment.

Relationship among Motivation, Social Factors and Achievement in On-offline Blended English Writing Class

  • Kim, Jeong-Yeon
    • 영어어문교육
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.97-121
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to examine how motivational constructs are interrelated with social, context-specific factors and, as a result, contribute to L2 writing achievement within the framework of self-determination theory. The data consisted of 67 Korean college students' questionnaire responses, final scores in an on-offline blended writing course, and qualitative interviews with 5 students. In the descriptive and the correlation analyses, the participants' extrinsic motivation was found higher than intrinsic motivation, with low amotivation. Among social factors, immersion environment, foreign instructor, and peer comparison marked high scores, whereas Korean instructor and online material gained low scores. Those contextual factors were interrelated with each other, such that the immersion factor correlated significantly with Korean instructor and peer comparison. Extrinsic and intrinsic motivational subscales engendered strong correlations with the high-scored social factors, i.e., immersion, foreign instructor, and peer comparison, which were also closely interrelated with L2 writing achievement. The findings illuminate intricate workings of motivation in its effects on L2 achievement and corroborate the roles of contextual factors. The effect of motivational subscales on achievement may be valid through interplay with some social factors. The dynamics of motivation is discussed for pedagogical applications.

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Effect of Using QuillBot on the Writing Quality of EFL College Students

  • Hye Kyung Kim
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.42-47
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    • 2023
  • The majority of research on Automated Writing Evaluation (AWE) programs has focused primarily on Grammarly, whereas QuillBot and its use in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms remains limitedly explored. This study examined the effectiveness of using QuillBot on the writing quality of college students. A total of 26 participants took pre- and post-writing tests, and four analytical tools were applied to assess their writing quality in terms of syntactic complexity, lexical diversity, lexical richness, and readability. Results of the syntactic complexity analysis across the four indices demonstrates that the syntactic complexity of EFL writing increased significantly, and substantial differences were observed in lexical richness and readability. These results suggest that QuillBot can compensate for the drawbacks of Grammarly and assist EFL writers in improving their overall writing quality.

A Meta-study of Extensive English Reading Researches

  • Kim, Jeong-Ryeol
    • 영어어문교육
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.85-106
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    • 2012
  • This paper examines the role of extensive reading in foreign language learning classrooms. The effects of extensive reading are shown both positive and negative as in Krashen (1999) and Spada (1997), particularly researches done in classroom setting. Extensive reading is hard to implement in foreign language classrooms due to the stringent school curricula despite its benefits in cognitive and affective domain of learners. This study searched 21 papers from research database on extensive reading researches in a classroom setting and synthesized 55 cognitive effects and 11 affective effects from these papers under investigation in a manner of quantifying their means and standard deviations to derive generalizations. Research synthesis in this manner has secured its own status of scientific investigation by providing secondary researchers with replicable methods that produce verifiable findings. The syntheses of researches show that extensive reading is effective in both literacy skills and other language skills such as listening and writing. It also shows positive effects across different age groups, but the effect sizes are different in that elementary and adults gained more positive effects than middle and high school students.

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학문 목적 학습자를 위한 학술적 텍스트 구성의 수사적 전략 연구 (A study on the Rhetorical Strategies of Academic Text Construction for KAP learners)

  • 홍윤혜
    • 한국어교육
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.235-264
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to explore and categorize the rhetorical strategies of text construction in research articles and to provide data for academic writing education for foreign graduate students. This study analyzes 30 research articles by Korean writers from Korean language and Korean language education fields, and categorizes the rhetorical strategies according to the roles of the writer as a RA form composer, a manager of research content, and a communicator. On the basis of the strategies, this study analyzes 18 term papers of foreign graduate students and inspects their weaknesses in using the rhetorical strategies. Based on the results of analysis, this study suggests rhetorical strategy education for KAP learners that emphasizes validity and clarifies argument along with attracting readers.

한국어사에서 20세기 초 한국어의 위상과 문법 특징 (Historic Status and Grammatical Characteristics of Korean language in the Early 20th Century)

  • 홍종선
    • 한국어학
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    • 제71권
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2016
  • The early 20th century is a period of time when Korea confronted with the surging waves of modernization, and made a variety of internal reactions. The Korean language, not immune to the upheaval, also experienced new changes and gradually gained characteristics of today's Korean. Although scholars have not yet fully agreed upon the time division of Korean, Gabo reformation (1896) is usually considered to be the beginning of modern Korean. Thus, the early 20th century was also the beginning of modern Korean. Phonological, lexical, and grammatical characteristics of modern day Korean began to appear during this period of time. Phonologically, the 10 vowel system was established, glottal sounds and aspirated sounds increased, vowel harmony declined. Phenomena such as vowel raising, front-vowelization, monophthongization, and the word-initial rule appeared. Meanwhile, hangul-Chinese mix writing became common practice, and hangul-only writing also started to take place in narrative writing, and elements of spoken language began to reflect in written language. All those pointed to the unification of written and spoken language. Under the influence of modernization, a great amount of new words appeared. Especially, Japanese and other foreign words flooded in in great quantities. Grammatically, '-eos-(-엇-), -neun-(-는-), -ges-(-겟-)' trichotomy system of tenses was established, and hearer-oriented honorific system also formed a binary system of 'hasoseo(하소서), hasibsio(하십시오), hao(하오), hage(하게), haera(해라)' and 'hae (해), haeyo(해요)'. In word formation and sentence construction, the use of '-gi(-기)' became more frequent than '-eum(-음)', while '~geot(~것)' also significantly increased. In negative, causative and passive expressions, the use of long form, which has fewer restrictions than the short form, became more frequent. A tendency towards simplicity appeared. In the same vain, long and complex sentences with several clauses tend to be avoided. Instead, short simple sentences became more favorable. Korean linguistics scholars should pay closer attention to the modernization period, which includes the early 20th century. In order to fully understand today's Korean language, more thorough research on this immediately preceding period is necessary.

외국인 학부생을 위한 바꿔 쓰기 교육의 효과 (A Study on the Effects of Teaching Paraphrasing to Foreign University Students)

  • 박현진
    • 한국어교육
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.63-86
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    • 2017
  • This research aims to evaluate the effects and the shortcomings of strategies for teaching paraphrasing to foreign university students. For this study, the effects of teaching paraphrasing skills on student's academic writing was investigated through the assessment of pre- and post-test writing tasks and through a focus group interview. The teaching of paraphrasing was divided into 3 instructional sessions and the focus group interview was conducted at the end of the last session. After each instructional session three trained assessors evaluated the outcomes of pre and post task writings; the in-depth focus group interviews were conducted on seven of the students in order to define better positive effects as well as shortcomings. By comparing the scores of pre- and post-task assignments it is possible to affirm that there is a meaningful difference for overall scores; moreover, in an analysis conducted on each single sub-element of the paraphrasing skill, it emerged that except for "task completion", all other four elements of "structure", "understanding core content", "change of expression" and "academic expressions" showed a statistically significant improvement in performance. On the other hand, as a result of the focus group interview, it was possible to individuate as main shortcomings insufficient vocabulary knowledge, poor overall comprehension of the reference material, lack of practice and difficulty in connect sentences organically. It is possible to consider these elements as limiting factors in understanding the reference material and making correct citations by the students. Therefore, we suggest as supplementary instructional strategies a deeper attention to the difficulty level of the text, the introduction of devices to understand better the content of the reference material and an integrated practice of the paraphrasing skill.

Identifying Key Grammatical Errors of Japanese English as a Foreign Language Learners in a Learner Corpus: Toward Focused Grammar Instruction with Data-Driven Learning

  • Atsushi Mizumoto;Yoichi Watari
    • 아시아태평양코퍼스연구
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.25-42
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    • 2023
  • The number of studies on data-driven learning (DDL) has increased in recent years, and DDL's overall effectiveness as an L2 (second language) teaching methodology has been reported to be high. However, the degree of its effectiveness in grammar instruction, particularly for the goal of correcting errors in L2 writing, is still unclear. To provide guidelines for focused grammar instruction with DDL in the Japanese classroom setting, we aimed to identify the typical grammatical errors made by Japanese learners in the Cambridge Learner Corpus First Certificate in English (CLC FCE) dataset. The results revealed that three error types (nouns, articles, and prepositions) should be addressed in DDL grammar instruction for Japanese English as a foreign language (EFL) learners. In light of the findings, pedagogical implications and suggestions for future DDL research and practice are discussed.