• 제목/요약/키워드: Food and Nutrition section

검색결과 92건 처리시간 0.029초

중학교 교과서 식생활 내용분석 -가정, 체육, 과학을 중심으로- (Content Analysis of Food & Nutrition Section in Middle School Textbooks -Home Economics, Physical Education and Science-)

  • 이영숙;김영남
    • 한국가정과교육학회지
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was quantitative and qualitative contents analysis of food and nutrition section in middle school textbooks of home economics, physical education and science. As a quantitative approach numbers of sentence lines tables, figures, photos, activities, and exercises were counted. As a qualitative approach, types of explanations were categorized by 7 criteria, and commons and differences of the contents of those subjects were compared. The conclusions of this study were summarized as follows: 1) Contents of food and nutrition section were divided into nutrients. water. energy, food groups, and nutritional problems. When average sentence lines of each were compared, those of nutrients were the longest in all 3 subjects. 2) When compared the numbers of tables, figures, and photos in 3 subjects of textbooks, there were more figures in home economics and science, and more tables in physical education. 3) There were more activities and exercises in home economics an science than in physical education. 4) The D(sentences with table) or E type(sentences with figure) was adapted for the explanation of nutrients functions, recommended dietary allowance, food sources, food groups, eating habits, and weight control in home economics: nutritions functions and energy metabolism in physical education : and digestion, body constituents, energy metabolism, and detection of nutrients in science. 5) Contents about classification and functions of nutrients. food sources deficiency water, energy contents of nutrients and obesity were shown in all 3 subjects. Food groups and eating habits were explained in detail in home economics whereas digestion of nutrients in the digestive tracts were explained in detail in science. Recommended dietary allowance for Koreans and basic food groups revised in 1995 were presented in home economics, whereas those revised in 1989 were presented in physical education. To avoid confusion, recommended dietary allowance for Koreans and food groups presented in physical education tex should be updated.

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식생활 단원 교육 내용에 대한 교사들의 인식과 변화 요구도 및 관련변인 분석 대구 경북 지역 중학교 기술$\cdot$가정교사들을 중심으로 (Attitudes and demands for changing in Food and Nutrition section of Home Economics and the related variables among middle school teachers of Daegu and Kyungsanbookdo area)

  • 차명화;김유경
    • 한국가정과교육학회지
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.41-53
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    • 2005
  • 본 연구는 중학교 기술$\cdot$가정 교사들이 갖고 있는 식생활 단원의 내용, 내용 적합성, 내용 전개 방식에 대한 인식과 청소년기 식생활의 중요성에 대한 태도, 현행 교과 내용의 변화에 대한 요구도와 이에 영향을 미치는 관련변인에 관하여 분석하였다. 그 결과 식생활 단원의 12가지 주제 중 영양소 종류와 기능, 청소년기 영양, 다섯 가지 식품군에 관한 주제가 내용 충실도와 실생활 반영도 관점에서 높은 만족도를 나타냈으며, 또한 교사들이 이 주제들을 가장 중요한 주제로 인식하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 거의 대부분의 교사들은 현재 교과서의 내용 전개 방식이 나일, 암기식이라고 지적했으며 교사 중심의 강의 위주로 수업을 진행하고 있었다. 교사들은 식생활 단원의 교육 내용이 학생의 적성 및 능력 개발에 도움이 되지 않는다고 생각하는 것으로 나타났으며, 교과 내용 및 전개 방식의 적합성에 대한 인식은 출판사에 따라서 차이가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 교사들은 개정되는 식생활 교과내용과 내용 전개 방식은 변화되어야 한다는데 동의하였으며, 교사들의 이런 태도에 가장 결정적인 영향을 주는 관련요인은 교과 내용의 적합성으로 판명되었다.

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여성건강을 위한 식품영양관련 웹사이트 개발 (The Development of Website-based Food and Nutrition for Women)

  • 정아람;주나미
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.359-366
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    • 2008
  • This study has two section, one is design and development of website, the other is evaluation of website quality. The website was designed to have three web contents, Nutrition education for women's health, Food information for women, and Menus for women's health. In nutrition education for women's health, women were divided by healthy women, pregnant and nursing women, and patients. In Food information for women, I offer food information for the purpose of inducing women to have food intake for healthy lives. In Menus for women's health, 299 menus were selected by preference evaluation and menu evaluation. The website was developed through this study. The main menu consists of 3 web contents of nutrition education for women's health, food information for women, menus for women's health and this site also contain Q & A. In the quality valuation process by a group of experts, all respondents highly esteemed the quality of the website used inthis study reward grading in higher than 3 points (in general).

보건소 모자영양 교육자료 개발 및 평가 (Development and Assessment of Maternal and Child Nutrition Education Materials for Health Center Use)

  • 김연정;류현주;남희정;민영희;박혜련
    • 대한영양사협회학술지
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.428-441
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    • 2004
  • This study focused on developing and assessing the effectiveness of maternal and child nutrition education materials that can be used conveniently at health centers. Focus group interviews with pregnant women, research of websites for pregnant women, and questionnaire-based surveys on community residents' needs for maternal and child nutrition services were conducted as preliminary study. The focus group interviews were conducted ten times, with five or six women, and the needs assessment was carried out on 884 pregnant or lactating women. The contents of the education materials developed based on the preliminary study were made up of the pregnant women section and the lactating women section. The entire material was composed of lecture materials, guidelines for educators, and handout materials for mothers, in the form of CD and booklets. The lecture materials were made using MS Power Point and the guidelines were wrote specifically, including basic information, main points to the lectures, and lesson plans, so that even non-professionals can easily use them. The effectiveness of the education materials was assessed based on a pretest and posttest method. The reliability of the test instrument was measured by Cronbach alpha, which was 0.75. The results were that the participants' nutrition knowledge scores showed a significant increase(p<0.05) from 3.79$\pm$0.33 to 3.96$\pm$0.34, and their attitudes changed positively after the education (p<0.05).

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식품의 건조 및 수축특성에 관한 연구 - 1. 다시마 건조중의 수축현상 - (Drying and Shrinking Characteristics of Food 1. Shrinking Phenomena during Drying of Sea Tangle)

  • 조덕제;허종화;정수열
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.11-15
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    • 1988
  • 건제품으로 가공, 저장되고 있는 다시마는 조직이 연약하여 건조중 상당한 수축현상을 일으키는데 이의 기초적인 자료를 얻기 위하여 일정한 온도 $(50\%,\;10/^{\circ}C)$, 상대습도 $(30\%)$ 및 풍속 (0.4m/s)으로 열풍 건조를 행하여 가로와 세로의 길이변화, 표면적 수축변화 및 수축속도의 변화등에 관하여 조사한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 가로수축이 세로수축보다 건조시간 90분까지 약2배 더 많이 수축하였다. 2) 다시마의 표면적 수축은 건조시간 90분까지는 직선적으로 나타났으며, 전건조과정에서 보인 2단계의 수축곡선은 건조속도곡선의 2단계와 잘 일치하였다. 3) 수축속도는 감률건조1단계에서 급속히 증가하여 감률건조2단계의 초기에 최대의 수축에 달하였다.

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충북지역 일부 고등학생의 식사속도와 청소년 영양지수 점수와의 관련성 (Association between Eating Speed and Scores of Nutritional Quotient for Korean Adolescent (NQ-A) among High School Students in Chungbuk)

  • 최미경;김인영;김옥선;배윤정
    • 한국식품영양학회지
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.156-164
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to investigate the relationship between eating speed and nutritional status among Korean high-school students using Nutrition Quotient for Korean Adolescents (NQ-A). In this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted in 453 high-school students (227 boys and 226 girls) from September 2019 to October 2019 in Chungbuk area. Based on the self-reported speed of eating data, subjects were classified into a fast group (n=180), a medium group (n=184), and a slow group (n=89). NQ-A scores for each group were measured in each speed group. In the environment section, girls showed a significant difference in usage time of electronic devices, such as TVs and smartphones: the fast group spent significantly more time than the medium group (p=0.035). In the practice section, among boys, the slow group had significantly higher scores for washing hands before eating than the medium and the fast groups (p=0.022). This study suggested that eating speed of high school students is associated with health-related environment factor and practice factor of NQ-A, such as time spent on smart devices or washing hands before eating. The study results can provide baseline data for nutrition education on health management of high school students.

전국적으로 수집한 전통식 메주의 특성 조사 (Characteristics of Traditional Mejus of Nation-Wide Collection)

  • 유진영;김현규
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.259-267
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    • 1998
  • Typical characteristics of Mejus must be understood to get the basic data for setting up mass production system of traditional fermented soybean products. One hundred and twenty one Mejus were collected from various places and analyed. Most of shapes were rectangular and some were spherical, conical, cylindrical and doughnut types. The weight of Mejus was 0.4~4.2kg. Chemical analysis showed: moisture content, 9.73~58.22% ; pH, 4.95~8.15; acidity, 0.6~3.8% ; soluble protein content, 4.45~12.31%; soluble sugar content, 0.82~10.95%. Enzyme assay showed: $\alpha$-amylase activity, 5.0~874.2 units/g; $\beta$-amylase activity, 0.02~27.74units/g; acidic protease activity, 31.3~225.1unts/g; lipase activity 1.0~53.0units/g. Total viable cells were 3.72$\times$107~1.35$\times$1010cfu/g, and yeast and mold count 6.46$\times$104~8.91$\times$106cfu/g. respectively. $\alpha$-Amylase activity of a traditional Meju from Incheon showed the highest activity of 732.8 units/g(interior section) and 823.2units/g (exterior section). $\beta$-Amylase activity was the highest{3.57 units/g (interior sectin) and 4.25units/g (exterior section)} in Meju from Chunbuk. Acidic protease activity was the highest in sample from Seoul, whereas traditional Meju from Kyongnam showed the highest activity of 21.5units/g(interior section) and 37.5units/g(exterior sectin).

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마이크로파 재가열이 쌀밥의 품질에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Microwave Reheating on the Quality of Cooked Rice)

  • 금준석;한억;김용환
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.504-512
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    • 1996
  • Changes in quality of cooked rice after microwave reheating were evaluated. Ceramic coated microwave oven reduced a reheating time(1 min). Storage temperature, storage time and microwave reheating did not affect the color value of cooked rice after microwave reheating. Hardness of cooked rice after microwave reheating decreased in frozen storage treatment. Photomicrographs of cross-section of cooked rice after microwave reheating showed restoration of starch. Effect of storage temperature and time were not significant in appearance, aroma, taste and texture of cooked rice after microwave reheating for sensory evaluation test.

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Effect of Resveratrol on Coxsackie Virus B3m-induced Myocarditis in Mice

  • Dong Hao-Han;He-Li Ren
    • 한국식품영양과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국식품영양과학회 2004년도 Annual Meeting and International Symposium
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    • pp.116-121
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    • 2004
  • To observe the intervening effect of resveratrol on coxsackie virus B3m-induced myocarditis in Balb/c mice and explore the mechanism of intervening effect. Using an animal model of viral myocarditis induced by coxsackie virus B3m (CVB3m), with Ribavirin and Astragalan as comparison, to examine the changes of general condition, mortality, the weights of heart, liver and spleen, serum MDA and NO levels, and cardiac histology in Balb/c mice. By comparison with Ribavirin and Astragalan, it was found that in the mice model of viral myocarditis induced by coxsackie virus B3m resveratrol significantly improved the changes of general condition, mortality, the weights of heart, liver and spleen, serum MDA and NO levels, and cardiac histology. It suggested that resveratrol may have some chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic effects in the treatment of viral myocarditis.

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인터넷 위생 정보 이용 실태 조사 및 질 평가 (Assessment Using Practices and Quality of Food Safety Information on the Internet)

  • 이혜연;임태연;이진향;박민경;채미진;배현주
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.229-237
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to suggest potential future directions in the effective operations of food safety information on the internet. This study consisted of two sections. The first section was a survey that was performed by 186 dieticians in Daegu and Gyeongbuk area. The second section was the assessment of the quality of food safety information on the internet. 163 web sites that provided food safety information on three major searching engines using the search words 'food safety' and 'HACCP' were investigated. The trained panels evaluated the contents of the web sites using a 3-point scale assessment tool. The data collected data from the questionnaires were statistically analyzed using the SPSS package program (version 14.0). The results of this analysis were as follow. The primary purpose of internet usage by detitians was to search for information (87.2%). In addition, the detitians' satisfaction degree of food safety information on the internet was 3.17 out of 5 points. The operators of web sites that were evaluated by the researchers were business and industries (76.1%), public organizations (15.3%), and individuals (8.8%). The following four items, update of content, offer scientific basis or explanation of content, offer useful information and new informations, should be improved immediately. Among evaluation items, six items were shown to be significantly different according to the operators of web sites. The evaluation scores of web sites that were operated by public organizations were significantly higher than those of web sites operated by individuals or business and industries. In conclusion, regular and consistent qualitative evaluation of web sites is needed to improve the quality of information that is provided via the internet. In addition, web sites that provided information on food safety should be actively operated by public organizations.