• Title/Summary/Keyword: Flow Rules

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Neuro-Fuzzy control of converging vehicles for automated transportation systems (뉴로퍼지를 이용한 자율운송시스템의 차량합류제어)

  • Ryu, Se-Hui;Park, Jang-Hyeon
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.5 no.8
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    • pp.907-913
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    • 1999
  • For an automated transportation system like PRT(Personal Rapid Transit) system or IVHS, an efficient vehicle-merging algorithm is required for smooth operation of the network. For management of merging, collision avoidance between vehicles, ride comfort, and the effect on traffic should be considered. This paper proposes an unmanned vehicle-merging algorithm that consists of two procedures. First, a longitudinal control algorithm is designed to keep a safe headway between vehicles in a single lane. Secondly, 'vacant slot and ghost vehicle' concept is introduced and a decision algorithm is designed to determine the sequence of vehicles entering a converging section considering energy consumption, ride comfort, and total traffic flow. The sequencing algorithm is based on fuzzy rules and the membership functions are determined first by an intuitive method and then trained by a learning method using a neural network. The vehicle-merging algorithm is shown to be effective through simulations based on a PRT model.

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Anomaly Detection using Combination of Motion Features (움직임 특징 조합을 통한 이상 행동 검출)

  • Jeon, Minseong;Cheoi, Kyung Joo
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.348-357
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    • 2018
  • The topic of anomaly detection is one of the emerging research themes in computer vision, computer interaction, video analysis and monitoring. Observers focus attention on behaviors that vary in the magnitude or direction of the motion and behave differently in rules of motion with other objects. In this paper, we use this information and propose a system that detects abnormal behavior by using simple features extracted by optical flow. Our system can be applied in real life. Experimental results show high performance in detecting abnormal behavior in various videos.

Capacity Modulation of a Multi-Type Heat Pump System using PID Control with Fuzzy Logic (퍼지 로직 적용 PID 제어를 이용한 멀티형 열펌프의 용량조절)

  • 김세영;김민수
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.810-817
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    • 2001
  • Performance of a water-to-water multi-type heat pump system using R22 which has tow indoor units has been investigated experimentally. The refrigerant flow rate of each indoor unit was regulated by an electronic expansion valve and the total refrigerant flow rate of the system was controlled by a variable speed compressor. In the system, evaporator outlet pressure of refrigerant and outlet temperatures of secondary fluid from indoor units were selected as control variables. Experiments were executed for both cooling and heating modes using PID control method with fuzzy logic, and results of the test are compared with a classical PID method. In the case of PID control with fuzzy logic, the fuzzy control rules corrects PID parameters each time. Results show that PID control with fuzzy logic has the merits of quick response and reduced overshoot.

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Requirements Analysis for Aircraft Oxygen Systems (항공기용 산소 시스템 요건 분석)

  • Yoo, Seung-Woo;Park, Guen-Young;Jeong, Bong-Gu
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 2009
  • Humans rely on the availability of a supply of gaseous oxygen for survival. If the minimal requirements for oxygen are not met, both mental and physical abilities and performance are degraded rapidly. So oxygen systems are required for the aircraft operating at high altitude to prevent physical and psychological problems, or loss of consciousness in an aircraft pilot, flight crew, or passengers. If oxygen system and equipments are to be included in the type design of an airplane, applicant should consider applicable airworthiness requirements and operating rules. In this paper we analyze the various oxygen system requirements for the type of aircraft, oxygen system, and operating conditions.

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A Method for Minimizing the Number of Internal States in Incompletely Specified Sequential Networks (불완전하게 규제된 순서회로의 내부상태의 간단화방법)

  • 고경식
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.2-8
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    • 1967
  • A method is illustrated for minimizing the number of internal states in incompletely specified sequential networks. The starting point for minimizing technique in this paper is the set of maximal compatibility classes which covers the original flow table and the minimal covering can be obtained directly by employing three rules. The reduction techniques for prime implicant table or covering and closure table are not employed in this paper. Although the minimizing technique is applied to some specific problems, it is believed that the concepts are general in nature and can be applied to any type of incompletely specified flow tables.

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The dilatancy and numerical simulation of failure behavior of granular materials based on Cosserat model

  • Chu, Xihua;Yu, Cun;Xu, Yuanjie
    • Interaction and multiscale mechanics
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.157-168
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    • 2012
  • The dilatancy of granular materials has significant influence on its mechanical behaviors. The dilation angle is taken as a constant in conventional associated or non-associated flow rules based on Drucker-Prager yields theory. However, various experimental results show the dilatancy changes during progressive failure of granular materials. A non-associated flow rule with evolution of dilation angle is adopted in this study, and Cosserat continuum theory is used to describe the behaviors of granular materials for considering to some extent the its internal structure. Numerical examples focus on the bearing capacity and localization of granular materials, and results illustrate the capability and performance of the presented model in modeling the effect on failure behavior of granular materials.

Gate Operation Rule of Paldang Dam by Considering Discharge and Downstream Flow Pattern (방류량 및 하류부유황을 고려한 팔당댐의 수문조작기준 선정)

  • 서규우;이종설
    • Water for future
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.209-219
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    • 1996
  • The existing gate operation rule of Paldang hydroelectric plant has been used since the construction of the dam in 1973 except partial modification due to the construction of Chungju multipurpose dam in 1985. The water level near the downstream of Paldang dam has been lowered about 3 m because of the channel maintenance of Han River development project. Thus, the discharge estimation formula based on the submerged orifice type spillway has to be re-evaluated by considering various patterns of the gate operation rules and lowered channel bed. In this study, three types of gate openings were tested to select the proper gate operation rules through the hydraulic model test for various discharges and opening heights. Also, the numerical analysis has been performed to simulate the flow patterns of downstream. As a result, the gate operation rule, which opens 5 gates each time from the left side, was selected as the proper gate operation rule of Paldang dam.

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Simulation Model of Dual-Species Biofilm Growth in Hydrodynamic Flow (유체 흐름 안에서 두 종의 생물막 성장 시뮬레이션 모델)

  • Jeon, Won-Ju;Lee, Sang-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 2011
  • In rivers and streams, biofilms are thin layers of greenish-brown slime attached to rocks, plants, and other surfaces. Biofilms play key roles in primary production and cycling of nutrients, water quality remediation, suspended sediment removal, and energy flow to higher trophic levels. In the present study, we developed a two-dimensional cellular automata model to simulate mixed biofilms of toxin-sensitive and toxin-producing species in hydrodynamic flow. The flow was generated by a stochastic process for uniform flow and by using the Navier-Stokes equation for non-uniform flow. Minimized local rules governing reproduction and mortality of the species were executed in the self-organizing processes to elucidate interactions between toxin-producing and toxin-sensitive species in competition over nutrients. We briefly discuss the morphology of the simulated biofilm under different flow conditions.

Linguistic Theory in India and Panini (인도의 언어이론과 파니니)

  • 김형엽
    • Lingua Humanitatis
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.123-139
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    • 2001
  • In the history of linguistics in the world the scholars in India could be regarded as the representative linguists, who had provided the cornerstone of the academic development at linguistics. Without looking into the contents of Indian linguistic theories devised and developed in the past it would be almost impossible to account for the origin of descriptive linguistics and historical linguistics. These linguistics trends became full-fledged in 19 and 20 century and are still accepted by a lot of researchers in order to analyze newly revealed languages and train students only coming up the toddling level of linguistic studies. In this paper I will show how far the influence of Indian linguistics has colored the flow of linguistic growth historically. Especially through the analysis of Panini grammar I will prove the intimate relationship between the Indian linguistic theory and the generative grammar - it is the most active theory at present. The methods that Panini applied to constitute the rules like sutra include lots of information, that also could be discovered at the rules postulated in the generative grammar. One of the common features found at both linguistic theories is the simplicity of rule representation. At the generative grammar a rule has to be established without any redundancy. When certain number of sounds like p, b, m show the same phonological. change relevant to lips (labial in linguistic term) different rules need not to be given for each sound separately. It is better to find a way of putting the sounds together in a rule with grouping the 3 sounds with the shared phonetic feature 'labial'. In Panini grammar the form of a rule was decided based on the simplicity, too. For example, sutra 6.1.77 shows the phonological connection between the vowels i, u r 1 and the semi-vowels y, v, r, 1. However, it does not require to postulate 4 individual rules respectively. Instead a rule in which the vowels and the semi-vowels are involved is suggested, and linguistically the rule make it clear that the more simpler the rules will be the better they can reflect the efficiency of human language acquisition. Although the systems introduced at Panini grammar have some sense of distance from the language education itself we cannot deny the fact that the grammar formulates the a turning point of linguistic development. It is essential for us to think over the grammar from the view point of the modem linguistic theories to understand their root and trunk more thoroughly. It will also help us to predict in which way linguistic tendency will proceed to in future.

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Design of Access Control Model for Secure EDI Service (안전한 EDI 서비스를 위한 접근제어 모델 설계)

  • Park, Jin-Ho;Chung, Jin-Wook
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.23-37
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    • 2000
  • EDI is basically the concept of computer-to-computer exchange of messages relating to various types of activities or business areas, such as banking, trade, medicine, publishing, etc. Therefore, security, reliability and special functionality will be implicit requirements of EDI systems. We will design access control model to content security of these requirements. Access controls in information systems are responsible for ensuring that all direct access to the entities occur exclusively according to the access modes and rules fixed by security policies. On this paper, security policies for access control model are presented from the viewpoints of identity-based, rule-based, role-based policy. We give a design of access control model for secure EDI service based on the derived access control rules and operations to enforce the defined security policies. The proposed access control model provides integrity, confidentiality and a flow control of EDI messages.

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