• Title/Summary/Keyword: Flood Detection

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A Study on Water Surface Detection Algorithm using Sentinel-1 Satellite Imagery (Sentinel-1 위성영상을 이용한 수표면 면적 추정 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Dalgeun;Cheon, Eun Ji;Yun, Hyewon;Lee, Mi Hee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.5_2
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    • pp.809-818
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    • 2019
  • The Republic of Korea is very vulnerable to damage from storm and flood due to the rainfall phenomenon in summer and the topography of the narrow peninsula. The damage is recently getting worse because of the concentration rainfall. The accurate damage information production and analysis is required to prepare for future disaster. In this study, we analyzed the water surface area changes of Byeokjeong, Sajeom, Subu and Boryeong using Sentinel-1 satellite imagery. The surface area of the Sentinel-1 satellite, taken from May 2015 to August 2019, was preprocessed using RTC and image binarization using Otsu. The water surface area of reservoir was compared with the storage capacity from WAMIS and RIMS. As a result, Subu and Boryeong showed strong correlations of 0.850 and 0.941, respectively, and Byeokjeong and Sajeom showed the normal correlation of 0.651 and 0.657. Thus, SAR satellite imagery can be used to objective data as disaster management.

Removal of Semi-volatile Soil Organic Contaminants with Microwave and Additives (극초단파(마이크로파)와 첨가제를 이용한 오염토양 내 준휘발성 유기오염물질 제거)

  • Jeong, Sangjo;Choi, Hyungjin
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2013
  • To improve the energy efficiency of conventional thermal treatment, soil remediation with microwave has been studied. In this study, the remediation efficiency of contaminated soil with semi-volatile organic contaminants were evaluated with microwave oven and several additives such as water, formic acid, iron powder, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution, and activated carbon. For the experiment, loamy sand and sandy loam collected from Imjin river flood plain were intentionally contaminated with hexachlorobenzene and phenanthrene, respectively. The contaminated soils were treated with microwave facility and the mass removals of organic contaminants from soils were evaluated. Among additives that were added to increase the remediation efficiency, activated carbon and NaOH solution were more effective than water, iron powder, and formic acid. When 10 g of hexachlorobenzene (142.4 mg/kg-soil) or phenanthrene (2,138.8 mg/kg-soil) contaminated soil that mixed with 0.5 g iron powder, 0.5 g activated carbon and 1 ml 6.25 M NaOH solution were treated with microwave for 3 minutes, more than 95% of contaminants were removed. The degradation of hexachlorobenzene during microwave treatments with additives was confirmed by the detection of pentachlorobenzene and tetrachlorobenzene. Naphthalene and phenol were also detected as degradation products of phenanthrene during microwave treatment with additives. The results showed that adding a suitable amount of additives for microwave treatments fairly increased the efficiency of removing semi-volatile soil organic contaminants.

DEM Extraction from LiDAR DSM of Urban Area (도시지역 LiDAR DSM으로부터 DEM추출기법 연구)

  • Choi, Yun-Woong;Cho, Gi-Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.13 no.1 s.31
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2005
  • Nowadays, it is possible to construct the DEMs of urban area effectively and economically by LiDAR system. But the data from LiDAR system has form of DSM which is included various objects as trees and buildings. So the preprocess is necessary to extract the DEMs from LiDAR DSMs for particular purpose as effects analysis of man-made objects for flood prediction. As this study is for extracting DEM from LiDAR DSM of urban area, we detected the edges of various objects using edge detecting algorithm of image process. And, we tried mean value filtering, median value filtering and minimum value filtering or detected edges instead of interpolation method which is used in the previous study and could be modified the source data. it could minimize the modification of source data, and the extracting process of DEMs from DSMs could be simplified and automated.

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Development of a Small Gamma Camera Using NaI(Tl)-PSPMT or Breast Imaging (NaI(Tl) 섬광결정과 위치민감형 광전자증배관을 이용한 유방암 진단용 소형 감마카메라 개발)

  • Kim, J.H.;Choi, Y.;Kwon, H.S.;Kim, H.J.;Kim, S.E.;Choe, Y.S.;Kim, M.H.;Joo, K.S.;Kim, B.T.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1997 no.11
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    • pp.365-368
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    • 1997
  • We are developing a small gamma camera or imaging malignant breast tumors. The small scintillation camera system consists of NaI(Tl) crystal ($60\;{\times}\;60\;{\times}\;6\;mm^3$) coupled to position sensitive photomultiplier tube (PSPMT), nuclear instrument module (NIM), analog to digital converter (ADC), and personal computer. High quality flood source image and hole mask image were obtained using the gamma camera developed in this study. Breast phantom containing $2{\sim}7\;mm$ diameter spheres was successfully imaged with parallel hole collimator. The obtained image displayed accurate activity distribution over the imaging field of view. Linearity and uniformity correction algorithms are being developed. It is believed that the developed small gamma camera could be useful or detection of malignant breast cancer.

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Comparison and Evaluation on DEM Error by the Resolution of Airborne Laser Scanning Data (항공레이저 측량 자료의 해상도에 따른 DEM 오차 비교평가 연구)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang;Koh, Deuk-Koo;Chae, Hyo-Seok;Shin, Young-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2003
  • As airborne laser scanning technique is developed with high vertical accuracy recently, there come many studies on DEM(digital elevation model creation, building extraction, flood risk mapping and 3D virtual city modeling. This study applied point comparative method, contour comparative method and digital map with scale 1/5,000 to calculate RMSE of DEM in according to resolution that was constructed using rawdata being acquired by airborne laser scanning. As a result, point comparative method showed lower DEM standard error than contour comparative method, it is a reason that contour comparative method was not carried out detailed grid calculation for point comparative method. Also, digital map with scale 1/5,000 showed higher DEM standard error than point comparative method and contour comparative method in below 25.4m that is average horizontal distance among contour line, and showed similar result with contour comparative method in over 25.4m.

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Research on radar-based risk prediction of sudden downpour in urban area: case study of the metropolitan area (레이더 기반 도시지역 돌발성 호우의 위험성 사전 예측 : 수도권지역 사례 연구)

  • Yoon, Seongsim;Nakakita, Eiichi;Nishiwaki, Ryuta;Sato, Hiroto
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.49 no.9
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    • pp.749-759
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this study is to apply and to evaluate the radar-based risk prediction algorithm for damage reduction by sudden localized heavy rain in urban areas. The algorithm is combined with three processes such as "detection of cumulonimbus convective cells that can cause a sudden downpour", "automatic tracking of the detected convective cells", and "risk prediction by considering the possibility of sudden downpour". This algorithm was applied to rain events that people were marooned in small urban stream. As the results, the convective cells were detected through this algorithm in advance and it showed that it is possible to determine the risk of the phenomenon of developing into local heavy rain. When use this risk predicted results for flood prevention operation, it is able to secure the evacuation time in small streams and be able to reduce the casualties.

Measurement of Blood Flow Variation using Impedance Method (임피던스법을 이용한 혈류량 변화 측정)

  • Jeong Do-Un;Kang Seong-Chul;Jeon Gye-Rock
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.693-696
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    • 2006
  • In this study, we made the system to measure variation of blood flow using bio-electrical impedance analysis method. The system, which could measure variation of impedance according to pressure change by artificial pressure, consists of pressure measurement and impedance measurement by 4-electrode method. Pressure measurement splits into semiconducting pressure sensor and electronic circuit for processing output signal. In addition, impedance measurement splits into constant current source circuit and lock-in amplifier for detection impedance signal. We experimented feature of impedance measurement using standard resistance to evaluate the system characteristic. As well as, we experimented to estimate variation of blood flow by measuring impedance and blood flow resistance ratio using mean arterial pressure and variation of blood flow with experimental group. As result of this study, blood flow resistance ratio and variation of blood flow were definitely in inverse proportion and were -0.96776 as correlation coefficient by correlation analysis.

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Assessing Hydrologic Impacts of Climate Change in the Mankyung Watershed with Different GCM Spatial Downscaling Methods (GCM 공간상세화 방법별 기후변화에 따른 수문영향 평가 - 만경강 유역을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyeon;Jang, Taeil;Hwang, Syewoon;Cho, Jaepil
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.61 no.6
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 2019
  • The objective of this study is to evaluate hydrologic impacts of climate change according to downscaling methods using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model at watershed scale. We used the APCC Integrated Modeling Solution (AIMS) for assessing various General Circulation Models (GCMs) and downscaling methods. AIMS provides three downscaling methods: 1) BCSA (Bias-Correction & Stochastic Analogue), 2) Simple Quantile Mapping (SQM), 3) SDQDM (Spatial Disaggregation and Quantile Delta Mapping). To assess future hydrologic responses of climate change, we adopted three GCMs: CESM1-BGC for flood, MIROC-ESM for drought, and HadGEM2-AO for Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) national standard scenario. Combined nine climate change scenarios were assessed by Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI). SWAT model was established at the Mankyung watershed and the applicability assessment was completed by performing calibration and validation from 2008 to 2017. Historical reproducibility results from BCSA, SQM, SDQDM of three GCMs show different patterns on annual precipitation, maximum temperature, and four selected ETCCDI. BCSA and SQM showed high historical reproducibility compared with the observed data, however SDQDM was underestimated, possibly due to the uncertainty of future climate data. Future hydrologic responses presented greater variability in SQM and relatively less variability in BCSA and SDQDM. This study implies that reasonable selection of GCMs and downscaling methods considering research objective is important and necessary to minimize uncertainty of climate change scenarios.

Assessment of Linear Binary Classifiers and ROC Analysis for Flood Hazard Area Detection in North Korea (북한 홍수위험지역 탐지를 위한 선형이진분류법과 ROC분석의 적용성 평가)

  • Lee, Kyoung Sang;Lee, Dae Eop;Try, Sophal;Lee, Gi Ha
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.370-370
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    • 2017
  • 최근 기후변화와 이상기후의 영향으로 인하여 홍수재해의 시 공간적 패턴은 보다 복잡해지고, 예측이 어려워지고 있다. 이러한 기상이변에 따른 홍수피해를 예방하기 위한 비구조적 대책으로 홍수위험등급 및 범람범위 등의 정보를 포함하고 있는 홍수위험지도의 작성이 필요하다. 실제로 고정밀도 홍수위험지도를 작성하기 위해서는 지형, 지질, 기상 등의 디지털 정보 및 사회 경제와 관련된 다양한 DB를 필요로 하며, 강우-유출-범람해석 모델링을 통해 범람면적 및 침수깊이 등의 정보를 획득하게 된다. 하지만 일부지역, 특히 개발도상국에서는 이러한 계측 홍수 데이터가 부족하거나 획득할 수가 없어 홍수위험지도 제작이 불가능하거나 그 정확도가 매우 낮은 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 ASTER 또는 SRTM과 같은 범용 DEM 등 지형자료만을 기반으로 한 선형이진분류법(Liner binary classifiers)과 ROC분석(Receiver Operation Characteristics)을 이용하여 미계측 유역 (DB부재 또는 부족으로 강우-유출-범람해석 모델링이 불가능한 북한지역)의 홍수위험지역을 탐지하고, 적용성을 평가하고자 한다. 5개의 단일 지형학적 지수와 6개의 복합 지형학적 지수를 이용하여 Area Under the Curve (AUC)를 계산하고, Sensitivity (민감도)와 Specificity (특이도)가 가장 높은 지수를 선별하여 홍수위험지도를 작성하고, 실제 홍수범람 영상(2007년 북한 함경남도지역 용흥강 홍수)과 비교 분석하였다. 본 연구에서 제시하는 선형이진분류법과 ROC분석 방법은 홍수범람해석을 위한 다양한 기초정보를 필요로 하지 않고, 지형정보만을 사용하기 때문에 관측 데이터가 없거나 부족한 지역에 대해서 우선적으로 홍수위험지역을 탐지하고, 선별하는데 유용할 것으로 판단된다.

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Flood Analysis on Surface Detail of Inundation Risk Area (지형 해상도에 따른 침수위험지역 침수해석 분석)

  • Tak, Yong Hun;Park, Mun Hyun;Kim, Young Do;Kang, Boosik
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.113-113
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    • 2016
  • 기후변화로 인한 집중호우가 빈번히 발생하고 있으며, 도시지역에서는 호우에 의한 침수피해가 더욱 빈번히 발생하고 있다. 인구와 건물이 밀집한 도시지역은 불투수율이 높아 호우 발생시 홍수 위험도가 커지고 있으며, 침수에 의한 사유재산뿐만 아닌 사회기반시설에 대한 피해도 증가하고 있다. 도시는 건물과 건물 사이로 도로 네트워크가 복잡하게 설계되어있다. 이러한 건물과 도로들은 투수성이 떨어지며, 지하공간과 건물들이 발달하여 유역지표면의 가하학적 형상이 매우 복잡하게 변화하고 있다. 도시지역은 저류 및 침투능이 부족하고, 지역의 특성에 따라 내수배제시설이 부족하여 우수관망에 대한 우수배제의 의존도가 높으며, 호우에 의한 침수와 관거 월류에 의한 침수피해 발생시 우수는 도로를 따라 저지대로 흐르며 침수지역이 넓어지게 된다. 이와 같은 도시지역의 침수를 예측하기 위한 침수해석에는 지형의 높낮이, 형상을 고려한 예측이 필요하다. 특히 건물 및 도로망이 복잡한 지역일수록 지형이 정교하게 고려되어야 한다. 지형이 적절히 고려되지 않은 침수해석은 침수예상지역을 다소 과대 또는 과소하게 나타낼 수 있고, 침수심을 제대로 반영하지 못한 결과가 도출될 수 있다. 건물과 도로가 밀집된 도시지역에서 이러한 문제가 발생할 경우 예상치 못한 지역에서 침수가 발생하여 피해를 줄 수 있으며, 이는 곧 인명과 재산피해로 이어지게 된다. 본 연구에서는 과거 침수피해가 있었던 도림천 유역을 대상으로 지형자료의 해상도에 따른 침수분석을 실시하였다. 우수관망과 도시지역의 유출모의에 적합하다고 알려진 SWMM 모형을 활용하여 LiDAR(Light Detection And Ranging), 10m DEM, 1:1,000 수치지형도를 활용하여 지형상세도의 변화에 따른 침수모의를 실시하였다.

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