• Title/Summary/Keyword: Flat Region

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An Efficient Morphological Segmentation Using a Connected Operator Based on Size and Contrast (크기 및 대조 기반의 Connected Operator를 이용한 효과적인 수리형태학적 영상분할)

  • Kim, Tae-Hyeon;Moon, Young-Shik
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we propose an efficient segmentation algerian using morphological grayscale reconstruction for region-based coding. Each segmentation stage consists of simplification, marker extraction and decision. The simplification removes unnecessary components to make an easier segmentation. The marker extraction finds the flat zones which are the seed points from the simplified image. The decision is to locate the contours of regions detected by the marker extraction. For the simplification, we use a new connected operator based on the size and contrast. In the marker extraction stage, the regions reconstructed to original values we excluded from the candidate marker. For the other regions, the regions which are larger than structuring elements or have higher contrast than a threshold value are selected as markers. For the initial segmentation, the conventional hierarchical watershed algorithm and the extracted markers are used. Finally in the region merging stage, we propose an efficient region merging algorithm which preserves a high quality in terms of the number of regions. At the same time, the pairs which have higher contrast than a threshold are excluded from the region merging stage. Experimental results show that the proposed marker extraction method produces a small number of markers, while maintaining high quality and that the proposed region merging algorithm achieves a good performance in terms of the image quality and the number of regions.

The Effects of functional foot orthotics on the balance according to Foot Shape (기능성 발보조기의 족부형태별 균형유지에 미치는 영향)

  • Chai, S.W.;Park, K.Y.;Kim, Y.S.
    • Journal of rehabilitation welfare engineering & assistive technology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2011
  • The functional loot orthoses, when wearing shoes, are in the direct contact with bottom of foots to improve and recover the correctness of abnormal lower limb musculoskeletal imbalance and the primary role of foot and also, it can act to keep the balance and weight of body and support the weakened region, so that it is very helpful to keep body balance for the standing position. In this paper, it was researched that foot orthoses which is accommodable for the function of impact absorption including the gait stability affect on the balanced performances of body in according to the formation and the material of foot part. Taking into account the balanced performances by using the sway velocity, the estimation and comparison of the effects on the balanced performances by each formation and material for foot orthoses was evaluated into significant values(p<0.006) in only the eye-opening posture with Firm state, In this posture, the static process performed by each foot formation reveals in order of normal foot(p<0.010), flat foot(p<0.000) and hollow foot(p<0.003) and then, on the base of each formation of foot part, the result that analyze the effects of the materials of foot orthoses on the balance performance appeared showing that soft materials is more effective on the normal foot and, on the other hand, rigid materials is more effective in balancing on flat foot and hollow foot.

Physical Geography of Munkyung (문경의 자연지리)

  • Bak, Byeong-Su;Son, Myoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.15-30
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    • 1998
  • Physical geography is the discipline which deals with the relationship between man and natural environment. Therefore, it should be studied as the organized unity. In this paper I recognize the drainage basin as a framework outlining physical geography, describe the difference of inhabitant's life style due to the difference of natural environment in the drainage basin, and consider the meaning of drainage basin as a unit of life(and unit of regional geography). Munkyung is divided into three regions(intermontane basin region, middle mountainous region, marginal hilly region of the great basin) owing to the topographic characteristics. Subdivision in these regions is related closely to drainage network distribution, specially in intermontane basin region. And small regions have developed with the confluence point of $3{\sim}4$ order streams as the central figure. Intermontane basin region is the valley floor of Sinbuk-Soya-Kauun-Nongam stream located in the limestone region which is exposed according to Munkyung fault at its northern part. Small streams are affected strongly by the influence of the NNE-SSE or WNW-ESE tectolineament. Thus Kaeripryungro(鷄立嶺路), Saejaegil(새재길), Ewharyungro(伊火嶺路) and so on are constructed through the tectolineament. In the valley floors of small streams which flow into the intermontane basin, there are large floodplains. Floodplain in Sinbuk, Joryung, and Yangsan stream is used to paddy field or orchard, and in Nongam stream is used to paddy field or vegetable field. Hills are distributed largely in the periphery of intermontane basin. Limestone hills in Kauun and Masung basin are not continuous to the present low and flat floodplain, and most of those are used to forest land and field. On the other side. granite hills in Koyori are continuous to be used to the present floodplain, and they are used to residential area and field. In the middle mountainous region are there hilly mountains constructed in the geology of Palaeozoic Pyeongan System in northern area and Chosun System's Limestone Series in southern area, and banded gneiss and schist among Sobaeksan Gneiss Complex. In Palaeozoic Pyeongan System region are there relatively rugged mountains and ingrown meanders developed along tectolineaments. Chosun System's Limestone Series region builds up a geomorphic surface, develops various karst landforms. Mountainous area is used to field. On the other hand, especially in case of Hogye, valley bottom is wide, long, and discontinuous to slope, is used to paddy field dominantly. And schist region in Youngnam Block of Pre-Cambrian is rugged mountainous. Marginal hilly region of the great basin is hilly zone located in the margin of erosional basin(Bonghwa-Youngju-Yechon-Hamchang-Sangju). This region is lower geomorphic surface which is consisted of hills of $50{\sim}100$m height. Hills are used to field or orchard, and dissected gentle depression is used to paddy field.

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Structural Changes of PVDF Membranes by Phase Separation Control (상분리 조절에 의한 PVDF막의 구조 변화)

  • Lee, Semin;Kim, Sung Soo
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2016
  • Thermally induced phase separation (TIPS) and nonsolvent induced phase separation (NIPS) were simultaneously induced for the preparation of flat PVDF membranes. N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) was used as a solvent and dibutyl-phthlate (DBP) was used as a diluent for PVDF. When PVDF was melt blended with NMP and DBP, crystallization temperature was lowered for TIPS and unstable region was expanded for NIPS. Ratio of solvent to diluent changed the phase separation mechanism to obtain the various membrane structures. Contact mode of dope solution with nonsolvent determined the dominant phase separation behavior. Since heat transfer rate was greater than mass transfer rate, surface structure was formed by NIPS and inner structure was by TIPS. Quenching temperature of dope solution also affected the phase separation mechanism and phase separation rate to result in the variation of structure.

Adaptive Watermarking Using Successive Subband Quantization and Perceptual Model Based on Multiwavelet Transform Domain (멀티웨이브릿 변환 영역 기반의 연속 부대역 양자화 및 지각 모델을 이용한 적응 워터마킹)

  • 권기룡;이준재
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.6 no.7
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    • pp.1149-1158
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    • 2003
  • Content adaptive watermark embedding algorithm using a stochastic image model in the multiwavelet transform is proposed in this paper. A watermark is embedded into the perceptually significant coefficients (PSCs) of each subband using multiwavelet transform. The PSCs in high frequency subband are selected by SSQ, that is, by setting the thresholds as the one half of the largest coefficient in each subband. The perceptual model is applied with a stochastic approach based on noise visibility function (NVF) that has local image properties for watermark embedding. This model uses stationary Generalized Gaussian model characteristic because watermark has noise properties. The watermark estimation use shape parameter and variance of subband region. it is derive content adaptive criteria according to edge and texture, and flat region. The experiment results of the proposed watermark embedding method based on multiwavelet transform techniques were found to be excellent invisibility and robustness.

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The changing characteristics of Material and Structure of Rural Housing in the aspect of Period and Region (지역별·시기별 농촌주택의 재료 및 구법 특징 변화 연구)

  • Bae, Woong-Kyoo;Joo, Dae-Khan;Jeong, Dong-Seop;Yun, Yong-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.6504-6513
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    • 2013
  • The result can be summarized as follows. First, the following periodically changing characteristics were examined:roof form(gambrel/hipped-flat-gable), structure of roof and wall(wood-framed-cement masonry-RC-Light iron framed), roof material(thatched-tiled-slate-cement/steel sheet-asphalt/sandwich panel/mortar water-proofing), wall material(clay plaster/lime plastered-dressing tile/bricks-painting on the cement plastering-native stone dressing/siding/tile), fence material(masonry of stone and cement bricks), and courtyard materials(clay and concrete). Secondly, the regionally changing characteristics of those elements, rural housing structure, roof form, roof structure material, wall finishing material, fence and courtyard material in the outer space, differed according to the location of rural housing, i.e.north, middle, south region. The changing characteristics of both the roof structure and wall structure are similar to those of the three regions.

First Record of the Cutlass Fishes, Benthodesmus tenuis (Perciformes: Trichiuridae) from Korea (한국산 갈치과 어류 1 미기록종, Benthodesmus tenuis)

  • Kim, Maeng Jin;Choi, Jung Hwa;Oh, Tag Yun;Kim, Jung Yun;Lee, Dong Woo
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.302-305
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    • 2012
  • Two specimens (332.0~377.6 mm in standard length) of Benthodesmus tenuis (G$\ddot{u}$nther), belonging to the family Trichiuridae, firstly collected in off Heuksan-do and Yeosu, Jeollanam-do by the bottom trawl. This species was characterized by the following morphological traits: 125~126 dorsal fin rays (vs. 144~155 for B. pacificus), I, 73 anal fin rays (vs. 91~101), interorbital region flat (vs. interorbital region with prominent crest for A. anzac), opercular black and caudal fin forked. We propose a new Korean name, "Se-jang-gal-chi-sok" and "Se-jang-gal-chi" for the genus and species, respectively.

An Edge Directed Color Demosaicing Algorithm Considering Color Channel Correlation (컬러 채널 상관관계를 고려한 에지 방향성 컬러 디모자이킹 알고리즘)

  • Yoo, Du Sic;Lee, Min Seok;Kang, Moon Gi
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.619-630
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we propose an edge directed color demosaicing algorithm considering color channel correlation. The proposed method consists of local region classification step and edge directional interpolation step. In the first step, each region of a given Bayer image is classified as normal edge, pattern edge, and flat regions by using intra channel and inter channel gradients. Especially, two criteria and verification process for the normal edge and pattern edge classification are used to reduce edge direction estimation error, respectively. In the second step, edge directional interpolation process is performed according to characteristics of the classified regions. For horizontal and vertical directional interpolations, missing color components are obtained from interpolation equations based on intra channel and inter channel correlations in order to improve the performance of the directional interpolations. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms conventional approaches in both objective and subjective terms.

Numerical Analysis of a Liquid Sheet Flow around a Simplified Sprinkler Head Using a CFD Model (CFD 모델을 이용한 단순 스프링클러 헤드 주위의 액막 유동해석)

  • Kim, Sung-Chan
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.111-117
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    • 2016
  • The present study examined the free surface flow of a liquid sheet near a sprinkler head using a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model and considered the feasibility of the empirical model for predicting the initial spray characteristics of the sprinkler head through a comparison of the CFD results. The CFD calculation for a simplified sprinkler geometry considering the nozzle and deflector were performed using the commercially available CFD package, CFX 14.0 with the standard $k-{\varepsilon}$ turbulence model and theVolume of Fluid (VOF) method. The predicted velocity of the empirical model at the edge of deflector were in good agreement with that of the CFD model for the flat plate region but there was a certain discrepancy between the two models for the complex geometry region. The mean droplet diameter predicted by the empirical model differed significantly from the measured value of the real sprinkler head. On the other hand, the empirical model can be used to understand the mechanism of droplet formation near the sprinkler head and predict the initial spray characteristics for cases without experimental data.

A Study on the Body Shapes of Men at the Age of 35~49 (35~49세 남성의 체형연구)

  • Kim, Ok-Kyung
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.301-308
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to design men's clothing pattern that supplemented the problems of body shapes, by grasping the physical characteristics of middle-aged men and classifying their body shapes through comparing measurements after carrying out the human-body measurement targeting 120 middle-aged men at the age of 35-49 in full. As to the technical-statistic analysis of the measurement items, it could be seen that the middle-aged people who are the research target, have the obese body shapes. As a result of carrying out the factor analysis by the measurement analysis, it was derived the totally five factors such as thickness and width, stature and height, weight and girth, the bust length, and the shoulder shape. The total communality is 78.47%, and as a result of the cluster analysis by the factor score, it was classified into three clusters. Type 1 is the body shape with the great stature, the waist region a little obese, and the biggest thickness, width and girth. It is a flat body shape with the narrow shoulder and the smallest difference between the breast width and the waist width. As type 2 is the body shape that is small stature and is relatively not fat, it is the shape with the biggest difference between the breast width and the waist width and with the wide shoulder. Type 3 is the body shape that belongs to the middle of type 1 and type 2, has the upper-part body longer than other body shapes, and has the developed breast region with the biggest bosom width and bosom thickness.