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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Finite Element Method, FEM

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A comparison of structural performance enhancement of horizontally and vertically stiffened tubular steel wind turbine towers

  • Hu, Yu;Yang, Jian;Baniotopoulos, Charalambos C.;Wang, Feiliang
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.73 no.5
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    • pp.487-500
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    • 2020
  • Stiffeners can be utilised to enhance the strength of thin-walled wind turbine towers in engineering practise, thus, structural performance of wind turbine towers by means of different stiffening schemes should be compared to explore the optimal structural enhancement method. In this paper two alternative stiffening methods, employing horizontal or vertical stiffeners, for steel tubular wind turbine towers have been studied. In particular, two groups of three wind turbine towers of 50m, 150m and 250m in height, stiffened by horizontal rings and vertical strips respectively, were analysed by using FEM software of ABAQUS. For each height level tower, the mass of the stiffening rings is equal to that of vertical stiffeners each other. The maximum von Mises stresses and horizontal sways of these towers with vertical stiffeners is compared with the corresponding ring-stiffened towers. A linear buckling analysis is conducted to study the buckling modes and critical buckling loads of the three height levels of tower. The buckling modes and eigenvalues of the 50m, 150m and 250m vertically stiffened towers were also compared with those of the horizontally stiffened towers. The numbers and central angles of the vertical stiffeners are considered as design variables to study the effect of vertical stiffeners on the structural performance of wind turbine towers. Following an extensive parametric study, these strengthening techniques were compared with each other and it is obtained that the use of vertical stiffeners is a more efficient approach to enhance the stability and strength of intermediate and high towers than the use of horizontal rings.

Thermal-fluid-structure coupling analysis for plate-type fuel assembly under irradiation. Part-I numerical methodology

  • Li, Yuanming;Yuan, Pan;Ren, Quan-yao;Su, Guanghui;Yu, Hongxing;Wang, Haoyu;Zheng, Meiyin;Wu, Yingwei;Ding, Shurong
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.1540-1555
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    • 2021
  • The plate-type fuel assembly adopted in nuclear research reactor suffers from complicated effect induced by non-uniform irradiation, which might affect its stress conditions, mechanical behavior and thermal-hydraulic performance. A reliable numerical method is of great importance to reveal the complex evolution of mechanical deformation, flow redistribution and temperature field for the plate-type fuel assembly under non-uniform irradiation. This paper is the first part of a two-part study developing the numerical methodology for the thermal-fluid-structure coupling behaviors of plate-type fuel assembly under irradiation. In this paper, the thermal-fluid-structure coupling methodology has been developed for plate-type fuel assembly under non-uniform irradiation condition by exchanging thermal-hydraulic and mechanical deformation parameters between Finite Element Model (FEM) software and Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) software with Mesh-based parallel Code Coupling Interface (MpCCI), which has been validated with experimental results. Based on the established methodology, the effects of non-uniform irradiation and fluid were discussed, which demonstrated that the maximum mechanical deformation with irradiation was dozens of times larger than that without irradiation and the hydraulic load on fuel plates due to differential pressure played a dominant role in the mechanical deformation.

Process Induced Warpage Simulation for Panel Level Package (기판 소재에 따른 패널 레벨 패키지 공정 단계별 warpage 해석)

  • Moon, Ayoung;Kim, Sungdong
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.41-45
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    • 2018
  • We have simulated the process induced warpage for panel level package using finite element method. Silicon chips of 5×5mm2 were redistributed on 122.4×93.6mm2 size panel and the total number of redistributed chips was 221. The warpage at each process step, for example, (1) EMC molding, (2) attachment of detach core, (3) heating, (4) removal of a carrier, and (5) cooling was simulated using ANSYS and the effects of detach core and carrier materials on the warpage were investigated. The warpage behaved complexly depending on the materials for the detach core and carrier. However, glass carrier showed the lower warpage than FR4 carrier regardless of detach core material, and the minimum warpage was observed when the glass was used for the detach core and carrier at the same time.

Computer modeling of elastoplastic stress state of fibrous composites with hole

  • Polatov, Askhad M.;Ikramov, Akhmat M.;Khaldjigitov, Abduvali A.
    • Coupled systems mechanics
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.299-313
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    • 2019
  • The paper represents computer modeling of the deformed state of physically nonlinear transversally isotropic bodies with hole. In order to describe the anisotropy of the mechanical properties of transversally-isotropic materials a structurally phenomenological model has been used. This model allows representing the initial material in the form of the coupled isotropic materials: the basic material (binder) considered from the positions of continuum mechanics and the fiber material oriented along the anisotropy direction of the original material. It is assumed that the fibers perceive only the axial tensile-compression forces and are deformed together with the base material. To solve the problems of the theory of plasticity, simplified theories of small elastoplastic deformation have been used for a transversely-isotropic body, developed by B.E. Pobedrya. A simplified theory allows applying the theory of small elastoplastic deformations to solve specific applied problems, since in this case the fibrous medium is replaced by an equivalent transversely isotropic medium with effective mechanical parameters. The essence of simplification is that with simple stretching of composite in direction of the transversal isotropy axis and in direction perpendicular to it, plastic deformations do not arise. As a result, the intensity of stresses and deformations both along the principal axis of the transversal isotropy and along the perpendicular plane of isotropy is determined separately. The representation of the fibrous composite in the form of a homogeneous anisotropic material with effective mechanical parameters allows for a sufficiently accurate calculation of stresses and strains. The calculation is carried out under different loading conditions, keeping in mind that both sizes characterizing the fibrous material fiber thickness and the gap between the fibers-are several orders smaller than the radius of the hole. Based on the simplified theory and the finite element method, a computer model of nonlinear deformation of fibrous composites is constructed. For carrying out computational experiments, a specialized software package was developed. The effect of hole configuration on the distribution of deformation and stress fields in the vicinity of concentrators was investigated.

Effect of Underground Dam for the Prevention of Seawater Intrusion at the Seom-jin River (지하댐 설치 시 섬진강 하류 염수침입 방지 효과의 모델기반 분석)

  • Kim, Sungyun;Kim, Gyoobum;Park, Joonhyeong;Shin, Seonho
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2011
  • Surface water at the lower part of the Seom-jin river has a high salinity because the erosion at river bottom has made sea water move upstream continuously since 1978. The effect of underground dam on the prevention of sea water intrusion was modelled in this study. Present chloride concentration in surface water decreases exponentially along a river and in groundwater is about one-tenth of surface water's. The finite element method model, FEFLOW, was conducted on the assumption that the underground dam with a height of 25m over a bedrock is located under a water surface at the site of 4.6km from an estuary. The result shows that the position with chloride concentration of 0.25psu moves downstream from the sites of 25km to 22km, if an enough sedimentation with 5m thickness happens in the upper reservoir of underground dam. On the other side, the underground dam is little effective for the prevention of sea water intrusion in case of non-sedimentation.

Modification of Terzaghi's Earth Pressure Formula on Tunnel Considering Dilatancy of Soil (지반의 팽창성을 고려한 터널의 테르자기 토압공식 수정)

  • Han, Heui-Soo;Cho, Jae-Ho;Yang, Nam-Yong;Shin, Baek-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2011
  • In this study, Terzaghi's formula was modified to solve problems considering the dilatancy effect of the soil for estimating the earth pressure acting on tunnel. It is performed for the comparison with Terzaghi's formula and modified Terzaghi's formula, tunnel model test result of Kobe University Rock Mechanics Laboratory. From comparison results of the earth pressure acting on tunnel, the earth pressure calculated by the Terzaghi's formula was estimated largest value. The earth pressure measured through the tunnel model test was least value. The difference between the earth pressure derived from Terzaghi's original formula and that derived from the modified formula was caused by the dilation effect, which was caused by the soil volume change. The difference between the earth pressure derived from the modified formula and the earth pressure measured through the tunnel model test, earth pressure results from the energy making failure surface. The results of FEM analysis were almost consistent with the results of mathematical analysis.

Physical protection system vulnerability assessment of a small nuclear research reactor due to TNT-shaped charge impact on its reinforced concrete wall

  • Moo, Jee Hoon;Chirayath, Sunil S.;Cho, Sung Gook
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.2135-2146
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    • 2022
  • A nuclear energy facility is one of the most critical facilities to be safely protected during and after operation because the physical destruction of its barriers by an external attack could release radioactivity into the environment and can cause harmful effects. The barrier walls of nuclear energy facilities should be sufficiently robust to protect essential facilities from external attack or sabotage. Physical protection system (PPS) vulnerability assessment of a typical small nuclear research reactor was carried out by simulating an external attack with a tri-nitro toluene (TNT) shaped charge and results are presented. The reinforced concrete (RC) barrier wall of the research reactor located at a distance of 50 m from a TNT-shaped charge was the target of external attack. For the purpose of the impact assessment of the RC barrier wall, a finite element method (FEM) is utilized to simulate the destruction condition. The study results showed that a hole-size of diameter 342 mm at the front side and 364 mm at the back side was created on the RC barrier wall as a result of a 143.35 kg TNT-shaped charge. This aperture would be large enough to let at least one person can pass through at a time. For the purpose of the PPS vulnerability assessment, an Estimate of Adversary Sequence Interruption (EASI) model was used, which enabled the determination of most vulnerable path to the target with a probability of interruption equal to 0.43. The study showed that the RC barrier wall is vulnerable to a TNT-shaped charge impact, which could in turn reduce the effectiveness of the PPS.

Large-scale testing and numerical study on an innovative dovetail UHPC joint subjected to negative moment

  • Zhang, Qifeng;Feng, Yan;Cheng, Zhao;Jiao, Yang;Cheng, Hang;Wang, Jingquan;Qi, Jianan
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.175-183
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    • 2022
  • To study the working mechanism and size effect of an innovative dovetail UHPC joint originated from the 5th Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, a large-scale testing subject to negative bending moment was conducted and compared with the previous scaled specimens. The static responses, i.e., the crack pattern, failure mode, ductility and stiffness degradation were analyzed. It was found that the scaled specimens presented similar working stages and working mechanism with the large-scale ones. However, the post-cracking ductility and relative stiffness degradation all decrease with the enlarged length/scale, apart from the relative stiffness after flexural cracking. The slab stiffness at the flexural cracking stage is 90% of the initial stiffness while only 24% of the initial stiffness reserved in the ultimate stage. Finite element model (FEM) was established and compared with the experiments to verify its effectiveness in exploring the working mechanism of the innovative joint. Based on this effective method, a series of FEMs were established to further study the influence of material strength, pre-stressing level and ratio of reinforcement on its deflection-load relationship. It is found that the ratio of reinforcement can significantly improve its load-carrying capacity among the three major-influenced factors.

Numerical Analysis of Moving Type and Static Type Electrodynamic Suspension Simulator with Superconducting Levitation Magnet (초전도 부상자석을 이용한 동적 및 정지형 반발식 자기부상 시험기의 수치해석)

  • Lee, E.R.;Bae, D.K.;Chung, Y.D.;Yoon, Y.S.;Ko, T.K.
    • Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents the numerical simulation results on the moving type electrodynamic suspension (EDS) simulator and static type EDS simulator using high-Tc superconducting (HTS) levitation magnet. The levitation force of the EDS system is formed by the reaction between the moving magnet and the fixed ground conductor. The possible two ways to simulate the EDS system were simulated in this paper by using finite element method (FEM). The first way was the moving type simulator which consists of the fixed HTS magnet and the moving ground conductor. The second way was the static type simulator which consists of the fixed magnet, the fixed ground conductor and the ac current supply system. To verify the characteristics of high speed EDS system with the moving type simulator heavy, large and fast moving ground conductor is needed. The static type simulator can get the characteristics of the high speed EDS system by applying equivalent ac current to velocity, therefore it does not need large moving part. The static type EDS simulator, which can consist of an HTS magnet, the fixed ground conductor(s), an AC power supply and the measuring devices, also test the effect of the shape of the ground conductor easily. The plate type ground conductor made stronger levitation force than ring type ground conductor. Although the outer diameter 335 mm ring type ground conductor (Ring3) was larger than the outer diameter 235 mm ground conductor (Ring2), the levitation force by Ring2 was stronger than that by Ring3. From the calculation results on this paper, the consideration of the magnetic flux distribution according to the levitation height should be included in the process of the ground conductor design.

Sealing design optimization of nuclear pressure relief valves based on the polynomial chaos expansion surrogate model

  • Chaoyong Zong;Maolin Shi;Qingye Li;Tianhang Xue;Xueguan Song;Xiaofeng Li;Dianjing Chen
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.1382-1399
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    • 2023
  • Pressure relief valve (PRV) is one of the important control valves used in nuclear power plants, and its sealing performance is crucial to ensure the safety and function of the entire pressure system. For the sealing performance improving purpose, an explicit function that accounts for all design parameters and can accurately describe the relationship between the multi-design parameters and the seal performance is essential, which is also the challenge of the valve seal design and/or optimization work. On this basis, a surrogate model-based design optimization is carried out in this paper. To obtain the basic data required by the surrogate model, both the Finite Element Model (FEM) and the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) based numerical models were successively established, and thereby both the contact stresses of valve static sealing and dynamic impact (between valve disk and nozzle) could be predicted. With these basic data, the polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) surrogate model which can not only be used for inputs-outputs relationship construction, but also produce the sensitivity of different design parameters were developed. Based on the PCE surrogate model, a new design scheme was obtained after optimization, in which the valve sealing stress is increased by 24.42% while keeping the maximum impact stress lower than 90% of the material allowable stress. The result confirms the ability and feasibility of the method proposed in this paper, and should also be suitable for performance design optimizations of control valves with similar structures.