• 제목/요약/키워드: Financial structure

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일개 도시 취약 가족의 특성에 관한 조사연구 (A Survey on the Characteristics of Vulnerable Families in a City)

  • 최경원;이인숙
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.371-380
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: This study aimed at describing the characteristics and nursing needs of vulnerable families in a City. Methods: A total of 427 vulnerable families enrolled in the Visiting Health Care Center in K-gu of S city were investigated in this study. Data were collected using questionnaires for one year from Jan to Dec, 2003, and analysed using mean, standard deviation and $x^2$. Results: Most of the vulnerable families investigated here showed many deficits, especially incomplete family structure (62.8%), financial problem (84.0%), lack of support (55.8%) were prevalent. The score of level of economic status in Family Capability for Self management ($1.95{\pm}0.65$) was lowest, and the score of perception of family problem and health of family members ($2.62{\pm}0.78$) was highest. The four family groups divided according to the total score of family management capability showed significant differences in family interaction, support, and coping domain. The total score of family management capability increased as family functioning-related problems decreased in the vulnerable families. Conclusion: In order to find vulnerable families, and improve their family function, it is required to develop the systematic assesment tools, community supportive systems and nursing interventions for family strength.

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구아쓰미 씨게일의 업무공간에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Office Space by Gwathmey Siegel)

  • 김용립
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제9호
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    • pp.98-107
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the characteristics of the office space as designed by Gwathemy Siegel and thereby to understand the current trend of interior design of working space in the United States. Unlike most architects, Gwathmey Siegel have extended themselves into interior designing of over twenty offices including law firms, financial institutions and design firms and have successfully won reputation as interior designers. They have distinguished themselves by their ability to turn up and take advantage of the possbility of shaping in a given structure. Their liberal use of fixed furniture and architectural lighting , in addition to ceilings and walls , set them apart from others in the field . The major design elements and principles of Gwathmey Siegel include, among others : 1) Curved and slanted walls on the floor plans endow the office space with forms. Fixed furniture and architectural lighting frequently serve as from -creating elements. 2) The openness of the reception and waiting areas and the irregularity of the corridor walls add a sense of variety in the office. 3) In terms of color and materials, subtle changes of texture and value and the various patterns of joint lines further enrich the space. 4) The principle of symmetry , rough or partial , as applied in the layout of rooms and furniture creates a sense of balance in the space.

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위험관리 프로세서와 평가의 새로운 접근 (Risk Management and Assessment Methodology in System Design)

  • 조희근;박영원
    • 한국군사과학기술학회지
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.197-208
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    • 1999
  • 위험관리는 최근 다양한 분야의 산업에 적용 가능한 매우 중요한 토픽이다. 본 연구에서는 기본적인 위험관리의 일반적인 방법론과 새로운 위험관리 평가의 방법론을 제시한다. 위험관리의 실제 적용에 있어서 재정, 보험산업 등의 분야에서는 이미 많은 현실적 방법론들이 개발되었다. 다양한 산업현장에서 발전된 많은 적용사례들이 있으나 여전히 위험관리는 어려운 부분이며, 두 가지 주요한 위험평가 방법론이 시스템 엔지니어링 분야에서 개선되고 발전되어왔다. 그중 하나는 본래의 위험평가의 기본개념을 바탕으로 하여 발전한 것이며 다른 하나는 소프트웨어 엔지니어링분야의 위험평가에서 비롯된 것이다. 규모가 크고 복잡한 시스템에서 효과적인 위험관리는 프로젝트의 최종 목적을 달성하는데 있어서 불확실성에 적절히 대처하여 총 개발비용을 줄이고 목표일정과 성능을 달성하는 효과를 가져온다.

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진동대 모형실험을 통한 보강토 옹벽의 거동 특성 (Behavior of Reinforced Earth Retaining Wall by Shaking Table Test)

  • 윤원섭;윤부열
    • 한국산업융합학회 논문집
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.637-647
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we analyzed seismic behavior of reinforced earth retaining wall through the model test in order to characterize the behavior of reinforced earth retaining wall during earthquake. A scale model test was performed based on similitude ratio in accordance with law of similitude due to time and financial constraints on real scale modeling experiments. Seismic resistance characteristics of each seismic waves were analyzed by assessing the variations measured through excitation of the excited acceleration of 0.05g, 0.1g, 0.15g, and 0.2g. The results of this study, it would be important to obtain reasonable and abundant data on ground properties and seismic design in preparation for earthquakes when assessing the safety of block type reinforced earth retaining wall confined to model experiment. Acquisition of those data and systematic analytical techniques are considered likely to have a significant effect on the decrease of structure damage caused by earthquakes in Korea which has recently witnessed frequent occurrence of earthquakes.

지역별 제조업 고용변화에 대한 자동화와 세계화의 영향 (Estimating the Impact of Automation and Globalization on Manufacturing Employment using Regional Labor Market Analysis)

  • 조성철
    • 한국경제지리학회지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.274-290
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    • 2019
  • 본 연구는 2010년부터 2015년까지 시군구별 제조업 고용변화에 대한 자동화와 세계화의 영향을 추정하였다. 분석 결과, 후발산업국가로의 수입침투에 취약하게 노출된 업종구조를 가진 지역일수록 제조업 고용이 빠르게 감소하였다. 또 단순반복적인 루틴직무에 특화된 지역일수록 제조업 고용의 감소가 빠르게 진행되었는데, 이 같은 루틴직무의 소멸은 지역산업의 로봇규모가 증가할수록 더욱 가파르게 진행되었다. 이 같은 결과는 금융위기 이후 제조업 고용이 빠르게 증가했음에도, 국지적으로는 산업도시들의 고용위기가 심화되었던 국내 제조업 고용의 추이를 이해하는 데 실증적인 단서를 제공한다. 동시에, 세계화와 자동화의 맥락에서 향후 우리나라 산업도시들의 대응방향에 대한 정책적 함의를 담고 있다.

농촌지역 취약계층의 주택수선 현황 - 한국농촌건축학회 「농어촌 집 고쳐주기 봉사활동」을 중심으로 - (Characteristics of Housing Repairs for the Weak Class in Rural Area - Focused on Voluntary Activity of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture -)

  • 김승근;변경화
    • 한국농촌건축학회논문집
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2019
  • This research aimed to identify characteristics of housing repairs for the weak class in rural area. Data are analyzed by the status according to year focusing on voluntary activity of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture that is performing more than 10 years. The results are followings. First, approximately 63.3% of residents living in benefit houses are 70s and 80s in their age. They are weak in financial and physical and they have more than two weak points. Second, housing repairs were performed total 1,990 cases among 797 houses and average 2.5 cases per one house. Repair work in house interior is at the highest, the next is repair work in kitchen, repair work related to restroom, repair work for housing structure improvement, and repair work for insulation in order. Third, repair work required difficult work process and high cost is tend to decrease recently. However, work changing of wallpaper and papered floor and performing in outside is tend to increase because it has simple work process and low cost. Finally, barrier free needs to be more actively reflected for the weak class in rural area.


  • Kholiavko, Nataliia;Popelo, Olha;Bazhenkov, Ievgen;Shaposhnykova, Iryna;Sheremet, Oleh
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제21권8호
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    • pp.187-195
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    • 2021
  • The intensification of the processes of the digital economy development is leading to the transformation of the higher education system. Universities are forced to digitalize their own educational, research, international, marketing, financial and economic activities in order to maintain a competitive position in the global market of educational services. The purpose of the article is to study the role of information and communication technologies in the development of the higher education system and to ensure its adaptability to modern challenges of digital economy. To achieve this goal, methods of content analysis, logical generalization, systematization and a structural-functional method are used. In the article, the authors substantiate the urgency of forming a holistic strategy to ensure the adaptability of higher education to the challenges of digital economy. In the structure of this strategy, the information-technological block is singled out and described. The authors specified a set of positive synergetic effects from the introduction of modern information and communication technologies in the activities of universities. The main information threats to the digitalization of higher education related to the protection of personal data and university systems from cyberattacks and fraudulent schemes are identified. In conclusion, the authors detail the measures for the strategy implementation to ensure the adaptability of higher education to digital economy.

문재인 케어 정책에 대한 미디어 프레임 분석 (Analysis of Media Frames of Moon Jae-in Care policy)

  • 이근찬
    • 보건의료산업학회지
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: This study investigated how Korean daily newspapers frame the present government's health insurance coverage expansion policy, Moon Jae-in Care. Methods: A contents analysis was conducted to construct news frames represented in the four Korean daily newspapers' editorials and columns on Moon Jae-in Care during from April 2017 to April 2018. News text was classified into three different layers of frames: expressive element, narrative structure, and implied values. Results: The analysis revealed that the frequency of narrative frames was as follows: health system improvement (20.8%), public burden (14.6%), opposition by doctors (14.6%), and populism (12.5%). The financial sustainability accounted for 41.7% of the value frame, followed by procedural legitimation (18.8%), and coverage expansion (16.7%). The results also revealed that reported frames were different among newspapers: Chosun Ilbo tended to report in a negative tone, while Hankyoreh shinmun and Kyunghyang shinmun used a positive tone. Conclusions: This finding suggests that there are salient framings in reports on Moon Jae-in Care. Based on the results, the government needs to present a detailed financing plan on Moon Jae-in Care in detail. I discussed another implication of media frames results.

그린리모델링 활성화를 위한 비전문가용 에너지 소비량 산정 프로그램 개발연구 (A Study on the Development of Energy Simulation Program for Non-specialist to Enhance Green Remodeling)

  • 방선규;유정현;김두환
    • 대한건축학회논문집:구조계
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    • 제34권11호
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2018
  • To receive financial support for the Green Remodeling, applicants must submit an energy simulation report. However, many of the applicants are not green remodeling specialist and energy simulation services are too expensive for them. For this reason, this study was to develop an energy simulation program to enhance green remodeling for the non-specialist such as housewives. Firstly, to enhance understanding and accessibility improvement energy simulation, simulation process was designed four steps and reducing input data. Specifically, input data was reduced by categorizing the following for the area, plan type, hot water load, electricity load, statistical inference. And then, to accurately verify the calculation result, the heat and hot water demand were derived and compared with ECO2 and Energy # program. Lastly, the calculation shows that there is a difference of 4% for the heat load and 15% to 33% for the hot water load respectively.

The U.S. Contagion Effects on Foreign Direct Investment Flows in Developing Countries

  • HEMA, Itsarawadee;OSATHANUNKUL, Rossarin
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.55-67
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to measure the lower tail dependence as risk contagion from the U.S. economy to 18 developing countries affecting FDI inflows using time-series data from 2005 to 2019. Firstly, we utilize four dynamic copula models, namely, Student-t, Clayton, rotated survival Gumbel, and rotated survival Joe, to measure the tail dependence structure between the U.S. and each developing country's real GDP growth. Secondly, we use the regression model to explore the contagion effects on FDI inflows. The results show that there is evidence of the tail dependence between the U.S and developing economies, indicating the presence of the contagion effects. Primarily, we observe that the degree of contagion effects of the global financial crisis varies across countries; a strong impact is observed in Chinese, South African, Russian, Colombian, and Mexican economic growth. Furthermore, we found significant contagion risk affecting FDI inflows positively in China, Indonesia, Columbia, Morocco, and negatively in the Philippines, Bulgaria, and South Africa. This study demonstrates the usefulness of the copulas model in terms of examining contagion. Our findings shed light on the influence of sound policies and regulations to cope with both positive and negative consequences of the contagion on the capital movement.