• Title/Summary/Keyword: Financial structure

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Restructure direction of industrial education and curriculum management plan coping with the change of industrial structure of Gyeonggi-do (경기도 산업 구조 변화에 대응한 공업교육 재구조 방향과 교육과정 운영 방안)

  • Oh, Seung-Gyun;Lee, kyu-Wook;Lee, Yong-Soon;Rho, Tae-Cheon
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.60-71
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    • 2005
  • A pendulum of industrial education begins to shift from one based on industrialized society to one on information-based age. To produce an effective result in this situation, It is necessary that an accurate estimate of a change in the circumstances of industrial high schools of Gyeonggi-do. This study researched the province's characteristics and countermeasures on industrial education adjusting the change of industrial environments by regional groups and suggested the solutions as follows. First, This study classified Gyeonggi-do into 9 regions considering the region's respective industrial structure and suggested the structure adjustment plan. Second, This study suggested '3-type curriculum management plan' based on the structure adjustment plan of industrial high schools. It includes employment-centered curriculum which provides the human resources required by industrial community, foundation-centered curriculum which revitalizes starting up a enterprises and clears up the manpower problems, college preparation-centered curriculum which meets the need of the students who are much interested in going to the next stage of education. Third, this study suggested a solution to a problem of surplus industry teacher. It includes 3 methods: Increasing practical training from 2 ours to 3 hours, assigning teachers for a task of academic-industrial collaboration and career counseling, qualifying industrial teachers for another course by minor. An amicable settlement on these matters requires a systematic administrative and financial support based on closely connected governmental-academic-industrial collaboration.

International Monetary System Reform and the G20 (국제통화제도의 개혁과 G20)

  • Cho, Yoon Je
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.153-195
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    • 2010
  • The recent global financial crisis has been the outcome of, among other things, the mismatch between institutions and the reality of the market in the current global financial system. The International financial institutions (IFIs) that were designed more than 60 years ago can no longer effectively meet the challenges posed by the current global economy. While the global financial market has become integrated like a single market, there is no international lender of last resort or global regulatory body. There also has been a rapid shift in the weight of economic power. The share of the Group of 7 (G7) countries in global gross domestic product (GDP) fell and the share of emerging market economies increased rapidly. Therefore, the tasks facing us today are: (i) to reform the IFIs -mandate, resources, management, and governance structure; (ii) to reform the system such as the international monetary system (IMS), and regulatory framework of the global financial system; and (iii) to reform global economic governance. The main focus of this paper will be the IMS reform and the role of the Group of Twenty (G20) summit meetings. The current IMS problems can be summarized as follows. First, the demand for foreign reserve accumulation has been increasing despite the movement from fixed exchange rate regimes to floating rate regimes some 40 years ago. Second, this increasing demand for foreign reserves has been concentrated in US dollar assets, especially public securities. Third, as the IMS relies too heavily on the supply of currency issued by a center country (the US), it gives an exorbitant privilege to this country, which can issue Treasury bills at the lowest possible interest rate in the international capital market. Fourth, as a related problem, the global financial system depends too heavily on the center country's ability to maintain the stability of the value of its currency and strength of its own financial system. Fifth, international capital flows have been distorted in the current IMS, from EMEs and developing countries where the productivity of capital investment is higher, to advanced economies, especially the US, where the return to capital investment is lower. Given these problems, there have been various proposals to reform the current IMS. They can be grouped into two: demand-side and supply-side reform. The key in the former is how to reduce the widespread strong demand for foreign reserve holdings among EMEs. There have been several proposals to reduce the self-insurance motivation. They include third-party insurance and the expansion of the opportunity to borrow from a global and regional reserve pool, or access to global lender of last resort (or something similar). However, the first option would be too costly. That leads us to the second option - building a stronger globalfinancial safety net. Discussions on supply-side reform of the IMS focus on how to diversify the supply of international reserve currency. The proposals include moving to a multiple currency system; increased allocation and wider use of special drawing rights (SDR); and creating a new global reserve currency. A key question is whether diversification should be encouraged among suitable existing currencies, or if it should be sought more with global reserve assets, acting as a complement or even substitute to existing ones. Each proposal has its pros and cons; they also face trade-offs between desirability and political feasibility. The transition would require close collaboration among the major players. This should include efforts at the least to strengthen policy coordination and collaboration among the major economies, and to reform the IMF to make it a more effective institution for bilateral and multilateral surveillance and as an international lender of last resort. The success on both fronts depends heavily on global economic governance reform and the role of the G20. The challenge is how to make the G20 effective. Without institutional innovations within the G20, there is a high risk that its summits will follow the path of previous summit meetings, such as G7/G8.

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Changes in North Korea's Financial System During the Kim Jong-un Era - Based on North Korean Literature (김정은 시대 북한의 금융제도 변화 - 북한 문헌 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Minjung;Mun, Sung Min
    • Economic Analysis
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.70-119
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    • 2021
  • This paper analyzes the changes in financial reform during the Kim Jong-un era based on North Korean literature. We find that North Korea has systematically and functionally separated the central bank from commercial banks since the Kim Jong-un era began. In addition, enterprises have been allowed to withdraw cash from bank accounts and make inter-enterprise cash payments. In other words, nowadays non-cash currencies with passive money can partially serve as active money with purchasing power. With the systematic and functional separation of the central bank and the commercial bank, the issuance of the central bank changed to a money supply method through the commercial bank, and changes in the currency distribution structure have allowed commercial bank's credit creation function to be implemented. This means that the banking system and the monetary·payment system of the socialist planned economy are changing in the way of the market economy. Reforms in the financial sector are believed to have been necessary to support changes in the economic system and to restore the function of the public financial sector. These changes have progressed in terms of the level of reform, but they are still considered similar to the period of the former Soviet Union's Perestroika or to the early period of China's reform and opening. Although North Korea's financial reform is superior in terms of enacting the banking law, it is insufficient in terms of realizing the functions of commercial banks. In addition, it is assessed that institutional constraints such as maintaining a planned economy, and the lack of confidence in public finances limit the effectiveness and development of the financial system. It should be noted that these results are based on literature published in North Korea. In other words, there is a limit in the fact that such recent changes have been carried out on a trial basis in some areas, or have been carried out in a full-scale manner with a blueprint, since Kim Jong-un's inauguration.

A Study on the Loan Structure and Profitability of Banks (은행의 대출 구조와 수익성 변동에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Myoung-seok;Sin, Jeong-hun
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.117-126
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    • 2019
  • This study conducted correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis using financial statements, loan structure, ROA and ROA volatility of domestic commercial banks, regional banks and special banks for the past five years (2012 ~ 2016). The result is as follows. First, as a result of correlation analysis, bank's ROA is positively related to household loans and SME loans, but it is negatively correlated with the ratio of loans to large companies, sector bias, and loan loss provision ratio. Second, ROA volatility was negatively related to household loans and SME loans, but it was positively correlated with large corporate loans, sector bias ratio, and loan loss provision ratio. Third, as a result of the regression analysis, the variables that have a statistically significant effect on the ROA volatility of banks were household loans, SME loans, and large enterprise loans. From these empirical results, special banks with high volatility in profits need to diversify loan types and sectors in order to achieve business performance outside of policy finance. and Especially, Suhyup Bank and Nonghyup Bank, which have a large commercial role, have a large size per unit by focusing on short-term profit and Rather than focusing on large companies or large loans that are easy to obtain financial information, it is necessary to focus management capabilities on household loans and SME loans by developing capabilities such as screening techniques.

The Relationship between Ownership(and Outside Directors) and Firm Value in KOSDAQ (코스닥 상장법인의 소유구조 및 사외이사와 기업가치 간의 관련성 분석)

  • Park, Bum-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.45-73
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    • 2007
  • The empirical results are summarized as follows : First, In relation to effects of ownership structure on firm value, there is the non-linear relationship between major(and foreign) shareholder's holdings and firm value. So the results(the compromise hypothesis) by prior researches(Morck et al. 1988 and so forth) is supported. However Institutional shareholder's holdings do not show the significant results. Second, In relation to effects of outside directors on firm value, equally the results of prior researches(Vafeas 2000, Choi et al. 2004), the higher the ratio of outside directors in the board, the higher firm value. Also there is the non-linear relationship between outside directors ratio and firm value. Furthermore, the higher the possibility of outside directors election in the board, the higher the relationship between ownership structure and firm value. As the economic importance of KOSDAQ is more increase, the researches of KOSDAQ should be more realized.

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Option-type Default Forecasting Model of a Firm Incorporating Debt Structure, and Credit Risk (기업의 부채구조를 고려한 옵션형 기업부도예측모형과 신용리스크)

  • Won, Chae-Hwan;Choi, Jae-Gon
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.209-237
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    • 2006
  • Since previous default forecasting models for the firms evaluate the probability of default based upon the accounting data from book values, they cannot reflect the changes in markets sensitively and they seem to lack theoretical background. The market-information based models, however, not only make use of market data for the default prediction, but also have strong theoretical background like Black-Scholes (1973) option theory. So, many firms recently use such market based model as KMV to forecast their default probabilities and to manage their credit risks. Korean firms also widely use the KMV model in which default point is defined by liquid debt plus 50% of fixed debt. Since the debt structures between Korean and American firms are significantly different, Korean firms should carefully use KMV model. In this study, we empirically investigate the importance of debt structure. In particular, we find the following facts: First, in Korea, fixed debts are more important than liquid debts in accurate prediction of default. Second, the percentage of fixed debt must be less than 20% when default point is calculated for Korean firms, which is different from the KMV. These facts give Korean firms some valuable implication about default forecasting and management of credit risk.

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Analyzing the Effect of Changes in the Benchmark Policy Interest Rate Using a Term Structure Model (이자율 기간구조를 이용한 정책금리 변경의 효과 분석)

  • Song, Joonhyuk
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.15-45
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    • 2009
  • This paper estimates the term structure of interest rates with the setup of 3-factor no arbitrage model and investigates the trend of term premia and the effectiveness of changes in policy interest rates. The term premia are found to be high in a three-year medium term objective, which can be interpreted as reflecting the recognition of investors who expect a higher uncertainty in real activities for the coming three years than for a longer term. Then, in order to look into the effect of policy interest rates after the recent change of benchmark interest rate, this paper analyzes the effects of the changes in short-term interest rates of the financial market on the yield curve of the bond market at time of change. Empirical results show that the discrepancy between call rate, short-term rate in money market, and instantaneous short rate, short-term rate in the bond market, is found to be significantly widened, comparing to the periods before the change in benchmark interest rate. It is not easy to conclude clearly for now whether such a widening gap is caused by the lack of experiences with managing new benchmark interest rate or is just an exceptional case due to the recent turmoil in the global financial market. However, monetary policy needs to be operated in a manner that could reduce the gap to enhance its effectiveness.

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A Study on the Nonlinear Deterministic Characteristics of Stock Returns (주식 수익률의 비선형 결정론적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Kyung-Chun;Kim, Hyun-Seok
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.149-181
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    • 2004
  • In this study we perform empirical tests using KOSPI return to investigate the existence of nonlinear characteristics in the generating process of stock returns. There are three categories in empirical tests; the test of nonlinear dependence, nonlinear stochastic process and nonlinear deterministic chaos. According to the analysis of nonlinearity, stock returns are not normally distributed but leptokurtic, and appear to have nonlinear dependence. And it's decided that the nonlinear structure of stock returns can not be completely explained using nonlinear stochastic models of ARCH-type. Nonlinear deterministic chaos system is the feedback system, which the past incidents influence the present, and it is the fractal structure with self-similarity and has the sensitive dependence on initial conditions. To summarize the results of chaos analysis for KOSPI return, it is the persistent time series, which is not IID and has long memory, takes biased random walk, and is estimated to be fractal distribution. Also correlation dimension, as the approximation of fractal dimension, converged stably within 3 and 4, and maximum Lyapunov exponent has positive value. This suggests that chaotic attractor and the sensitive dependence on initial conditions exist in stock returns. These results fit into the characteristics of chaos system. Therefore it's decided that the generating process of stock returns has nonlinear deterministic structure and follow chaotic process.

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A Debate on the Reform Plan of Korean National Pension Fund Governance Structure - A Critique on the Appliance of the Agency Theory and a Democratic Alternative - (국민연금기금 지배구조 개편 논쟁에 관한 연구 - 대리인 이론 적용 비판과 민주주의적 대안의 모색 -)

  • Joo, Eun-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.63 no.1
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    • pp.343-368
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    • 2011
  • This Study aims to criticize national pension fund governance reform plan of Korea government and to search for an alternative direction of the reform. Firstly, I examine the theoretical basis of the Korean government reform plan by clarifying limits of application of agency theory to the public pension fund governance. Secondly, I try to reconstruct principles of the public pension fund governance with an alternative theoretical view emphasizing democracy principle. Thirdly, I evaluate the government reform plan with the basis of reconstructed pension fund governance principles. The government reform plan is expected to cause retrenchment of democracy and even political autonomy. It also would make worse the problem of pension fund autonomy from the financial market and the risk of the pension fund caused by market turbulence. Finally I suggest alternative direction of the pension fund governance reform emphasizing the democracy principle. This direction contains constructing co-determination structure of the state and the civil society, escalating controling power of the governing body to the administration body, setting the limits of the roles of the state, attaining of the autonomy from the financial market, strengthening organizational and social accountability.

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The Relations between Ownership Structure and Cash Holdings of Firms (기업의 소유구조와 현금보유간의 관계)

  • Shin, Min-Shik;Kim, Soo-Eun
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.89-120
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we analyse empirically the relations between ownership structure and cash holdings of firms listed on Korea Securities Market and Kosdaq Market of Korea Exchange. The main results of this study can be summarized as follows. Cash holdings increase as large shareholder's equity holdings increase. Cash holdings increase as the difference between first largest shareholder's and second largest shareholder's equity holdings increase, and cash holdings increase as the ownership concentration increase. Managerial ownership exert a non-linear effects on cash holdings. So to speak, at lower level of managerial ownership, managers hold more cash to pursue their own interests at the expense of minority shareholders, but at higher level of managerial ownership, the interests of managers and shareholders are aligned, and also at highest level of managerial ownership, managers hold more cash to pursue their own interests at the expense of minority shareholders. Cash holdings increase larger in owner-controlled firm than in management-controlled firm. These results support the expropriation of minority shareholders hypothesis that large shareholders can extract private benefits from corporate resources under their control at the expense of minority shareholders. This paper contributes to defining information value of large shareholder's equity holdings on cash holdings for a firms' other stakeholders such as investors and creditors, and to strengthening a legal and institutional safeguard for external minority shareholders. Ownership concentration might have negatively affected the evolution of the legal and institutional frameworks for corporate governance and the manner in which economic activity is conducted. It could be a formidable barrier to future policy reform.

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