• Title/Summary/Keyword: Financial Performance#4

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Analysis of Relationship between Knowledge Management Level and Management Performance in SMB (중소기업에서의 지식경영수준과 경영만족도와의 관계 분석)

  • Hong, Hyun-Gi
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.1446-1452
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    • 2008
  • Recently many Company are investing time and money in the implementation of the Knowledge Management System (KMS). The scales and methodologies of their investment fur KMS has various appearances according to company-size and also level of understanding about KMS systems. The interest in KMS is increased with the P. Druckers assertion that the economic power shifts to the person who can manage the "Knowledge". But there is also mistrust about ROI of KMS related with the management performances. In this paper The level of Codification and Personalization of Practice Types of KMS will be analyzed in order to make an empirical analysis about the Irrelevance between KMS-Investment and corporate performances. To complete this study, correlation- and average analysis will be performed. As the measurement parameters for the corporate performances, we use the 4 categories, Financial, Customer, Process and Education-Growth Aspect, of BSC (Balanced ScoreCard) concept.

A Study on the Economic Performance of the Textile Industry for Korean traditional Clothes (한북직물업체의 생산 및 유통구조에 관한 연구)

  • 조효숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.34
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    • pp.135-150
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to inves-tigate the economic performance of the textile industry for the Korean traditional clothes. The content of this paper had two pars; The first part was for the macroeconomic aspects such as location production employments and the produc-tion facilities of the textile industries. The second part was for the microeconomic aspects such as business type branding method fabric type R&D efforts sourc-ing and the distributional channel The major results were as follows: 1.) Most textile firms for the korean traditional clothes were located in Gongju for man-made fibers and in Jinju for silk fabrics. 2) The size of the textile industry in terms of the number of business produc-tion amount the number of employee de-creased during 1994 and 1995 due to the decreasing demand. 3) Over the half of the textile firms produced raw fabric products while only 20% of them were involved in additional dyeing and /or printing finish which re-sulted in low value added production 4) The R&D effort of the textile indus-try for the Korean traditional clothes was very low due to the market uncertainty lack of technological knowledge and most of all small size of the firms 5) Most raw materials for the textile in -dustry were imported with high(25%) tariff rates resulting in price increase and thus low competitiveness in the market. 6) The textile producers sole about the 70% of their products to the wholesalers while selling the rest to the retailers di-rectly. This showed the dual structure of the distribution channel in the textile products. These results suggested some implica-tions for the firms the policy makers and the researchers. The firms should develop new and improved products to increase and create consumer demand by intensive R&D efforts. The government policy ma-kers should give financial supports the firms with R&D investment and legal help such as lowing tariff rate for the raw ma-terials. The researchers from the academy could help the textile industry with the advanced technological knowledge and up-date information for the consumer fashion demand.

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An Evaluation Model of IT Investment Effect (정보기술 투자 효과 평가방법에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Lark Sang
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2018
  • Financial IT evaluation methods have been unable to satisfy firms' requirements. There has been a growing demand for more comprehensively and non-financially measuring the IT performance. We developed a process-based approach in evaluating impacts of IT on primary activities. In this research we proposed a model that uses the corporate objective of IT and strategic fitt as the core independent variables in measuring the IT effect. Based on the data collected from the management variables of the 125 companies located in Korea, the companies were classified into the 4 different groups according to their corporate objective for IT: un-oriented, operations oriented, market oriented and dual oriented. Through the empirical analysis, we were able to demonstrate that the management of the companies showing a higher orientation level perceives a better IT investment performance, and this shows that the corporate objective for IT serves as a useful index for measuring the IT investment effect. In this research, it was also demonstrated that the strategic alignment has a positive influence on perceiving the IT investment effect.

The Relation between Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Value (기업의 사회적 책임 활동과 기업가치의 관련성에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Ji-Kyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.455-462
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    • 2015
  • This paper examines the effect of corporate social responsosibility(CSR) on the firm value. Based on the argument that CSR would play the role of mitigating conflicts between firms and society, I hypothesized that CSR would enhance the firm value. This study used regression analysis with a data set of 733 from 2009 to 2012 using KEJI(Korean Economic Justice Institute) Index. An Index published by KEJI was used as the measure of CSR performance. The results of this study are summarized as follows: First, there is a significant positive relation between CSR and firm value. Second, in the seven-rating items consist of the KEJI Index, most items have the positive relationship with the firm value. These results suggest that firm with higher CSR activities exhibit better financial performance as measured by Tobin's Q.

Current Status and Performance Evaluation Systems of Faculty in Korean Medical Schools (의과대학 교원 현황과 업적평가제도 특징 분석)

  • Yang, Eunbae B.;Lee, Tae Seon;Cho, Myung Ja
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2019
  • The aim of this study is to analyze the current status and performance evaluation systems of faculty in Korean medical colleges and professional graduate medical schools (called medical schools). We developed a research tool based on previous studies and distributed it to 40 medical schools from July to October 2017. The response rate was 100%. We calculated the number of faculty members and analyzed the faculty evaluation systems and awareness according to national and private medical schools. As of 2017, the number of medical faculty in Korea was 11,111 (4,973 faculty were employed by their alma mater, which is 44.76% of the total), with non-medical doctor faculty accounting for 754 of the total. The medical schools reflect research achievements as most important for re-appointment and screening to promote faculty, and the area of education is secondary excepting clinical faculty of private medical schools. However, important issues in the faculty evaluation deal with the relevance of research achievement and the need for qualitative assessment. Some medical schools revised or have been revising the faculty evaluation system in areas such as minimum standards of education for promotion and separation of promotion and tenure review. Opening non-tenure track lines for faculty show positive effects such as increasing the number of positions for hire and easing the financial burdens of medical schools. Downfalls include inconsistencies between the responsibilities and actual practices of tenure not being available and the instability of faculty's status. In conclusion, medical schools need to prepare a faculty evaluation system that fits the position of faculty members and attempt to establish a reasonable compensation system.

The Relationship Between Expenditures for Information Technology and Organizational Performance : Empirical Evidence From Korean and American Firms (정보기술(情報技術) 지출(支出)이 조직의 경영성과(經營成果)에 미치는 영향(影響) : 한.미(韓.美) 기업(企業)을 대상으로 한 실증연구(實證硏究))

  • Kim, Chang-Su
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.25-48
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    • 1997
  • This study examines whether expenditures in information technology (IT) are associated with increases in the Tobin's q ratios a measure of organizational performance. It uses two groups of sample, Korean and American firms that disclose IT expenditures. For the all-firms group of each country, the association between IT expenditures and Tobin's q ratios is positive and statistically significant. But the association varies among industries. For Korean firms, IT expenditures appear to increase Tobin's q ratios for the machine and equipment manufacturing industry group (SIC3-2). IT expenditure ratio of this group as a percent of total sales is highest among the industry groups. For all service industry groups(SIC4&5), the estimated coefficient of IT expenditures is positive but statistically insignificant. For American firms IT expenditures in most of the manufacturing industry groups appear to increase only a little, if at all, for the Tobin's q ratios. But IT expenditures appear to have a greater impact on Tobin's q ratios for all service industries (SIC4-7). For three service industries tested (transportation and telecommunication- SIC4, financial- SIC6, consulting and other service industry- SIC7), the estimated coefficient of IT expenditures is positive and statistically significant. The evidence from both Korean and American firms suggests that IT expenditures in service industries provide a greater impact on an organizational performance than ones in manufacturing industry. To test whether service industries use a competitive strategy utilizing IT as a core competence, the samples ore divided into two groups, service and manufacturing industry. For Korean firms, both IT and R&D expenditures in manufacturing industry are associated with increases in Tobin's q ratios. But for service industry, the estimated coefficient of only IT expenditure is positive. For American firms, the estimated coefficients of both IT and advertising and R&D (ARD) expenditures in manufacturing industry are positive but the coefficient of only ARD is statistically significant. For service industry, the estimated coefficient of only IT expenditure is positive and statistically significant. The evidence may suggest that manufacturing industry uses both R&D and IT strategies to increase a competitive advantage but uses R&D strategy as a core competence. However, service industry uses IT strategy as a core competence to increase a competitive advatage.

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Daily Stock Price Forecasting Using Deep Neural Network Model (심층 신경회로망 모델을 이용한 일별 주가 예측)

  • Hwang, Heesoo
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 2018
  • The application of deep neural networks to finance has received a great deal of attention from researchers because no assumption about a suitable mathematical model has to be made prior to forecasting and they are capable of extracting useful information from large sets of data, which is required to describe nonlinear input-output relations of financial time series. The paper presents a new deep neural network model where single layered autoencoder and 4 layered neural network are serially coupled for stock price forecasting. The autoencoder extracts deep features, which are fed into multi-layer neural networks to predict the next day's stock closing prices. The proposed deep neural network is progressively learned layer by layer ahead of the final learning of the total network. The proposed model to predict daily close prices of KOrea composite Stock Price Index (KOSPI) is built, and its performance is demonstrated.

An Exploration of Factor's of Service Quality influencing at User's Satisfaction and Distribution Channel of the Digital Contents (디지털 콘텐츠 사용자의 만족에 영향을 주는 서비스 품질 요인 및 유통 채널 탐색에 관한 연구)

  • Suh, Jung Han;Bae, Soonh Han;Kim, Young Gook;Choi, Jae Young
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.183-198
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    • 2011
  • With the recent development of IT technology, the existing contents have been digitalized through various distribution channels. Accordingly, a lot of studies have been done in order to figure out the distribution and features of digital contents, In these studies, however, categorical characteristics of digital contents were not considered ; most of the previous researchers saw digital contents as only a single item or focused on some contents within particular part such as movie, music, etc. So, this study divides digital contents into movies, music and texts. I was going to study which factors affect Customer Satisfaction in relation with the kind of contents. With SERVQUAL as independent variables, which affect the Customer satisfaction, I used five factors :Design Quality, Information Quality, Security Quality, Communication Quality and Transaction Quality. As for the detailed items, I corrected them with Open-End Question and Pre Survey Research, which are more fit into the features of digital contents. This research conducted Principle Component Analysis, Reliability Test, Correlation Analysis and Regression Analysis. I verified that each factor of Service Qualities has a positive effect on Customer Satisfaction. Moreover, the factors of the effect are different according to the kind of digital contents. This paper was added Exploratory Study to find the best distribute channel. For the study, I search the possible distribute channel in each digital contents and their characteristic.

The Structural Relationships between Control Types over Salespeople, Their Responses, and Job Satisfaction - Mediating Roles of Role Clarity and Self-Efficacy - (영업사원에 대한 통제유형, 반응, 그리고 직무만족 간의 구조적 관계 - 역할명확성과 자기효능감의 매개효과 -)

  • Yoo, Dong-Keun;Lim, Jong-Koo;Lim, Ji-Hoon
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.23-49
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    • 2007
  • Salespeople act at the point of MOT with customers and deliver the enterprise's message to the customers. They build up relationships with customers as well as deliver the customer's message to the enterprise. The salespeople's activity at the point of MOT with the customers and the degree of satisfaction of the customers' needs will affect the customers' attitude toward the enterprise, brand loyalty, and retention intention. Ultimately, it will influence the enterprise's financial performance. The control of salespe1ople is one of the most interesting topics of marketing. This research investigates the relationships of the control types over salespeople(positive/negative outcome control, positive/negative behavior control) and job satisfaction and their mediating variables. The mediating variables in the relationships have been identified as outcome/behavior-related role clarity and self-efficacy. The purpose of this study is more specifically as follows: First, it investigate how the perception of salespeople control types affect role-clarity. Second, it examines how the perception of salespeople control types influence self-efficacy. Third, it investigate the mediating role of role-clarity between the perception of salespeople control types and self-efficacy. Fourth, it investigates how role-clarity affect self-efficacy and job satisfaction. Finally, it will investigates how self-efficacy influences job satisfaction. Data were collected from the pharmaceutical industry salespeople and analyzed by SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 6.0. The data were collected by 400 respondents and 377 valid questionnaires were analyzed. The results are summarized as follows: First, positive/negative outcome controls had a positive relationship with outcome-related role clarity. Also positive behavior control had a positive effect on behavior-related role clarity, but negative behavior control didn't influence behavior-related role clarity. Second, positive outcome control influenced self-efficacy positively, but positive behavior control didn't have a positive effect on self-efficacy. In addition negative outcome control and negative behavior control had a positive effect on self-efficacy due to the mediating role of outcome-related and behavior-related role clarity. Third, outcome-related role clarity and behavior-related role clarity influenced self-efficacy positively. Behavior-related role clarity had a positive effect on job satisfaction, but outcome-related role clarity didn't influence job satisfaction. Finally, self-efficacy didn't have any effect on job satisfaction. The contributions of this study are as follows: First, existing studies have investigated the direct causal relationship between salespeoples' control type and performance, but this study investigates the structural causality between salespeoples' control types, responses, and performances. Second, this study found the mediating role of outcome-related/behavior-related role-clarity between outcome/behavior control and self-efficacy. Finally, the findings of this study further insight to existing studies on the relationship between job satisfaction and self-efficacy. The confidence of salespeoples' task influenced job satisfaction positively in existing articles,field studies, but the relationship between these two variables was not significant in this study. This means that there can be a different relationship between confidence and job satisfaction according to salespeoples' business. That is, the business environment may not be satisfying, even if the salespeople say that they have ability and confidence about their business. This means that able salespeople who have ability and confidence about their business are not satisfied with their job advancement in the company. Therefore, enterprise need to provide training that can establish a business environment that can satisfy the salespeole's expectation level which will secure good salespeople. This study may have limitation when applied to future studies. First,in this study as with existing studies it investigates the control level that salespeople feel is being measured. Actuality, the control level that a manager enforces and the control level that salespeople perceive when one is late can be different. There is need to measure lateness from both the perspective of the manager and salespeople should be done to supplement this study in the future Second, this study used variables that were connected with action result but salespeople's job satisfaction is due to the result of control. But, focusing on result of control can provide a more important financial result than sales performance. This study is also limited in that it did not consider financial result by result of control. Further studies on this will need to be done in the future. Third, this study may have a further limitation,because the investigation was restricted to pharmaceutical salespeople selling to hospitals. It is necessary to execute investigations in various industries to increase the generalization of the study findings Fourth, in this study, role clarity and self-efficacy by response variable for control and considered job satisfaction by outcome variable of control was considered. But, can other variables be considered beside response variable and result variable for control? For example, can financial affairs and change of post by outcome variable along with business stress by response variable for control be considered? Therefore, future studies need to consider various control variables. Finally, there is limited supporting research in the field of marketing which restricts the generalization of the study finding along with collecting material through random sampling of a limited size. This research summarizes the research in this area, the difference from the previous research, and provides a discussion of its limitations and the need and direction for further future research.

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The Impact of Organizational Competencies on the Performance of R&D Management Agencies in Korea (연구관리기관의 역량이 성과에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Hong, Heung-deug;Lee, Kwang-hoon;Park, Kwang-pyo;Hwang, Byung-yong
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.788-817
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    • 2018
  • This paper aims to explore the relationship between organizational competencies and performance by analysing perception survey data of R&D management agencies in Korea. The regression analysis results show the perceived performance measured by policy contribution and R&D management efficiency may be enhanced by organizational competencies such as professionalism and efficiency of R&D management specialized agencies. The paper suggests several improvement measures for strengthening professionalism of R&D management agencies in Korea. First, expertise competencies for strategic planning, management, evaluation need to be empowered in the whole process of R&D cycles. Second, in order to stabilize financial resources of R&D management specialized agencies, the existing R&D budget for Planing, Evaluation and Management should be reformed. Third, R&D management specialized agencies need setting up special organizations for managing inter-organizational collaboration with other R&D organizations. And the agencies should employ special experts in each position for strategic planning, management, evaluation, performance and commercialization. Finally, different R&D management procedures of each R&D management specialized agency need to be standardized in order to promote innovative R&D culture.