• Title/Summary/Keyword: Financial Markets

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Convergence analysis about volatility of the stock markets before and after the currency crisis - With a focus on Normal distribution, kurtosis, skewness (외환위기 전후 주식시장의 변동성에 관한 융복합 분석 - 정규분포, 첨도, 왜도를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Jeong-Il
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2015
  • The domestic stock market has been subjected to a major change since the September 1997 financial crisis. Foreign capital came repeat themselves in the stock market and bond market, foreign exchange market opening up domestic financial markets after the financial crisis. The domestic stock market has been most affected by domestic capital before the financial crisis. But it has been receiving an absolute influenced by foreign capital after the financial crisis. The purpose of this study is to analyze the trends in the two sections that look at any changes in the volatility of the KOSPI appears after the crisis. To this, obtained a daily weekly monthly normal distribution and kurtosis, skewness degree it should be analyze the tilt phenomenon and variability of the two intervals. This study also predict the future movement of the domestic stock market Based on this, look at the difference between the two sections. Analysis result, after the financial crisis change width has a reduction but direction of the KOSPI has appeared relatively distinct in the medium to long term. Based on this future market seems desirable the mid- to long-term investment looking for direction.

Comparison Study between Institutional Response to Security Risks of the EU's Revised Payment Services Directive and Domestic Electronic Finance Regulation (개정된 유럽연합 지급결제서비스지침의 보안위험에 대한 제도적인 대응과 관련 국내 전자금융 규제와의 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun Boo;Kim, In Seok
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.79-107
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    • 2019
  • Traditionally banks and other financial institutions use customers' accounts and information managed by them and provide payment services in dominant positions. Recently, EU amends Payment Services Directive to institutionally guarantee access to customers' accounts and use of account-related information even to third parties, which facilitates competition in financial markets and promotes innovation. However, this kind of change can increase potential security risks and therefore institutional responses from financial authorities are required so that all participants in financial markets can properly respond to security risks. In this study institutional responses to the security risks in the EU's new Payment Services Directive (PSD2) are analyzed, comparisons between this and domestic electronic financial regulations are analyzed, and implications for the direction of improving domestic electronic financial regulations will be suggested.

A Study on the Financial Stress and Retailer Selection of the Elderly

  • Kim, Jong-Jin
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - The purpose of the study was to investigate the financial difficulty of the elderly in each income group and to examine the factors having related influence. The study adopted models with Korean welfare panel material and examined factors that having influence upon low income elderly's selection on retail business. Research design, data, and methodology - The study investigated the effects having influence upon the financial difficulty of elderly household as well as common household. It also examined independence variables having influence upon household's financial stress and found out the direction of financial control in elderly household. The study investigated the effect of financial stress upon economy to support consumption of the elderly. Results - In cases of financial difficulties, independent variables of the debt increased the financial difficulties of elderly households relying upon traditional markets. The elderly households had financial difficulties because of independent variables of the debt except for loan from financial institution. Conclusions - In this study, the elderly's financial stress had influence upon the use of retail business and the characteristics of residing and family. Further study shall give support policies for the elderly to alleviate financial burden.

A Study on the Mitigation of Market Power using Contingent Transmission Rights in Competitive Electricity Markets (경쟁적 전력시장에서 송전권을 이용한 지역적 시장지배력 완화방안)

  • Park, Jung-Sung;Chung, Kooh-Hyung;Kim, Bal-Ho
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.268-276
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    • 2007
  • Transmission congestion is one of the key factors to local market power in competitive electricity markets. Financial transmission rights provide the financial protection to their holders by paying back the congestion rent. A variety researches have shown that the existing trading mechanisms on transmission right can exacerbate market power. This paper proposes an alternative methodology in mitigating the local market power using the Contingent Transmission Rights on the locational marginal pricing scheme. The proposed methodology was demonstrated with the Optimal Power Flow.

Coordination of Generator Maintenance Schedule in Two-Way Bidding Pools (TWBP 시장에서 계통운용자의 발전설비 예방정비계획 조정 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • Han Seok-Man;Chung Koo-Hyung;Kim Balho H.;Park Jong-Bae;Cha Jun-Min
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • v.53 no.12
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    • pp.685-688
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    • 2004
  • In competitive electricity markets, the System Operator (SO) coordinates the overall maintenance schedules whenever the collective maintenance schedule reported to SO by Gencos in the pool does not satisfy the specified operating criteria, such as system reliability or supply adequacy. The SO's coordination usually involves sorts of financial conflict among Genco's. This paper proposes a coordination algorithm which minimizes the total financial loss of Genco's while satisfying the required operating criteria.

Information Transmission between Cash and Futures Markets through Quote Revisions and Order Imbalances

  • Kang, Jang-Koo;Lee, Soon-Hee;Park, Hyoung-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.117-144
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    • 2008
  • This article examines the information transmission process between the KOSPI 200 futures market and its underlying stock market, using the 10-second quote and trade data. The VAR analysis reveals that quote revisions through limit orders in general lead trades through market orders. In addition, the VAR analysis shows that the futures market tends to lead the stock market in terms of quote revisions and trades, even though the other direction is also observable. Even when we focus on the events causing large movements in quote revisions and trades, those lead and lag relations between those markets and between quote revisions and order imbalances are confirmed.

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Toward Fintech Adoption Framework for Developing Countries -A Literature Review based on the Stakeholder Perspective

  • Tapanainen, Tommi
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2020
  • Due to the low usage level of traditional financial services in many developing countries, Fintech services that often substitute for such traditional services with greater convenience have great potential in these markets. However, there have thus far been relatively few attempts to examine Fintech adoption in developing countries. As financial services are a highly sensitive industry in terms of government regulation and consumer trust, it is critical for policymakers to understand how to foster a healthy Fintech marketplace in developing country environments. In this paper, we review the scholarly literature on Fintech adoption with respect to three stakeholder groups: customers, service providers, and policymakers. Adding with practitioner-oriented documentation relating to Fintech adoption in Vietnam, we derive propositions for Fintech adoption research in Vietnam and similar developing countries. We collect these propositions as a framework that suggests avenues for future research.

The Empirical Evidence on Government Bond Market Integration in East Asia

  • Liu, Lian
    • East Asian Economic Review
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.37-65
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    • 2016
  • This research intends to investigate the progress made in East Asian bond market integration thus far. Price-based measures (AAD indicator and beta-convergence measure), quantity-based measures and econometric techniques (co-integration test, error correction model based Granger causality test) are employed in the analysis. Even though East Asian government bond markets have become more integrated since 2001, the differentials among the markets still remain significantly high. The bond market integration process seems slow. The convergence of bond markets sped up in 2003 and after the 2008 world financial crisis, implying the important role of government policies in integrating the regional bond markets. East Asian bond market integration may need more government-directed measures.

Dynamic Relationship between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates: Evidence from Chinese Stock Markets

  • Lee, Jung Wan;Zhao, Tianyuan Frederic
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2014
  • This paper empirically examines the short-run and long-run causal relationship between stock market prices and exchange rates in Chinese stock markets using monthly data from January 2002 to December 2012 retrieved from the National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China. Unit root, cointegration tests, vector error correction estimates, block exogeneity Wald tests, impulse responses, variance decomposition techniques and structural break tests are employed. This study found 1) long-run causality from exchange rates to stock prices in Chinese stock markets and 2) short-run causality from Japanese yen and Korean won exchange rates to stock prices in the Shanghai Stock Exchange strongly prevails while in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange weakly prevails. The impact of the global financial crisis from 2007 to 2009 on Chinese stock markets was insignificant.

Characterizing Co-movements between Indian and Emerging Asian Equity Markets through Wavelet Multi-Scale Analysis

  • Shah, Aasif;Deo, Malabika;King, Wayne
    • East Asian Economic Review
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.189-220
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    • 2015
  • Multi-scale representations are effective in characterising the time-frequency characteristics of financial return series. They have the capability to reveal the properties not evident with typical time domain analysis. Given the aforesaid, this study derives crucial insights from multi scale analysis to investigate the co-movements between Indian and emerging Asian equity markets using wavelet correlation and wavelet coherence measures. It is reported that the Indian equity market is strongly integrated with Asian equity markets at lower frequency scales and relatively less blended at higher frequencies. On the other hand the results from cross correlations suggest that the lead-lag relationship becomes substantial as we turn to lower frequency scales and finally, wavelet coherence demonstrates that this correlation eventually grows strong in the interim of the crises period at lower frequency scales. Overall the findings are relevant and have strong policy and practical implications.