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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Final evaluation

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An Experimental Study on the Chloride Diffusion of Concrete by Experimental in Room of Individual and Combined Deterioration (단독 및 복합열화의 실내촉진실험에 의한 콘크리트의 염화물 확산에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Sun;Koo, Kyung-Mo;Kim, Young-Duck;Cho, Bong-Suk;Kim, Gyu-Yong;Kim, Moo-Han
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.574-577
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    • 2006
  • Recently, the deterioration due to salt damage and carbonation as the main factors of deteriaoration of the domestic reinforced concrete structures has been increased. Also the national and social concern about the durability recovery of the deteriorated reinforced concrete structures is geratly being raised. Therefore, it is the final purposes of this study to develop the performance evaluation technique for durability of reinforced concrete structures deteriorated due to salt damage and carbonation with the proposal of the service life prediction method for the investigation and diagnosis of reinforced concrete structures, and accelerated test in Lab.

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Flexural Capacity Evaluation of RC Member Retrofitted by CFS and with Various Damage Level (탄소섬유로 휨보강된 RC 부재의 손상정도에 따른 보유내력평가)

  • Seo, Soo-Yeon;Kim, Kyong-Tae;Yoon, Seung-Joe;Yun, Hyun-Do;Choi, Chang-Sik;Choi, Gi-Bong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.326-329
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    • 2006
  • Strengthening method using CFS have been developed for the rehabilitation of structures. However, it is very difficult to estimate their resistance capacity after retrofit. Therefore, damage information for strengthened structure with CFS investigated and the estimation method structural capacity by using the damage information is developed. The final objective of this research work is to propose the guideline and method for resistance capacity estimate of structure. In this paper, experimental study result with test parameters of number of carbon fiber sheets and bonding ratio is introduced.

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Performance Evaluation of On-Demand Routing Protocol using Look-ahead Selective Flooding in Ad-hoc Network (Ad-hoc 네트워크에서 Look-ahead Selective Flooding을 이용한 On-Demand 라우팅 프로토콜 성능 개선)

  • Yo-chan Ahn
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2003
  • Ad-hoc networks are characterized by multi-hop wireless links, frequently changing network topology and the need for efficient dynamic routing protocols. In an Ad-hoc network, each host assumes the role of a router and relays packets toward final destinations Because a packet is broadcast to all neighboring nodes, the optimality criteria of wireless network routing is different from that of wired network routing. tn this paper 1 point out the more important cost factor than the number of links in the Ad-hoc network. A class routing protocols called on-demand protocols has recently found attention because of their low routing overhead since it performs a blind flooding to look for a path. In this paper, 1 propose the method which reduces overhead by using the information of neighboring nodes and doing a selective flooding. Simulation results demonstrate better reduction of routing overheads with this scheme.

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Developing of a Tool for Ambulatory Care Nurse Competencies (외래간호사 역량 증진을 위한 간호역량 평가도구 개발)

  • Min, Myoungjin;Yu, Soyoung
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.90-100
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a tool to evaluate the nursing competency of ambulatory nurses and to verify the reliability and validity of the developed tool for use in general hospitals. Methods: The evaluation tool for ambulatory nursing competency was developed through a literature review and tests for validity and reliability. Results: Subsequent to a review of the literature on nursing performance of ambulatory nurses, a 12 item questionnaire was developed. Through factor analysis, 12 items in a 2 factor solution were derived. Cronbach's α coefficient of the final instrument was .86. Conclusion: The assessment tool developed in this study allows for objective assessments of nursing competencies in relation to the competencies expected of ambulatory care nurses. It is hoped that the assessment tool can be used for empirical verification and to provide basic data for establishing the necessary policies to secure outstanding human resources.

Evaluation of Surrogate Models for Shape Optimization of Compressor Blades

  • Samad, Abdus;Kim, Kwang-Yong
    • 유체기계공업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.08a
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    • pp.367-370
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    • 2006
  • Performances of multiple surrogate models are evaluated in a turbomachinery blade shape optimization. The basic models, i.e., Response Surface Approximation, Kriging and Radial Basis Neural Network models as well as weighted average models are tested for shape optimization. Global data based errors for each surrogates are used to calculate the weights. These weights are multiplied with the respective surrogates to get the final weighted average models. The design points are selected using three level fractional factorial D-optimal designs. The present approach can help address the multi-objective design on a rational basis with quantifiable cost-benefit analysis.

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Two-Microphone Generalized Sidelobe Canceller with Post-Filter Based Speech Enhancement in Composite Noise

  • Park, Jinsoo;Kim, Wooil;Han, David K.;Ko, Hanseok
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.366-375
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    • 2016
  • This paper describes an algorithm to suppress composite noise in a two-microphone speech enhancement system for robust hands-free speech communication. The proposed algorithm has four stages. The first stage estimates the power spectral density of the residual stationary noise, which is based on the detection of nonstationary signal-dominant time-frequency bins (TFBs) at the generalized sidelobe canceller output. Second, speech-dominant TFBs are identified among the previously detected nonstationary signal-dominant TFBs, and power spectral densities of speech and residual nonstationary noise are estimated. In the final stage, the bin-wise output signal-to-noise ratio is obtained with these power estimates and a Wiener post-filter is constructed to attenuate the residual noise. Compared to the conventional beamforming and post-filter algorithms, the proposed speech enhancement algorithm shows significant performance improvement in terms of perceptual evaluation of speech quality.

Autotransplantation of impacted mandibular canine (매복 하악 견치의 자가이식술을 이용한 치험례)

  • Hong, Seong-Soo;Lee, Sang-Ho;Kim, Dong-Phil
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.710-717
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    • 1997
  • Autotransplantation is the transplantation of embeded, impacted, or unerupted tooth, into extraction socket or surgically prepared socket in the same individual. Clinically, successful autotransplantation must show radiolucent space(periodontal ligament space) between transplanted tooth and supporting bone, lamina dura, no root resorption, no ankylosis, no inflammatory change, and physiologic tooth mobility. It is important that procedure is atraumatic, and the instruments should not contact the root surface during procedure. We performed autotransplantation of impacted mandibular canine that transversely located beneath the apices of the mandibular incisors with uncompletely developed apex. In radiographs and clinical evaluation, this transplant showed successful clinical finding except irregularity of mesial root surface after 14 months. It is conclued that transplantation of canine with 1234 root development provides a good chance of pulp survival, limited risk of root resorption and ensures sufficient final length, and is thus recommended.

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Full mouth prosthetic rehabilitation base on making plan: a case report (체계적 계획을 통한 전악고정성 보철물 제작 증례)

  • Kim, Wook Tae
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.183-190
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluated the process of model analysis, design, and production for a full mouth prosthetic rehabilitation of function, esthetics, and pronunciation. Methods: This is a case report of class III malocclusion with a severe anterior incisor occlusion and a prosthetic treatment of patient with poor occlusion of posterior teeth. A provisional restoration based on the diagnostic wax-up was applied to the patient. And then functions, esthetics, and occlusal stability were observed during 4 week tracking period. Final restorations were delivered and evaluated based on a systematic analysis, diagnosis and treatment plan. Results: We confirms that this case study obtained the satisfactory results in terms of functions and esthetics. Conclusion : If we can give the patient the continuous evaluation and progress monitoring, we expect the dentist and the dental technician to design the prosthesis successfully.

Recovery from Stroke and Physical Therapy (뇌졸중 후 회복과 물리치료)

  • Kwon, Oh-Yun;Kim, Suhn-Yeop
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.98-107
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    • 1995
  • Physical therapists use assumptions about motor control in every aspect of their work in treating stroke patients. An understanding of the recovery process after stroke, some neural mechanism of recovery and therapeutic model is critical factor for physical therapist to evaluate and obtain a higher final stage of recovery. The purpose of this article was to review the recovery process after stroke, some neural mechanism of recovery, the role of rehabilitation in the process of recovery, therapeutic model and its limitation. This article will help understanding of recovery process. evaluation, and treatment of the stroke patients. Each therapeutic method consists of a different set of assumptions and they are not completely independent of one another. Therefore specializing in any techniques of physical therapy will not be enough to treat stroke, so we are in need of integrated approach and objective measurement instrument to adequately evaluate and treat stroke patients.

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Interfacial Evaluation of Kenaf and Ramie Fibers/Epoxy Composites using Micromechanical Technique (Micromechanical 시험법을 이용한 Kenaf와 Ramie 섬유강화 에폭시 복합재료의 계면 물성 평가)

  • Son Tran Quang;Park Joung-Man;Hwang Byung-Sun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society For Composite Materials Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.92-95
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    • 2004
  • Interfacial shear strength (IFSS) of environmentally- friend natural fiber reinforced polymer composites playa very important role in controlling the overall mechanical properties. In this work the IFSS of Ramie and Kenaf fibers/epoxy systems were evaluated using the combination of micromechanical technique, microdroplet test to find out an optimal condition in accordance with final purpose by comparing to each other. Clamping effect on fiber elongation was determined as well. In addition, the mechanical properties of the natural fibers were investigated using single fiber tensile test and analyzed statistically by both uni- and bimodal Weibull distributions. Microfailure modes of different natural fiber structures were observed using optical microscope.

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