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Evaluation Criteria for Suitable Authentication Method for IoT Service Provider in Industry 4.0 Environment (4차 산업혁명 시대의 IoT 서비스 참여 주체에 대한 적합한 인증수단 선택을 위한 평가기준)

  • Jeong, Kwang Seob;Bae, Sukjoo;Kim, Hyoungtae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.116-122
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    • 2017
  • Advances in information technology, communication and network technology are radically facilitating digital convergences as the integration of human, equipment, and space in the current industry 4.0 era. In industry 4.0 environment, the vast amount of information with networked computing technology can be simultaneously accessible even in limited physical space. Two main benefit points out of these information are the convenience and efficiency in their online transactions either buying things online or selling online. Even though there exist so many benefits that information technology can create for the people doing business over the internet there is a critical problem to be answered. In spite of many such advantages, however, online transactions have many dysfunctions such as personal information leakage, account hacking, and cybercrime. Without preparing the appropriate protection methods or schema people reluctantly use the transaction or would find some other partners with enhanced information security environment. In this paper we suggested a novel selection criteria that can be used to evaluate the reliable means of authentication against the expected risks under on-going IoT based environment. Our selection criteria consists of 4 steps. The first step is services and risk identification step. The second step is evaluation of risk occurrence step. The third step includes the evaluation of the extent of damage. And the final step is the assessment of the level of risk. With the help of the above 4 step-approach people can systematically identify potential risks hiding in the online transactions and effectively avoid by taking appropriate counter actions.

A Survey Study on the Science Education Evaluation and Objectives -attached perception and actual state of middle school science teachers in pusan- (과학교육평가(科孝敎育評價)와 목표(目標)에 관(開)한 중등고학교사(中等科學敎師)의 인식(認識) 조사(調査) 연구(硏究))

  • Woo, Jong-Ok;Lee, Kyung-Hoon;Son, Eun-Joo
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.63-79
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    • 1985
  • The purpose of our survey study was to investigate the status on perception and actual state toward science educational evaluation and objectives of middle school science teachers in Pusan. The perception and actual state were surveyed by the questionaire which was developed by Jong-Ok Woo et. al. We developed two kinds of questionaire. One is designed to use Likert type scale and is composed of two main category(SE; Science educational evaluation, SO; Science educational objectives) which contains 21 question items, and the other has 16 question items From 313 science teacger's responses of 75 middle schools in pusan, the tendency. of total(SE+SO) and each sub category, and the contrast with their background and actual state were analized by SPSS program of KAIST. Some results of our survey study can be summarized as follows; 1. Total tendency of science educational evaluation(SE) and objectives(SO) of middle school science teachers in pusan shows a positive and right tendency of conception in general(m-85.8/100). 2. Tendency of SE(m-87.8/100) are slightly higher than SO(m-81.7/100). At the level of 5% significance, there are correlated but shows low correlation (r=0.12(4). 3. In each correlation toward total tendency(SE+SO), SE is highly correlated(r-0.8486) but SO is moderately correlated(r=0.6297) at the level of 0.1% significance. 4. Tendencies of 5sub category (PE, PC, PD, PO, PB) shows considerably right tendencies (m=73.4/10092.7/100), there are moderately correlated foward total tendency(SE+SO) at the level of 0.1% significance (r=0.490.60). 5. At the level of 5%significance, total means are no differences which their background(Sex, Final alma mate, Major, Difference of training), but there is differences to teaching career at the level of 5% significance.

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  • Kim, Jeong-Mo;Kim, Chul-Hwan
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2007
  • Bone scan using radioactive isotope can be more effective than conventional X-ray radiograph for finding jaw lesion because it takes an image of the physiologic change of bone. This study is designed to show how available bone scan is able to diagnose jaw lesion better than simple X-ray and CT, as well as to determine a basis of diagnosis for jaw lesion using bone scan. The 77 patients, visiting the Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Dankook University Hospital from January 2002. to August 2005. who were diagnosed histopathologically with postoperative malignant tumor, osteomyelitis, and bone infiltrative benign disease. Preoperative X-ray, CT, bone scan were taken and were compared with histopathologic finding. Also to compare specificty of each lesion in bone scan, bone density was measured to compare. The results were as follows. 1. Among the 25 cases of oral malignant tumor of bony invasion, a positive diagnosis associated with histopathologic evaluation, 22 cases(88%) in bone scan, 14 cases(56%) in CT image, and 10 cases40%) in simple X-ray. 2. Among the 31 cases of osteomyelitis, a positive diagnosis associated with histopathologic evaluation, 30 cases(97%) in bone scan, 23 cases(74%) in CT image, and 19 cases(61%) in simple X-ray. 3. Among the 11cases of bone infiltrative benign disease, a positive diagnosis associated with histopathologic evaluation, 11 cases(100%) in bone scan, 10 cases(91%) in CT image, and 6 cases(55%) in simple X-ray. 4. Measurement of bone density in each group showed no statistical significant difference between malignant tumor and osteomyelitis as well as benign bone disease. But, a statistical significance was seen between osteomyelitis and benign bone disease. From this results, bone scan are more sensitive than simple X-ray and CT image in jaw lesion diagnosis, but specificity shows no significant difference. Therefore, it should be suggested that evaluation of bone scan must be carrying out in reference to final histopathologic diagnosis.

An Evaluation System for Learning Concentricity on Distance Education (원격강의의 학습집중도 평가 시스템)

  • Choi Byung-Do;Hyun Chul-Sang;Jung Jin-Uk;Kim Dong-Hak;Kim Wook-Hyun;Kim Chong-Gun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.12A no.2 s.92
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    • pp.181-190
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    • 2005
  • The development of web-based distance education surroundings is steadily achieving. However the studying on the learning effect of learners is still weak against development of educational media itself. At present, most of the distance education system is showing limits in the evaluation of the learning effect because the teaming evaluation depends on mid or final-term exams by on-line or off-line. There is a strong point that the distance education is free from space and time. One of present weak points is limitation of evaluating learner's attitude which can estimate learning effects. Earnest teaming attitude at distance education is important factor for improving the learning effects. In this paper, we propose a model for improving the teaming effects by forcing real-time evaluation and returning feedback to learners at the cyber lectures. The developed experimental system is verified its possibilities.

Feasibility Evaluation of High-Tech New Product Development Projects Using Support Vector Machines

  • Shin, Teak-Soo;Noh, Jeon-Pyo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Inteligent Information System Society Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.241-250
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    • 2005
  • New product development (NPD) is defined as the transformation of a market opportunity and a set of assumptions about product technology into a product available for sale. Managers charged with project selection decisions in the NPD process, such as go/no-go choices and specific resource allocation decisions, are faced with a complicated problem. Therefore, the ability to develop new successful products has identifies as a major determinant in sustaining a firm's competitive advantage. The purpose of this study is to develop a new evaluation model for NPD project selection in the high -tech industry using support vector machines (SYM). The evaluation model is developed through two phases. In the first phase, binary (go/no-go) classification prediction model, i.e. SVM for high-tech NPD project selection is developed. In the second phase. using the predicted output value of SVM, feasibility grade is calculated for the final NPD project decision making. In this study, the feasibility grades are also divided as three level grades. We assume that the frequency of NPD project cases is symmetrically determined according to the feasibility grades and misclassification errors are partially minimized by the multiple grades. However, the horizon of grade level can be changed by firms' NPD strategy. Our proposed feasibility grade method is more reasonable in NPD decision problems by considering particularly risk factor of NPD in viewpoints of future NPD success probability. In our empirical study using Korean NPD cases, the SVM significantly outperformed ANN and logistic regression as benchmark models in hit ratio. And the feasibility grades generated from the predicted output value of SVM showed that they can offer a useful guideline for NPD project selection.

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Analysis on Visual Preference of Bridge Landscapes of View Point Selection and Bridge Shape for Improvement of the Rural Landscape - A Case Study of the 'Baegya Bridge of Yeosu City in Jeollanam-do' (농어촌경관 향상을 위한 교량경관의 조망점 및 형태에 관한 경관선호도 분석 -전라남도 여수시 백야대교를 대상으로-)

  • Chun, Hyun-Jin;Lee, June;Jiang, Long;Kim, Sung-Kyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2012
  • This research is focus on the analysis of bridge image and preference. In this study, 3 types of bridge with arch bridge, cable stayed bridge, and suspension bridge, 4 prospect points named A, B, C, and D will be simulated in one scene for final analysis of bridge image and preference.On prospect point A, higher evaluation is received among the arch bridge. In addition, for cable stayed bridge and suspension bridge, the Higher evaluation is received among the most at the arch bridge on prospect point B. At the on prospect point C, higher evaluation is received among the most cable stayed bridge and suspension bridge compared with arch bridge. At the on prospect point D, lower evaluation is received among the cable stayed bridge and suspension bridge compared with arch bridge. The highest average total preference is received for cable stayed bridge. And, The lowest average total preference is received for arch bridge. Cable stayed bridge is suitable for the Baegya Bridge than arch bridge in the Landscape point. In conclusion, the preference for one bridge is not the same at different prospect points through above research.

An Application and Case Study on the Evaluation Method of River Naturalness using GIS - The special reference to Musim-cheon river in Cheongju City - (GIS를 이용한 하천의 자연성 평가 - 청주시 무심천 지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Byeong-Cheol;Shin, Young-Cheol;Suh, Ae-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.48-57
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    • 2002
  • River plays an important role both to nature and people. Also considering the limitation of land and water resources coupled with the continuous urbanization and industrialization of Korea, the effective river management becomes more and more important. The evaluation units consisted of main 3 factors(13 detail factors) are classified 5 grade and 5 scores system. The survey area was divided and selected by 5 zones in Musim-cheon river. The final result of evaluation for 5 Zone is good near natural river following next order; 1 (4.07), 2 (3.56), 5 (3.4), 4 (3.1) and 3 Zone(2.6 score) On this condition, the main purpose of this study was to apply GIS(geographic information system) spatial analysis for evaluation method of river naturalness in order to promote the river management and the process of ecological restoration of river corridors.

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A study on the relationship between performance factors and individual performance evaluation results (성과요인과 개인성과 평가결과의 관계에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Boong
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2022
  • This study divided employee performance factors into individual, organizational, and institutional factors, and empirically analyzed their relationship with performance evaluation results. Based on the final 417 samples, the results using the SPSS and AMOS are summarized as follows. Among the performance factors, job satisfaction and a fair performance system showed a significant positive (+) relationship with the individual performance evaluation results, and it was difficult to find a clear correlation with stable interpersonal relationships. Job satisfaction (β= 0.432, t= 7.375***) had the greatest impact, followed by a fair performance system (β= 0.127, t= 2.406*). This can be said to be the case where the cause of performance is satisfaction with the job and the recognition that the organization's performance system is fair. However, it was found that stable interpersonal relationships, that is, interpersonal relationships that have smooth relationships with other people and are accompanied by psychological stability, are not a performance factor. Based on the empirical analysis results, a discussion on performance factors, implications of this study, and future research directions are presented.

Assessing Community Resilience in Rural Regions Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process Method (AHP 기법을 이용한 농촌 커뮤니티 리질리언스 지표 도출 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Sol;Lee, Jae-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to introduce the concept of community resilience to rural society and build an index suitable for the reality of rural areas. Furthermore, by calculating the importance of evaluation factors, it was attempted to present priorities and alternatives for each evaluation factor. By stratifying the derived indicators, a survey was conducted targeting 20 researchers, practitioners, and public officials, three groups of experts working in rural areas who were well aware of the realities and problems of rural areas. In the survey, a pairwise comparison was performed to compare factors 1:1 to calculate the importance, and for rational and consistent decision-making, decisions were made in the 9-grade section. Using the collected data, consistency analysis that can evaluate reliability in the decision-making process and the relative weight of evaluation factors were calculated through AHP analysis. As a result of the analysis, as a result of examining the priority of final importance by summarizing the importance of all evaluation factors, 'Income creation using resources' > 'Population Characteristics' > 'Tolerance' > 'External Support' > 'Social Accessibility' > 'Physical Accessibility' > 'Community Competence' > 'Infrastructure' > 'Leader Competence' > 'Natural Environment' was derived in the order. In the study dealing with urban community resilience indicators, social aspects such as citizen participation, public-private cooperation, and governance were presented as the most important requirements, but this study differs in that the 'income creation' factor is derived as the most important factor. This can be seen through the change in the income difference between rural and urban areas. The income structure of rural areas has changed rapidly, and it is now reaching a very poor level, so it is necessary to prepare alternatives to 'income creation' in the case of rural areas. Unlike urban indicators, 'population characteristics' and 'tolerance' were also derived as important indicators of rural society. However, there are currently no alternatives to supplement the vulnerability by strengthening the resilience of rural communities. Based on the priority indicators derived from the study, we tried to suggest alternatives necessary for rural continuity in the future so that they can be supplemented step by step.

Determination of Flunixin and 5-Hydroxy Flunixin Residues in Livestock and Fishery Products Using Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)

  • Dahae Park;Yong Seok Choi;Ji-Young Kim;Jang-Duck Choi;Gui-Im Moon
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.873-884
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    • 2024
  • Flunixin is a veterinary nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent whose residues have been investigated in their original form within tissues such as muscle and liver. However, flunixin remains in milk as a metabolite, and 5-hydroxy flunixin has been used as the primary marker for its surveillance. This study aimed to develop a quantitative method for detecting flunixin and 5-hydroxy flunixin in milk and to strengthen the monitoring system by applying to other livestock and fishery products. Two different methods were compared, and the target compounds were extracted from milk using an organic solvent, purified with C18, concentrated, and reconstituted using a methanol-based solvent. Following filtering, the final sample was analyzed using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Method 1 is environmentally friendly due to the low use of reagents and is based on a multi-residue, multi-class analysis method approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. The accuracy and precision of both methods were 84.6%-115% and 0.7%-9.3%, respectively. Owing to the low matrix effect in milk and its convenience, Method 1 was evaluated for other matrices (beef, chicken, egg, flatfish, and shrimp) and its recovery and coefficient of variation are sufficient according to the Codex criteria (CAC/GL 71-2009). The limits of detection and quantification were 2-8 and 5-27 ㎍/kg for flunixin and 2-10 and 6-33 ㎍/kg for 5-hydroxy flunixin, respectively. This study can be used as a monitoring method for a positive list system that regulates veterinary drug residues for all livestock and fisheries products.