• Title/Summary/Keyword: Final evaluation

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Developing System and Site Level Framework of Management Effectiveness Evaluation for the Forest Genetic Resources Reserve in Korea (산림유전자원보호구역의 관리효과성 평가를 위한 시스템 및 현장 수준의 평가틀 개발)

  • Lee, Dong-Ho;Kang, Mihee;Kim, Seong-il
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.105 no.4
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    • pp.472-485
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    • 2016
  • The main purpose of this research was to develop a multi-level evaluation framework for the management effectiveness of the Forest Genetic Resources Reserve (FGRR) at both the system level and the site level. The initial system level Management Effectiveness Evaluation (MEE) framework for FGRR was developed based on the MEE Framework designed by IUCN WCPA and MEE framework for Korean National Parks that was designed jointly by IUCN, the Korean Ministry of Environment, and the Korea National Park Service. Several indicators were added or modified considering characteristics of the FGRR. The final system level MEE frameworks consisted of 6 categories with total of 39 criteria and 42 indicators based on expert survey results. The initial site-level MEE framework was developed based on the site level MEE framework for Korean National Parks that was designed jointly by IUCN, the Korean Ministry of Environment, and the Korea National Park Service. The final site level MEE framework consisted of 6 categories with total of 16 criteria and 40 indicators based on both an expert survey and an intensive workshop with the officers in charge of managing the FGRR from the Korea Forest Service and local governments.

The Significance Test on the AHP-based Alternative Evaluation: An Application of Non-Parametric Statistical Method (AHP를 이용한 대안 평가의 유의성 분석: 비모수적 통계 검정 적용)

  • Park, Joonsoo;Kim, Sung-Chul
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.15-35
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    • 2017
  • The method of weighted sum of evaluation using AHP is widely used in feasibility analysis and alternative selection. Final scores are given in forms of weighted sums and the alternative with largest score is selected. With two alternatives, as in feasibility analysis, the final score greater than 0.5 gives the selection but there remains a question that how large is large enough. KDI suggested a concept of 'grey area' where scores are between 0.45 and 0.55 in which decisions are to be made with caution, but it lacks theoretical background. Statistical testing was introduced to answer the question in some studies. It was assumed some kinds of probability distribution, but did not give the validity on them. We examine the various cases of weighted sum of evaluation score and show why the statistical testing has to be introduced. We suggest a non-parametric testing procedure which does not assume a specific distribution. A case study is conducted to analyze the validity of our suggested testing procedure. We conclude our study with remarks on the implication of analysis and the future way of research development.

(A) Study on the Priority Selection for business development of the Defense Education and Training System Based on Virtual Reality (가상현실 기반 국방 교육훈련체계 사업화 우선순위 선정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Se-Ho;Han, Seung-Jo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.201-209
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    • 2022
  • In order for the military to review the introduction of virtual reality technology into various education and training systems and fully utilize it, it is important to reflect the characteristics of the technology and education system and to accurately identify and selectively apply the characteristics of commercialization. In this study, the evaluation criteria were selected through the Analitic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method for factors to be considered when commercializing a virtual reality-based education and training system, and the priorities of the projects were determined. Based on previous studies, an initial AHP model was constructed and the relative importance of six factors, including reality, was analyzed as the level 1 evaluation criteria. Next, for Level 2, each evaluation criterion was evaluated to confirm the importance of each of the 11 tasks in the six evaluation criteria, and priorities were selected for each task. As a result of the analysis, level 1 showed that reality and ripple had higher importance than other factors. As a result of evaluating the final relative importance, the priority was shown in the order of ① flight training, ② disaster training, ③ shooting Training, and ④ driving a vehicle. Based on the relative priorities determined in Levels 1 and 2 of the model presented in this study, the importance of each project necessary for final decision-making of the research priorities for the defense virtual reality project was presented. It is expected that this study can be used as a reference material for prioritizing the commercialization of education and training systems in the defense sector.

A study on performance-based evaluation system for NATM tunnels in use: development of evaluation model and validation (공용중인 NATM 터널의 성능중심 평가체계 연구: 평가모형 개발 및 검증)

  • Moon, Joon-Shik;Kim, Hong-Kyoon;An, Jai-Wook;Lee, Jong-Gun
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.107-120
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    • 2020
  • In a performance-based evaluation of structures in use, the current performance is assessed by summing up the weighting of the evaluation indices for each performance. In this study, to suggest a performance-based evaluation technique for NATM tunnels in use, the performance evaluation indices were derived by examining the characteristics and similarities of each index developed from previous study. The weighting of the evaluation indices was derived by calculating the relative importance of each evaluation indices from the AHP analysis. In order to develop a quantitative evaluation model, grading criteria for each performance index was derived through literature review, and performance evaluation tables for road and railway tunnels were presented. In order to verify the significance of the proposed performance evaluation model, the correlation analysis was performed between each evaluation index and the final evaluation result. In the correlation analysis, the survey data measured through precision safety diagnosis in the tunnel in use was applied. It may be said that the proposed evaluation indices, weighting, criteria and evaluation models for tunnels in use can be applied to the performance-based maintenance system of tunnels.

Effect of Product Involvement and Brand Preference on Consumers' Evaluation Effort for Multi-Dimensional Prices (소비자의 다차원가격 평가노력에 대한 제품관여도와 브랜드선호도의 영향)

  • Kim, Jae-Yeong
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - Multi-dimensional prices comprise multiple components such as monthly payments and a number of payments rather than a single lump-sum amount. According to previous studies, an increase in the number of price dimensions leads to a massive amount of cognitive stress resulting in incorrect calculation, and deterioration in the consistency of the price judgment. However, an increase only in the level of complexity of calculating multi-dimensional prices does not always result in a corresponding decrease in the accuracy of price evaluation. Since diverse variables could affect consumers' purchase-decision-making process, the results of price evaluation would be different. In this study, an empirical analysis was performed to determine how the accuracy of price evaluation varies depending on the extent of the complexity of price dimensions using product involvement and brand preference as moderating variables. Research design, data, and methodology - A survey was conducted on 260 students, and 252 effective responses were used for analysis. The data was analyzed using t-test, one-way ANOVA, and two-way ANOVA. In this study, six hypotheses were developed to examine the effect of product involvement and brand preference on consumers' evaluation effort of multi-dimensional prices. Results - As the number of price dimensions increased, accuracy of price evaluation appeared to be low in high involvement, as expected. However, it showed no differences in price evaluation effort when the level of complexity of calculating multi-dimensional prices is low. When a small number of price dimensions are presented in both cases of high and low involvement, accuracy of price evaluation is much higher in a weak brand preference. On the contrary, a strong brand preference enhances an accuracy of price evaluation only in case of low involvement when the number of price dimensions is increased. An interaction effect of product involvement and brand preference on consumers' evaluation of multi-dimensional prices did not exist irrespective of the level of complexity of calculating prices being high or low. Conclusions - When the number of price dimensions is small, consumers' effort for price evaluation shows almost no difference without the moderating effect of involvement, and a weak brand preference leads to a higher accuracy of price evaluation in an effort to make the best selection. No interaction effect of product involvement and brand preference was found except for a main effect of brand preference. When a price is composed of multiple dimensions rendering it more difficult to calculate the final price, the effort for price evaluation was expected to decrease only slightly in case of combination of high involvement and strong brand preference. This is because people have a higher purchase intentions and trust for that particular brand. However, the accuracy of price evaluation was much lower in cases of high involvement, and there was no interaction effect between product involvement and brand preference except for a main effect of involvement and brand preference, respectively.

Development of Evaluation Indicators for Job Capability Strengthening Program for Vocational High School with application of CIPP Evaluation Model (CIPP 평가모형을 적용한 특성화고 취업역량강화 프로그램 평가지표 개발)

  • Shin, Yeon-Ju;Kim, Sun-Tae;Song, Hae-Deok
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to develop evaluation indicators which can help decision making in the quality control and improvement of the job capability strengthening program for the vocational high school depending on the situation, input, process and output of CIPP evaluation model. For this purpose, through the literature review and the research of expert opinions, the evaluation indicators for the job capability strengthening program in the vocational high school was designed. In addition, the Delphi research was conducted to 15 teachers in charge of job searching in specialized high schools and education related experts to validate it. The CVR value which indicates the value of validity was analyzed through the findings of the collected Delphi questionnaires and the degree of opinion consistency was analyzed through the degrees of agreement and convergence. Through the correction and complementation, the final evaluation criteria and evaluation indicators was decided. The evaluation criteria developed from the findings include 7 references such as requirement analysis, objective setting, implementation plan, implementation contents, program activities, program control & evaluation and program performance. Each Criteria has 41 evaluation indicators. It is expected that the finally decided evaluation indicators would be used by the people concerned with the job capability strengthening program at the vocational high schools and contribute to the quality improvement of the job capability strengthening program at the vocational high schools as well as its future directions.

Exploring the Development of Research Questions from High School Research Project (고등학교 과제 연구 수업에서 탐구 문제 도출 과정 탐색)

  • Lee, Jisun;Kim, Sung-Won
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.319-329
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    • 2018
  • Research Projects allow students to experience of scientific research by conducting experiments on specific scientific subjects and writing reports. The process of research begins as students find and propose research questions and its importance has been consistently emphasized. In this study, we developed various strategies to support students to draw research questions and applied to each phase. We analyzed how students' research questions were developed at different phases. The program consists of five phases, such as (1) Exploration, (2) Literature Review and Data Collection, (3) Modification and Extension, (4) Sharing and Evaluation, (5) Final Selection and Research Plan. The program was applied to high school Research Project for 12 hours. A total of 13 students were divided into four groups of 3-4 students and conducted researches. The results of each student's research process and final research plans were then collected and analyzed. The overall quality of research questions produced by the students showed improvement in each phase. Each strategy improved in various aspects of the research questions at each level. Students were able to find their own area of interest in the 'Exploration' phase and then they began to suggest verifiable plans in the 'Literature and Data Collection' phase. They were able to find a variety of variables under the 'Modification and Extension' phase, whereas the precision of research questions improved in the 'Sharing and Evaluation' and the 'Final Selection and Research Plan' phase.

Fermentation Characteristics of Rice-Grape Wine Fermented with Rice and Grape (쌀과 포도를 혼합하여 발효시킨 쌀포도주의 발효 특성)

  • Bae, Sang-Dae;Bae, Sang-Myun;Kim, Jae-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.616-623
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    • 2004
  • Fermentation characteristics of rice-grape wine with different mixing ratios of rice and grape, rice one vs. grape five (Exp.1), rice two vs. grape five (Exp.2), rice five vs. grape five (Exp.3), and rice five and grape two (Exp.4), were investigated. Final alcohol contents of Exp.4, Exp.3, Exp.2, and Exp.1 were 18.4, 16.0, 14.9, and 12.9%, respectively. Final alcohol content increased with increasing amount of rice. Acidity of four experiments ranged pH 3.4-3.92, and total acidity was 0.52-0.74%. Exp.4, Exp.3, Exp.2, and Exp.1 gave a values of 8.76, 12.77, 12.88, and 23.96, respectively. When different mixing methods were applied to Exp.1, the resulting final alcohol contents of Exp.6 (grape musts periodically added after rice fermentation), Exp.7 (rice and grape simultaneously added and fermented), and Exp.8 (rice added after grape must fermentation) were 2.3-3.2% Bower than that of Exp.1 (grape must added after rice fermentation), and total acidity was 0.72-0.74%. Sensory evaluation comparing conventional red wine and rice-grape wine of Exp.1 showed rice-grape wine was preferred in taste.

Development of a Hospital Service-based Costing System and Its Application (병원서비스별 원가분석모형의 개발과 적용)

  • 박하영
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.35-69
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    • 1995
  • The managerial environment of hospitals in Korea characterized by low levels of medical insurance fees is worsening by increasing government regulations as to the utilization of medical services, rising costs of labor, material, and medical equipments, growing patient expectations concerning the quality of services, and escalating competitions among large hospitals in the market. Hospitals should seek for their survival strategies in this harsh environment and they should have information about costs of their products in doing so. However, it has not been available due to the complexity of the production process of hospital services. The objectives of this study were to develop a service-based cost accounting model and to apply the developed model to a study hospital to obtain cost information of hospital services. A model commonly used for the job-order product cost accounting in the manufacturing industry was modified for the use in hospitals in Korea. Actual costs, instead of standard costs, incurred to produce a unit of services during a given period of time were estimated in the model. Data required to implement the model included financial information, statistics for the allocation of supportive cost center costs to final cost centers, statistics for the allocation of final cost center costs to services, and the volume of each services charged to patients during a study period. The model was executed using data of a university teaching hospital located in Seoul for the fiscal year 1992. Data for financial information, allocation statistics fo supportive service costs, and the volume of services, most of them in electronic form, were available to the study. Data for allocation statistics of final cost center costs were collected in the study. There were 15 types of evaluation and management service, 2, 923 types of technical service, and 2, 608 types of drug and material service charged to patients in the study hospital during the fiscal year 1992. Labor costs of each of seven types of pesonnel, material costs of 611 types of drugs and materials, and depreciation costs of 212 types of medical equipments, miscellaneous costs, and indirect costs incurred in producing a unit of each services were estimated. Medical insurance fees for basic services such as evaluation and management of inpatients and outpatients, injection, and filling prescriptions, and for operating procedures were found to be set lower than costs. Infrequent services which use expensive medical equipments showed negative revenuse as well. On the other hand, fees for services not covered by the insurance such as CT, MRI and Sonogram, and for laboratory tests were higher than costs. This study has a significance in making it possible for a hospital to obtain cost information for all types of services which produced income based on all types of expenses incurred during a given period of time. This information can assist the management of a hospital in finding an effective cost reduction strategy, an efficient service-mix strategy under a given fee structure, and an optimum strategy for within-hospital resource allocations.

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Comparison of ACL Reconstructions using Quadrupled Hamstring tendon Autograft and Tibialis tendon Allograft (자가 슬괵건과 동종 경골건을 이용한 전방십자인대 재건술의 비교)

  • Lee, Kwang-Won;Lee, Seung-Hun;Yang, Dong-Hyun;Kang, Sung-Il;Choy, Won-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.7-11
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the clinical outcomes of ACL reconstruction using autogenous hamstring tendon and allo-tibialis tendon. Materials and Methods: Between March 2002 and March 2005, We performed 30 ACL reconstuructions using hamstring autograft and 20 ACL reconstuructions using tibialis tendon allograft. The average follow up period was 22 months in auto-hamstring tendon and 18 months in allo-tibialis tendon. For the clinical evaluation, we measured the Lysholm score, International Knee Documentation Committee(IKDC) score and anterior laxity by KT-2000 arthrometer at final follow up and compare the results between two groups. Results: The Lysholm score improved from 69.5 preoperatively, to 95.3 at final follow-up in the hamstring autograft groups and from 69.0 to 90.4 in the tibialis allograft groups. According to the IKDC evaluation form, 80% of autogenous hamstring tendon group and 73% of allograft group were good results, higher than B(almost normal)(p>0.05). The average KT-2000 arthrometer side-to-side difference, decreased from 7.1mm preoperatively, to 1.8mm at final follow-up in the hamstring autograft groups and from 7.4 mm to 2.4mm in the tibialis allograft groups. Conclusion: The clinical results of ACL reconstruction using auto-hamstring tendon and allo-tibialis tendon showed no significant differences. The allo-tibialis tendon is an acceptable substitute for auto-hamstring tendon in ACL reconstruction.

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