• Title/Summary/Keyword: Final evaluation

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Developing a Practical Course Model for the Personality Education in a Theological University (신학대학교에서 성품 교육을 위한 실천적 코스 모델 개발)

  • Yi, Miah
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.66
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    • pp.75-112
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    • 2021
  • This study is purposed to prepare students in theological universities so that they contribute to their faith community as well as the broader social community in future through developing a practical course model for education of character formation. Facing the challenge of a high-tech revolution being progressed globally in this period, theological seminaries as the Christian-affiliated institute of higher education see the necessity to nurture their learners' competency of holistic personality comprehending cognitive, affective, behavioral, and more spiritual maturity as well as specialty in each subject matter. The holistic character capability of seminarians is closely related not only to their own self-realization, but also social community's well-being. This research had the following content and results. Chapter 1 brought up a subject to educational needs of the holistic character formation in the theological seminaries to meet the rapidly changing times. Chapter 2 considered the importance of character formation in the curriculum of the universities and theological seminaries in the times of high-tech revolution through the literature reviews related to. Chapter 3 clarified the elements of character education to be placed emphasis on theological seminaries and established the way of course planning. Chapter 4, using a course of Christian social education for illustration, described in order the whole process of course planning comprehending the need of planning, description of course concept, establishment and definition of learning outcomes, organization of learning experience(course content), teaching-learning activities, evaluation of learning outcome, and course improvement, which was visualized with the chart of the process of course design. Also, it provided a practical illustration of the conceptual map, an outline of content and an organization of units, and scope-sequence chart. Finally, chapter 5 gave an syllabus example in an integrative and digestive form as the course plan to be distributed to the students, which is the final result produced through the whole process of course planning. This research is intended not to present a overall curriculum planning of the university-level in the theological seminaries, but to develop a course-level curriculum focused on the formation of character. The author hope that this study would be used as a guideline in developing a course model to nurture the capability of the learners' holistic character.

Development of the Regulatory Impact Analysis Framework for the Convergence Industry: Case Study on Regulatory Issues by Emerging Industry (융합산업 규제영향분석 프레임워크 개발: 신산업 분야별 규제이슈 사례 연구)

  • Song, Hye-Lim;Seo, Bong-Goon;Cho, Sung-Min
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.199-230
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    • 2021
  • Innovative new products and services are being launched through the convergence between heterogeneous industries, and social interest and investment in convergence industries such as AI, big data-based future cars, and robots are continuously increasing. However, in the process of commercialization of convergence new products and services, there are many cases where they do not conform to the existing regulatory and legal system, which causes many difficulties in companies launching their products and services into the market. In response to these industrial changes, the current government is promoting the improvement of existing regulatory mechanisms applied to the relevant industry along with the expansion of investment in new industries. This study, in these convergence industry trends, aimed to analysis the existing regulatory system that is an obstacle to market entry of innovative new products and services in order to preemptively predict regulatory issues that will arise in emerging industries. In addition, it was intended to establish a regulatory impact analysis system to evaluate adequacy and prepare improvement measures. The flow of this study is divided into three parts. In the first part, previous studies on regulatory impact analysis and evaluation systems are investigated. This was used as basic data for the development direction of the regulatory impact framework, indicators and items. In the second regulatory impact analysis framework development part, indicators and items are developed based on the previously investigated data, and these are applied to each stage of the framework. In the last part, a case study was presented to solve the regulatory issues faced by actual companies by applying the developed regulatory impact analysis framework. The case study included the autonomous/electric vehicle industry and the Internet of Things (IoT) industry, because it is one of the emerging industries that the Korean government is most interested in recently, and is judged to be most relevant to the realization of an intelligent information society. Specifically, the regulatory impact analysis framework proposed in this study consists of a total of five steps. The first step is to identify the industrial size of the target products and services, related policies, and regulatory issues. In the second stage, regulatory issues are discovered through review of regulatory improvement items for each stage of commercialization (planning, production, commercialization). In the next step, factors related to regulatory compliance costs are derived and costs incurred for existing regulatory compliance are calculated. In the fourth stage, an alternative is prepared by gathering opinions of the relevant industry and experts in the field, and the necessity, validity, and adequacy of the alternative are reviewed. Finally, in the final stage, the adopted alternatives are formulated so that they can be applied to the legislation, and the alternatives are reviewed by legal experts. The implications of this study are summarized as follows. From a theoretical point of view, it is meaningful in that it clearly presents a series of procedures for regulatory impact analysis as a framework. Although previous studies mainly discussed the importance and necessity of regulatory impact analysis, this study presented a systematic framework in consideration of the various factors required for regulatory impact analysis suggested by prior studies. From a practical point of view, this study has significance in that it was applied to actual regulatory issues based on the regulatory impact analysis framework proposed above. The results of this study show that proposals related to regulatory issues were submitted to government departments and finally the current law was revised, suggesting that the framework proposed in this study can be an effective way to resolve regulatory issues. It is expected that the regulatory impact analysis framework proposed in this study will be a meaningful guideline for technology policy researchers and policy makers in the future.

A Study on the Structural Reinforcement of the Modified Caisson Floating Dock (개조된 케이슨 플로팅 도크의 구조 보강에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Hong-Jo;Seo, Kwang-Cheol;Park, Joo-Shin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.172-178
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    • 2021
  • In the ship repair market, interest in maintenance and repair is steadily increasing due to the reinforcement of prevention of environmental pollution caused by ships and the reinforcement of safety standards for ship structures. By reflecting this effect, the number of requests for repairs by foreign shipping companies increases to repair shipbuilders in the Southwest Sea. However, because most of the repair shipbuilders in the southwestern area are small and medium-sized companies, it is difficult to lead to the integrated synergy effect of the repair shipbuilding companies. Moreover, the infrastructure is not integrated; hence, using the infrastructure jointly is a challenge, which acts as an obstacle to the activation of the repair shipbuilding industry. Floating docks are indispensable to operating the repair shipbuilding business; in addition, most of them are operated through renovation/repair after importing aging caisson docks from overseas. However, their service life is more than 30 years; additionally, there is no structure inspection standard. Therefore, it is vulnerable to the safety field. In this study, the finite element analysis program of ANSYS was used to evaluate the structural safety of the modified caisson dock and obtain additional structural reinforcement schemes to solve the derived problems. For the floating docks, there are classification regulations; however, concerning structural strength, the regulations are insufficient, and the applicability is inferior. These insufficient evaluation areas were supplemented through a detailed structural FE-analysis. The reinforcement plan was decided by reinforcing the pontoon deck and reinforcement of the side tank, considering the characteristics of the repair shipyard condition. The final plan was selected to reinforce the side wing tank through the structural analysis of the decision; in addition, the actual structure was fabricated to reflect the reinforcement plan. Our results can be used as reference data for improving the structural strength of similar facilities; we believe that the optimal solution can be found quickly if this method is used during renovation/repair.

Prediction Study on Major Movement Paths of Otters in the Ansim-wetland Using EN-Simulator (EN-Simulator를 활용한 안심습지 일원 수달의 주요 이동경로 예측 연구)

  • Shin, Gee-Hoon;Seo, Bo-Yong;Rho, Paikho;Kim, Ji-Young;Han, Sung-Yong
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 2021
  • In this study, we performed a Random Walker analysis to predict the Major Movement Paths of otters. The scope of the research was a simulation analysis with a radius of 7.5 km set as the final range centered on the Ansim-wetland in Daegu City, and a field survey was used to verify the model. The number of virtual otters was set to 1,000, the number of moving steps was set to 1,000 steps per grid, and simulations were performed on a total of 841 grids. As a result of the analysis, an average of 147.6 objects arrived at the boundary point under the condition of an interval of 50 m. As a result of the simulation verification, 8 points (13.1%) were found in the area where the movement probability was very high, and 9 points (14.8%) were found in the area where the movement probability was high. On the other hand, in areas with low movement paths probabilities, there were 8 points (13.1%) in low areas and 4 points (6.6%) in very low areas. Simulation verification results In areas with high otter values, the actual otter format probability was particularly high. In addition, as a result of investigating the correlation with the otter appearance point according to the unit area of the evaluation star of the movement probability, it seems that 6.8 traces were found per unit area in the area where the movement probability is the highest. In areas where the probability of movement is low, analysis was performed at 0.1 points. On the side where otters use the major movement paths of the river area, the normal level was exceeded, and as a result, in the area, 23 (63.9%), many form traces were found, along the major movement paths of the simulation. It turned out that the actual otter inhabits. The EN-Simulator analysis can predict how spatial properties affect the likelihood of major movement paths selection, and the analytical values are used to utilize additional habitats within the major movement paths. It is judged that it can be used as basic data such as to grasp the danger area of road kill in advance and prevent it.

Revision of Nutrition Quotient for Elderly in assessment of dietary quality and behavior (식사의 질과 식행동 평가를 위한 노인영양지수 개정 연구)

  • Lim, Young-Suk;Lee, Jung-Sug;Hwang, Ji-Yun;Kim, Ki-Nam;Hwang, Hyo-Jeong;Kwon, Sehyug;Kim, Hye-Young
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.155-173
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study was undertaken to update the Nutrition Quotient for Elderly (NQ-E), which reflects dietary quality and behavior among Korean older adults. Methods: The first 29 items of the measurable food behavior checklist were obtained from a previous NQ-E checklist, recent literature reviews, and national nutrition policies and recommendations. One-hundred subjects (50 men and 50 women) aged ≥ 65 years living in the Seoul Metropolitan Area, including Gyeonggi Province, completed a pilot survey from March to April 2021. Based on the results of the pilot study, we conducted factor analysis and frequency analysis to determine whether the items of the survey were properly organized and whether the distribution of answers for each evaluation item was properly distributed. As a result, we reduced the number of items on the food behavior checklist and used 23 items for the national survey. Nationwide, 1,000 subjects (472 men and 528 women) aged > 65 years, completed the checklist survey, which was applied using a face-to-face survey method from May to August 2021. The construct validity of the NQ-E 2021 was assessed using confirmatory factor analysis, LISREL. Results: Seventeen food behavior checklist items were selected for the final NQ-E 2021. Checklist items addressed three factors: balance (8 items), moderation (2 items), and practice (7 items). Standardized path coefficients were used as the weights of items to determine nutrition quotients. NQ-E and three-factor scores were calculated according to the weights of questionnaire items. Conclusion: The updated NQ-E 2021 produced by structural equation modelling provides a suitable tool for assessing the dietary quality and behavior of Korean older adults.

A Study on Intelligent Skin Image Identification From Social media big data

  • Kim, Hyung-Hoon;Cho, Jeong-Ran
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.9
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    • pp.191-203
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we developed a system that intelligently identifies skin image data from big data collected from social media Instagram and extracts standardized skin sample data for skin condition diagnosis and management. The system proposed in this paper consists of big data collection and analysis stage, skin image analysis stage, training data preparation stage, artificial neural network training stage, and skin image identification stage. In the big data collection and analysis stage, big data is collected from Instagram and image information for skin condition diagnosis and management is stored as an analysis result. In the skin image analysis stage, the evaluation and analysis results of the skin image are obtained using a traditional image processing technique. In the training data preparation stage, the training data were prepared by extracting the skin sample data from the skin image analysis result. And in the artificial neural network training stage, an artificial neural network AnnSampleSkin that intelligently predicts the skin image type using this training data was built up, and the model was completed through training. In the skin image identification step, skin samples are extracted from images collected from social media, and the image type prediction results of the trained artificial neural network AnnSampleSkin are integrated to intelligently identify the final skin image type. The skin image identification method proposed in this paper shows explain high skin image identification accuracy of about 92% or more, and can provide standardized skin sample image big data. The extracted skin sample set is expected to be used as standardized skin image data that is very efficient and useful for diagnosing and managing skin conditions.

Comparison of Tomato Growth and Yield according to Solar Radiation by Location in Multi-span Greenhouses (연동온실 내 위치별 일사량에 따른 토마토의 생육 및 수량 비교)

  • Shin, Hyun Ho;Choi, Man Kwon;Ryu, Hee Ryong;Cho, Myeong Whan;Kim, Jin Hyun;Seo, Tae Cheol;Yu, In Ho;Kim, Seung Yu;Lee, Choung Kuen
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.504-512
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    • 2022
  • To examine the distribution of internal solar radiation within various locations in multi-span greenhouses, the solar radiation, light transmittance, and accumulated radiation at the central and lateral sections were analyzed by dividing 8:30 to 12:30 in the morning and 12:35 to 16:30 in the afternoon. The growth and yield of tomatoes within these sections were also compared. In the morning, the solar radiation of the central section and the side section was 275.2 W·m-2 and 314.9 W·m-2, while in the afternoon, it was 314.9 W·m-2 and 313.9 W·m-2, respectively. The light transmittance and accumulated radiation were also low, confirming the low distribution of solar radiation in the central (connecting) section of the multi-span greenhouses. The growth survey revealed no significant difference. The final yield of tomatoes per plant was 4,828 g in the central section and 4,851 g in the lateral section, but there was no significant difference in the central section compared to the lateral section by 0.5%. However, the amount of solar radiation as per time in the central section is higher than the light compensation point, 60 W·m-2, and slightly lower than the light saturation point of tomatoes, i.e., 281 W·m-2. The results of this study can help in greenhouse design based on the insolation environment.

Development of a smart cane concept for guiding the visually impaired - focused on design thinking learning practices for students - (시각장애인을 위한 길 안내용 스마트 지팡이 콘셉트 개발)

  • Park, Hae Rim;Lee, Min Sun;Yang, Ho Jung
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.186-200
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to improve the usability of the white cane, which is walking equipment that most local visually impaired people use and carry when going out, and to contribute to the prevention of safety accidents and the walking rights of visually impaired people by providing improvement and resolution measures for the problems identified. Also, this study is a study on the visually impaired, primarily targeting the 1st to 2nd degree visually impaired people, who cannot go out on their own without walking equipment such as a white cane, corresponding to 20% among approximately 250,000 blind and low vision people in the Korean population. In the study process, the concept has been developed from the user's point of view in order that the white cane becomes a real help in the walking step of the visually impaired and the improvement of usability of the white cane, the main walking equipment for the visually impaired, are done by problem identification through the Double Diamond Model of Design Thinking (Empathize → Define → Ideate → Prototype → Test (verify)). As a result of the investigation in the process of Empathy, a total of five issues was synthesized, including an increase in the proportion of the visually impaired people, an insufficient workforce situation to help all the visually impaired, an improvement and advancement of assistive devices essential for the visually impaired, problems of damage, illegal occupation, demolition, maintenance about braille blocks, making braille block paradigms for the visually impaired and for everyone. In Ideate and Prototype steps, situations derived from brainstorming were grouped and the relationship were made through the KJ method, and specific situations and major causes were organized to establish the direction of the concept. The derived solutions and major functions are defined in four categories, and representative situations requiring solutions and major functions are organized into two user scenarios. Ideas were visualized by arranging the virtual Persona and Customer Journey Map according to the situation and producing a prototype through 3D modeling. Finally, in the evaluation, the final concept derived is a device such a smart cane for guidance for the visually impaired as ① a smart cane emphasizing portability + ② compatibility with other electronic devices + ③ a product with safety and convenience.

Prognostic Factors after Arthroscopic Treatment of Infectious Knee Arthritis (감염성 슬관절염의 관절경적 치료 이후 예후 인자에 대한 분석)

  • Kang, Sang-Woo;Choi, Eui-Sung;Kim, Dong-Soo;Jung, Ho-Seung;Hong, Seok-Hyun;Go, Ban-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.30-36
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study examined the effects of gender, age, underlying disease, duration after onset of symptoms, preoperative invasive procedures, bacterial culture of joint fluid, and stage of infection by the Gachter classification on the prognosis of patients with infectious knee arthritis who underwent arthroscopic surgery. Materials and Methods: From June 2014 to December 2016, 51 patients who underwent arthroscopic surgery for infective knee arthritis were enrolled in this study. The average follow-up period was 14.2±2.1 months (range, 12-20 months). The subjects were 27 men (52.9%) and 24 women (47.1%), with an average age of 55.1±17.6 years (range, 13-84 years). A preoperative evaluation of the joint aspiration with a count of more than 50,000 leukocytes and a polymorphonuclear leukocyte count of 95% or more was performed. All patients underwent arthroscopic surgery and postoperative continuous joint irrigation. Results: The initial mean value of the C-reactive protein decreased from 9.55±6.76 mg/dl (range, 1.51-31.06 mg/dl) to a final mean of 0.74±1.26 mg/dl (range, 0.08-6.77 mg/dl); the mean duration of C-reactive protein normalization was 27.6±18.9 days (range, 8-93 days). Among the 51 patients who received arthroscopic surgery and antibiotics, 44 patients (86.3%) with infectious knee arthritis completed treatment with improved clinical symptoms, such as fever, pain, and edema, and the C-reactive protein decreased to less than 0.5 mg/dl. Finally, 5 cases were treated with two or more arthroscopic operations, and 2 cases were converted to arthroplasty after prosthesis of antibiotic-loaded acrylic cement. Conclusion: The duration of surgery after the onset of symptoms and the stage according to the Gächter classification are important prognostic factors for predicting the successful treatment of infectious knee arthritis. On the other hand, the other factors were not statistically significant. Nevertheless, patients with bacteria cultured from the joint fluids appear to reflect the treatment period because the period of normalization of the C-reactive protein is shorter than that of the control group.

Safety and Efficacy of Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Core Needle Biopsy of Pancreatic and Peripancreatic Lesions Adjacent to Critical Vessels (주요 혈관 근처의 췌장 또는 췌장 주위 병변에 대한 초음파 유도하 경피적 중심 바늘 생검의 안전성과 효율성)

  • Sun Hwa Chung;Hyun Ji Kang;Hyo Jeong Lee;Jin Sil Kim;Jeong Kyong Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.82 no.5
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    • pp.1207-1217
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    • 2021
  • Purpose To evaluate the safety and efficacy of ultrasound-guided percutaneous core needle biopsy (USPCB) of pancreatic and peripancreatic lesions adjacent to critical vessels. Materials and Methods Data were collected retrospectively from 162 patients who underwent USPCB of the pancreas (n = 98), the peripancreatic area adjacent to the portal vein, the paraaortic area adjacent to pancreatic uncinate (n = 34), and lesions on the third duodenal portion (n = 30) during a 10-year period. An automated biopsy gun with an 18-gauge needle was used for biopsies under US guidance. The USPCB results were compared with those of the final follow-up imaging performed postoperatively. The diagnostic accuracy and major complication rate of the USPCB were calculated. Multiple factors were evaluated for the prediction of successful biopsies using univariate and multivariate analyses. Results The histopathologic diagnosis from USPCB was correct in 149 (92%) patients. The major complication rate was 3%. Four cases of mesenteric hematomas and one intramural hematoma of the duodenum occurred during the study period. The following factors were significantly associated with successful biopsies: a transmesenteric biopsy route rather than a transgastric or transenteric route; good visualization of targets; and evaluation of the entire US pathway. In addition, the number of biopsies required was less when the biopsy was successful. Conclusion USPCB demonstrated high diagnostic accuracy and a low complication rate for the histopathologic diagnosis of pancreatic and peripancreatic lesions adjacent to critical vessels.