• Title/Summary/Keyword: Final Transplant

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Uncertainty and Factors Affecting Organ Donation in Living Liver Donors (생체 간이식 공여자의 불확실성과 간 공여 영향 요인)

  • Chon Hee Ok;Park Ho Ran;Park Jin Hee
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2005
  • As the patients who need to undergo liver transplant operation continues to grow. the number of livers that are donated can not keep pace with the demand. With the development of surgery skills, the necessity for operations from living donors is increasing. Nevertheless, satisfactory research has been conducted on the factors which generally affect the living donors. In this article. therefore. researchers focused on the factors which generally affect the donating liver donor in order to design a plan for recommending liver donation from living donors. The subjects were 91 living liver donors in C university hospital from October 1. 2000 to December 31. 2003. The results on the uncertainty of living donor, by test sheet. were analyzed with SAS program. The final results were as follows: 1. The uncertainty of the living donors was 51.54 marks per full credit 100. 2. The factor with the greatest effect on donation was the possibility of survival of the donor, followed by the admission period. marriage status and age. In recommending the living donation, the rate of donor survival after the operation was 5.2 times higher than death, 5.2 times higher when the admission period was under 20 days. 5.0 times higher when married. and 27.3 times higher when the family-related donation was very active at the age of 20s than in the 50s. These results suggest that all medical staffs should care for living donors with more interest and activity to give them the least complaints in admission and the lowest possibilities for complication. To enhance the survival rate and improve the surgical success rate. on-going monitoring should include regular health-checks. and continual efforts and education should be made to care for the health condition of the living donors after donation.

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Formulation of the Scope and Key Questions of the Guideline Recommendations for Immunosuppressive Treatment in Kidney Transplantation (신장이식 면역억제요법 가이드라인 개발을 위한 권고안 적용 범위 및 핵심질문 선정)

  • Huh, Seungyeon;Han, Nayoung;Sohn, Minji;Ryu, Junghwa;Yang, Jaeseok;Oh, Jung Mi
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.18-24
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    • 2019
  • Background: Although a growing number of guidelines and clinical researches are available for immunosuppressive treatment of post-transplantation, there is no clinical practice guideline for the care of kidney transplant recipients in Korea. Selection of a researchable question is the most important step in conducting qualified guideline development. Thus, we aimed to formulate key questions for Korean guideline to aid clinical decision-making for immunosuppressive treatment. Methods: Based on previous published guidelines review, a first survey was constructed with 29 questions in the range of immunosuppressive treatments. The experts were asked to rate the clinical importance of the question using a 5-point Likert scale. The questions reached 60% or more from the first survey and additional new questions were included in the second survey. In analyzing the responses to items rated on the 9-point scale, consensus agreement on each question was defined as 75% or more of experts rating 7 to 9. Results: In the first survey, 50 experts were included. Among the 29 questions, 27 were derived to get 60% or more importance and 3 new questions were additionally identified. Through the second survey, 9 questions were selected that experts reached consensus on 75% and over of the options. Finally, we developed key questions using PICO (patient, intervention, comparison, and outcome) methodology. Conclusion: The experts reached a high level of consensus on many of key questions in the survey. Final key questions provide direction for developing clinical practice guideline in the immunosuppressive treatment of transplantation.

Development of a Value Inquiry Model in Biology Education (생물교육에서의 가치 탐구 모형 개발)

  • Jeong, Eun-Young;Kim, Young-Soo
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.582-598
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    • 2000
  • There are many bioethical issues in line with the rapid advance of biology. In this situation, it is important for students to make a rational decision on value problem. In this study 'value inquiry in biology education' is defined as 'the process of rational value judgement and wise decision-making in the biology-related value problem' and the model was developed. To develop the model, value inquiry models were reviewed. Value clarification model is helpful for the formation of the personal value as the process of individual value inquiry, but it isn't helpful for clarifying the value conflicts. Value analysis model focuses on the rational solution of value problem through the logical procedure. But it has the limitations that overemphasizing the logical and systematic aspects results in devaluating students' affective aspects. So it is necessary to coordinate psychological and logical aspects of value inquiry. In this regard, the model was developed, including identifying and clarifying value problem, understanding biological knowledge related to conflict situation, considering on the related persons, searching for alternatives, predicting the consequences of each alternative, selecting the alternative, evaluating the alternative, and final value judgement and affirming it. The educational objectives of value inquiry were selected in consideration of the ability to carry out the steps of the developed model. And the selected contents were animal duplication, test-tube baby, genetic engineering, growth hormone injection problem, brain death, organ transplant, animal to be experimented and were organized on the basis of the 6th and the 7th science curriculum. And the suitable instructional models for the value inquiry education were selected: bioethical value clarification decision-making model, group presentation according to the value analysis model, role play and debate, and discussion through web forum. And the interview was considered to be suitable to evaluate the students' value inquiry ability and the rubric was made to evaluate the attainment of the educational objectives for value inquiry.

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A Legislative Study on Cultural HeritageBetween 1945 and 1960 - Focused on the Cultural Heritage Protection Act Legislated in 1962 - (1945~1960년 문화재 관련 입법 과정 고찰 - 1962년 문화재보호법 전사(前史) 관련 -)

  • Kim, Jongsoo
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.78-103
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    • 2019
  • The Conservation Decree of the Chosun Treasures Historic and Natural Monuments (hereinafter referred to as the Conservation Decree), which was enacted during the Japanese colonial period, was preserved in accordance with the provisions of article No. 100 of the constitutional law. However, legislative attempts were made to replace the Conservation Decree during the US military administration and early Korean Government. The first attempt was about the National Treasures Historic and Natural Monuments which were brought in by the Legislative Assembly of South Chosun (1947) during the US military administration. The second was a bill by the government for preservation of historical interests (1950), which was submitted to the National Assembly on March 15, 1950 (the so-called Preservation Act (1950)). These two bills were amended and supplemented on the basis of the existing contents of the Conservation Decree. Afterwards, from 1952 to 1960, the legislation of the Cultural Heritage Protection Act (1959) and the Cultural Heritage Bill (1960) were subsequently introduced and enacted. The government's attempt to enact such a cultural property bill was aimed at the legislature to replace the preservation order system that had been in effect since the Japanese colonial period. However, due to the political situation at the time, these laws did not reach final legislation. In October 1960, the government enacted the Regulations for the Preservation of Cultural Property, which was an administrative edict that was promulgated and enacted in November. This was the first official cultural property decree introduced by the Korean government. With the enactment and promulgation of the Cultural Heritage Protection Act in January 1962, Korea's judicial cultural property legislation was established, based on the Korean government's unremitting efforts and experience in legislation of cultural property. In that context, the Cultural Heritage Protection Act is a historical product. The Cultural Heritage Protection Act, which was enacted in 1962, is known to emulate or transplant Japan's Cultural Heritage Protection Act (1950). It was not fully recognized that it was an extension of the Korean government's legislative process of cultural property during the period of 1945-1960. Therefore, it is important to examine the legislative process of cultural property from 1945 to 1960 to understand the background of enacting the Cultural Heritage Protection Act in 1962 along with the establishment of the Korean Cultural Property Law.