• Title/Summary/Keyword: Filling time

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Counseling Case Study of a Child with Peer Confliction due to Lack of Social Skills and Impulsiveness (사회적 기술 부족과 충동성으로 인해 또래갈등이 심한 분교아동의 상담사례)

  • Lee, In-Sun
    • The Korean Journal of Elementary Counseling
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.227-253
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    • 2006
  • It seems common for students living at a small county and islands to experience psychological conflicts and be unaccustomed in the peer society because they are not familiar with peer interaction and social skills. This is a case study of L (hereinafter called L) who was grown up in the sheltered school at a small county. L was psychologically disturbed because he couldn't get along well in the transferred school. It is the reason why he had lived in the sheltered school at a small county, so he had not enough exposure to interact with peer and social skills. Sometimes he was obstinate irrationally and when he had trouble with friends, he threw something out or went out of school and tricked juniors dangerously. The fact of disperse with families, parent's indifference, and hate of older brother made L to have ill feeling against family. He had low motivation and low self confident in learning because of short attention time and accumulated poor learning progress. In this study, he was evaluated at various area, such as, intelligent, affective, personal and inter-personal, before counselling. To evaluated the effect of the counselling, K-WISC-III, KPRC, sentence filling test, social adaptation ability test, etc, were administered right after the counselling was over and 8 weeks later. For specific information gathering and analysing, observation diary and deepen counselling were accomplished by homeroom teacher, his mother, and his peers. To correct his problematic behaviors, 13 counseling sessions were accomplished for 6 months and those counselling sessions were recorded and analysed definitely. Followings are the result of this case study. First, he was recovered from the anxiety of inter-personal interaction and he started to interact with peers. The result of sac scale score of KPRC profile was lower than before as much as average student after counseling and 8 weeks later. This reveals that the distress against interpersonal relation have settled. Especially, through the result of sentence filing test, he seemed to feel attachment to peers and be positive, active in the relation of peer. For instance, he was active in the open class lesson and interacted well with peers. It could be said that he overcame the psychological distress comparing with previous time. Second, he could apologize to his peer and juniors for his fault. His attitude were well shown in the letter from an old friend at the sheltered school, average KPRC profiling score comparing with previous counseling time, and remarkable decrease of attack scale score of teacher and peer. Third, his view toward family turn out positive. He recognized his situation that he lived apart from family and even worried about his parent's financial difficulty. Through solving the confliction with his older brother, he could acquire the feeling of family reunion. Fourth, his learning motivation and self-confidence were increased. He confirmed his future positively and he might be judged more attentive because his intelligence index was higher than before as much as average student. With the main goal of this study, verification for effectiveness of counseling. understanding and helping problematic students such as L who lives at a small county and island through investigation of their real situation and problems with the method of counseling and socio-cultural analysis is worthwhile. Identification of ideal relationship with peer is related with positive self-conception, harmonic social adaptation and development of child. It is time to investigate easy adaptive in classroom and well-organised program to acquire general social skills for sheltered school students at a small county and islands.

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VCUG Studies on the Clinical Usefulness of Aids (VCUG 보조기구의 임상적 유용성에 관한 고찰)

  • Choe, Dea yeon;Kim, Dong hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.529-533
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    • 2015
  • VCUG(Voiding Cystourethrography) study is being performed to check urinary reflex symptom from bladder to ureter or kidney in the method of filling the bladder with radiation opaque contrast agent. However, VCUG study have been performed impersonally, patients have to be naked and open their legs and then void. This method is so impersonal that it is immediately needed to improve the way of testing and crete new aid. Therefore, this study through producing underwear for VCUG, analysis and compares the test time of VCUG, patient radiation dose and patient satisfaction. The target of this study was 79 Male and Female patients who visited genitourinary clinic of PNUYH for their VCUG tests AXIUM Iconos R200(Siemens Medical System : Germany) and self-produced plastic underwears made by vinyl and plasic molding machine were used. The 79 patient were divided into two groups : experiment of patient and comparison group of we patient (using aid) in order to compare, testing time, DAP (dose area product) and patient satisfaction. There was time reduction, from 35.3min of comparison group to 27.8min experimentation group by 7.5min decrease. And comparison group of $4566.6{\mu}Gym^2$(DAP) decreased experimental group (using aid) of $3411.9{\mu}Gym^2$ by $1154.7{\mu}Gym^2$. In the case of patients satisfaction study, anxiety had a drop by 3.45 of comparison group to 2.51 experimentation group by 0.94 decrease. in experimental group. And shame had a drop by 4.02 of comparison group to 3.08 experimentation group by 0.94 increase. in experimental group. Difference of the smooth voiding had a drop by 1.90 of comparison group to 2.84 experimentation group by 0.94 increase. in experimental group. In addition satisfaction had a rise by 1.19 in experimental group. There were also other opinions of uncomfortableness on it and troublesome to wear. VCUG is one of the sensitive care required test. Therefore staff and the aid can give patients such comfortable and the aid can consentive on voiding. As a result test time and DAP can be reduced. It is needed to make testing at more comfortable for patients.

Studies on Grain Filling and Quality Changes of Hard and Soft Wheat Grown under the Different Environmental Conditions (환경 변동에 따른 경ㆍ연질 소맥의 등숙 및 품질의 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Young-Soo Han
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    • v.17
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    • pp.1-44
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    • 1974
  • These studies were made at Suwon in 1972 and at Suwon, Iri, and Kwangju in 1973 to investigate grain filling process and variation of grain quality of NB 68513 and Caprock as hard red winter wheat, Suke #169 as soft red winter wheat variety and Yungkwang as semi-hard winter variety, grown under-three different fertilizer levels and seeding dates. Other experiments were conducted to find the effects of temperature, humidity and light intensity on the grain filling process and grain quality of Yungkwang and NB 68513 wheat varieties. These, experiments were conducted at Suwon in 1973 and 1974. 1. Grain filling process of wheat cultivars: 1) The frequency distribution of a grain weight shows that wider distribution of grain weight was associated with large grain groups rather than small grain group. In the large grain groups, the frequency was mostly concentrated near mean value, while the frequency was dispersed over the values in the small grain group. 2) The grain weight was more affected by the grain thickness and width than by grain length. 3) The grain weight during the ripening period was rapidly increased from 14 days after flowering to 35 days in Yungkwang and from 14 days after flowering to 28 days in NB 68513. The large grain group, Yungkwang was rather slowly increased and took a longer period in increase of endosperm ratio of grain than the small grain group, NB 68513. 4) In general, the 1, 000 grain weight was reduced under high temperature, low humidity, while it was increased under low temperature and high humidity condition, and under high temperature and humidity condition. The effect of shading on grain weight was greater in high temperature than in low temperature condition and no definite tendency was found in high humidity condition. 5) The effects of temperature, humidity and shading on 1, 000 grain weight were greater in large-grain group, Yungkwang than in small grain group, NB 68513. Highly significant positive correlation was found between 1, 000 grain weight and days to ripening. 6) The 1, 000 grain weight and test weight were increased more or less as the fertilizer levels applied were increased. However, the rate of increasing 1, 000 grain weight was low when fertilizer levels were increased from standard to double. The 1, 000 grain weight was high when planted early. Such tendency was greater in Suwon than in Kwangju or Iri area. 2. Milling quality: 7) The milling rate in a same group of varieties was higher under the condition of low temperature, high humidity and early maturing culture which were responsible for increasing 1, 000 grain weight. No definite relations were found along with locations. 8) In the varieties tested, the higher milling rate was found in large grain variety, Yungkwang, and the lowest milling rate was obtained from Suke # 169, the small grain variety. But the small grained hard wheat variety such as Caprock and NB 68513 showed higher milling rate compared with the soft wheat variety, Suke # 169. 9) There were no great differences of ash content due to location, fertilizer level and seeding date while remarkable differences due to variety were found. The ash content was high in the hard wheat varieties such as NB 68513, Caprock and low in soft wheat varieties such as Yungkwang and Suke # 169. 3. Protein content: 10) The protein content was increased under the condition of high temperature, low humidity and shading, which were responsible for reduction of 1, 000 grain weight. The varietal differences of protein content due to high temperature, low humidity and shading conditions were greater in Yungkwang than in NB 68513. 11) The high content of protein in grain within one to two weeks after flowering might be due to the high ratio of pericarp and embryo to endosperm. As grains ripen, the effects of embryo and pericarp on protein content were decreased, reducing protein content. However, the protein content was getting increased from three or four weeks after flowering, and maximized at seven weeks after flowering. The protein content of grain at three to four weeks after flowering increased as the increase of 1, 000 grain weight. But the protein content of matured grain appeared to be affected by daily temperature on calender rather than by duration of ripening period. 12) Highly significant positive correlation value was found between the grain protein content and flour protein content. 13) The protein content was increased under the high level of fertilizers and late seeding. The local differences of protein content were greater in Suwon than in Kwangju and Iri. 14) Protein content in the varieties tested were high in Yungkwang, NB 68513 and Caprock, and low in Suke # 169. However, variation in protein content due to the cultural methods was low in Suke # 169. 15) Protein yield per unit area was increased in accordance with increase of fertilizer levels and early maturing culture. However, nitrogen fertilizer was utilized rather effectively in early maturing culture and Yungkwang was the highest in protein yield per unit area. 4. Physio-chemical properties of wheat flour: 16) Sedimentation value was higher under the conditions of high temperature, low humidity and high levels of fertilizers than under the conditions of low temperature, high moisture and low levels of fertilizers. Such differences of sedimentation values were more apparent in NB 68513 and Caprock than Yungkwang and Suke # 169. The local difference of sedimentation value was greater in Suwon than in Kwangju and Iri. Even though the sedimentation value was highly correlated with protein content of grain, the high humidity was considered one of the factors affecting sedimentation value. 17) Changes of Pelshenke values due to the differences of cultural practices and locations were generally coincident with sedimentation values. 18) The mixing time required for mixogram was four to six minutes in NB 68513, five to seven minutes in Cap rock. The great variation of mixing time for Yungkwang and Suke # 169 due to location and planting conditions was found. The mixing height and area were high in hard wheat than in soft wheat. Variation of protein content due to cultural methods were inconsistent. However, the pattern of mixogram were very much same regardless the treatments applied. With this regard, it could be concluded that the mixogram is a kind of method expressing the specific character of the variety. 19) Even though the milling property of NB 68513 and Caprock was deteriorated under either high temperature and low humidity of high fertilizer levels and late seeding conditions, baking quality was better due to improved physio-chemical properties of flour. In contrast, early maturing culture deteriorated physio-chemical properties, milling property of grain and grain protein yield per unit area was increased. However, it might be concluded that the hard wheat production of NB 68513 and Caprock for baking purpose could be done better in Suwon than in Iri or Kwangju area. 5. Interrelationships between the physio-chemical characters of wheat flour: 20) Physio-chemical properties of flour didn't have direct relationship with milling rate and ash content. Low grain weight produced high protein content and better physio-chemical flour properties. 21) In hard wheat varieties like NB 68513 and Caprock, protein content was significantly correlated with sedimentation value, Pelshenke value and mixing height. However, gluten strength and baking quality were improved by the increased protein content. In Yungkwang and Suk # 169, protein content was correlated with sedimentation value, but no correlations were found with Pelshenke value and mixing height. Consequently, increase of protein content didn't improve the gluten strength in soft wheat. 22) The highly significant relationships between protein content and gluten strength and sedimentation . value, and between Pelshenke value, mixogram and gluten strength indicated that the determination of mixogram and Pelshenke value are useful for de terming soft and hard type of varieties. Determination of sedimentation value is considered useful method for quality evaluation of wheat grain under different cultural practices.

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Open Merit and Demerit Management System for School Considering Interactions between Teacher and Student (교사.학생간의 상호작용을 고려한 개방형상벌점관리시스템)

  • Moon, Chang-Bae;Kim, Han-Il
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.12
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    • pp.465-472
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    • 2008
  • Diverse methods of life guidance adopted by the teacher's subjective standards including corporal punishment have inherent problems. Some schools have introduced and exercised the merit and demerit system, which uses merits and demerits to guide the children for desirable life habits and etiquette. And most of them are done off-line and thus have difficulties with real time reference, statistical process, filling out logs, and management. The merit and demerit management system(MDMS) was developed to support the process, statistics, reference, and authority features as well as card issuing. It also promotes life guidance, personality education, participation of the parents, and further desirable cooperation among the teachers, students, and parents. The system has lots of advantages such as reducing resistance from the students against life guidance rules, enabling the students to check their life guidance status at school, allowing the parents to check how their children are doing at school, increasing efficiency of data management, and taking some burden off the shoulders of the teachers doing statistics. MDMS helps the teachers base corporal punishment on the guidance rules, deter direct punishment on certain body parts, and pursue more systematic, scientific, and human life guidance.

Study on Waxy Corn - VIII. Botanical and Ear Characteristices of the Yellow Glutinous Corn Hybrid, Daehakchal Gold 1, at Various Planting Stages (찰옥수수 연구 - VIII. 찰옥수수 대학찰 골드 1호에 대한 파종시기별 주요 작물학적 및 이삭 특성)

  • Cha, Hui-Jeong;Choi, Yun-Pyo;Song, In-Kyu;Bok, Tae-Gyu;Lee, Hee-Bong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.123-127
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to gain the informations about seedling transplanting cultivation of Daehakchal Gold 1 which was developed at the Corn Breed. and Genetics Lab., Coll. of Life and Sci., Chungnam Nat'l Univ. in 2009. This hybrid and Check were sowed over four times at intervals of 10 days from 15th April(1st) to 30th May(last) and transplanted at CNU Corn Breed. Farm the 20th seedling cultivated after sowing, respectively. Results obtained from this experiment were as follows; stem height of this hybrid were variable regardless of sowing and transplanting times, while ear height was gradually increased according to delay of sowing times. Ear size and sharp of fresh corn as one of important traits was good at 2nd harvest times, while tip filling of ear harvested at 1st time was not good and also it's size decreased according to delay of transplanting stage. Stability of this hybrid expressed as ratio of stem height to ear height was very good as 50% below. Accordingly, the proper sowing and transplanting times of Daehackchal Gold 1 considered the late in April to early in May as harvesting proper period.

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Changes in Ear and Kernel Characteristics of Waxy Corn during Grain Filling Stage by Double Cropping (찰옥수수 2기작 재배시 등숙 중 이삭 및 종실 특성 변화)

  • Kim, Mi-Jung;Lee, Jae-Eun;Kim, Jung-Tae;Jung, Gun-Ho;Lee, Yu-Young;Kim, Sun-Lim;Kwon, Young-Up
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    • v.59 no.1
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to investigate the ear and kernel characteristics of waxy corn during ripening by double cropping, and to understand the pattern of starch accumulation in endosperm of waxy corn kernels. Chalok4 and Ilmichal were sown at April 20 (first cropping) and July 20 (second cropping) in 2011~2012. The accumulated temperature from silking to harvesting was about $590{\sim}630^{\circ}C$. It takes 23~24 days when Chalok4 and Ilmichal were sown in April 20, but July 20 sowing takes 32~35 days. Ear length and kernel set length were significantly shorter in second cropping (p<0.05). Kernel length, kernel width, 100-kernel weight, and starch content of waxy corn were increased as ears matured (p<0.05). Growth temperature was getting decreased during the ripening stage of second cropping, the rate of ear and kernel development had slowed. Starch granules started to accumulate in the cells around the pericarp, then developed in the cells around the embryo. In the second cropping, starch granules in the kernel of waxy corn were less compact than the first cropping, harvesting time of waxy corns can be extended. These results will be helpful to farmers for double cropping of waxy corn cultivation and management.

Changes in the Physicochemical Characteristics of Sweet Corn Kernels during Grain Filling Stage with Different Sowing Date (단옥수수 주요 품종의 등숙 중 종실 이화학적 특성 변화)

  • Kim, Mi-Jung;Park, Hyo-Jin;Kim, Sun-Lim;Jung, Gun-Ho;Kim, Jung-Tae;Shin, Seong-Hyu;Kwon, Young-Up;Chung, Ill-Min
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    • v.59 no.4
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    • pp.445-456
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to investigate the kernel characteristics of sweet corn during ripening with different sowing date. Godangok and Guseulok were sown at April 10, July 10, July 20, and July 30 in 2013. Irrespective of sowing date, fresh and dry weight of 100 kernel, starch content, crude fat content, and hardness of sweet corn kernels were significantly increased according to maturation (p<0.05). But moisture content, total sugar content, crude protein content and crude ash content of sweet corn kernels were significantly decreased according to maturation (p<0.05). The changing rates of 100 kernel weight and starch content on kernels were faster at early sowing date than at late sowing date. The moisture content of sweet corn kernels was 68~69% at optimum for harvesting. The degree of sweetness on Godangok was about 1.8 and 1.4 times higher in sowing at July 20 and July 30 than in sowing at April 10. On the other hand, the degree of sweetness was similar regardless of sowing time on Guseulok. These results will be helpful to farmers for fall-harvest sweet corn cultivation and management.

Gold and Silver Mineralization of the Soowang Ore Deposits in Muju, Korea (무주 수왕광상의 금-은 광화작용)

  • Park, Hee-In;Youn, Seok-Tai
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.484-494
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    • 2004
  • The Soowang Au-Ag deposits occur as quartz veins which filled fissures in middle Cretaceous porphyritic granite an/or gneiss of the Precambrian Sobaegsan gneiss complex. The paragenetic studies suggest that vein filling can be divided into four identifiable stages (I to IV). Stage I is the main sulfide stage, characterized by the deposition of base-metal sulfide and minor electrum. Stage II is the electrum stage, whereas stage III represents a period of the deposition of silver-bearing sulfosalts and minor electrum. Stage IV is the post ore stage. Mineralogical and fluid inclusion evidences suggest that mineralization of the Soowang deposits were deposited by the cooling of the fluids from initial high temperatures 300$^{\circ}C$ to later low temperatures 150$^{\circ}C$. The salinity of the fluids were moderate, ranging from 10.4wt.% equivalent NaCl in sphalerite to 3.1wt.% equivalent NaCl in barite. The gold-silver mineralization of the Soowang mine occurred at temperatures between 140 and 250$^{\circ}C$ from fluids with log $fs_2$ from -12 to -18 atm. A consideration of the pressure regime during ore deposition, based on the fluid inclusion evidence of boiling, suggests lithostatic pressure of less than 210 bars. This pressure condition indicates that vein system of the Soowang deposit formed at depth around 800 m below the surface at the time of gold-silver mineralization.

Autogenous Shrinkage Mock-up Test of High Performance Concrete by Emulsified Refined Cooking Oil (유화처리 정제식용유를 사용한 고성능 콘크리트의 자기수축 Mock-up 실험)

  • Jo, Man-Ki;Han, Cheon-Goo
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.307-315
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this research is analyzing the fundamental properties and autogenous shrinkage reducing performance of 70 and 100MPa grade high performance concrete including emusified refined cooking oil(ERCO) under the mock-up conditions. As a results of experiment, the mixture contained 0.5% of ERCO showed slightly decreased slump flow while the slump was increased and segregation resistance performance was improved as 2.5 of EIS. For air content, all mixtures satisfied target air content with increased unit weight and delayed setting time with ERCO addition. In the case of compressive strength, when ERCO was added 0.5%, the result of approximately 5 to 10% of increased compressive strength was observed. For the autogenous shrinkage, ERCO contributed on 20-30% of shrinkage reducing performance comparing to Plain mixture without ERCO. It is considered that capillary pore filling action of soap particles occurred by the reaction of ERCO in cement paste between fatty aicd and calcium hydroxide contributed the shrinkage reducing performance. Based on these mock-up test results, application of the high performance concrete mixture with ERCO on CFT actual structure was decided.


  • Lee, Suk-Woo;Lee, Jae-Ho;Choi, Hyung-Jun;Sohn, Hyung-Kyu;Kim, Seong-Oh;Choi, Byung-Jai
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.91-95
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    • 2009
  • The use of stainless steel crowns are indicated for restoration of primary or permanent molars with proximal dental caries, extensive dental caries, or previous pulp treatment with increased danger of tooth fracture. Stainless steel crowns were introduced by Humphrey in 1950. For their improved durability, longevity, and success rate, they have been strongly considered for restoring extensive and multi-surfaced dental caries of molars in pediatric dentistry. However, they also have shortcomings, such as possibility of pulpal exposure or damaging proximal surface of adjacent teeth. In addition, when oversized stainless steel crowns are used, eruption of the adjacent permanent teeth may be disturbed by their prominent margin. As a means to compensate the shortcomings of stainless steel crowns, use of orthodontics bands may be considered. It is an alternative restoration method, where an orthodontic band is placed on a tooth first and cavity is restored with filling material, such as composite resin, glass ionomer, or amalgam. The use of an orthodontic band is indicated for molar restoration with cervical dental caries, extensive dental caries, enamel hypoplasia, or previous pulp treatment. Because it requires shorter chair time compared to stainless steel crown, its application is very useful for children with poor behavior. However, restoration using an orthodontic band requires good oral hygiene after its application. This case report illustrates the conservative restoration of primary molars and permanent molars with extensive dental caries using orthodontic bands.

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