• Title/Summary/Keyword: Fiber coupler

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Design and Fabrication of Triple-coupler Ring Resonator Filter (삼중 결합 링 공진기 필터의 설계 및 제작)

  • Lee, Young-Sik;Chung, Young-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.40-45
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    • 2011
  • Design and fabrication of a TCRR (Triple-coupler Ring Resonator) filter which can provide a doubled FSR (Free Spectral Range) compared with a conventional DCRR (Double-coupler Ring Resonator) filter, are discussed. Through the use of a polymer material with a good thermo-optic property and with high contrast between core and cladding polymer, a compact TCRR filter composed of straight and curved buried waveguides of small radius is designed and fabricated. The transmission characteristics from the through and drop ports are measured using a tunable laser and a fiber array block, and the FSR is observed to be 4.4 nm, about twice that of DCRR filter, and almost the same as that obtained from the analysis using a transfer matrix method.

Implementation of weight sensor with polarization maintaining photonic crystal fiber (편광유지 광결정 광섬유를 이용한 무게센서)

  • Kim, Eung-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.133-138
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    • 2015
  • A weight sensor with a polarization maintaining photonic crystal fiber (PCF) is proposed and investigated by experimentally. The sensor system consists of a 3 dB fiber coupler, a half-wave plate, and light source. Wavelength shift induced by weight acting on the polarization maintaining PCF was measured. Two types of sensor patterns, circle type and straight type, were implemented and evaluated. The sensitivity of straight line type was 680 pm/kg and the circle type was 270 pm/kg, respectively. The both types of sensors have a good sensitivity and good linearity in the wide range.

Design and Analysis of LED.Optical Fiber Coupler for Efficient Line Lamps (효율적인 라인램프를 위한 발광다이오드-광섬유 결합기의 설계 및 해석)

  • Hong, Dae-Woon;Yoon, Myeong-Jung;Kim, Kyung-Ho;Yoo, Jae-Keun;Lee, Song-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.26-32
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    • 2010
  • Line lamps, which utilize leaky optical fibers based on periodic bending of plastic optical fibers, are proposed. The LED-optical fiber coupler, the key component of the line lamp, is designed and analyzed. The analysis by the Monte Carlo photon simulation method has shown that the optical coupling efficiency is affected rather sensitively by $\theta_w$, the slanting angle of the reflecting cup sidewall and $\rho_{ref}$, the reflectivity of the reflecting cup. The optical coupling efficiency of the coupler reaches the maximum when $\theta_w$ is about $60^{\circ}$, which is significantly larger than $\theta_w=45^{\circ}$, the typical sidewall slanting angle of the reflecting cup adopted in most LED lamps. When the reflectivity of the reflecting cup is above 0.8, the optical coupling efficiency is larger than 80%, which is the typical efficiency to be achieved in LD-optical fiber coupler.

Measurement of the small vibration using a fiber-optic displacement sensor (광섬유 변위 센서를 이용한 미소 진동의 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Woo-Jong;Lee, Hyuk
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1993.11a
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    • pp.353-355
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    • 1993
  • A single-mode fiber-optic interferometer for measuring small vibrations was constructed. The interferometer is based on the Fabry-Perot configuration that uses a single mode bidirectional fiber coupler as a beam splitter and employs peak detection scheme in the signal processing. The instrument was used to measure the displacement of the translator clamped to a piezo crystal.

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All-fiber add-drop multiplexer based on using tilted fiber bragg grating (기울어진 광섬유 브래그 격자를 이용한 전광섬유 파장 가감기)

  • 염동일;박희수;권재중;이병호;김병윤
    • Proceedings of the Optical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2001.02a
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    • pp.188-189
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    • 2001
  • 광통신 분야에서 파장분할 방식(WDM)이 널리 이용됨에 따라, 파장 가감기는 광통신의 핵심 소자로 주목받고 있다. 특히, 광섬유 브래그 격자를 이용한 전광섬유(All-fiber) 소자는 좁은 선택파장 특성을 만족시키며 삽입손실이 작다는 장점을 가지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 기울어진 광섬유 브래그 격자(Tilted FBG)와 모드분할 방향성 결합기(Mode Selective Coupler, MSC)의 광섬유 공간모드(spatial mode)결합을 이용한 전광섬유 파장 가감기에 대하여 설명하고 있으며, 보다 좋은 성능의 소자제작을 위해 몇 가지 새로운 제작방법을 제안하고 구현하였다. (중략)

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Characteristics of a Wavelength-swept Laser with a Polygon-based Wavelength Scanning Filter (다면체 거울 스캐닝 파장 필터를 이용한 파장 훑음 레이저의 출력 특성)

  • Ko, Myeong Ock;Kim, Namje;Han, Sang-Pil;Park, Kyung Hyun;Lee, Bong Wan;Jeon, Min Yong
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2014
  • We report the characterization of a wavelength-swept laser (WSL) using a polygon-based wavelength scanning filter and two semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs). The output intensity and scanning bandwidth of the WSL depend on the position of the two SOAs in the laser cavity and the coupling ratio of the output fiber coupler. The outputs of the WSL are characterized for coupling ratios of 10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and 90% for the output fiber coupler. In the setup in which the output fiber coupler is located between the two SOAs, high output power and wide scanning bandwidth can be achieved with an optimized configuration. Using the optimized configuration of the WSL, the intensity increases with the coupling ratio. These results can be used to construct an optimized WSL using the polygon-based wavelength scanning filter.

$LP_{11}$ Mode Fiber Optic Resonant Ring Interferometer with a $LP_{11}$ Modal Filter ($LP_{11}$ 결모양 빛살거르게를 사용한 $LP_{11}$ 결모양 빛살 광섬유 공진고리 간섭계)

  • 이현재;이두희;서상준;양진성
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.20-25
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    • 1991
  • Using evanescent field coupling between single ($LP_{01}$) and double ($LP_{01}, LP_{11}$) mode optical fiber, we selected LPII mode beam. With a $LP_{11}$ mode beam from a double mode fiber. we fabricated $LP_{11}$ mode fiber optic resonant ring interferometer, and assured that the guided mode is $LP_{11}$ mode from a radiation beam coming through the prism output coupler. When an external perturbation applied to the signal arm of the $LP_{11}$ fiber optic resonant ring interferometer, we examined the change of radiation mode coming from a prism output coupler and an end of optical fiber. Using two photodiode, LPn mode beam converted to voltage. This two output voltages is applied to X and Y terminal of oscilloscope to display circular motion on oscilloscope.

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Design of Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor Net for the Detection of External Sound Frequency (외부 음향 주파수 탐지를 위한 분포형 광섬유 센서망 설계)

  • 이종길
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.792-796
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, to detect external sound frequency on the latticed structure, fiber optic sensor net using Sagnac interferometer was fabricated and tested. The latticed structure fabricated with dimension of 50cm in width and 50cm in height, the optical fiber, 50m in length, distributed and fixed on the latticed structure. Single mode fiber, a laser with 1,550nm in wavelength, 2${\times}$2 coupler were used. External sound signal applied to the fiber optic sensor net and the detected optical signals were compared and analyzed to the detected microphone signals against time and frequency domain. Based on the experimental results, fiber optic sensor net using Sagnac interferometer detected external sound frequency, effectively. This system can be expanded to the structural health monitoring system.

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Detection of External Sound Frequency by Using the Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor Net (분포형 광섬유 센서망을 이용한 외부 음향 주파수 탐지)

  • 이종길
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.569-576
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, to detect external sound frequencies on the latticed structure, fiber optic sensor net using Sagnac interferometer was fabricated and tested. The latticed structure was fabricated with a dimension of 50 cm in width and 50 cm in height. The optical fiber of 50m in length was distributed and fixed on the surface of the latticed structure. Single mode fiber, a laser with 1,550 nm in wavelength, 2 ${\times}$ 2 coupler were used. External sound signal, 240 Hz, 495 Hz, 1.445 kHz, 2k Hz, applied to the fiber optic sensor net and the detected optical signals were compared to the detected microphone signals against time and frequency domains. Based on the experimental results, fiber optic sensor net using Sagnac interferometer detected external sound frequency, effectively. This system can be expanded to the structural health monitoring system.