• Title/Summary/Keyword: Fetus

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Neural Tube Defects with Abdominal Wall Defects in Sibling Dogs (복벽결손을 동반한 동복자견의 신경관결손)

  • Cho, Sung-Jin;Kim, Ok-Jin
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.467-471
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    • 2009
  • This report describes Neural Tube Defects (NTDs) with Abdominal Wall Defects (AWDs) on the sibling of Yorkshire terriers. The NTDs and AWDs are rare serious congenital defects. The NTDs are neurulation abnormality that results from to failed transformation of the neurual tube by the incomplete closure of the embryonic neural plate. These dysraphic states range form mild to severe according to developmental malformation that include fusion defects of skull (crania bifida; CB) and fusion defects of vertebrae (spina bifida; SB). The AWDs are genetic defects that results from to failed formation of abdominal wall and cavity. These dysraphic states are omphalocele and gastroschisis. The 12-month dam was delivered by caesarian section and 4 littermate had obvious malformations. One male dead stillbirth fetus (L1) was revealed the extruded abdominal viscera, omphalocele. One female fetus (L2) was died within 1 hour after birth with defects of abdominal muscle upper umbilicus, gastroschisis. 3rd fetus (L3) was died within 36 hours after parturition and revealed a copious dermal and vertebral defects on the midline thorax, upper SB asperta. 4th fetus (L4) is still growing well now at 6 months but at the 2 week age, appears hairy nevus on the frontal cranium and dorsal thoracic portion. The radiograph of L1 and L2 are shown decrease bony density of calvarium and L3 was shown defect of spinose processes of the T9-T13. On our knowledge, this is first report of the SB and CB in Yorkshire terrier. And also sibling of NTDs with AWDs that has not previously been reported in the dog.

Perosomus elumbus fetal monster: a rare cause of dystocia in a beetal goat - a case report from Pakistan

  • Mubbashar Hassan;Sanan Raza;Ahmad Yar Qamar;Muhammad Ilyas Naveed;Abdul Mateen;Muhammad Noman;Sayed Aun Muhammad;Abid Hussain Shahzad
    • Journal of Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.62-65
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    • 2024
  • Dystocia, a challenging condition in obstetrics, can arise from various causes, including fetal monsters with structural abnormalities. This case report presents a unique case of dystocia due to a fetal monster known as Perosomus Elumbis in a beetal breed goat from Pakistan. The 4-years-old pregnant doe presented with prolonged straining and failure to deliver the fetus after 8 hours of labor. Upon examination, the cervix was dilated, and only the forelimbs of the fetus were visible in the birth canal. The subsequent delivery involved the application of manual traction by using a dystocia kit, and the removal of edematous fluid from the legs. The monster fetus exhibited absence of hair growth, along with the absence of thoracic vertebrae. Two other fetuses were present, with one found dead and the other alive. Posttreatment involved fluid therapy, antibiotics, and supportive care for the doe. This case report sheds light on the occurrence of Perosomus Elumbis fetal monsters and their impact on dystocia in goat breeding. Understanding the underlying causes and implementing appropriate management strategies are crucial for successful outcomes in similar cases.

Impacts of Photoperiod and Maternal Pineal Gland on Pre- and Post-natal development of Indian palm Squirrel F. pennanti

  • Haldar, C.;Bishnupuri, K.S.
    • Journal of Photoscience
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.29-32
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    • 2002
  • Studies till date suggest the existence of a fetal biological clock in suprachiasmatic nuclei entrained by the circadian signal from mother. Melatonin from maternal pineal gland reaches to the fetus by crossing every biological barrier including placenta, hence fetuses were exposed to similar melatonin variation as their mother. Experimental modulations of maternal pineal gland activity of pregnant females either by exposing the them to different photoperiodic schedules or by exogenous melatonin treatments till the date of parturition, regulated the fetal plasma level of melatonin, thereby the prenatal (fetal) growth and development. This clearly suggests the maternal transport of melatonin to their fetus through placenta since fetal retina-hypothalamic tract was incomplete. An extension of experimental schedules till 60 days of post-partum period regulated the neonatal pineal gland activity and gonadal maturation along with their plasma levels of melatonin and sex steroids suggesting clearly the phenomenon of maternal transfer of melatonin to their young ones during the post-natal period, when the neonates were solely dependent on the mother's milk for their nutrition and energetic demands. On the basis of above observations we may suggest that the maternal pineal gland activity regulate the prenatal development by passing its melatonin to fetus via placenta and post-natal growth and sexual maturation by passing maternal melatonin to neonates via milk. Hence, the photoperiod perceived by mother is translated into the maternal plasma level of melatonin which not only regulates the prenatal but also the post-natal growth and sexual maturation of neonates.

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A Case of AML (M3) in Pregnancy

  • Shim, Moon-Jung;Kang, Yun-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.120-123
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    • 2013
  • Leukemia in pregnancy was first reported by Virchow in 1845, and acute Leukemia that occurs with pregnancy is extremely rare. About 350 pregnancies with leukemia have been reported in literature. The incident of acute leukemia during pregnancy has been reported in one case per 100,000 pregnancies case. A 40-year-old patient with 30 weeks of pregnancy, (by promyelocyte which is contained granules and auer rods in the bone marrow and biopsy) was diagnosed with acute promyelocyte leukemia WITH t (15;17) (q22;q12); PML-RARA. (M3) in peripheral blood and bone marrow examination, and gave a birth to the fetus normally, January 24, 2013, after receiving the complete remission decision from the bone marrow, complete blood cell count, PML-RARA PCR test, showed normal findings until March 2013. The treatment of acute leukemia during pregnancy should be considered as treatment of a pregnant mother and the impact on the fetus. Decisions about when and how birth takes place is difficult and has to consider both mother and fetus. It is preferable to start immediate treatment without delay so that the treatment time to achieve complete remission or full recovery of the pregnant mother is longer.

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Development of an Amplifier for Electronic Stethoscope System and Heart Sound Analysis (전자청진 시스템을 위한 증폭기의 개발 및 심음 신호 분석)

  • Kim, Dong-Jun;Kang, Dong-Kee
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers D
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.241-246
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    • 2001
  • The conventional stethoscope can not store its stethoscopic sounds. Therefor a doctor diagnoses a patient with instantaneous stethoscopic sounds at that time, and he can not remember the state of the patient's stethoscopic sounds on the next. This prevent accurate and objective diagnosis. If the electronic stethoscope, which can store the stethoscopic sound, is developed, the auscultation will be greatly improved. This study describes an amplifier for electronic stethoscope system that can extract heart sounds of fetus as well as adult and alow us hear and record the sounds. Using the developed stethoscopic amplifier, clean heart sounds of fetus and adult can be heard in noisy environment, such as a consultation room of a university hospital, a laboratory of a university. Surprisingly, the heart sound of a 22-week fetus was heard through the developed electronic stethoscope. Pitch detection experiments using the detected heart sounds showed that the signal represents distinct periodicity. It can be expected that the developed electronic stethoscope can substitute for conventional stethoscopes and if proper analysis method for the stethoscopic signal is developed, a good electronic stethoscope system can be produced.

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Determination of the Genital Structures using Ultrasound in Canine Prenatal Fetuses

  • Park, Chul-Ho;Oh, Ki-Seok;Son, Chang-Ho
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.335-340
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    • 2015
  • The objective of this study was to evaluate the initial detection time and development of the fetal genital structures using ultrasound in twelve pregnant small bitches. The initial detection time of the fetal genital structures was as follows: genital tubercle at days 32.6; os penis at days 45.2; labia at days 45.7; scrotum at days 47.5. Ultrasonograms of fetal genital structure according to gestational stage were as follows: Undifferentiated stage (before day 35), the genital tubercle was observed to have a small elevation and just a hyper-echogenic structure in the midline between the umbilical cord and the tail in male and female fetus. Migration stage (between day 35~45), the genital tubercle was observed as a hyper-echogenic, bilobular, oval shaped and the genital tubercle began to migrate from the initial position toward the umbilical cord in males, and toward the tail in females. Differentiated stage (after day 46), the penis and os penis were observed to stand out in the abdominal wall and the scrotum was observed toward the perineal region in male fetuses. The labia was detected at the base of the tail in female fetuses. These results indicate that ultrasound of fetal genital structures could be useful for fetal gender determination and a completely prepartum evaluation of the canine fetus.

The Effect of Corticosteroid on the Diabetic-Pregnant Rats and Their Fetuses (Corticosteroid가 Streptozotocin 유발 당뇨 흰쥐와 태자에 미치는 영향)

  • 정기화;정춘식;주경미
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.253-259
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    • 1997
  • The effect of corticosteroid on the diabetic pregnant rats and their fetuses was investigated. Streptozotocin (STB) was injected into the pregnant rats on the fifth day of pregnancy. Dexamethasone (DXM) was injected into the pregnant rats on the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th days of pregnancy In prenatal rats, the body weight, an abortion rate, number of fetus, the ratio of lecithin/sphingomyelin (L/S) and the levels of blood glucose and phosphatidylglycerol (PG) were determined. In the postnatal rats, the body weight, the levels of blood glucose, fetal number, stillbirth rate, an organ weight and the levels of hepatic glycogen, protein and triglyceride were determined. The body weight of fetuses was lower in the DXM group and higher in the STZ group than the those of control group. Blood glucose of fetuses produced hypoglycemia in the STZ group compared with the control group. A significant increase in the abortion and stillbirth rates was observed in STZ group. The levels of glycogen, protein and triglyceride in fetus liver and the weight of pancreas were significantly increased in the 572 and STZ+DXM groups compared with the control group. The L/S ratio and the level of PG in the amniotic (quid were significantly decreased in STZ group compared with the control group, whereas those of the STZ+DXM group were similar to the control group. It has been observed that corticosteroid administration on the STZ-induced diabetic rats during final stage of pregnancy can prevent the respiratory depression syndrome of neonatal rats.

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Epitheliogenesis imperfecta in a bovine fetus of Korean native cattle (한우에서의 불완전상피발생)

  • Rhyoo, Moon-Young;Jung, Ji-Youl;Her, Ji-Woong;Lee, Myoung-Heon;Ku, Kyung-Nyer;Choi, Kwon-Rac;Yoon, Soon-Seek
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.253-256
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    • 2014
  • In this study, we describe a case of epitheliogenesis imperfecta (EI) observed in the fetus of Korean native cattle. The fetus had multifocal areas of skin defect, especially on the distal portions of the four limbs, and the affected areas were bright-red and glistening. Histopathologically, these areas were characterized by complete absence of squamous epithelium, infiltration of inflammatory cells into the dermis, atrophy of hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat glands. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of epitheliogenesis imperfecta in Korean native cattle.

A Morphological Analysis of the Facial Nerve in Korean Fetuses and Stillborn Infants

  • Lee, Won-Tae;Chung, Youn-Young;Kim, Seok-Won
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.445-449
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    • 2006
  • Objective : The accurate anatomy of the facial nerve is essential for successful surgical outcome. The purpose of the present study is to know such information on the facial nerve from a series of specimens. Methods : This study is based on cadaveric dissection of 41 Korean fetus and stillborn infant and describes anatomical variations of the peripheral branches of the facial nerve that pose a importance in a number of neruosurgical procedure. Results : The branching patterns were classified into six types according to modified Davis classification : the frequencies of occurrence were : type I, 4.9%; type II, 24.4%; type III, 34.1%; type IV, 19.5%; type V, 12.2%; and type VI, 4.9%. Types II, III and IV together accounted for almost 80% of the specimens. Conclusion : Compared to previous adult and western stillborn fetus cadaveric studies, there was no significant difference in the percentage of the types between the subjects in the present study, similar pattern and anatomic distribution.

The Concept Analysis of Motherhood (간호이론개발을 위한 개념 분석 : 어머니됨)

  • Kim, Young-Hee
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.245-257
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    • 1998
  • The characteristics of health behavior related pregnancy and childbirth have reflected on the cultural belief and value in the society. The efforts for women's health promotion through the current illumination of the traditional health care are the prompting assignment to be in nursing. The process of motherhood already progress before the motherhood actually. The functional state as the expectant mother can be the important predicting factor of the postpartum state, the quality of a married life. Motherhood was analyzed by Walker and Avant's method to clarify the concept 'to be a mother' using the various concepts like Koreans' Taekyo, transition to motherhood, maternal identity, maternal role attainment, maternal fetal attachment, and maternal fetal interaction. Upon the concept analysis, naturalness, responsibility, attachment, readiness, controllability were identified as the defining characteristics of motherhood. The antecedents of motherhood were consist of maternal affection, positive self esteem, pregnancy acceptance, fetus recognition and the consequences of motherhood were consist of positive maternal identity, maternal fetal attachment, confidence about the maternal role, the healthy mother and the healthy baby. The empirical referents of motherhood were consists of recognition of motherhood, expectation about motherhood, fetal recognition with ultrasonography and fetal movement, experience of unification between mother and fetus, expression of affection to the fetus, concern about fetal health, concern and practice about Taekyo, adaptation behavior about physical change and discomfort due to pregnancy. Therefore it is necessary to develop the instruction program of motherhood including the defining attributes identified in this study.

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