• 제목/요약/키워드: Fenton-Like Reaction

검색결과 43건 처리시간 0.021초

오염토양처리를 위한 혼합 Fenton 공정에서 용존 철이온이 오염산화처리에 미치는 역할에 관한 연구 (A Role of Dissolved Iron ion in Combined Fenton Reaction for Treatment of TNT Contaminated Soil)

  • 서승원;공성호
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회지:지하수토양환경
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    • 제11권6호
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    • pp.76-82
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    • 2006
  • 일반적으로 Fenton 반응 공정을 실제 오염토양에 적용하기에는 다소 무리가 있다. 그 이유로 대표적인 Fenton 반응공정인 고전적인 Fenton 반응은 낮은 pH에서 우수한 처리효율을 보이고 있기 때문이다. 또한, 철이온의 투입을 대신하여 철광석을 이용하는 Fenton-like 반응도 철광석 표면에서 hydroxyl radical을 생성하나 높은 pH에서는 다량의 수산화물과의 경쟁반응으로 인하여 그 활성이 상당히 감소되어진다. 이러한 단점을 보완하기 위하여 중성영역의 pH에서 철이온-chelating agent의 복합체를 촉매로 사용하는 modified Fenton 반응이 제시 되어지고 있다. 이 처리방식의 경우에는 다량의 철이온의 투입이 요구되어진다. 따라서, 본 실험에서는 Fenton-like 반응과 modified Fenton 반응의 효율적인 접목으로 중성영역에서의 chelating agent의 투입으로 철광석으로부터 철이온을 용출하여 복합체를 형성함으로 혼합 Fenton 공정에서 부가적인 촉매로 사용되어짐으로 오염물 처리효율을 크게 향상시킨 기법 개발을 진행하였다. 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene은 본 실험에서 오염원으로 사용하였으며, chelating agent에 의해 용출된 철이온이 약 0.1 mM 이상일 경우 Fenton-like 반응에 비하여 상당히 좋은 제거효율을 보였다. 혼합 Fenton 공정의 최대제거효율은 magnetite-NTA 시스템으로써 약 76%의 제거효율과 magnetite-EDTA의 경우 약 56%로서 이는 Fenton-like 반응에 비하여 약 40-60% 정도의 제거효율이 향상된 결과이다.

Modified Fenton Reaction과 Fenton-like Reaction을 이용한 화약류 오염 토양/지하수의 처리에 관한 연구 (A Study on Remediation of Explosives-Contaminated Soil/Ground Water using Modified Fenton Reaction and Fenton-like Reaction)

  • 허정욱;서승원;김민경;공성호
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • 제43권1호
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2005
  • 본 실험은 TNT 오염토양의 효율적 제거를 위한 화학적 처리기술 개발을 목적으로 다양한 Fenton reaction 적용성에 관해 고찰하였다. 기존 Fenton reaction은 낮은 pH 요구성을 가지는 단점이 있고 천연토양은 pH에 대한 buffering capacity를 가지고 있으므로 그 적용성이 미약하였다. 이에 중성 pH에서도 효율적으로 Fenton reaction을 유도할 수 있는 modified Fenton reaction을 본 실험에 적용하였다. 또한, 천연 토양 내 다양한 철광석을 철이온 대신 사용함으로써 철슬러지의 발생의 최소화를 위한 Fenton-like reaction의 적용 가능성에 대하여 검토하여 보았다. 실험결과는 오염토양의 기존 Fenton reaction 제거효율은 약 20시간 후 pH 3에서 93%이며 반면 pH 7에서는 21%임을 보였다. 한편, TNT 오염 수용액 처리에 철이온과 5종의 chelating agent를 투입한 실험에서는 24시간 반응 후 pH 7에서 NTA-Fe의 경우가 87%로 그 효율이 가장 우수하였고 citrate-Fe 46%, EDTA-Fe 71%, oxalate-Fe 64%, acetate-Fe 37%의 각각의 제거효율을 나타내었다. 또한, TNT 오염 수용액 처리에 3종의 철광석으로 Fenton-like reaction을 적용한 경우, pH 3에서 24시간 후 goethite 33%, hematite 40%, magnetite 40%의 처리효율을 보였고, pH 7인 경우 goethite 28%, hematite 34%, magnetite에서는 36%의 처리효율을 보였다. 게다가, 성능이 우수한 chelating agent 3종과 2종의 철광석을 이용한 복합처리 실험에서는 magenetite 경우 pH 7에서 NTA 79%, oxalate 59%, EDTA 14%의 제거효율이 측정되었고, hematite 경우 NTA 73%, oxalate 25% 그리고 EDTA 19%의 처리효율을 얻었다. 결론적으로 철광석과 modified fenton reaction의 복합처리의 경우 처리 기간 등의 운영인자를 확보할 경우 효율적으로 TNT 오염토양에 적용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

전기 펜톤-유사 반응을 이용한 Rhodamine B의 색 제거 (Decolorization of Rhodamine B by Electro Fenton-like Reaction)

  • 김동석;박영식
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2008
  • The electro-chemical decolorization of Rhodamine B (RhB) in water has been carried out by electro Fenton-like process. The effect of distance, material and shape of electrode, NaCl concentration, current, electric power, $H_2O_2$ and pH have been studied. The results obtained that decrease of RhB concentration of Fe(+)-Fe(-) electrode system was higher than that of other electrode system. The decrease of RhB concentration was not affected electrode distance and shape. Decolorization of electro Fenton-like reaction, which was added $H_2O_2$ onto the electrolysis using electrode was higher than electrolysis. Addition of NaCl decreased the electric consumption. The lower pH is, the faster initial reaction rate and reaction termination time observed.

펜톤유사반응을 이용한 광미중에 비소의 불용화 (Immobilization of Arsenic in Tailing by Fenton-like reaction)

  • 정익재;최용수
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지하수토양환경학회 2002년도 총회 및 춘계학술발표회
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    • pp.127-130
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    • 2002
  • Recently, the contamination with heavy metals in closed mines has been seriously considered since it can disturb human health through the polluted drinking-water and crops. Therefore, the concerns about the remediation of polluted land and treatment technology for hazardous matters have been accelerated. However, any of practical methods for treatment and/or remediation have not been yet suggested. In this research, a novel technology was studied to immobilize arsenic in tailings and soils disturbed by mining. In this technology, Fenton-like reaction were applied to immobilize arsenic in tailings. In the examination of Fenton-like reaction using pure pyrite, $H_2O$$_2$ and arsenic, the concentrations of extracted arsenic and iron were reduced up to 90 and 75%, respectively From the result of SEM-EDS, the Immobilization of arsenic was observed on the surface of pyrite. Thus, it can be said that the coating and/or adsorption prevents the extraction of arsenic.

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Enhanced Removal of Phenol from Aquatic Solution in a Schorl-catalyzed Fenton-like System by Acid-modified Schorl

  • Xu, Huan-Yan;Prasad, Murari;Wang, Peng
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.803-807
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    • 2010
  • Schorl modified by $H_2SO_4$ has been successfully developed to enhance schorl-catalyzed Fenton-like reaction for removal of phenol in an aqueous solution. The phenol removal percentage can be increased from 4% to 100% by the system of modified schorl and $H_2O_2$. Batch experiments indicate that the percent increases in removal of phenol by increasing the dosage of catalyst, temperature and initial concentration of $H_2O_2$. The results of XRD, FT-IR and SEM suggest that no new phases are formed after removal of phenol by modified schorl. ICP-AES results reveal that more dissolution of iron results in higher catalytic oxidant activity in the system of modified schorl and $H_2O_2$. Besides minor adsorption, mineral-catalyzed Fenton-like reaction governs the process.

펜톤 및 펜톤 유사반응에서 말론산을 이용한 과산화수소의 안정화 (Stabilization of Hydrogen Peroxide using Malonic Acid in Fenton and Fenton-like reactions)

  • 김지은;하태욱;김영훈
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회지:지하수토양환경
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    • 제18권7호
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2013
  • Hydrogen peroxide takes much of the cost for Fenton reaction applied for treatment of organic contaminants. Therefore, the effective use of hydrogen peroxide makes the technology more cost effective. The effective use of hydrogen peroxide is especially needed in the soil and groundwater remediation where complete mixing is not possible and it takes a long time for reactive species to transport to the fixed target compounds. Stabilization ability for hydrogen peroxide of malonic acid was evaluated in Fenton and Fenton-like reactions in this study. Malonic acid contributes on the stabilization of hydrogen peroxide by weak interaction between iron and the stabilizer and inhibiting the catalytic role of iron. The stabilization effect increased as the solution pH decrease below the $pK_{a1}$. The stabilization effect increased as the concentration of malonic acid increased and the effect was maximized at the malonic acid concentration of about ten times higher than the iron concentration. The model organic contaminant was successfully oxidized in the presence of the stabilizer but the degradation rate was slower than the system without the stabilizer. The stabilization effect was also proved in a Fenton-like reaction where magnetite and hematite were used instead of soluble iron species.

Iron-loaded Natural Clay as Heterogeneous Catalyst for Fenton-like Discoloration of Dyeing Wastewater

  • Xu, Huan-Yan;Ha, Xiu-Lan;Wu, Ze;Shan, Lian-Wei;Zhang, Wei-Dong
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제30권10호
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    • pp.2249-2252
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    • 2009
  • The clay-based Fe-bearing catalyst was successfully prepared through ion-exchange reaction and applied as heterogeneous catalyst for discoloration of acid fuchsine (AF) in an aqueous solution by Fenton-like reaction. Experimental results demonstrated that the AF discoloration ratios increased by increasing Fe-loaded clay dosage and initial $H_2O_2$ concentration, and by decreasing the pH, respectively. The lower the initial AF concentration, the shorter the reaction time needed to achieve complete discoloration of AF. Comparative studies indicated that AF discoloration ratios were much higher in presence of Fe-loaded clay and $H_2O_2$ than those in presence of $H_2O_2$, raw natural clay or Fe-loaded clay only and raw natural clay and $H_2O_2$ jointly. After AF discoloration, there existed no new phases in the clay samples detected by XRD and no change in the clay crystal morphology observed by SEM. A mechanism proposed suggested adsorption and Fenton-like reaction were responsible for discoloration of AF.

Electrokinetic-Fenton 기법에 의한 phenanthrene으로 오염된 토양의 처리

  • 김정환;김강호;한상재;김수삼
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지하수토양환경학회 2001년도 추계학술발표회
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    • pp.51-54
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    • 2001
  • This research was carried out to evaluate feasibility of using an Electrokinetic-Fenton(EK-Fenton) technique to treat hydrophobic organic pollutant(phenanthrene) from soils. Experiment examined the effect by introducing a continuous flow of a 3.5% hydrogen peroxide solution at the anode. An electric gradient of 1V/cm was applied to enhance the saturated flow in the soil cell for a period of 11 days. After 11 days or 1 pore volume, overall concentration of residual phenanthrene in the soil cell was 11% and residual phenanathrene concentration in the soil was found to increase with toward the cathode. This results indicated that Fenton-like reaction catalyzed by mineral surface was effective in oxidizing phenanthrene. This results also showed that hydrogen peroxide was effectively transported into the soil by electroosmotic flow as well as by diffusion.

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동전기-펜턴 토양정화공정에서 공정변수에 따른 분해성능 비교

  • 양지원;박지연;김상준;이유진
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지하수토양환경학회 2002년도 추계학술발표회
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    • pp.239-242
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    • 2002
  • Removal of phenanthrene by electrokinetic (EK) method combined with Fenton-like process was studied in a model system. Sand and phenanthrene were selected as a model soil and a representative PAH. Sand was contaminated at the concentration of 500 mg phenanthrene/kg dry sand. Bentonite and kaolinite were inserted into the space between reservoir and contaminated soil. When hydrogen peroxide supplied to a soil system from the anode reservoir was transported through the soil by EK process, the Fenton-like reaction was occurred by naturally existing iron minerals in soil. When hydrogen peroxide was supplied into the system, it showed higher removal efficiency than when just water was used. Maximum removal efficiency of phenanthrene was 81.2 % for 7 days.

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제강분진을 촉매로 활용한 펜톤유사산화에 의한 고농도 para-Nitrophenol의 처리 (Treatment of High Strength para-Nitrophenol using Fenton-like Oxidation Catalyzed by Steeler's Dust)

  • 배범한;정재훈;이성재;장윤영;박규홍;장윤석
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지하수토양환경학회 2000년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.136-139
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    • 2000
  • Fenton-like oxidation of para-nitrophenol(PNP) was studied using hydrogen peroxide iii combination with steeler's dust substituted for ferrous iron in Fenton's reaction. Various factors critical in the degradation of PNP were studied, including hydrogen peroxide dosage, concentration of steeler's dust. and initial pH. Experimental results showed that 1,000mg/L PNP and its oxidation intermediate could be mostly decomposed within 30m1n by 10g/L steeler's dust, 0.25% hydrogen peroxide, and initila pH of 3.0. The reaction rate constant (k) of CODcr concentration were calculated with the addition of steeler's dust(0.0059 min$^{-1}$ (g/L)$^{-1}$ ) and hydrogen peroxide(0.2965 min$^{-1}$ (%)$^{-1}$ ), respectively.

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