• Title/Summary/Keyword: Feed back analysis

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Application of Back Analysis for Tunnel Design by Modified In Situ Rock Model (현장암반 모델을 적용한 터널의 역해석)

  • Kim, Hak-Mun;Lee, Bong-Yeol;Hwang, Ui-Seok;Kim, Tae-Hun
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this research work is to propose an analytical method of tunnel design based on reasonable site data. Therefore the proposed design method consists of monitoring data and Modified In Situ Rock Model. Also the Rock Mass Rating for very poor quality rock is very difficult to estimate, the balances between the ratings may no longer gives a reliable basis for the rock mass strength. But in reality Rock Mass Rating is only the property which can be obtained from face mapping records of the exposed tunnel face during construction stage. Evaluation of rock parameters for the actual design prior to tunnel construction should be corrected during tunnelling process in particularly complex ground conditions. This study intends to investigate application of in-situ rock model to soft rock tunnelling (weathered rock) by face mapping results and site measurement data that are obtained at the costraction site of Seoul Subway Tunnel. For the preparation of more reliable ground parameters, the Rock Mass Rating values for the weathered rocks were modified and readjusted in accordance with the measurement data. The modified input parameters obtained by the proposed method are used for the prediction of the tunnel behavior at subsequent construction stages. The results of this study revealed that more reasonable feed back tunnel analysis can be possible as suggested. Ample measurement data would be able to confirm the new proposed technique in this research work.

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Effects of Stocking Density or Group Size on Intake, Growth, and Meat Quality of Hanwoo Steers (Bos taurus coreanae)

  • Lee, Sang-Moo;Kim, Jae-Yeon;Kim, Eun-Joong
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.25 no.11
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    • pp.1553-1558
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of stocking density or group size on feed intake, daily gain, and carcass characteristics of Hanwoo (Korean indigenous breed) steers reared from 7 months to 31 months of age. Thirty Hanwoo steers were divided into four groups with three replicates each (a total of 12 pens). In each group, one (G1), two (G2), three (G3), and four steers (G4) per pen were allocated as treatments. Pen size was $32.0m^2$, and therefore Hanwoo steers in G1, G2, G3, and G4 were reared under different space allowances, i.e. 32.0, 16.0, 10.6, and $8.0m^2$/steer, respectively. Steers were reared following a conventional beef cattle management method in Korea, and were offered a fixed amount of commercial concentrate with ad libitum forages. Results were subjected to analysis of variance with stocking density as the main effect, and significance was declared at p<0.05. Although total feed intake was not significantly altered, it numerically increased in animals of low stocking density (G1) compared to those subjected to high stocking density treatment (i.e. G4). Feed conversion ratio was higher (p<0.05) in G3 compared to G1 and G2. Animals in G1 (low stocking density) grew faster (p<0.05) than those of high stocking density (G3 and G4). Back fat thickness, meat yield index, and meat yield grade were similar among all levels of stocking density. However, longissimus muscle area was larger in G1 and G2 (p<0.01) compared to G3 and G4, and animals in G3 produced smaller carcasses (p<0.05). Carcass quality traits, including marbling score, meat color, fat color, texture, maturity and meat quality grade, as determined by a group of experts, were not significantly different among the treatments. In conclusion, lower stocking density resulted in increased feed efficiency, daily gain, and carcass weight in Hanwoo steers. However it remains unclear whether such differences are the results of stocking density or group size, or a combination of both. Nonetheless, these results confirm previous studies reporting a negative effect of increased stocking density on animal productivity. Further, animal welfare under an intensive farming system in relation to economical return is discussed.

Reliability Optimization of Urban Transit Brake System For Efficient Maintenance (효율적 유지보수를 위한 도시철도 전동차 브레이크의 시스템 신뢰도 최적화)

  • Bae, Chul-Ho;Kim, Hyun-Jun;Lee, Jung-Hwan;Kim, Se-Hoon;Lee, Ho-Yong;Suh, Myung-Won
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.31 no.1 s.256
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    • pp.26-35
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    • 2007
  • The vehicle of urban transit is a complex system that consists of various electric, electronic, and mechanical equipments, and the maintenance cost of this complex and large-scale system generally occupies sixty percent of the LCC (Life Cycle Cost). For reasonable establishing of maintenance strategies, safety security and cost limitation must be considered at the same time. The concept of system reliability has been introduced and optimized as the key of reasonable maintenance strategies. For optimization, three preceding studies were accomplished; standardizing a maintenance classification, constructing RBD (Reliability Block Diagram) of VVVF (Variable Voltage Variable Frequency) urban transit, and developing a web based reliability evaluation system. Historical maintenance data in terms of reliability index can be derived from the web based reliability evaluation system. In this paper, we propose applying inverse problem analysis method and hybrid neuro-genetic algorithm to system reliability optimization for using historical maintenance data in database of web based system. Feed-forward multi-layer neural networks trained by back propagation are used to find out the relationship between several component reliability (input) and system reliability (output) of structural system. The inverse problem can be formulated by using neural network. One of the neural network training algorithms, the back propagation algorithm, can attain stable and quick convergence during training process. Genetic algorithm is used to find the minimum square error.

Effect of Different Forages on Growth Performance, Meat Production and Meat Quality of Hanwoo Steers : Meta-analysis (조사료원의 차이가 한우 거세우의 생산성 및 육질에 미치는 영향 : 메타분석)

  • Cho, Sang-Buem;Lee, Sang-Moo;Kim, Eun-Joong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.175-184
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    • 2012
  • In the present study, the effects of feeding different forage sources on the growth performance, meat production and meat quality of Hanwoo steers were evaluated using meta-analysis. In total 5 studies that were performed and published in the domestic journals in Korea were employed for the analysis. The results from nutritionally better quality roughage-based steers and rice straw-based steers in each study were assigned as a treatment and a control, respectively, and the mean difference between the treatment and the control was used for the evaluation of effect size. The summary effect was calculated using random effect model. As results, in growth performance, positive effects were found in feed intake, daily weight gain, final body weight and feed efficiency. The significant effect was found only in daily weight gain (p<0.05). In meat production, carcass weight, Longissimus dorsi area, yield index showed positive effect and negative effect was detected in back fat thickness. The significant effect in meat production was found in carcass weight and Longissimus dorsi area (p<0.05). In meat quality, positive effects were represented in marbling score and fat color. Meat color showed little effect. The significance for effects was not observed in the analysis of meat quality. In conclusion, feeding good quality forages to ruminants plays an important role in Korean beef cattle industry and hence further researches are necessary to improve the efficiency of forage utilization in Hanwoo cattle.

A Study on the Space Planing for Restaurant Kitchens to Improve Hygiene (식당 주방의 위생 향상을 위한 공간계획에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Ran
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2011
  • This research proposed the space planing methode and diagrams of restaurant kitchens to improve hygiene by analyzing the related contents collected from books and researches in interior design and HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point). HACCP is an effective and scientific hygiene system for food safety in order to prevent cross-contamination from food hazards. Based on the analyses, improvement of food production environments like restaurant kitchens is necessary for food hygiene. The space planing methode of restaurant kitchens to improve hygiene are followings: The circulation planing is that the direction of movement of the food, workers, waste, and dishes should be fractionated and managed for cross-contamination prevention. The space separation planing is that the spaces in the kitchen should be classified and divided into contaminated area and non-contaminated and clean area depending on the degree of cleanliness. The zoning is space arrangement with feed-back process to check the possible points of cross-contamination and correct space arrangement until the possibility of cross-contamination disappear in kitchen. However, if cross-contamination is unavoidable in some points in restaurant kitchens, hygiene facilities such as washing rooms, pass rooms, and double doors with air-shower should be located in order to remove contamination.

Wafer state prediction in 64M DRAM s-Poly etching process using real-time data (실시간 데이터를 위한 64M DRAM s-Poly 식각공정에서의 웨이퍼 상태 예측)

  • 이석주;차상엽;우광방
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.664-667
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    • 1997
  • For higher component density per chip, it is necessary to identify and control the semiconductor manufacturing process more stringently. Recently, neural networks have been identified as one of the most promising techniques for modeling and control of complicated processes such as plasma etching process. Since wafer states after each run using identical recipe may differ from each other, conventional neural network models utilizing input factors only cannot represent the actual state of process and equipment. In this paper, in addition to the input factors of the recipe, real-time tool data are utilized for modeling of 64M DRAM s-poly plasma etching process to reflect the actual state of process and equipment. For real-time tool data, we collect optical emission spectroscopy (OES) data. Through principal component analysis (PCA), we extract principal components from entire OES data. And then these principal components are included to input parameters of neural network model. Finally neural network model is trained using feed forward error back propagation (FFEBP) algorithm. As a results, simulation results exhibit good wafer state prediction capability after plasma etching process.

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Development of the Dynamic Model and Control Logic for the Rear Wheel Steering in 4WS Vehicle (후륜 조향 동력학 모델 및 제어 로직 개발)

  • 장진희;김상현;한창수
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.4 no.6
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 1996
  • In the turning maneuver of the vehicle, its motion is mainly dependent on the genuine steering characteristics in view of the directional stability for stable turning ability. The under steer vehicle has an ability to maintain its own directonal performance for unknown external disturbances to some extent. From a few years ago, in order to acquire the more enhanced handling performance, some types of four wheel steering vehicle were considered and constructed. And, various rear wheel control logics for external disturbances has not been suggested. For this reason, in this posed rear wheel control logic is based on the yaw rate feed back type and is slightly modified by an yaw rate tuning factor for more stable turning performance. And an external disturbance is defined as a motivation of the additional yaw rate in the center of gravity by an uncertain input. In this study, an external disturbance is applied to the vehicle as a form of the additional yawing moment. Finally, the proposed rear wheel control logic is tested on the multi-body analysis software(ADAMS). J-turn and double lane change test are performed for the validation of the control logic.

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Development of Precision Inspection Technique for Aircraft Parts Having Very Thin Features on CAD/CAI Integration (CAD/CAI 통합에 기초한 박형 단면을 가지는 항공기 터빈블레이드의 정밀측정기술 개발)

  • Park, Hui-Jae;An, U-Jeong;Kim, Wang-Do
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.1743-1752
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    • 1996
  • In this paper, a precision inspection technique using CAD/CAI integration is proposed for the parts having very thin and sharp 3 dimensional curve features. The technique begings with feature reconstruction of turbine blades which have 3 dimensional combined feometry, such as splines, and thin circles. The alifnment procedures consistsb of two phases-rough and fine phases : rough phase alignment is based on the conventional 6 point5s probing on the clear cut surfacef, and fine phase alignment is based on the intial measurement on the 3 dimensional curved parts using an lterative measurement feed-back least sequares technique for alignment. Forf the analysis of profile tolerance of parts, the actual measured points are obtained by finding the closet points on the CAD geometry by the developed subdivision technique and the Tschebycheff norm is applied based on iterative fashion, giving accurate profile tolerance value. The developed inspection technique is applied to practical procedures of blade manufacturing and demonstrated high performance.

The Development of a Quality Assessment Tool for the Process of Health Promotion Programs at Public Health Centers (보건소 건강증진사업 수행과정의 질 평가지표 개발 -고혈압관리사업에서의 타당도 검증-)

  • 서영준;정애숙;박태선;이규식
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.35-51
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    • 2003
  • This study purports to develop a quality assessment tool for the process of health promotion programs at public health centers(PHC). The draft of the assessment tool developed by the literature was distributed to 242 staffs who were in charge of the health promotion programs at PHCs for evaluating the feasibility of the tool on September and October 2002. The major results of the study were as follows; The quality assessment tool developed in the study consisted of four domains: strategic planning, program management, monitoring and evaluation, and resources and information. The strategic planning dealt with the function of the planning staff and committees, community data analysis, the feasibility of the program, and the approach methods for attaining the goal of the program. The program management included the items on the qualification and power of the program staff. The monitoring and evaluation included the items on the reporting and communication among program units, and feed back after monitoring. Finally, the resources and information dealt with community networking, clients' response, and consulting activity of the staff. The validity of the tools was tested and partly supported by both formative and criterion-related methods. The assessment tools developed in this study could be used by health promotion workers in the self-evaluation of the program quality. In conclusion, the quality assessment tool developed in the study will be a good safeguard for assuring the quality of the process of health promotion programs.

A cause analysis of Noise & Vibration of Gas Heater (가스히터의 소음 진동 원인 분석)

  • Koh, Jae-Pil;You, Hyun-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.9-13
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    • 2009
  • A cause of noise and vibration which come from a Combustion of gas heater are a combustion roar and Combustion oscillation. A character of a combustion roar is that sound pressure is distribute with broad band frequency. otherwise, The presence of combustion oscillation caused by positive Feed Back in Combustion Chamber break out a noise and vibration. Accordingly, The method that be solved a noise and vibration is to make each natural frequency different frequency. first, in order to solve problem, we control ratio of fuel and air. that is, Keep away resonance. second, in order to changing natural frequency of Combustion Chamber, We changed the shape of Economizer.

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