• Title/Summary/Keyword: Feed Energy Systems

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CALPUFF and AERMOD Dispersion Models for Estimating Odor Emissions from Industrial Complex Area Sources

  • Jeong, Sang-Jin
    • Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2011
  • This study assesses the dispersion and emission rates of odor form industrial area source. CALPUFF and AERMOD Gaussian models were used for predicting downwind odor concentration and calculating odor emission rates. The studied region was Seobu industrial complex in Korea. Odor samples were collected five days over a year period in 2006. In-site meteorological data (wind direction and wind speed) were used to predict concentration. The BOOT statistical examination software was used to analyze the data. Comparison between the predicted and field sampled downwind concentration using BOOT analysis indicates that the CALPUFF model prediction is a little better than AERMOD prediction for average downwind odor concentrations. Predicted concentrations of AERMOD model have a little larger scatter than that of CALPUFF model. The results also show odor emission rates of Seobu industrial complex area were an order of 10 smaller than that of beef cattle feed lots.

Improvement of the Thermal Behavior of the Secondary Part of Synchronous Linear Motors with High Speed and Thrust (고속.대추력 동기식 리니어모터 세컨더리 파트의 열특성 향상)

  • Eun, In-Ung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.505-512
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    • 2011
  • Linear permanent magnet synchronous motors utilize high-energy product permanent magnet to produce high thrust, velocity and acceleration. Such motors are finding applications requiring high positioning accuracy and speed response, for example, machine tools, in the absence of mechanical gears and ball screw systems. A disadvantage of the linear motors is high power loss in comparison with rotary motors. For the application of the linear motors to machine tools, it is required to use water coolers and to improve the thermal behavior through insulation and structure optimization or control strategies. This paper presents the function of the secondary part of the linear synchronous motor as to the thermal behavior and the improving method. The result shows cooling pipe combined with an insulation layer is a suitable design for improving of the thermal behavior.

Application of medium-voltage drive to motor equipment of 800MW gas power plant. (800MW 가스발전소의 모터 설비에 고압 드라이브를 적용한 사례)

  • Kim, Kyoungsue;Oh, Hyunseok;Park, Jongje;Jeon, Jaehyun;Park, Cheolhyun
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2018.07a
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    • pp.424-425
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    • 2018
  • In the introduction, this paper introduces LS Industrial Systems' medium-voltage drive installed at Hyundai Green Power, an 800MW gas power plant. In the body, it explains the synchronous transfer technology and new speed search technology applied to Forced Draft(FD) Fan and Boiler Feed-water(BF) Pump, which are power generation facilities. Lastly, it shows the annual energy saving amount and operation status which are applied to each facility and proves that it is a successful application case.

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  • Kim, Sungmin;Kim, Dongha
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.459-468
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    • 2013
  • During a station blackout (SBO), the initiating event is a loss of Class IV and Class III power, causing the loss of the pumps, used in systems such as the primary heat transporting system (PHTS), moderator cooling, shield cooling, steam generator feed water, and re-circulating cooling water. The reference case of the SBO case does not credit any of these active heat sinks, but only relies on the passive heat sinks, particularly the initial water inventories of the PHTS, moderator, steam generator secondary side, end shields, and reactor vault. The reference analysis is followed by a series of sensitivity cases assuming certain system availabilities, in order to assess their mitigating effects. This paper also establishes the strategies to mitigate SBO accidents. Current studies and strategies use the computer code of the Integrated Severe Accident Analysis Code (ISAAC) for Wolsong plants. The analysis results demonstrate that appropriate strategies to mitigate SBO accidents are established and, in addition, the symptoms of the SBO processes are understood.

Process Modeling of IGCC Power Plant using Open-Equation Modeling Framework (개방형 수식모델링 툴을 이용한 IGCC 플랜트 공정모사)

  • Kim, Simoon;Joo, Yongjin;Kim, Miyeong;Lee, Joongwon
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.113.1-113.1
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    • 2010
  • IGCC(Integrated Coal Gasification and Combined Cycle) plants can be among the most advanced and environmental systems for electric energy generation from various feed stocks and is becoming more and more popular in new power generation fields. In this work, the performance of IGCC plants employing Shell gasification technology and a GE 7FB gas turbine engine was simulated using IPSEpro open-equation modeling environment for different operating conditions. Performance analyses and comparisons of all operating cases were performed based on the design cases. Discussions were focused on gas composition, syngas production rate and overall performance. The validation of key steady-state performance values calculated from the process models were compared with values from the provided heat and material balances for Shell coal gasification technology. The key values included in the validation included the inlet coal flow rate; the mass flow rate, heating value, and composition of major gas species (CO, H2, CH4, H2O, CO2, H2S, N2, Ar) for the syngas exiting the gasifier island; and the HP and MP steam flows exiting the gasifier island.

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Synthesis of Thin Film Type Cu/ZnO Nanostructure Catalysts for Development of Methanol Micro Reforming System (마이크로 개질기 개발을 위한 박막형 Cu/ZnO 나노구조 촉매 합성)

  • Yeo, Chan Hyuk;Kim, Yeon Su;Im, Yeon Ho
    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.193-199
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    • 2013
  • In this work, thin film type Cu/ZnO nanostructure catalysts were fabricated by several synthetic routes in order to maximize the performance of the micro reforming system. For this work, various Cu/ZnO nanostructure catalysts could be synthesized by means of four approaches which are chemical vapor method, wet solution method and their hybrid method. The reforming performance of these as-synthetic catalysts was evaluated as compared to the conventional catalysts. Among the as-synthetic nanostructures, sphere type catalysts with specific surface of $18.6m^2/g$ showed the best performance of hydrogen production rate of 30ml/min at the feed rate of 0.2ml/min. This work will give the first insight on thin film type Cu/ZnO nanostructure catalyst for micro reforming system for hydrogen production of portable electronic systems.

The Genetic and Non-Genetic Aspects of Leg Weakness and Osteochondrosis in Pigs - Review -

  • Fukawa, K.;Kusuhara, S.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.114-122
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    • 2001
  • Leg weakness in pigs is one of the most serious problems in the pig industry. Leg weakness is responsible for an increase in the rate of culling of breeding pigs, which results in economic loss in the pig industry. Many researchers have investigated the cause of leg weakness, and that of osteochondrosis, in pigs, as well as in other mammals. For evaluating leg weakness, subjective scoring criteria have been applied, but the scoring systems varied widely. Subjective scoring systems have also been used in evaluating osteochondrosis lesions in leg joints. The lesions were scored optically, radiographically and histologically. Leg weakness and osteochondrosis are to some extent heritable traits. The heritability of leg weakness and joint lesion scores was found to range from 0.01 to 0.42. Leg weakness and osteochondrosis are associated with production traits (lean percentage and back fat depth). Nutritional aspects of leg weakness and osteochondrosis have also been extensively studied. Although the energy level of the diet may affect leg weakness and osteochondrosis, other nutritional factors seem to have very little effect. Confinement conditions also have an effect on leg weakness and osteochondrosis. Although studied extensively, the cause and etiology of leg weakness and osteochondrosis remain uncertain. It could be that there are multiple causes of leg weakness.

Development of a Rule-based BIM Tool Supporting Free-form Building Integrated Photovoltaic Design (비정형 건물일체형 태양광 발전 시스템 규칙기반 BIM설계 지원 도구 개발)

  • Hong, Sung-Moon;Kim, Dae-Sung;Kim, Min-Cheol;Kim, Ju-Hyung
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2015
  • Korea has been at the forefront of green growth initiatives. In 2008, the government declared the new vision toward 'low-carbon society and green growth'. The government subsidies and Feed-in Tariff (FIT) increased domestic usage of solar power by supplying photovoltaic housing and photovoltaic generation systems. Since 2000, solar power industry has been the world's fastest growing source with the annual growth rate of 52.5%. Especially, BIPV(Building Integrated Photovoltaic) systems are capturing a growing portion of the renewable energy market due to several reasons. BIPV consists of photovoltaic cells and modules integrated into the building envelope such as a roof or facades. By avoiding the cost of conventional materials, the incremental cost of photovoltaics is reduced and its life-cycle cost is improved. When it comes to atypical building, numerous problems occur because PV modules are flat, stationary, and have its orientation determined by building surface. However, previous studies mainly focused on improving installations of solar PV technologies on ground and rooftop photovoltaic array and developing prediction model to estimate the amount of produced electricity. Consequently, this paper discusses the problem during a planning and design stage of BIPV systems and suggests the method to select optimal design of the systems by applying the national strategy and economic policies. Furthermore, the paper aims to develop BIM tool based on the engineering knowledge from experts in order for non-specialists to design photovoltaic generation systems easily.

The Use of Lupins in Feeding Systems - Review -

  • Petterson, D.S.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.861-882
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    • 2000
  • The seed, or grain, of modern cultivars of Lupinus angustifolius, commonly known as Australian sweet lupins (ASL), is an established feed resource for the intensive animal industries of Australia, Japan, Korea and several other countries in Asia and Europe. Since the introduction of ASL to the world marketplace about 25 years ago, researchers in many countries have found them to be a valuable component of the diet of beef and dairy cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry, finfish and crustaceans. The seed of ASL contains ~32% crude protein (CP) (~35% DM basis) and 5% oil. The main storage carbohydrates in the seed are the ${\beta}$-galactans that comprise most of the cell-wall material of the kernel and the cellulose and hemicellulose of the thick seed coats. ASL seeds contain about 40% non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) and a negligible amount of starch. This makes them an excellent ingredient for ruminant diets, as the risk of acidosis is very low. The seed of modern cultivars of domesticated Lupinus species contain negligible amounts of lectins and trypsin inhibitors so they do not require preheating before being used as an ingredient in feeds for monogastric species. They have a high digestibility coefficient for protein, >90% for most species, but a low energy digestibility, ~60%, which is mostly due to the high content of NSP. The low content of methionine (0.22%) and of lysine (1.46%) is typical of the legumes. The lysine availability for pigs is >70%. Lupin kernels contain ~39% CP (~42% DM basis), 6% oil and 30% NSP. They have a higher digestible energy for pigs and finfish and a higher metabolisable energy for poultry than whole seed. Commercial operations rarely achieve complete separation of kernel from hull and it is more likely that the kernel fraction, called splits or meats, will contain ~36% CP. The replacement of soybean meal or peas with ASL in cereal-based diets for most intensively reared animals, birds and fish is possible provided lysine, methionine and digestible energy levels are kept constant. This makes ASL economically competitive in many, but not all, circumstances.

Review and Suggestion of Korean RPS Scheme (한국의 RPS제도 이행 점검과 개선 방향)

  • Lee, Seongho
    • Current Photovoltaic Research
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.182-188
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    • 2014
  • For the dissemination of new and renewable energy, Korean government introduced a renewable portfolio standard (RPS) scheme in 2012 after terminating feed-in tariff (FIT) scheme that was introduced in 2004. With the RPS scheme, 64.7% of its own goal (95.7% in PV and 63.3% in non-PV) was achieved in 2012 and 67.2% of that (94.9% in PV, 65% in non-PV) was achieved in 2013. The deployment of PV systems met the goal very well and that of non-PV did not. Recently, Korean government revised the target year of supplying 10% electricity from new and renewable energy from 2022 to 2024 and released a couple of measures on PV area. Recent studies showed that the bankability of a project plays a key role for PV dissemination. Therefore, the dissemination should be assessed from the point of bankability under the RPS scheme and a little adjustment is necessary to achieve the goal. Especially, installing a small size PV (<100 kwp) system needs a minimum REC price or a FIT scheme. In non-PV area, permission process is a common bottleneck and the related regulation should be eased. In addition, to achieve the long term goal, an implementing scenario has to be prepared. Currently, the portion of the waste-gas energy originated from fossil fuel is too large among the new and renewable energy sources and the portion should be lowered or eliminated in the 10% of electricity supply goal. Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) has its own FIT scheme for PV dissemination from 2014 SMG and revised the PV tariff from 50 to 100 won/kwh in effective of 2015. It is worth to spread the other provinces.