• Title/Summary/Keyword: Feature lines

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A Study about Designing of Ceramic Button with it's Manufacturing (현대(現代)패션에 응용(應用)된 장식적(的) 단추의 디자인 개발(開發)및 제작(製作)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -구스타프 클림트의 작품(作品)을 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Baik, Jeong-Hyun;Bae, Soo-Jeong
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.55-68
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this research is to expand the realm of a button for a decorative purpose through embossing the effect and gravity of a button in fashion by designing the new ceramic buttons which are mainly used for decorative function in costume. In order to acquire a motif for the design, I analyzed several works of Gustav Klimt. As the result, those feature can be classified into the use of decorative lines, mosaic forms, and harmony of golden yellow and black, and it can be applied to buttons and clothes design. The sort of clay used in manufacturing the ceramic buttons was white clay to have high density and to diffuse light well, and press shaping techniques using plaster mold were employed. The baking was performed in an electronic kiln at $800^{\circ}C$ for the first time and at $1250^{\circ}C$ for the second time. Based on wearable designs in 2002/2003 F/W Trend of Interfashion Planning, I made three pieces of dress which could express the button's capability of decoration with effect. This is expressing a simplified form which shows up in details of and yellow and red pink were used to harmonize with golden yellow clothes. As an application of shapes of foliage in I transformed its size and form to be consistent with a jacket and a tube top. To accord with golden beige costume, I made a curve, showing up in Klimt's paintings, with golden color on a circle shape which was also a main motif in his paintings.

Morphological Hand-Gesture Recognition Algorithm (형태론적 손짓 인식 알고리즘)

  • Choi Jong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.8 no.8
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    • pp.1725-1731
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    • 2004
  • The use of gestures provides an attractive alternate to cumbersome interface devices for human-computer interaction. This has motivated a very active research area concerned with computer vision-based analysis and interpretation of hand gestures. The most important issues in gesture recognition are the simplification of algorithm and the reduction of processing time. The mathematical morphology based on geometrical set theory is best used to perform the processing. A key idea of proposed algorithm in this paper is to apply morphological shape decomposition. The primitive elements extracted to a hand gesture include in very important information on the directivity of the hand gestures. Based on this characteristic, we proposed the morphological gesture recognition algorithm using feature vectors calculated to lines connecting the center points of a main-primitive element and sub-primitive elements. Through the experiment, we demonstrated the efficiency of proposed algorithm. Coupling natural interactions such as hand gesture with an appropriately designed interface is a valuable and powerful component in the building of TV switch navigating and video contents browsing system.

The Type Analysis of Middle Aged Woman's Upper Body (중년여성 상반신의 유형분석)

  • 문명옥;임희경
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.301-312
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    • 2000
  • This study conducted an analysis of the middle aged women whose ages are from 35 to 59 years old in order to give those ladies much external satisfaction and covered body lines. I have come to present a few characters of body types as silhouettes which resulted in the factors of the upper bodies of middle aged women. I have adopted SAS(statistical analysis system) as a data process method of this survey. The followings are the results analysis. 1. The item of height have decreased, but increased in the items of thickness among the late middle aged women. 2. The body componant factor of middle aged women are extracted as 10 items, and the rate of their cumulative contribution is 78.9%. The first is the thickness of upper body, the second is the thickness of side upper body, the third is the height of upper body, the fourth is the length of upper body the fifth is width of upper body, the sixth is the projected rate of back, the seventh is the projected rate of breast, the eighth is the squared rate of shoulder, the ninth is the crooked rate of neck, and the tenth is the upper from of breast. 3. The body types of middle aged women can be classified into 4 types, and the followings are their characters. Type 1 is a standard type as the most common body character of the middle aged women, showing the appearing rate of 42.4%. Type 2 is a semi-curved body type like the curved figure of side body, showing the appearing rate of 34.5%. Type 3 is a reverse body type with the projected breast feature of front body, showing the appearing rate of 20.9%. Type 4 is a crooked body type with a tall height and crooked neck, showing the appearing rate of 2.2%.

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3D building modeling from airborne Lidar data by building model regularization (건물모델 정규화를 적용한 항공라이다의 3차원 건물 모델링)

  • Lee, Jeong Ho;Ga, Chill Ol;Kim, Yong Il;Lee, Byung Gil
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.353-362
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    • 2012
  • 3D building modeling from airborne Lidar without model regularization may cause positional errors or topological inconsistency in building models. Regularization of 3D building models, on the other hand, restricts the types of models which can be reconstructed. To resolve these issues, this paper modelled 3D buildings from airborne Lidar by building model regularization which considers more various types of buildings. Building points are first segmented into roof planes by clustering in feature space and segmentation in object space. Then, 3D building models are reconstructed by consecutive adjustment of planes, lines, and points to satisfy parallelism, symmetry, and consistency between model components. The experimental results demonstrated that the method could make more various types of 3d building models with regularity. The effects of regularization on the positional accuracies of models were also analyzed quantitatively.

Data Type-Tolerant Component Model: A Method to Process Variability of Externalized Data (데이터 타입 무결성 컴포넌트 모델 : 외부화된 데이터 가변성 처리 기법)

  • Lim, Yoon-Sun;Kim, Myung;Jeong, Seong-Nam;Jeong, An-Mo
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.386-395
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    • 2009
  • Business entities with which most service components interact are kind of cross-cutting concerns in a multi-layered distributed application architecture. When business entities are modified, service components related to them should also be modified, even though they implement common functions of the application framework. This paper proposes what we call DTT (Data Type-Tolerant) component model to process the variability of business entities, or externalized data, which feature modern application architectures. The DTT component model expresses the data variability of product lines at the implementation level by means of SCDTs (Self-Contained Data Types) and variation point interfaces. The model improves the efficiency of application engineering through data type converters which support type conversion between SCDTs and business entities of particular applications. The value of this model lies in that data and functions are coupled locally in each component again by allowing service components to deal with SCDTs only instead of externalized business eutities.

An Implementation of an ENC Representation System which meets S-52 presentation specification and S-57 transfer standards (S-52 표현사양 및 S-57 교환표준을 만족하는 전자해도 표현 시스템 구현)

  • 이희용;서상현
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.469-478
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    • 2000
  • On the advent of digital era, ECDIS has emerged as a new navigation aid that should result in significant benefits to safe navigation. More than simply a graphics display, ECDIS is a new concept navigation system capable of providing integrated information of geographical and texual data. As an official vector data for ECDIS, ENC consists of spatial and feature data to describe objects in form of points, lines and areas. IHO published International Standards for ENC, such as S-52(Specification for Chart Content and Display Aspects of ECDIS) and S-57(IHO Transfer Standard for Digital Hydrographic Data). This paper deals with the implementation of an ENC representation system which meets S-52 presentation specification and S-57 transfer standards by analyzing S-57 data structures and converting them to an appropriate internal data structures and representing them onto screen adopting S-52 presentation specification.

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Bayesian Sensor Fusion of Monocular Vision and Laser Structured Light Sensor for Robust Localization of a Mobile Robot (이동 로봇의 강인 위치 추정을 위한 단안 비젼 센서와 레이저 구조광 센서의 베이시안 센서융합)

  • Kim, Min-Young;Ahn, Sang-Tae;Cho, Hyung-Suck
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.381-390
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    • 2010
  • This paper describes a procedure of the map-based localization for mobile robots by using a sensor fusion technique in structured environments. A combination of various sensors with different characteristics and limited sensibility has advantages in view of complementariness and cooperation to obtain better information on the environment. In this paper, for robust self-localization of a mobile robot with a monocular camera and a laser structured light sensor, environment information acquired from two sensors is combined and fused by a Bayesian sensor fusion technique based on the probabilistic reliability function of each sensor predefined through experiments. For the self-localization using the monocular vision, the robot utilizes image features consisting of vertical edge lines from input camera images, and they are used as natural landmark points in self-localization process. However, in case of using the laser structured light sensor, it utilizes geometrical features composed of corners and planes as natural landmark shapes during this process, which are extracted from range data at a constant height from the navigation floor. Although only each feature group of them is sometimes useful to localize mobile robots, all features from the two sensors are simultaneously used and fused in term of information for reliable localization under various environment conditions. To verify the advantage of using multi-sensor fusion, a series of experiments are performed, and experimental results are discussed in detail.

Apoptosis-Inducing Activity of Galloylglucoses from Juglans mandshurica in Human Promyeloid Leukemic HL-60 Cells

  • Min, Byung-Sun;Kwon, Ok-Kyoung;Park, Bo-Young;Kim, Young-Ho;Hattori, Masao;Joung, Hyouk;Lee, Hyeong-Kyu
    • Natural Product Sciences
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.48-53
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    • 2004
  • Two galloyl monosaccharides, 1,2,6-trigalloylglucose (1, TRgG) and 1,2,3,6- tetragalloylglucose (2, TEgG), were isolated from the stem-bark of Juglans mandshurica. Two galloylglucoses showed cytotoxic effects on human promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells. In order to elucidate their mechanism of action, we have investigated the flow cytometric analysis after Annexin V-FITC and PI staining, caspase-3 activity, and internucleosomal DNA fragmentation in HL-60 cells. HL-60 cells treated with both compounds 1 and 2 at 150 and $100\;{\mu}M$, respectively, led to a morphological features of apoptosis, such as plasma membrane blebbing and cell shrinkage. TRgG (1) and TEgG (2) increased the percentage of $FITC^+\;and\;FITC^+PI^+$ cells in flow cytometry after Annexin V-FITC and PI staining. The increase of apoptotic cells was preceded by the activation of caspase-3 reported to play a central role in apoptotic process and inducing internucleosomal DNA fragmentation. TEgG (2) showed to have stronger apoptosis inducing activity in HL-60 cell lines as compared with TRgG (1).

Different Types of Active Region EUV Bright Points by Hinode/EIS

  • Lee, Kyoung-Sun;Moon, Yong-Jae;Kim, Su-Jin
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.28.2-28.2
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    • 2010
  • We have investigated seven Extreme-Ultraviolet (EUV) bright points in the active region (AR 10926) on 2006 December 2 by the EUV imaging spectrometer (EIS) onboard Hinode spacecraft. We determined their Doppler velocities and non-thermal velocities from 15 EUV spectral lines (log T=4.7-7.2) by fitting each line profile to a Gaussian function. We present the Doppler velocity map as a function of temperature which corresponds to a different height. As a result, these active region bright points show two different types of characteristics. Type 1 bright point shows a systematic increase of Doppler velocity from -68 km/s (blue shift) at log T=4.7 to 27 km/s (red shift) at log T=6.7, while type 2 bright points have Doppler velocities in the range of -20 km/s and 20 km/s. Using MDI magnetograms, we found that only type 1 bright point was associated with the canceling magnetic feature at the rate of $2.4{\times}10^{18}$ Mx/hour. When assuming that these bright points are caused by magnetic reconnection and the Doppler shift indicates reconnection out flow, the pattern of the Doppler shift implies that type 1 bright point should be related to low atmosphere magnetic reconnection. We also determined electron densities from line ratio as well as temperatures from emission measure loci using CHIANTI atomic database. The electron densities of all bright points are comparable to typical values of active regions (log Ne=9.9-10.4). For the temperature analysis, the emission loci plots indicate that these bright points should not be isothermal though background is isothermal. The DEM analysis also show that while the background has a single peak distribution (isothermal), the EUV bright points, double peak distributions.

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Digital Mapping Based on Digital Ortho Images (수치정사투영영상을 이용한 수치지도제작)

  • 이재기;박경식
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2000
  • In the recent day, the necessity and the effective usage are increased rapidly, and it is applied in many other fields as well as in the field of ortho-photo map. In this study, we extract each objects on the aerial image and automatically classify graphic information to produce digital map using only digital ortho-image without particular drawing devices for producing digital map. For this purpose, we have applied a lot of the image processing techniques and fuzzy theory, classified outline and lane of road and building, and had each layer according to each feature. Especially, in the case of the building, the outer vector lines extracted by pixel unit at the building were very complex, but we have developed the program to be expressed by I-dimensional linear type between building corners. In the result of this study, we could not extract and recognize all of the object on the image all together, but we have got the error within 50cm using semi-automatic technique. Therefore, this method will be used effectively in producing 1/5,000 digital map.

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