• Title/Summary/Keyword: Farmland Bank

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A Case Study on Farmers' Participation in Farmland Bank : Focusing on Long-term Leasing Business of Farmland in Gangwon Province (참여농가 사례분석을 통한 농지장기임대차사업 개선방안에 관한 연구 : 강원도를 중심으로)

  • Yi, Hyangmi;Kim, Mi Young
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2014
  • Under high agricultural automation in rice farming, cultivation acreage expansion can be considered for the economies of scale. Also, considering the circumstances of higher ratio in leased farms than independent farms, Long-term Leasing Business of Farmland can be the most public and transparent method to expand cultivation acreage for lease farming. Therefore, this research observes the various factors such as application motives, satisfaction, and demands of Long-term Leasing Business of Farmland, which the importance is on the rise and serves as a means to increase agricultural expansion, as well as its operational performance analysis. The research results and implications are as follows. Long-term Leasing Business of Farmland have positive effects such as ensuring stable farming through documental contract, providing convenience because the lease contractor requires no meetings during the contract period, providing opportunities to expand the farm size, and acquiring economical gain which is linked to satisfaction aspects of the businesses. On the other hand, demands such as strengthened business advertisement, writing business documents by correlating with related organizations, and clear lease price configuration were made by the businesses. To bring improvements, this research proposes; 1) expanding support to related businesses, 2) providing convenience through related organization correlations, and 3) configuring clear lease prices considering the regional conditions.

A Case Study on the Farm Revival Program Conducted by Farmland Bank in Gangwon Province (경영회생지원 농지매입사업 이용실태에 관한 사례연구: 강원지역 농가를 중심으로)

  • Yi, Hyangmi;Kim, Mi Young
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.201-212
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    • 2014
  • The Farm Revival Program of the Farm Land Bank, implemented in 2006, initiated as the Agricultural Land Bank's business proposal to achieve efficient usage of farm land. Also, expansion of Farm Revival Program will bring positive effects when considering the fact that Farm Revival Program contributes to farm liability issues and management improvements. However, despite the importance of Farm Revival Program, searching for improvement methods through a rural demand survey is very insufficient. The following research limits the target to farms that applied for the management redemption project within Gangwon Province and examined the application motivation, project satisfaction, and demands of the farms. This research holds value as a fundamental data which reflects the demands of farms to better manage Farm Land Purchasing of the Farm Land Bank.

Analysis of Farmland Price Determinants in Parcel-level Using Real Transaction Price of Farmland (농지실거래가격을 활용한 필지 단위 농지가격 결정요인 분석)

  • Jeon, Mugyeong;Yi, Hyangmi;Kim, Yunsik;Kim, Taeyoung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2022
  • The primary purpose of this study is to identify various factors that affect farmland prices according to changes in the actual transaction price of farmland over the past decade, and to use this to derive policy implications for price stabilization. To this end, the farmland price model are constructed at the parcel level in the case area (Namwon-si, Jinju-si). The analysis method is based on the Hedonic price function, and the OLS and the quantile regression are used for the parcel level model. As a result of estimating the parcel level farmland price model in the case area, the larger the parcel area, the lower the farmland price, and the higher the farmland price outside the agricultural promotion area. It was found that there was a price difference according to the type of special purpose areas, and the location characteristics showed some differences across the cities. The farmland price models presented in this study are suitable for identifying the factors affecting farmland prices, and are expected to be highly utilized in that it is possible to construct flexible variables suitable for regional characteristics.

Community Structure and Seasonal Occurrence of Chigger Mites in Soil Around Farmland (경작지 주변의 토양에서 털진드기류의 군집구조와 계절별 발생소장)

  • Kim, Myoung Hai;Byung Chan Kang
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 1996
  • The chigger mites known as the vectors of Tsutsugamushi disease seriously increased due to the expansion of their habitats by the change of farmland into idle land, arboreta and golf courses with the progress of industrialization. These mites were surveyed for their nymphs in soil of four areas located in the northern part of Kyonggido known as the outbreak areas of Tsutsugamushi disease. Total number of the chigger mites collected in the soil of four surveyed areas was 2576, and two genera and ten species including Leptotrombidium palpale were indentified. Among them L. pallidum was the dominant species with the highest occurrence rate of 62 percent. Nine species occurred on the bank of Changrungchon that has been idled for more than ten years, but six or seven species occurred in Wonhundong and Ilsandong that hans been idled for less than five years. The number of individuals collected was also higher in Changrungchon than the other sites. Seasonal occurrence of these mites showed a peak with 166 mites in November on the west slope and another with 192 mites in February on the east slope of the bank of Changrungchon, but none in June. Component ratio of individual numbers for L. palpale, L. pallidum, L. orientalis and L.scutelaris were 19, 62, 9 and 3 percent, respectively. Individual number of L. pallidum and L. scutelaris appeared to some extent of 397 and 23 mites, respetively.

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The Issues and Counter-measures of the Loan for the KNAC Graduates' initial stage of Farm Business (한국농업전문학교 졸업생 창업농자금 지원상의 문제점 및 대책)

  • Ahn, D.H
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2007
  • It is our imminent project that we should train young and able manpower to strengthen the international competitiveness under the free trade of agricultural products, to solve the problem of decrease in farm population and of aging people in agriculture. The objective of this research is to suggest an alternative policy plan through the survey and analysis on the controversial issues in loans for starting agricultural business based on the survey of graduates of Korea National Agricultural College from 2002 to 2005. According to the survey, in case of graduates who are not available sufficient fanning capital such as land and agricultural facilities on it, they are not able to get loans from banks in that situation. The survey, as a result, points out that those who are legally required to do farming should be given several special aids by the government such as the improvement of Credit Guarantee Fund System for Farmers and Fishermen and the farming loans conditions for initial farm business, a long term lease of public land, giving a priority in lease-farmland project of farmland bank and allowing loan for working capital for farm management.

Analysis of Unintended Lake Formation Problem and Its Environmental Effects a Case Study

  • Bushira, Kedir Mohammed;Kasaya, Alemayehu
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.217-224
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    • 2020
  • Waterlogging and unintended lake formation become the main problem in some parts of the world. Starting from 1989, the waterlogging problem was observed in the farmland of the Jarso community of Konso Woreda adjacent to the Segen River in Ethiopia. Therefore, the objectives are determining the extent and causes of unintended lake formation using GIS/RS in addition to a preliminary field survey to mitigate the problem. The analysis of satellite images revealed that over the years invasion of the irrigable land by unwanted water had increased, as, in 1989, the size of the wetland area was about 8 Km2; in 2000 the size of the un-intended lake was only 8.23 ㎢. Alarmingly the size of the lake increased to 19.68 Km2 in 2014. Silting up of Weir and changing the flow of River Segen and Human Intervention and changing the natural flow of River Yanda were the main causes of this unwanted prolonged water-logging. The ecological and social environment has been degrading as the people of the waterlogged area have been experiencing some settlement and losing their land. Another problem encountered was flooding from River Barka and invasion of the farmland. Sediment control best management practices (BMPs) i.e, Removal of sediment, providing sandbags and well-scheduled maintenance; Changing the junction point of Yanda and Segen River were suggested for the long-term and short term possible remedial measures. Gabion retaining wall on the bank of the Segen River to the face of Barka River was suggested to protect the farmland from flooding.

Natural Regeneration Potential of the Soil Seed Bank of Land Use Types in Ecosystems of Ogun River Watershed

  • Asinwa, Israel Olatunji;Olajuyigbe, Samuel Olalekan
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.141-151
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    • 2022
  • Soil seed banks as natural storage of plant seeds play an important role in the maintenance and regeneration of watershed. Natural regeneration potential of the soil seed bank of Land use types (LUTs) in Ogun River watershed (ORW) was investigated. ORW was stratified using proportionate sampling technique into Guinea Savannah (GS), Rainforest (RF) and Swamp Forest (SF) Ecological Zones (EZs). Three LUTs: Natural Forest (NF), Disturbed Forest (DF) and Farmland (FL) were purposively selected in GS: GSNF, GSDF, GSFL; RF: RFNF, RFDF, RFFL and SF: SFNF, SFDF, SFFL, respectively. Systematic line transects was used in the laying of the sample plots. Sample plots of 25 m×25 m were established in alternate positions. Ten 1 m×1 m quadrats were randomly laid for soil core sampling from previously randomly selected ten plots. The core samples (10) were pooled per plot in each LUT and placed in individual trays. Ten trays with sterilized soil were used as control. The trays were watered regularly and checked for seedlings emergence fortnightly for 18 months. The experimental design used was 3×3 factorial experiments. ANOVA, Diversity index (H') and Similarity index (SI) were used to analyze the data. There was significant difference in seedling emergence among ecological zones and land use types (p<0.05). A total of 4,400 seedlings emerged from the soil samples. All species were distributed among 32 families. FL in the RF had the highest number of germinated seeds (705±37.33 seedlings) followed by DF in the RF (701±49.6 seedlings). The lowest emergence was in NF of the SF (199±28.41 seedlings). DF in the RF had highest number of species (34) distributed among 22 families. Emergence from soil seed bank of NF in ORW was generally with more of tree species than herbs that were predominant in FL and DF.

A study on the Introduction Plans of Forest Land Bank System (산지은행제도의 도입방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-ho;Kim, Won Kyung;Kwon, Soon-duk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.104 no.3
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    • pp.503-511
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest the introduction plans of forest land bank system for effective forestry management as well as the livelihood stability support of aged forest landowners. It is expected that forest land bank system can contribute to solve forestry management problems caused by small and scattered forest lands, aging forest landowners, and the increase of absentee forest landowners. This study examined an existing related case of Farmland Bank system, and suggested basic directions, main functions, priority, and agency for forest land bank system. The goals of forest land bank system include activating private forest land management, improving forest management scale, and supporting stable forestry income. Based on the examination of this study, main projects of forest land bank involve forest land sale and lease consignment, forest land reverse mortgage, forest land scale improvement project, and forest business recovery support program. In addition, this study discussed potential problems and their solutions in introducing and operating the forest land bank system. This study can play a key role to determine a basic direction and to establish policies of the forest land management.

Combined 1D/2D Inundation Simulation of Riverside Farmland using HEC-RAS (HEC-RAS를 이용한 하천변 농경지의 1, 2차원 연계 침수 모의)

  • Jun, Sang Min;Song, Jung-Hun;Choi, Soon-Kun;Lee, Kyung-Do;Kang, Moon Seong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.60 no.5
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    • pp.135-147
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    • 2018
  • The objective of this study was to analyze the characteristics of combined 1D/2D inundation simulation of riverside farmland using the Hydrologic Engineering Center - River Analysis System (HEC-RAS). We compared and analyzed inundation simulation results between 1D and combined 1D/2D hydraulic simulation using HEC-RAS. Calibration and validation of stream stage were performed using three rainfall events. The coefficient of determination ($R^2$) and root mean square error (RMSE) between simulated and observed stream stage were 0.935 - 0.957 and 0.250 m - 0.283 m in calibration and validation, respectively. The inundation area showed no significant difference in 1D and combined 1D/2D simulation ($8.48km^2$ in 1D simulation, $8.75km^2$ in combined 1D/2D simulation). The average inundation depth by 1D simulation was 1.4 m deeper than combined 1D/2D simulation. In the lower inundation depth, the inundation area by combined 1D/2D simulation was larger than inundation area by 1D simulation. As the inundation depth increased, the inundation area by 1D simulation became wider. In the case of the 1D/2D combined simulation, low elevation areas along the river bank were inundated widely. Compared to 1D/2D combined simulation, the flood radius in some sections was longer in 1D simulation. In the 1D analysis, because the low altitude riverside farmlands are also assumed to stream, it is calculated that riverside farmlands have the same stage as the mainstream when the stream is overflowed. Therefore, the inundation area seems to be overestimated in those sections. In other regions, the inundation areas tend to be broken depending on overflow by each stream cross-section. In the case of river flooding, the overflow is expected to flow to the lower area depending on the terrain, such as the results of the combined 1D/2D simulation. It is concluded that the results of combined 1D/2D inundation simulation reflected the topographical characteristics of low-lying farmland.

Development of Optimum Management System for Irrigation Facilities (수리시설물 최적관리 시스템 개발)

  • 김선주;윤춘경;박성열;이광야
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.86-94
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    • 1997
  • For the efficient operation and maintenance( 0 & M), irrigation facilities were graded on the basis of their indices related to the 0 & M condition and the characteristics of reservoirs managed by Farmland Improvement Association(FIA) were examined. The results obtained are summarized as follows : 1. Characteristics of reservoirs include effective storage capacity, irrigation area, basin area, height and length of bank. Each characteristic is scored by the principle component analysis method. Variables which compose one index are categorized on the basis of their unit and each variable is scored so that the score of each unit sums to 100 for each index. 2. The Optimum MAnagement System of Irrigation Facilities(OMASIF) for Pyoungtaek area was developed by connecting general data of the irrigation facilities to image data. The database system is divided into three tables; LookUp Table, Facility Table, and Image Table. Image Table is again divided into five sub-tables, Image Table, Construction Cost Table, Acreage Table, 0 & M Cost Table, and Specification Table. 3. The evaluating criteria for the 0 & M of irrigation facilities can be established using the OMASIF. Irrigation facilities evaluated as poor state by the criteria should be repaired.

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