• Title/Summary/Keyword: Factors on Government

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An Interpretation of the Insa-dong Landscape from a Social Construction Viewpoint (인사동 경관의 사회 구성론적 해석)

  • Kim, Yun-Geum;Kim, Hai-Gyoung;Choi, Key-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.91-101
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    • 2009
  • In this study, the landscape of Insa-dong was interpreted from the viewpoint of a social construction of landscape, which regards the dynamic process of landscape change as more important than landscape visibility. This viewpoint also regards landscape as the result of its interaction with certain actors. From a review of previous studies on the same subject, it was found that the physical environment, institutions, and images are essential factors influencing landscape change. Insa-dong, which was Kwanindaing and Daesadong during the Joseon Dynasty, acquired symbolic meaning as a traditional area during the Japanese colonial period because of its many antique shops and Korean-style buildings. In 1970, the establishment of modern galleries in the district added to its image as a haven of the traditional Korean culture. Insa-dong thus eventually came to be referred to as "the street of traditional culture" by the people of Korea. Thanks to global festivals like the Asian Games, the Olympics, and the World Cup, Insa-dong's reputation as a cultural tourist destination has become stronger as these festivals created a need for a place in Korea where the country's traditional culture can be showcased to foreign tourists. After the mid-1990s, the merchants of Insa-dong began to cash in on the district's image as a showcase of traditional Korean culture due to the economic depression that emerged then. The people of Insa-dong and those outside it, however, came to feel that this trend damaged the district's image. Therefore, the people of Insa-dong and the district's local government started a movement to restore the aesthetic value and symbolic meaning of the district's landscape. This effort induced institutional change. Insa-dong used to be a natural haven of traditional Korean culture. Its landscape has recently been reconstructed so that this image could be restored. This process was made possible by the active interaction of diverse people: merchants, users, administrators, and NGOs.

Analyzing the Potential of legally protected Trees to Create Community Spaces in Rural Areas - Focusing on the Case of Gimchon City - (농촌마을의 커뮤니티 공간 조성을 위한 보호수 잠재력 분석 - 김천시를 중심으로 -)

  • Jung, Tae-Yeol;Kim, Eun-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2017
  • During the 1990s, policy was put in place to create resting spaces in rural areas. This policy was associated with a government project to improve the rural residence environment and it attracted attention to outdoor spaces in rural areas. Many communities have gradually disappeared in rural areas but previous studies suggested that legally protected trees might provide resting and cultural spaces in a given rural community. The rural residential environment can be improved by legally protected trees and by doing so, these resources may then help to sustain many rural communities. Therefore, the creation of resting spaces or mini-parks created around trees that are protected by in rural communities should be considered. The value of trees that are protected by law can differ depending on the status of the trees or the surroundings. Nevertheless, there has not been systemic research regarding legally-protected trees in terms of rural communities. This study aims at evaluating the potential of these trees and at analyzing how these trees can be useful in the creation of community spaces in rural areas. The findings can be helpful in providing foundation data for creating these types of community spaces. Forty legally protected trees in Gimchon City were selected for this study. Nine items were used to evaluate the potential of the trees for creating community spaces. These items could be classified into five factors including accessibility, relation to public facilities, environment and safety, symbolism, and ease for creating community spaces. The potential of the legally protected trees was evaluated by 5-point Likert Scales in a given item. The overall potential was evaluated by the sum of individual item scores. Specifically, trees with over 20 points (max. 25 points) could be considered high potential. According to the empirical findings, the portion of legally protected trees with high potential is five percent (No.7 and No.12 trees). Therefore, the priority is to protect or use the trees for the creation of community spaces that can help make a better residential environment for rural communities.

Successful Management and Operating System of a UNESCO World Heritage Site - A Case Study on the Wadi Al-Hitan of Egypt - (유네스코 세계자연유산의 성공적인 관리와 운영체계 - 『이집트 Wadi Al-Hitan』의 사례 -)

  • Lim, Jong Deock
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.106-121
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    • 2011
  • The number of World Natural Heritage Sites is smaller than that of World Cultural Heritage Sites. As of 2010, the total number of natural sites was 180, which is less than 1/3 of all cultural sites. The reason why the number of natural sites is smaller can be attributed to the evaluating criteria of OUV(outstanding universal value). Only 9 fossil related sites were designated as World Heritage Sites among 180 Natural Sites. This study compares their OUVs including the academic value and characteristics of the 9 World Heritage Sites to provide data and reference for KCDC(Korean Cretaceous Dinosaur Coast) to apply as a World Natural Heritage Site. This study was carried out to obtain information and data on the Wadi Al-Hitan of Egypt which was designated as a World Natural Heritage Site. The study includes field investigation for whale fossils, interviews of site paleontologists and staff, and inspections of facilities. Three factors can likely be attributed to its successful management and operating system. First, there is a system for comprehensive research and a monitoring plan. Secondly, experts have been recruited and hired and professional training for staff members has been done properly. Finally, the Wadi Al-Hitan has developed local resources with specialized techniques for conservation and construction design, which matched well with whale fossils and the environment at the site. The Wadi Al-Hitan put a master plan into practice and achieved goals for action plans. To designate a future World Natural Heritage Site in Korea, it is important to be recognized by international experts including IUCN specialists as the best in one's field with OUV. Full-time regular-status employees for a research position are necessary from the preparation stage for the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Local government and related organizations must do their best to control monitoring plans and to improve academic value after the UNESCO World Heritage Site designation. As we experienced during the designation process of Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava Tubes as the first Korean World Natural Heritage Site, participation by various scholars and specialists need to be in harmony with active endeavors from local governments and NGOs.

An Empirical Study on Classification, Business Type, Organizational Culture on Performance of Korean IT SMEs·Venture (중소·벤처기업의 업종, 영업형태, 조직문화가 기업성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 삼원분산분석(3-way ANOVA)을 중심으로)

  • Roh, Doo-Hwan;Hwang, Kyung-Ho
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.221-233
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    • 2019
  • In Korea, small and medium sized domestic enterprises(SMEs) play an pivotal role in the national economy, accounting for 99.9% of all enterprises, 87.9% of total employment, and 48.3% of production. and SMEs was driving a real force of the development of national economy in many respects such as innovation, job creation, industrial diversity, balanced regional development. Despite their crucial role in the national development, most of SMEs suffer from a lack of R&D capabilities and equipments as well as funding capacity. Public R&D institutes can provide SMEs with valuable supplementary technological knowledge and help them build technological capacity. so, In order to effectively support SMEs, government and public R&D institutes must be a priority to know about the factors influencing the performance related to technology transfer and technological collaborations. In particular, SMEs are not only taking up a large portion of the national economy, but also their influence in politics and economy so strong that raising the competitiveness of small and medium-sized companies is a national policy goal that must be achieved in order to achieve sustained economic growth. For this reason, it is necessary to look specifically at the relationship between concepts such as the environment, strategy, and organizational culture surrounding the enterprise to enhance the competitiveness of SMEs. The paper analyzes 665 companies to find out which organizational culture affects their performance by classification and type of business of SMEs. This study demonstrated that when SMEs seek consistency in their external environment, strategies, and organizational structure to maintain their continued competitiveness. According to three-way analysis of variance (3-way ANOVA) indicates that classification of industries in SMEs has statistically significant main effects, but the type of business and organizational culture do not have significant effects. However, the company's organizational performance (operating profit) of SMES were found to differ significantly in comparison between groups according to classification standards of industries, and therefore adopted some parts. In addition, an analysis of the effect of interaction between the three independent variables of small and medium-sized enterprises has shown that there are statistically significant interaction effects among classification, types of business, and organizational cultures. The results shows that there is an organizational culture suitable for each industry classification and type of business of an entity, and is expected to be used as a basis for establishing promotion policies related to the incubation and commerciality of small and medium-sized venture companies in the future.

The political implication of Malaysia's electoral authoritarian regime collapse: Focusing on the analysis of the 14th general election (말레이시아 선거권위주의 체제 붕괴의 정치적 함의 : 2018년 14대 총선을 중심으로)

  • HWANG, Inwon
    • The Southeast Asian review
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.213-261
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    • 2018
  • On May 9, 2018, regime change took place in Malaysia. It was the first regime change that took place in 61 years after independence in 1957. The regime change was an unexpected result not only in Malaysian experts but also in political circles. Moreover, the outcome of the election was more shocking because the opposition party was divided in this general election. The regime change in Malaysia was enough to attract worldwide attention because it meant the collapse of the oldest regime in the modern political system that exists, except North Korea and China. How could this have happened? In particular, how could the regime change, which had not been accomplished despite opposition parties' cooperation for almost 20 years, could be achieved with the divided opposition forces? What political implications does the 2018 general election result have for political change and democratization in Malaysia? How will the Malaysian politics be developed in the aftermath of the regime change? It is worth noting that during the process of finding answers, a series of general elections since the start of reformasi in 1998 tended to be likened to a series of "tsunami" in the Malaysian electoral history. This phenomenon of tsunami means that, even though very few predicted the possibility of regime change among academia, civil society and political circles, the regime change was not sudden. In other words, the regime in 2018 was the result of the desire and expectation of political change through a series of elections of Malaysian voters last 20 years. In this context, this study, in analyzing the results of the election in 2018, shows that the activation of electoral politics triggered by the reform movement in 1998, along with the specific situational factors in 2018, could lead to collapse of the ruling government for the first time since independence.

Modern Enterprise & ESG Management philosophy of Gaeseong Ginseng Merchant (개성 인삼상인의 근대기업화와 ESG 경영이념)

  • Ock, Soon Jong
    • Journal of Ginseng Culture
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    • v.3
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    • pp.90-118
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    • 2021
  • Gaeseong fostered the conditions necessary for modern capitalism, as huge capital was accumulated through the cultivation and trade of ginseng, which were activities that flourished in the 18th century. During the Japanese colonial era, ginseng merchants were not simply limited to acquiring landowner capital from ginseng trade but actively converted such resource to productive and financial capital, thereby becoming modern entrepreneurs. Ginseng merchants led the joint management and investment of Gaeseong Electric Co., Ltd., Daehan Cheonil Bank, Gaeseong Brewing Co., Ltd., and Songgo Textile Company, founded in the early 20th century. They pursued corporate profits and, as leading individuals of society, spearheaded regional development by supporting educational and cultural projects in Gaeseong. These projects included the establishment of the Gaeseong Commercial School, the publication of Goryeo Times, and the operation of the Gaeseong Jwa Theater. Although liberal economics prioritized shareholder interest, the 21st century witnessed an emphasis on social responsibility among stakeholders asthe major purpose of enterprises. A trend that emerged was ESG (environment, social, governance) management, in which non-financial factors are valued more highly than financial performance. A successful business, which was denoted only by high profits in the past, is now defined by whether a company fulfills its social responsibility. In the early 20th century, the corporate activities of ginseng merchants in Gaeseong reflected entrepreneurship and stakeholder-centered ESG management, which later emerged as essential elements of modern business management. The modern management philosophy ahead of its times stemmed from the regionality of Gaeseong. The political discrimination against Gaeseong residents in the Joseon Dynasty precluded them from becoming government officers, and under a strict social hierarchy, yangban ("noblemen"), the intellectuals of the Joseon Dynasty, were forced to serve as merchants. Son Bong-sang and Kong Seong-hak, aside from being representative ginseng merchants, were both Confucian scholars and writers. The second and third generations of ginseng merchant families who had received higher education abroad returned to Gaeseong to carry on with their family businesses, then established modern companies with capital accrued from the ginseng industry. An analysis of the commercial activities of ginseng merchants in the early 20th century confirmed that these individuals were pioneering entrepreneurs who adopted the ESG management philosophy. In ginseng merchants, one sees a dimension of capitalism with a human face, as with ginseng thatsaves human life.

Health and quality of life for Korean people in ageing society (고령화 사회에서 한국인의 건강과 삶의 질)

  • Kyung-Hyun Suh
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.12 no.5_spc
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    • pp.133-147
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    • 2006
  • Korean society is rapidly becoming an ageing society. The Korean may have to live longer than did their parents. Increasing life expectancy and changing social structure, Korean people are getting interested in quality of life, and well-being is becoming a matter of concern. And, the Korean is fully aware of the importance of health for well-being or good life. This concern about health may bring about specific behaviors related to health. Although health care expenditures of Korea are currently smaller than those of other developed countries, it is continuously increasing. Large portion of increased amount of health care expenditures is to spend for disease prevention and expansion of long-term care facilities. Constructs of well-being of the Korean, not living in western culture, may be different from those of people living in western society. Health is not top-ranked to importance for quality of life in previous studies. It does not mean health isn't determinant factor for good life or well-being. Health is an essential element for well-being. It has been proved in several researches which examined poor quality of life caused by certain diseases and management of health-related quality of life. Some theories relate to health-seeking behaviors suggested the health belief or the attitude toward health, intention to do health behavior, perceived behavioral control, and self efficacy as important factors which could predict health-related behaviors. With getting older, people decline in physical and physiological functions and become vulnerable to chronic diseases. Quality of life depends on how to adjust to these changes in senescence. Social supports, especially supports from offspring, are very important to quality of life in senescence, because supports from offspring have influence on pride of the older, they may be afraid of disclose the conflict with their offspring. Avoiding self-disclosure exclude other source of social supports and harm individual's health, therefore psychological intervention is needed to. Increasing life expectancy of the Korean, Korean government has to provide numerous long-term care facilities as well as psychosocial supports. The Korean, so far, does not recognize that psychologist could render great service to promoting individual or community health and improving individual's quality of life. It is highly expected that psychologists take actively interested and involve in health related to quality of life.

A Study on Satisfaction and Evaluation of Students현 Spot-Practice in Department of Food and Nutrition (식품영양학과 학생들의 현장실습 만족도 및 평가도에 관한 연구)

  • 최미경;전예숙;홍원주;김순경;김동희;김애정;강명화;김미현
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.373-380
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to estimate satisfaction and evaluation degree of students' spot-practice in department of food and nutrition and to investigate relating factors to them for development of spot-practice Programme. The survey for analysis was conducted through the questionnaires to 229 students finished internship. Proportions of the students were 93.9% for senior, 93.9% for female. Proportions of spot-practice facilities were 38.9%, 46.7%, and 14.4% for school, business & industry, and hospital respectively. The major part of subjects (83.8%) took part in spot-practice during 2 weeks. The satisfaction scores to spot-practice were the lowest for pay, and the highest for a kind of spot-practice facilities. The evaluation scores were the lowest for 'I made a plan and prepared my work in advanced', and the highest for 'I did my best for doing my work'. The satisfaction score in hospital was significantly lower than those in school or business & industry. The satisfaction score in self-operated foodservice was significantly higher than that in contract managed one. However, there no significant differences in evaluation scores by foodsevice employment type. In the case of coincidence of area in spot-practice and residence, or facilities of spot-practice and job desired, the satisfaction and evaluation scores were significantly higher than those of others. The period of spot-practice was significantly positively correlated with satisfaction scores for atmosphere of spot-practice facilities, service and treatment for spot-practice student, while negatively correlated with evaluation score for 'I did my best for doing my work'. The spot-practice pay was significantly positively correlated with satisfaction and evaluation scores for various items. In conclusion, various factors are related to satisfaction and evaluation degree of spot-practice students, and consist concern and support from college St university, foodservice institution, and government for systematic spot-Practice are required.

Change of Green Space Arrangement and Planting Structure of Apartment Complexes in Seoul (서울시 아파트단지의 녹지배치 및 식재구조 변화 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Wook;Lee, Kyong-Jae;Han, Bong-Ho;Jang, Jae-Hoon;Kim, Jong-Yup
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out to propose the improved method by analyzing the change of green space arrangement and planting structure of apartment complexes in Seoul. 12 survey sites, which have obvious differences, were selected by reflecting the change of floor area ratio, underground parking place, and green space ratio. We divided the survey sites into four types that high green ratio(over 40%) apartment on natural ground, low green ratio(under 40%) apartment on natural ground, low green ratio(under 40%) apartment on artificial ground, and high green ratio(over 40%) apartment on artificial ground each period based on green space ratio and ground structure, plant crown volume, planting density, and planting pattern. The main factors of change of green space arrangement were green space ratio and ground structure. The Green space ratio was changed by the floor area ratio with constructing underground parking place and floor area ratio was adjusted by government policy and economic status. Average width of front green area has been changed from 10.0m in high green ratio apartment on natural ground for 3.5m, 2.7m, and 4.5m each period. The average width of the buffer green area has been changed from 15.0m in high green ratio apartment on natural ground of 7.7m, and 2.7m by extending parking place in the low green ratio apartment of artificial ground, so buffer green areas have been reduced and disconnected. So buffer green area in apartment complexes has been extended that the average width of the buffer green area was 3.8m caused by growing recognition of green since 2001. The ratio of native plant in canopy layer was increased from 45.1 % in the case of the high green ratio apartment of natural ground in 1980~1983 to 55.6%. Average plant crown volume increased from $1.27m^3/m^2$ in high green ratio apartment on natural ground for $3.47m^3/m^2$ in a low green ratio apartment on natural ground. But average plant crown volume is $0.27m^3/m^2$ in the high green ratio apartment of the artificial ground plant density of canopy layer was changed from 5 individuals per $100m^2$ to 14.5 individuals per $100m^2$. We should construct the buffer green area with natural ground and get the function of ecological and beautiful environment regarding to garden concept in case of front green area, width 4.5m. We should get the function of increasing green volume by multi-layer planting with shade woody species and flower woody species in case of back-side green area, width over 5.0m. We should get the function of covering the wall and increasing green landscape by planting with high woody species in case of side green area. We should apply the ecological planting technique to buffer green area and connect buffer green area to inner green area in apartment complexes.

The Impact of Entrepreneurial Passion on Competitive Advantage of SMEs and Sole Proprietors : Moderating Effect of Corporate Reputation (중소벤처기업·소상공인 CEO의 기업가적열정이 경쟁우위에 미치는 영향 : 기업평판의 조절 효과)

  • Lee, Hyung-tae;Yoo, Jae-won
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.77-99
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    • 2024
  • Small and medium-sized venture companies and small business owners play an important role in the Korean economy. According to the Ministry of SMEs and Startups' statistics survey in 2019, the proportion of all employees of small and medium-sized venture companies in Korea was 89.8%, which is overwhelmingly higher than that of Japan's 77.8% and Taiwan's 76.6%, so job creation for small and medium-sized venture companies in Korea is absolute. Compared to large companies, it is known that it is difficult for small and medium-sized venture companies in Korea to secure a competitive advantage due to low cost competitiveness, difficulties in R&D/marketing due to lack of capital, difficulties in securing networks, and lack of management know-how. Many scholars, including Kerr and Schumpeter, have studied entrepreneurship since the mid-1950s. Recently, research has been conducted in various fields such as business administration, psychology, and economics. However, research on the personal characteristics of CEOs of small and medium-sized venture companies such as entrepreneurial passion and corporate reputation, which is the overall image of companies, is still insufficient, and comparisons of effects between variables between groups (by industry, by pressure, etc.) have not yet been presented. Entrepreneurial passion plays an important role in promoting new business creation, job creation, and economic growth. Therefore, entrepreneurial Cultivating and promoting passion will also contribute to socioeconomic development. These are government policies, educational programs, and social awareness It can be achieved through improvement, etc., and is especially important in the current market conditions where innovation and growth are important. In conclusion Entrepreneurial passion is an important factor that has a positive effect on all individuals, businesses, and society. Therefore, research on entrepreneurial passion is It is an essential task to maximize these positive effects. In this study, in order to overcome the limitations of existing studies, entrepreneurs' Whether entrepreneurial passion, which is a personal characteristic, affects competitive advantage, absorption capacity and product and process innovation capabilities are Whether there is a mediating effect between entrepreneurial passion and competitive advantage. Finally, in the relationship between entrepreneurial passion and absorption capacity. The corporate reputation verifies whether it has a moderating effect, etc., and compares the influencing factors between variables by industry and pressure. It is intended to be verified empirically. In this study, 2023 conducted by the Small and Medium Business Distribution Center under the Ministry of SMEs and Startups for 312 CEOs of small and medium-sized venture companies and small business owners who participated in the online market support project for small and medium-sized venture companies and small business owners, December 2023 Survey and analysis were conducted from 1st to 20th, and the analysis used Smart PLS 4.0 to determine the impact on the relationship between variables. It was empirically verified. As a result of the study, it was found that entrepreneurial passion had a positive effect on absorption capacity, and the product was found And it was found to have a positive effect on process innovation capability and competitive advantage. In addition, the higher the corporate reputation, the more entrepreneurial it is. It was confirmed that passion had a greater effect on absorption capacity.