• Title/Summary/Keyword: Facial swelling

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Adverse Event Report in Cattle Following Foot-and-Mouth Disease Vaccination in Daejeon Province (대전지역 소에서 구제역 백신 접종후의 부작용에 대한 조사)

  • Jeong, Sangil;cho, Daehee;Cho, Nayoung;Park, Seongjun
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.324-330
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    • 2020
  • Few studies of the side effects of the FMD vaccine have been performed domestically and studies in accordance to region have been limited. This study was performed by inoculating cows raised in the Daejeon province with the FMD vaccine and observing the side effects following inoculation. From January to February of 2011, 3,378 cows vaccinated with the FMD vaccine, in 143 different farms in the Daejeon province were analysed for adverse effects after inoculation. A total of 66 cows showed adverse effects after the first FMD vaccination and adverse effects observed were abortion/stillbirth (24, 36.4%), death (19, 28.8%), premature birth (14, 21.2%), skin lesions (8, 12.1%), vaginal swelling (1, 1.5%). A total of 29 cows showed adverse effects after the second FMD vaccination and adverse effects observed were abortion/stillbirth (17, 58.6%), premature birth (5, 17.2%), facial swelling (4, 13.8%), death (3, 10.3%). Through these results, continuous national research of the side effects of the FMD vaccine should be carried out continuously henceforth.

Clinical Experience of Maxillary Fibrous Dysplasia: Shaving, Partial Maxillectomy & Maxillary Sinus Formation (상악골에 생긴 섬유성이형성증의 치료 경험: 안면윤곽술, 부분적 상악골 절제술과 상악동 형성)

  • Lee, Yoon Ho;Joo, Chun Seung
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.259-262
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    • 2006
  • Fibrous dysplasia(FD) of the bone is a slowly progressive, benign disease of unknown cause where normal architectures are replaced with fibrous and osteoid tissue. FD of the maxilla usually manifests as a bony enlargement with painless swelling and bone deformity, contouring to facial asymmetry. The lesion may involve the nasal fossae, orbits, or alveolus bone, causing diverse functional disturbance. Treatment options range from shaving to total maxillectomy and reconstruction depending on the presenting symptoms. Shaving, partial maxillectomy and maxillary sinus formation was performed in 5 patients with fibrous dysplasia in the past 2 years. Follow up period ranged from 1 month to 11 months. Aesthetic appearance, CT findings, and relief from symptoms were compared. In all patients, facial asymmetry was restored to symmetry and nasal obstructive symptoms were improved. With this procedure, expansion of the lesion will be controlled until puberty, preventing the development of new functional disturbances. After puberty, no further treatment can be anticipated due to the growth arrest inherent to the disease.

A Case of Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome (Melkersson-Rosenthal 증후군 1례)

  • Pee, Dae Hun;Na, Yo Won;Chang, Ki Young;Seo, Woo Keun;Lee, Kee Hyoung;Eun, Baik-Lin
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.45 no.10
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    • pp.1292-1298
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    • 2002
  • Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome(MRS) is a rare disorder, having a symptom triad of recurrent facial palsy, orofacial swelling and fissured tongue(lingua plicata). This disorder is usually recurrent or progressive, and monosymptomatic or oligosymptomatic forms have been reported to be more common than classic forms. Generally, MRS occurs in young adults at the end of the second decade of life and incidence of the disease in childhood is known to be very low. Although the clinical manifestation of MRS in children is similar to that in adults, early diagnosis and management is essential to avoid long-lasting functional disorders and psychological problems. We experienced MRS in a 13 year old boy with a history of recurrent facial palsy. We report this case with review of related literature.


  • Choi, Sung-Weon;Yun, Dong-Hee;Kim, Jung-Su;Kang, Bo-Won;Kim, Sung-Moon;Lim, Jae-Suk;Kwon, Jong-Jin
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.152-156
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    • 1994
  • Rhinocerebral mucormycosis is an acute fulminant opportunistic fungal infection in debilitated patients with underlying pathologic conditions, which are diabetic ketoacidosis, immunosuppressed disease. We experienced a case of rhinocerebral mucormycosis. The patient was 41 year-old female, who had diabetes for five years and suffered from left facial swelling and pain, left ophthalmoplegia and facial skin necrosis. Total maxillectomy was done combined with systemic Amphotericin B therapy, Biopsy proved mucormycosis but she expired.

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  • Park, Min-Kyoung;Jeong, Younwook;Lee, Hyo-Seol;Song, Je-Seon;Choi, Byung-Jai;Lee, Jae-Ho
    • The Journal of Korea Assosiation for Disability and Oral Health
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.22-25
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    • 2014
  • Fibrous dysplasia(FD) is a benign fibro-ossifying disease in which fibrous tissue replaces normal bone and marrow. Craniofacial bones, including the maxilla and mandible, are commonly involved. A 7 year-old girl visited the clinic with a chief complaint of gingival swelling around the lower left primary molar. Mild bulging of the lower left periodontal tissue was observed. Not only the mandible, but also the maxilla, zygoma, sphenoid, and temporal bones were affected by FD. Permanent tooth germs were involved in the lesions and facial asymmetry was caused by lower left bone expansion. She was scheduled for a follow-up visit at the department of pediatric dentistry and oromaxillofacial surgery.

Clinical analysis of Pediatric Blow out Fracture (소아 안와 골절의 임상 분석)

  • Pak, Chang Sik;Kim, Yong Kyu;Chung, Sung Mo
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.560-564
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: Because of traffic accidents and many criminal violences, the incidence of facial trauma has been increasing not only in adults but also in children. We planed this study to introduce our experience about pediatric blow out fracture and provide more information. Methods: We made retrospective study in 76 children with blow out fracture from January 2001 to September 2005 by retrospective chart review including detailed preoperative and postoperative evaluations, age, sex, cause, symptom and sign, and their post-operative complications. Results: Among our patients, 69 were male and 7 were female. The ages ranged from 7 to 18 years, which shows the greatest incidence of blow out fracture. Physical violence(46%) was the most common cause in this group and was followed by vehicle accident(28%), and fall down accident(17%). Left side(64%) showed slightly more incidence than right side(36%), but there were no statistical importance. Ecchymosis(88%) was the most common symptom and followed by periorbital swelling(68%) and diplopia(30%). 30 patients was diagnosed with another facial bone fracture and nasal bone(51%) was the most common associated facial bone fracture. Fourty four Patients(60%) got an orbital wall reconstruction in 7 days after trauma. After the operation, only 3 patients(4%) suffered from diplopia postoperative 3 month, and resolved in 4 years. Conclusion: The incidence of blow out fracture in children has been increasing every year, and violence has become more important etiology of pediatric blow out fracture and public and private education institutions were the most common place that blow out fracture originated. Accurate diagnosis and careful treatment plans are important in pediatric blow out fracture.

Treatment of glabellar frown lines using selective nerve block with radiofrequency ablation (고주파절제술을 통한 선택적 신경차단법을 이용한 미간주름의 개선)

  • Hwang, Yong Seok;Kim, Young Seok;Roh, Tai Suk;Tark, Kwan Chul;Lee, Kun Chang
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.205-210
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: Corrugator supercilii muscle pulls eyebrow to inferomedial direction and produces the vertical component of the glabellar line formation. Current techniques for eliminating of glabellar frown include direct resection of corrugators and botulinum toxin injection. Muscle resection in endoscopic face lift procedure is relatively complex and has many disadvantages ranging from possible nerve injury, postoperative edema, pain and a long recovery period. The Botox treatment on the other hand is much more simple in technique but has a short duration of action. The authors have attempted new ways of finding improved treatment of the glabellar frown by selectively blocking of motor nerves innervating the corrugator supercili muscle by using radiofrequency ablation technique. Methods: A total of 80 patients were recruited in our study during the period between Feb. 2007 to June 2008. A probe was introduced from the supraorbital ridge and advanced to the corrugator supercilii muscle. Nerve stimulator was then used to locate the nerve innervating the corrugator and radiofrequency ablation of the nerve was done. Results: In all patients, there were marked improvement in glabellar frown after treatment. There were no reported cases of any relapses during the follow up period. No complication was noted such as facial nerve injury. No patient complained of any adverse symptoms other than slight discomfort due to swelling of the operation site. Conclusion: The treatment of glabellar frown lines using selective nerve block with radiofrequency ablation was not only less invasive but also excellent in surgical outcomes.

Acupuncture Therapy and Herbal Medicine Accelerating Temporal Space Abscess after Tooth Extraction: A Case Report

  • Lee, Sangip;Lee, Deok-Won;Ryu, Dong-Mok
    • Journal of Korean Dental Science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.94-98
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    • 2014
  • Numerous oral and maxillofacial surgeons have found facial space infections after tooth extraction. Most of these infections can be managed easily, but some of them could be life-threatening. Among the facial infections, temporal space infections are rare. Most temporal space infections could be observed as secondary to maxillary third molar infections, maxillary sinusitis, and maxillary sinus fractures. Note, however, that there are insufficient studies on temporal space abscess due to mandibular second molars, especially with acupuncture. A 74-year-old female came to our hospital with severe trismus and facial swelling on the right temporal, buccal, posterior auricular, and cervical regions. The patient had undergone extraction of tooth #47 secondary to dental caries by a general dentist about a month ago. After the dental procedure, the patient had been treated with acupuncture therapy around the right temporomandibular joint area at the oriental medicine clinic. We performed emergency incision and drainage under general anesthesia and started antibiotic treatment with IV ampicillin/sulbactam 3 g every 24 hours and vancomycin 1 g every 24 hours for 5 days. The patient's symptoms subsided and ultimately disappeared. Temporal space abscess after mandibular molar extraction is quite rare. In this case, the spreading mechanism against gravity is considered to be acupuncture therapy.


  • Kim, Onn;Seo, Bo-Young;Kim, Sung-Moon;Rim, Jae-Suk
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.231-236
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    • 1989
  • Angioneurotic edema is rarely seen in dental practice and manifested by acute attacks of swelling of the extremities, face, airway, or abdominal visera, occuring spontaneously and suddenly or secondary to trauma. Two types are recognized : hereditary and nonhereditary. Prophylatic therapy may be used by fresh frozen plasma or antifibrinolytic agents in hereditary type. Good supportive care for acute attacks, together with a knowledge of course of the disease, can prevent asphyxiation from airway obstruction. A case of acute angioneurotic edema of the facial area in a 19-year-old man is presented in conjunction with a review of the literature. Angioneurotic edema attacks him acutely after the extraction of the lower, right 3rd molar.

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  • Lee, Sang-Rae;Cho, Jae-O;Kang, Yoon-Goo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.358-361
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    • 2001
  • We had experienced a case of traumatic myositis ossificans arising in right masseter muscle, inferior to zygomatic arch occurred on 25 year old male. He had some trauma on the site one year ago and visited with complaint of mouth opening limitation and swelling. Palpable mass with facial disfigurement was noted. and several ovoid radiopaque masses were revealed on C.T. examination. On histopathologic examination, multiple bone trabeculae with osteoblasts in its periphery was noted in connective tissues and invaded to neighbouring muscles, but any chondroid components were not revealed.

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