• 제목/요약/키워드: FPGA-based system

검색결과 466건 처리시간 0.023초

소프트웨어 기반의 GPS L1 및 갈릴레오 E1/E5a 신호 처리 구현 및 성능에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Implementation and Performance Analysis of Software Based GPS L1 and Galileo E1/E5a Signal Processing)

  • 신천식;이상욱;윤동원;김재훈
    • 한국항행학회논문지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.319-326
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    • 2009
  • 본 논문에서는 위성항법신호감시국용 GPS/갈릴레오 복합 수신기에서의 소프트웨어 기반의 GPS L1 및 갈릴레오 E1/E5a 신호처리 결과를 기술한다. 성능 검증을 위해 GNSS RF 신호 시뮬레이터 또는 GPS 위성의 실제 신호를 사용하였고, 세부적으로는 광대역 안테나, 112MHz 샘플링 주파수 및 8비트 양자화 레벨을 제공하는 RF/IF 유니트를 이용하여 갈릴레오 시험위성인 지오베-A(GIOVE-A) E1 신호처리를 통해, 갈릴레오 신호처리를 검증하고, FPGA 기반의 신호처리 보드상에서의 시험결과를 제시한다.

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Simulation Analysis for Verifying an Implementation Method of Higher-performed Packet Routing

  • Park, Jaewoo;Lim, Seong-Yong;Lee, Kyou-Ho
    • 한국시뮬레이션학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국시뮬레이션학회 2001년도 The Seoul International Simulation Conference
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    • pp.440-443
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    • 2001
  • As inter-network traffics grows rapidly, the router systems as a network component becomes to be capable of not only wire-speed packet processing but also plentiful programmability for quality services. A network processor technology is widely used to achieve such capabilities in the high-end router. Although providing two such capabilities, the network processor can't support a deep packet processing at nominal wire-speed. Considering QoS may result in performance degradation of processing packet. In order to achieve foster processing, one chipset of network processor is occasionally not enough. Using more than one urges to consider a problem that is, for instance, an out-of-order delivery of packets. This problem can be serious in some applications such as voice over IP and video services, which assume that packets arrive in order. It is required to develop an effective packet processing mechanism leer using more than one network processors in parallel in one linecard unit of the router system. Simulation analysis is also needed for verifying the mechanism. We propose the packet processing mechanism consisting of more than two NPs in parallel. In this mechanism, we use a load-balancing algorithm that distributes the packet traffic load evenly and keeps the sequence, and then verify the algorithm with simulation analysis. As a simulation tool, we use DEVSim++, which is a DEVS formalism-based hierarchical discrete-event simulation environment developed by KAIST. In this paper, we are going to show not only applicability of the DEVS formalism to hardware modeling and simulation but also predictability of performance of the load balancer when implemented with FPGA.

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FPGA에서 에너지 효율이 높은 데이터 경로 구성을 위한 계층적 설계 방법 (A Model-based Methodology for Application Specific Energy Efficient Data path Design Using FPGAs)

  • 장주욱;이미숙;;최선일
    • 정보처리학회논문지A
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    • 제12A권5호
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    • pp.451-460
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    • 2005
  • 본 논문은 ffGA상에서 에너지 효율이 높은 데이터 경로 설계 방법론을 제안한다. 에너지, 처리시간, 그리고 면적간의 트레이드오프를 이해하기 위하여, 도메인 특성 모델링, coarse-grained 성능평가, 설계공간 조사, 그리고 로우-레벨 시뮬레이션 과정들을 통합한다. 도메인 특성 모델링 기술은 도메인의 특성에 따른 시스템 전체의 에너지 모에 영향을 미치는 여러 가지 구성요소와 파라미터들을 식별함으로써 하이-레벨 모델을 명시한다. 도메인이란 주어진 어플리케이션 커널의 알고리즘에 대응하는 아키텍쳐 패밀리이다. 하이-레벨 모델 또한 에너지, 처리시간 그리고 면적을 예측하는 함수들로 구성되어 트레이드오프 분석을 용이하게 한다. 설계 공간 조사(DSE)는 도메인에 명시된 설계 공간을 분석하여 설계 셋을 선택하도록 한다. 로우-레벨 시뮬레이션은 설계 공간 조사(DSE)에 의해 선택된 설계와 최종 선택된 설계의 정확한 성능평가를 위하여 사용된다. 본 논문에서 제안한 설계 방법은 매트릭스 곱셈에 대응하는 알고리즘과 아키텍쳐 패밀리를 사용한다. 제안된 방법에 의해 검증된 설계는 에너지, 처리시간과 면적간의 트레이드오프를 보인다. 제안된 설계 방법의 효율성을 보이기 위하여 Xilinx에서 제공되는 매트릭스 곱셈 커널과 비교하였다. 성능 비교 메트릭으로 평균 전력 밀도(E/AT)와 에너지 대 (면적 x 처리시간)비를 사용하였다. 다양한 문제의 크기에 대하여 Xilinx설계들과 비교하였을 때 제안한 설계 방법이 전력밀도(E/AT)에서 평균 $25\%$우수하였다. 또한 본 논문에 제안한 설계의 방법을 MILAN 프레임워크를 이용하여 구현하였다.

대규모 AC/DC 전력 시스템 실시간 EMP 시뮬레이션의 부하 분산 연구 (Analysis of Distributed Computational Loads in Large-scale AC/DC Power System using Real-Time EMT Simulation)

  • 박인권;이종후;이장;구현근;권용한
    • KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.159-179
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    • 2022
  • Often a network becomes complex, and multiple entities would get in charge of managing part of the whole network. An example is a utility grid. While the entire grid would go under a single utility company's responsibility, the network is often split into multiple subsections. Subsequently, each subsection would be given as the responsibility area to the corresponding sub-organization in the utility company. The issue of how to make subsystems of adequate size and minimum number of interconnections between subsystems becomes more critical, especially in real-time simulations. Because the computation capability limit of a single computation unit, regardless of whether it is a high-speed conventional CPU core or an FPGA computational engine, it comes with a maximum limit that can be completed within a given amount of execution time. The issue becomes worsened in real time simulation, in which the computation needs to be in precise synchronization with the real-world clock. When the subject of the computation allows for a longer execution time, i.e., a larger time step size, a larger portion of the network can be put on a computation unit. This translates into a larger margin of the difference between the worst and the best. In other words, even though the worst (or the largest) computational burden is orders of magnitude larger than the best (or the smallest) computational burden, all the necessary computation can still be completed within the given amount of time. However, the requirement of real-time makes the margin much smaller. In other words, the difference between the worst and the best should be as small as possible in order to ensure the even distribution of the computational load. Besides, data exchange/communication is essential in parallel computation, affecting the overall performance. However, the exchange of data takes time. Therefore, the corresponding consideration needs to be with the computational load distribution among multiple calculation units. If it turns out in a satisfactory way, such distribution will raise the possibility of completing the necessary computation in a given amount of time, which might come down in the level of microsecond order. This paper presents an effective way to split a given electrical network, according to multiple criteria, for the purpose of distributing the entire computational load into a set of even (or close to even) sized computational loads. Based on the proposed system splitting method, heavy computation burdens of large-scale electrical networks can be distributed to multiple calculation units, such as an RTDS real time simulator, achieving either more efficient usage of the calculation units, a reduction of the necessary size of the simulation time step, or both.

Motor Control IP Design and Quality Evaluation from the Viewpoint of Reuse (ICCAS 2004)

  • Lee, Sang-Deok;Han, Sung-Ho;Kim, Min-Soo;Park, Young-Jun
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 제어로봇시스템학회 2004년도 ICCAS
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    • pp.981-985
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    • 2004
  • In this paper we designed the motor control IP Core and evaluate its quality from the viewpoint of IP reuse. The most attractive merit of this methodology, so called IP-based hardware design, is hardware reuse. Although various vendors designed hardware with the same specification and got the same functional results, all that IPs is not the same quality in the reuse aspect. As tremendous calls for SoC have been increased, associated research about IP quality standard, VSIA(Virtual Socket Interface Alliance) and STARC(Semiconductor Technology Academic Research Center), has been doing best to make the IP quality evaluation system. And they made what conforms to objective IP design standard. We suggest the methodology to evaluate our own designed motor control IP quality with this standard. To attain our goal, we designed motor control IP that could control the motor velocity and position with feedback compensation algorithm. This controller has some IP blocks : digital filter, quadrature decoder, position counter, motion compensator, and PWM generator. Each block's functionality was verified by simulator ModelSim and then its quality was evaluated. To evaluate the core, We use Vnavigator for lint test and ModelSim for coverage check. During lint process, We adapted the OpenMORE's rule based on RMM (Reuse Methodology Manual) and it could tell us our IP's quality in a manner of the scored value form. If it is high, its quality is also high, and vice versa. During coverage check ModelSim-SE is used for verifying how our test circuits cover designs. This objective methods using well-defined commercial coverage metrics could perform a quantitative analysis of simulation completeness. In this manner, We evaluated the designed motor control IP's quality from the viewpoint of reuse. This methodology will save the time and cost in designing SoC that should integrate various IPs. In addition to this, It can be the guide for comparing the equally specified IP's quality. After all, we are continuously looking forward to enhancing our motor control IP in the aspect of not only functional perfection but also IP reuse to prepare for the SoC-Compliant motor control IP design.

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동적 레인 제어방식을 적용한 에너지 절감형 광 이더넷 시스템의 성능분석 (Performance of Energy Efficient Optical Ethernet Systems with a Dynamic Lane Control Scheme)

  • 서인수;양충열;윤종호
    • 전자공학회논문지
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    • 제49권11호
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    • pp.24-35
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    • 2012
  • 본 논문에서는 광 이더넷 시스템에 대하여 상용 광 트랜시버 모듈의 사용이 가능하면서도 에너지 절감기능을 제공할 수 있도록 트래픽 예측모듈을 사용하는 동적 레인제어방식을 제안한다. 40/100Gbps급 상용 광 트랜시버는 4개 또는 10개의 광 트랜시버를 사용하는데 이들 각각은 트래픽 부하와 상관없이 항상 켜져 있어 많은 에너지를 소모한다. 이러한 에너지 소모를 감소시키기 위하여 제안된 동적 레인제어방식은 부하에 따라 일부 레인의 트랜시버를 끄고 나머지 활성화된 레인으로만 프레임을 처리하도록 한다. 이때 레인의 갯수가 변동될 때 발생할 수 있는 바이트 전송순서 어긋남을 보완하기 위하여 새로운 전송율 제어모듈을 xGMII 인터페이스 상위에 위치한 정합부계층에 설치하는 것을 제안하였다. 이것은 비활성화된 레인상으로 가상적인 바이트열을 삽입하는 기능을 수행하는 것으로써 이 바이트열들은 비활성화된 PMD에서 무시된다. 실제 이 모듈의 구현은 PHY모듈과 별개로 동작하므로 상용 PHY모듈의 사용이 가능한 장점을 제공한다. 이러한 시스템에서 변동되는 부하에 적응하여 활성화된 레인의 갯수를 결정하는 것이 중요하므로 구현관점에서 용이한 트래픽 예측기를 제시하였다. 이것은 주기적으로 샘플링된 현재의 송신버퍼크기와 지금까지 사용되었던 버퍼크기 예측값에 서로 다른 가중치를 부여하여 변화하는 트래픽에 적응하도록 한다. 이러한 시스템에 대하여 OMNET++기반의 시뮬레이터를 구현하여 적응정도와 에너지 절감효과를 분석하였다.