• Title/Summary/Keyword: FOREST TOPOGRAPHY

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A Comparison of Current Trends in Soil Erosion Research Using Keyword Co-occurrence Analysis (동시출현단어 분석을 이용한 토양침식 연구동향 비교 분석)

  • Lim, Young-Hyup;Kim, Suk-Woo;Nam, Sooyoun;Chun, Kun-Woo;Kim, Minseok
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.413-424
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    • 2020
  • Environmental policies and industry practices have recently seen a gradual paradigm shift from reactive management to proactive prevention of environmental impacts. Accordingly, preventive conservation policies are carried out to address the increasing value of protecting soils and soil functions as resources are limited. To propose a direction for future soil erosion research, we analyzed domestic and international research trends of soil erosion, based on journal papers retrieved from the Web of Science databases over the last decade, using VOSviewer for keyword co-occurrence analysis. The results showed that the number of publications on soil erosion per land area in Korea ranked high worldwide. In particular, studies on the soil erosion control were found to account for a more significant proportion than other countries. The active ongoing studies on soil erosion in Korea indicate that the country has recognized the severity of soil erosion resulting from climate, topography, and land use. However, the number of keywords found in the studies on the soil erosion control in Korea was relatively smaller than those found at the international level, indicating the need to diversify and expand the study subjects. In particular, studies on the soil erosion process and the related physical and chemical soil properties are necessary to find the fundamental solutions to soil erosion problems.

Chronological Study on the Deposits by Indicators of Woody Plants (수목지표(樹木指標)에 의한 하상퇴적지(河床堆積地)의 연대학적(年代學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Chun, Kun Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.81 no.3
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    • pp.263-272
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    • 1992
  • In a torrential river, the flow of debris forms deposits in the river bed, which show the characteristics of the channel bed movement in the watershed. The annual rings of the trees, in the natural evenaged forests on the deposits, indicate when each deposit occurred. Based on the topographical and vegetational indicators on the sediment of Yongcheon and Yeounae rivers, the movement occurrence years were estimated. 1. The cross sectional shapes of deposits in torrential river are in tiers and even-aged forests tend to establish on each tier. 2. Generally the older the forest age is, the higher the height of step from the lowest base tend to become, which indicates discrete movement in magnitude and frequency. 3. The ages of trees indicate the year when deposition occurred, and so may be useful as plant indicator to get spatial-temporal information of deposits. 4. The deposits volumes(F. V.) were dependent on the age distribution of deposits in length, average width and average height. And the average width and the average height of deposits were increasing with the age.

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Application Method of Satellite Image and GIS for Suitability of Black Locust Forest as Honey Plant Area (아까시나무 밀원식물단지 적지 선정을 위한 위성영상과 GIS의 응용기법)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Kim, Joon-Bum;Jo, Yun-Won;Baek, Seong-Ryul
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2001
  • Using satellite image and GIS, spatial distribution characteristics of black locust forest as honey plant area was identified and analyzed. Upon the result, the most suitable area for black locust forest was selected through the integration analysis of transparent overlay. The variables used for spatial analysis such as topography(elevation, aspect, slope), soil, drainage, distance from urban area, land use, meteorological elements were considered. Based on the suitability analysis, it was clarified that the integration of linear and factor combination technique is greatly efficient method for the most suitable area. In addition, Gokung, Imgo, Chungtong, Hwanam area were shown to be suitable in Young-chun Area. As the result of suitability analysis for honey plant area of black locust in Young-chun using satellite image and GIS, the present portion of potential distribution area was produced about 42.53%. The portion of most suitable area for honey plant area of black locust was about 26.77%. Finally, the total area for honey plant area of black locust in Young-chun came up to $15.79km^2$. Additionally, satellite image and GIS were expected to be significant tools for suitability analysis of honey plant complex area.

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Farm Land Use Classification for the Planning of Planting of Eucalyptus Spp. at Mato Grosso do Sul of Brazil Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (브라질 Mato Grosso do Sul 주에서의 유칼리나무 식재계획(植栽計劃)을 위한 농장토지이용구분(農場土地利用區分)에 관한 연구(硏究) - 원격탐사기술(遠隔探査技術)과 지리정보(地理情報)시스템(GIS)의 적용(適用) -)

  • Woo, Jong-Choon;Nobrega, Ricardo Campos;Imana-Encinas, Jose
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.88 no.2
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    • pp.157-168
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    • 1999
  • This paper analyzed vegetation and land use classification, slope and permanent preservation and legal reserves on the farm Jangada and Jamaica-Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, using satellite image for assisting the planning of planting Eucalyptus spp. This part of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul represents an important geopolitcal area, since it is located on the borders of Bolivia and Paraguay. Also exportation of goods can be achieved through hydrovias extending to Buenos Aires, Argentina-through the Paraguay River. Also there are road and railroad connection which link the soutreastern part of Brazil to the Andean countries. The vegetation map from sheet SF 21-Campo Grande of the RADAMBRASIL Project was used as the basis for the preliminary interpretation of coverage, and complemented by a visit of the field. After the initial interpretation of the image, definition of classes of use and land occupation were made, and files of spectral signatures were created. On the farms Jamaica and Jangada Open Arboreal Savanna and Grass Savanna are the predominant physiognomies occupying 68% of total area. In spite of the results being satisfactory at the present moment, the development of this project should be revised and adjusted based on the evaluations already made, including a greater detailing of environmental components, principally with respect to soil and topography.

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Site and Growth Characteristics of Cornus Controversa Growing at Mt. Gariwang and Mt. JoongWang Located in Pyungchang-gun, Kangwon-do (강원도(江原道) 평창군(平昌郡) 가리왕산(加里旺山) 및 중왕산(中王山) 지역(地域) 층층나무의 입지(立地) 및 성장(成長) 특성(特性))

  • Um, Tae Won;Lee, Don Koo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.3
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    • pp.363-372
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    • 2001
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the site and growth characteristics of dominating Cornus controversa in the hardwood stands at Mt. Gariwang and Mt. Joongwang area located in Pyungchang-gun, Kangwon-do. The C. controversa was mainly distributed at the rather steep slope and aspect facing from northeast to northwest, and altitudes ranging from 800 to 1,100m. The C. controversa grew at relatively deep A soil layer with high moisture and nutrients. Major competing species in upper stories were Quercus mongolica, Acer mandshuricum, Salix hulteni, Acer pictum, and herb plants such as Polystichum tripteron, Dryopteris crassirhizoma, Meehania urticifolia, Pseudostellaria pahbiniana, Ligularia fischeri, Impatiens noli-tangere, Corydalis speciosa in the floor. The average annual diameter growth of C. controversa according to the altitude was $4.06({\pm}0.90)mm$ below 900m, $2.51({\pm}0.65)mm$ from 900 to 1,000m, $3.28({\pm}0.12)mm$ from 1,000m to 1,100m and $2.81({\pm}0.35)mm$ above 1,100m. Good annual growth was shown at northwest site, but no difference due to micro-topography.

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Evaluation of a Hydro-ecologic Model, RHESSys (Regional Hydro-Ecologic Simulation System): Parameterization and Application at two Complex Terrain Watersheds (수문생태모형 RHESSys의 평가: 두 복잡지형 유역에서의 모수화와 적용)

  • Lee, Bo-Ra;Kang, Sin-Kyu;Kim, Eun-Sook;Hwang, Tae-Hee;Lim, Jong-Hwan;Kim, Joon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.247-259
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    • 2007
  • In this study, we examined the flux of carbon and water using an eco-hydrological model, Regional Hydro-Ecologic Simulation System (RHESSys). Our purposes were to develop a set of parameters optimized for a well-designed experimental watershed (Gwangneung Research Watershed, GN) and then, to test suitability of the parameters for predicting carbon and water fluxes of other watershed with different regimes of climate, topography, and vegetation structure (i.e Gangseonry Watershed in Mt. Jumbong, GS). Field datasets of stream flow, soil water content (SWC), and wood biomass product (WBP) were utilized for model parameterization and validation. After laborious parameterization processes, RHESSys was validated with the field observations from the GN watershed. The parameter set identified at the GN watershed was then applied to the GS watershed in Mt. Jumbong, which resulted in good agreement for SWC but poor predictability for WBP. Our study showed that RHESSys simulated reliable SWC at the GS by adjusting site-specific porosity only. In contrast, vegetation productivity would require more rigorous site-specific parameterization and hence, further study is necessary to identify primary field ecophysiological variables for enhancing model parameterization and application to multiple watersheds.

Numerical Simulation of Local Atmospheric Circulations in the Valley of Gwangneung KoFlux Sites (광릉 KoFlux 관측지 계곡에서의 국지순환 수치모의)

  • Lee, Seung-Jae;Kim, Joon;Kang, Minseok;Malla-Thakuri, Bindu
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.246-260
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    • 2014
  • A 90-m horizontal-resolution numerical model was configured to study the micrometeorological features of local winds in the valley of Gwangneung KoFlux (Korea Flux network) Sites (GDK: Gwangneung Deciduous forest site in Korea, GCK: Gwangneung Coniferous forest site in Korea) during summer days. The U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data were employed for high-resolution model terrain height. Model performance was evaluated by comparing observed and simulated near-surface temperature and winds. Detailed qualitative analysis of the model-simulated wind field was carried out for two selected cases which are a clear day (Case I) and a cloudy day (Case II). Observed winds exhibited that GDK and GCK, as well as Case I and Case II, had differences in timing, duration and strength of daytime and nighttime wind direction and speeds. The model simulation results strongly supported the existence of the drainage flow in the valley of the KoFlux tower sites. Overall, the simulated model fields realistically presented the diurnal cycle of local winds in and around the valley, including the morning drainage-upslope transition and the evening reversal of upslope wind. Also, they indicated the complexity of local winds interactions by presenting that daytime westerly winds in the valley were not always pure mountain winds and were often coupled with larger-scale wind systems, such as synoptic-scale winds or mesoscale sea breezes blowing from the west coast of the peninsula.

Developing of Forest Fire Occurrence Danger Index Using Fuel and Topographical Characteristics on the Condition of Ignition Point in Korea (산불발화지점의 임상 및 지형특성을 이용한 산불발생위험지수 개발)

  • Lee Si-Young;Won Myoung-Soo;Han Sang-Yoel
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.19 no.4 s.60
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    • pp.75-79
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    • 2005
  • This study has developed Forest Fire Occurrence Danger Index (FFODI) using fuel and topographical characteristics for the practical purposes of forecasting forest fire occurrence danger rating. This was made on the basis of the 126 forest fire site according to field survey. The result of fire frequency analysis showed 87 sites on conifer $(69\%)$, 21 on mixed $(16.7\%)$ and 18 $(14.3\%)$ on non-conifer. The scale for Fuel Model Index(FMI) ranges from 1 to 10 and Topography Model Index(TMI) from 1 to 5. FMI is 10 on the conifer, 3 on the mixed and 2 on the non-conifer. In case of topographical analysis, it was estimated that 90 site $(71.4\%)$ of ignition point was bottom foot hill and 22 site $(17.5\%)$ was on the southwest. TMI in southwest direction is 5.0, 4.5 in the northwest and the northeast, 4.0 in the southeast and the south, 2.5 in the north and the west and 1.5 in the east. TMI in the bottom foot hill is 5 in the bottom foot hill, 1.5 in the upper foot hill, 1.0 in the bottom middle slope and 0.5 in the upper middle slope and bottom ridge.

Development of Assessment Model for the Optimal Site Prediction of Evergreen Broad-leaved Trees in Warm Temperate Zone according to Climate Change (기후변화에 따른 난대상록활엽수의 적지예측 평가 모델 개발)

  • Kang, Jin-Teak;Kim, Jeong-Woon;Kim, Cheol-Min
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out to develop assessment model for the optimal site prediction of Dendropanax morbifera, Evergreen broad-leaved trees in warm temperate zone according to climate change. It was created criterion for assessment model of the optimal site prediction by quantification method to possible analysis of quantitative and qualitative data, through study relationship between growth of tree and site environmental factors. A program of the optimal site prediction was developed using program version 3.2, an Avenue and Dialog Designer tool of ESRI as GIS(geographic information system) engine. Developed program applied to test accuracy of the optimal site prediction in study area of Wando, Jeollanam-do, having a various evergreen broad-leaved trees of warm temperate zone. In the results from analysis of the optimal site prediction on Dendropanax morbifera, the characteristics of optimal site were analyzed site environmental features with 401~500m of altitude, $15^{\circ}$ of slope, hillside of local topography, alluvium of deposit type, convex of slope type and south of aspect. The mapping area per grade of the optimal site prediction in the Dendropanax morbifera showed 1,487.2ha(25.4%) of class I, 1,020.3ha(17.4%) of class II, 2,231.8ha(38.2%) of class III and 1,110.5ha(19.0%) of class IV.

The Analysis of Vegetation-Environment Relationships of Mt. Jungwangsan by TWINSPAN(Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis) and DCCA(Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis) Ordination (TWINSPAN과 DCCA에 의한 중왕산(中旺山)의 삼림군집(森林群集)과 환경(環境)의 상관관계(相關關係) 분석(分析))

  • Song, Ho Kyung;Kwon, Ki Won;Lee, Don Koo;Jang, Kyu Kwan;Woo, In Shik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.81 no.3
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    • pp.247-254
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    • 1992
  • Vegetational data obtained from 50 quadrats of Mt. Jungwangsan area were analysed by applying two multivariate methods : two-way indicator species analysis(TWINSPAN) for classification and detrended canonical correspondence analysis(DCCA) for ordination. DCCA technique allowed to extract the ordination axes that could be related to 15 environmental factors. The forest vegetation in Mt. Jungwangsan was classified into Quercus mongolica-Tilia amurensis, Quercus mongolica-Rhododendron schlippenbachii, Quencus mongolica-Kalopanax pictus, Quercus mongolica-Carpinus cordata, Quercus mongolica-Cornus controversa, Betula costata, Fraxinus mandshurica, and Ulmus laciniata communities according to the TWINSPAN. The relationships between the distribution of dominant species of forest vegetation and soil condition in Mt. Jungwangsan were investigated by analyzing elevation and soil nutrition gradient. Ulmus laciniata, Betula costata, and Fraxinus mandshurica forest were distributed in a ravine of the low elevation and in the good nutrition area of $Mg^{{+}{+}}$, total nitrogen, and $Ca^{{+}{+}}$, Quercus mongolica groups in the high elevation and in the poor nutrition area. Quercus mongolica-Kalopanax pictus forest of Quercus mongolica groups was distributed in the high elevation and in the good nutrition area of $Ca^{{+}{+}}$, C.E.C., $Mg^{{+}{+}}$, and total nitrogen, Quercus mongolica-Rhododendron schlippenbachii forest in the low elevation and poor nutrition area. Quercus mongolica-Carpinus cordata forest and Quercus mongolica-Cornus controversa forest were distributed in the medium elevation and medium nutrition area. The two dominant factors influencing community distribution were elevation and topography.

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