The purpose of this study was to investigate the risk factors of childhood obesity and the characteristics of the parents of obese children. Methods 110 children of 5years old living in Seoul and Kwangju were surveyed by questionnaire about the children(birth weight, birth order, type of feeding, eating behavior, daily habit) and the parents(weight, height, education). The behaviors of mothers about eating restriction were assessed by three factor eating questionnaire(TFEQ). Children's weight and height were examined and the obesity indeces were calculated. Result: 1) The prevalence rate of obesity among 5 years old children was 20.1%, and male had significantly higher prevalence rate. No significant difference was found in birth weight, birth order, and type of feeding between two groups. 2) The obese group showed significantly more cases of "eat rapidly" 3) fathers of obese children were significantly older and showed higher educational levels. No significant difference was found among parental body mass indeces between two groups. 4) Mothers of obese children showed significantly higher scores of cognitive restriction factor and disinhibition factor in TFEQ. There was no difference in hunger factor, The score of mothers TFEQ was significantly correlated with children's obesity indeces. Conclusion : Children's eating behavior and mother attitude about food restriction have influence on children's obesity among 5 years older children.
Animals in Order Decapoda consist of a plentiful species and vary in external and internal shape, taste, feeding habit and the feature of alimentary canal. In this case, the morphological study on the midgut epithelium of filter feeding Decapoda in Crustacea, Korean fresh water crayfish (Cambaroides similis Koelbel), the only species dwelling in Korea, were performed by scanning electron microscopy. The anterior-most parts of midgut epithelium appeared to be many shallow, dense and irregular folds where a linear microvilli (MV) (1-3$\\mu$m long) numbered from a few to ten had raised. Middle part of the gut, the folds got gradually shallower. MV arranging on one, two or three lines were slightly thicker than those mentioned above. The number of MV in each group seemed gradual decrease from a apical border with maximum thirty in group to furrow with none. From the middle to posterior parts of the gut, the MV were slightly thinner and longer (2.5-4 $\\mu$m long) and raised twelve on a line and, in some cases, added from one to five on another line. On the posterior-end parts of the gut, the epithelium showed many shallow and dense folds as the anterior parts again. A group of thin and long MV (2-7 $\\mu$m long) countable fifteen on a line were raised to the base of each fold. In some cases, the MV also added utmost in five on the other line. All the MV observed in this study were posteriorly directed.
This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of mothers' attitudes on preparing baby foods for their children's food habits and development. The subjects were allocated to 419 preschool children, aged 3 - 5 years. This study surveyed by questionnaire, which was answered by the children's mothers. Subjects were classified by two groups, active and passive, based on their mothers' weaning attitudes. In the active group, mothers tried to make a variety of foods for preparing the baby foods, whereas mothers in the passive group didn't try to make it too much. Family income was higher in the active group and the subject' mothers had more jobs than those in the passive group, whereas their parent's education levels showed no differences. According to Rohrer index, 2.6% of subjects were obese in the active group, whereas 7.7% in the passive group. These data were shown significantly different between the groups. There were no differences in mother's food habits and breast-feeding versus formula feeding between the two groups. However, children's food habits were shown statistically different between the two groups. Higher regularity of meals, higher frequencies of snacks at home, higher frequencies of fruit, com, sweet potato as a snacks and less instant foods were revealed in the active group more than in the passive group. The major problem of children's food habits was an unbalanced diet (52.7%) and the major reasons for unbalanced diet were the taste (58.7%) and the texture (23.2%). The active uoup used more fruits and vegetables than the passive group. Also there were significant differences to solve problems of children's unbalanced diets. In the positive group, 14.4% of mothers tried to develop new cooking methods for solving the problem of an unbalanced diet, but 8.2% did in the passive group. furthermore, 2.3% of mothers in the positive group removed unpleasant items of the food, whereas 6.9% did in the passive. The average nutritional knowledge scores on a 10 scale were 7.2 and 6.9 in active and passive groups, respectively, and they were statistically different. Mothers among the active group explained the knowledge for food and nutrition to their children more than those in the passive group. These results suggest that mothers' attitudes for baby food are an important factor for forming their children's food habits. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a nutritional education program, materials and new recipes for a variety of baby foods to mothers.
As part of researching the feeding habit of Liobagrus somjinensis, the study of its stomach contents and benthic aquatic macroinvertebrates fauna at the waters the fish was collected were carried out monthly from January to December 2010 in Yo stream, Somjin River Sikjeong-dong, Namwon-si, Jeollabuk-do, Korea. In the survey of the stomach contents, the prey organisms are all aquatic insects consisting of 5 orders, 14 classes and 16 species. They fed mainly on Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera including dominant insects such as Hydropsyche kozhantschikovi (79.1%), Chironomidae spp. (48.7%), Baetiella tuberculata (34.2%) at the occurrence rate. Based the result, L. somjinensis appeared to be an aquatic insect feeder that consumes only benthic aquatic insects. The feeding rate of L. somjinensis was the highest in November, whereas it was the lowest in December to next February when they did not feed in the winter season. A survey of the benthic aquatic macroinvertebrates fauna was accompanied for prey preference at the waters. They have 7 orders, 20 classes and 27 species, and among them, two species, Hydropsyche kozhantschikovi (39.0%) and Epeorus pellucidus (18.1%), were aquatic dominant insects. Among 7 orders interestingly, Odonata and Megaloptera, known as having a larger size than other aquatic insects, were not found at the stomach contents. As a result, Liobagrus somjinensis most prefer Hydropsyche kozhantscikovi which is the most dominant species with relatively a smaller size at the waters the study was performed.
This study surveyed the ecological characteristics of Ladislabia taczanowskii at Songcheon Stream from March to November 2019. The species inhabited upstream, where the riverbed structure was mostly covered with boulders and cobbles. The water depth was 31-148 cm, and the stream velocity was fast at 0.94±0.23 (0.51-1.39) m/sec. The gender ratio of females to males was 1 : 0.89. The age according to the total length frequency distribution indicated that the group with 38-70 mm below in total length was one year old, the group with 70-100 mm was two years old, the group with 100-120 mm was three years old, and the group over 120-128 mm was over four years old. The total length of sexually mature fishes was 70 mm for females and 75 mm or more for males. The spawning season was from May to August, and the water temperature was 15.5-20.1℃ during the period. The prosperous spawning season was from June to July, and the water temperature was 15.8-17.2℃ during the period. The spawning ground was where the riffle began in the pool, and its bottom was formed of sand and gravel. The width was about 150 cm, and the water depth was 20 to 50 cm. The average number of eggs in the ovaries was 821 (401-1,314) per matured female, and the matured eggs were yellowish and spherical with a mean diameter of 1.62±0.02 (1.43-2.01) mm. The live foods of L. taczanowskii Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta, Ephemeroptera, and Diptera. The feeding habit of L. taczanowskii is omnivorous, but more than 90% of the stomach content was attached algae.
This study surveyed the ecological characteristics of Squalidus multimacultus at Taehwa River tributary Cheokgwa Stream from January to December 2020. The species inhabited the riverbed that was mostly covered with sand. The water depth was 25-164 cm, and the average was rather deep at 68 cm. The stream velocity was slow at 0.21±0.26 (0.16-0.43) m/sec. The gender ratio of females to males was 1:0.99. The age according to the total length-frequency distribution indicated that the group with less than 50 mm (29.4 - 49 mm) in total length was one year old, the group with 50 - 69 mm was two years old, the group with 70 - 89 mm was three years old, and the group over 90 mm was four years old. The total length of sexually mature fishes was 40 mm for both males and females. The spawning season was from July to August, and the water temperatures was 23.8 - 25.4℃ during the period. The prosperous spawning season was August. The average number of eggs in the ovaries was 1,395 (648 - 2,201) per matured female, and the matured eggs were yellowish and spherical with a mean diameter of 0.67±0.24 (0.62 - 0.83) mm. The live foods were of S. multimacultus attached algae, zooplankton, aquatic insects, and Mollusca. The feeding habits of S. multimacultus were omnivorous, but more than 95% of the stomach content was plant-attached algae. The larger the size of this species, the greater the amount and frequency of eating aquatic insects, which were animal feeds. The population that ate aquatic insects did not eat vegetable food.
Heavy metal pollution has become a serious health concern in recent years. Dogs are a very good indicator of the pollution load on the environment. They share people's environment and are exposed to the action of the same pollutants. This study estimated the heavy metal contents in the serum of dogs in domestic districts, and assessed the age, sex, feeding habits, living area, breeding environment and smoking habit of the owners. The findings suggest that dogs can be used to monitor the environmental quality of heavy metals. The mean concentrations of heavy metals in the dog serum from 204 samples (108 male and 96 female) were 0.22${\pm}$0.01 $\mu$g/ml, 0.24${\pm}$0.04 $\mu$g/ml, 0.61${\pm}$0.08 $\mu$g/ml, and 0.50${\pm}$0.06 $\mu$g/ml (for Cd, Hg, Pb, and Cr), respectively. Concentrations of Pb, Cd, Hg, and Cr in the dog serum were higher in Yeongnam including Ulsan, and Seoul higher than those of Chungchong and Honam, especially Pb concentration, which was significantly higher (p<0.01). Concentrations of Cd, Hg, Pb, and Cr in serum, were increased by age (p<0.05). When commercial pet food was provided to dogs, Cd and Cr concentrations were significantly higher in dog serum than dogs fed a human diet (p<0.01 in Cd and p<0.05 in Cr). Heavy metal concentrations of dogs owned by smoking owners, were higher than non-smoking owners although there was no significant difference.
The Journal of Korea Assosiation for Disability and Oral Health
Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a rare neurodevelopmental disease caused by abnormality of chromosome 15q11-13. The estimated prevalence of PWS is 1/10,000-30,000. Most common features of this disease are feeding problems characterized by poor sucking habit related with neonatal or infantile hypotonia and obesity due to early childhood hyperphagia involved with lack of satiety. In the orodental findings, enamel hypoplasia, rampant caries, delayed eruption, poor oral hygiene, hypodontia, supernumerary teeth, increased tooth wear, decreased salivary flow and change in saliva composition were reported. This case report describes the dental treatment of 3-year-9-months-old male patient with PWS. Periodic check-ups and conservative treatments were followed, however, rapid dental caries progression caused by estimating hyposalivation was observed. Because of lack of patient cooperation, dental procedures were performed under general anesthesia.
In order to compare the lead and cadmium levels, studies of heavy metal accumulation of feral pigeons from rural (Deokjeok island), central urban (Seoul city), and industrial complexes (Ansan, Busan, Ulsan, and Yochon) were conducted. The outstanding result of this study is that feral pigeons in urban and industrial complex areas contain high Pb and Cd concentrations in kidney, bone, liver, and lung tissues compared to those of rural areas. Such a trend was prominent in the target organs, bone and kidney, about 10 times greater than in rural areas. On the other hand, the lead levels of the Yochon Industrial Complex were noticeably lower than those of other industrial complex areas. Not only feral pigeons habit of street and ground feeding, but also atmospheric metal concentration offers an explanation for the heavy metal concentration differences in the study areas.
The purpose of this study was to identify the risk factors of osteoporosis. The data were collected from women who visited Physical Examination Center of a university hospital located in Taejon during the period of September 1997-August 1998. The sample was divided into two groups(the osteoporosis group of 44 cases and the control group of 66 cases). The results were summarized as follows ; 1. Sociodemographic characteristics(education and family income) and BMI showed no significant difference between the osteoporosis group and the control group. 2. There was no significant difference in coffee, unbalanced diet, diet method and meal habit between the osteoporosis group and the control group. 3. The osteoporosis group reported more incidence of operative menopause due to hysterectomy and oophorectomy, but this was not statistically significant. There was no significant difference in use of oral pill use, past disease and family history of fracture between the osteoporosis group and the control group, but the odds ratio(OR 3.11, 95% CI : 1.30-7.41) of present illness was statistically significant in the osteoporosis group. 4. There was no significant difference in the reproductive history including number of delivery and abortion and feeding method between the osteoporosis group and the control group. 5. The osteoporosis group showed significant results of lower menopausal age, shorter duration of menstruation and longer duration after menopause compared to the control group. 6. The osteoporosis group reported significantly lower level of physical activity in such variables as work activity and walking time. 7. A logistic analysis showed that shorter period of menstruation, lower level of physical activity, non-alcohol drinking group, and presence of disease were related to the possibility of occurring of osteoporosis.
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- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.