• Title/Summary/Keyword: Experience of Learning

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A Study on the Effect of Career Shock Experienced in the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Level of Subjective Career Success Perception. (코로나19 팬데믹 상황에서 경험한 커리어쇼크가 주관적 경력 성공 인식 수준에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Jin Kim;Jong Seok Cha;Na Jung Kim
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.85-100
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    • 2023
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to identify the factors of shocking events in the career aspect experienced by Korean workers in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, and to find out whether these career shocks affect individual perceptions of the importance of subjective career success. Design/methodology/approach - In the survey of 146 respondents, the career shock events experienced in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic were largely divided into three categories; 'work change', 'employment anxiety', and 'life anxiety'. For the subjective career success, seven dimensions - 'financial security', 'financial achievement', 'entrepreneurship', 'positive relationship', 'positive impact', 'learning and development', 'work-life balance' - were used. Findings - As a result, there was no difference in the perception of subjective career success due to the experience of 'work change' during the Covid-19 period. However, the respondents who experienced 'employment anxiety' came to recognize that 'financial security' and 'financial achievement' were more increasing in terms of the degree of difference of importance. And respondents who experienced 'lifetime anxiety' perceived that the degree of difference of importance was increasing in the six dimensions except for 'social influence'. Particularly, the increase in the importance of 'work-life balance' and 'positive relationship' was found to be the greatest among the career success dimensions. Research implications or Originality - Finally, it was concluded that changes in the external environment such as Covid-19 pandemic influence as a career shock and affect the level of importance in subjective career success perception. Based on the results, the theoretical implication on current career study and some practical implications for organizational career management were suggested.

Conceptions and Conceptual Types of High School Students about Molecular Kinetic Theory of Gases (기체분자운동론에 대한 고등학생들의 개념 및 개념유형)

  • Cho, In Young;Park, Hyun Ju;Choi, Byung Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.699-706
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate high school students' conceptions and conceptual types on molecular kinetic theory of gases. Data was collected by a series of semi-structured and in-depth interviews, and has been analyzed. This study showed that the students came to science classes with various prior conceptions of many disciplinary topics. Their conceptual types of their prior knowledge were distinguished as superficial terms-speaking, partial sense-making, and causal sense-making by the degrees of organization and elaboration of conceptual networks. These conceptual types had influence on the ways students understand and think of science, a stability of their conceptions, a tendency to distinguish school science from everyday science, and building a meaning of concept in contexts. It was referred that the students didn't have proper understanding on the nature of scientific knowledge and had been limited their participations as active learners. Therefore, in order for students to experience conceptual change, they must have opportunities of manifesting their own thinking, taking part in discussions, and promoting their motivations and metacognition of knowing and learning science.

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Clinical Nursing Competency for New Graduate Nurses - A Grounded Theory Approach - (신규 임상간호사에게 요구되는 임상실무수행능력)

  • Byeon Young-Soon;Lim Nan-Young;Kang Kyu-Sook;Sung Myung-Sook;Won Jong-Soon;Ko Il-Sun;Chang Sung-Ok;Jang Hee-Jung;Yang Sun-Hee;Kim Hwa-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: This study was done to provide information about issues of clinical competency from the perspective of new graduate nurses and to make suggestions for improving undergraduate education programmes. It was also done to clarify learning experiences between fundamentals of nursing and the other major areas of nursing. Method: For this study, 7 new graduates and 8 experienced nurses participated. The data were collected through in-depth interviews and analysed in terms of Strauss and Corbin's grounded theory methodology. Result: Core category and main categories, were delineated. Clinical nursing competency was found to be a dynamic process with each participant actively engaged in acquiring problem solving ability in diverse clinical settings. These findings have value in understanding the embedded meaning of clinical nursing competency. Conclusion: Therefore, the educational programs reflecting the experience of new nursing staff should be developed.

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Analysis on Intake of Energy Drinks of High School Students in Gyeoungbuk Region (경북 지역 고등학생의 에너지 음료 섭취 실태 분석)

  • Lee, Su-Jin;Kim, Hyochung;Kim, Meera
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.924-932
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    • 2014
  • This study investigated intake of energy drinks, side effects and willingness to stop intake of 255 high school students in Gyeoungbuk region. The data were collected by the self-administered questionnaire. Frequency, t test, one-way ANOVA, Duncan's multiple range test, and ${\chi}^2$ test were conducted by SPSS Window V.21.0. About 78% of the respondents had experience of intake of energy drinks. The respondents were aware of energy drinks from 'advertisements on mass media (44.3%)', 'friends (32.2%)', and 'looking in stores (16.9%)'. The mean of the amount of energy drink intake per day was 30.62 mg. Forty-four percent of the respondents had energy drinks during an examination period, and 37% took it at home. The main reasons for intake of energy drinks were 'to fight off sleepiness', 'to recover from fatigue', and 'good taste' in order. Many respondents answered that energy drinks did not much help to increase concentration or learning ability. About 72% of the respondents experienced 'not feel sleepy' after having energy drinks. Half of the respondents experienced side effects such as palpitation, insomnia, and increase of urination. Most respondents had willingness to stop having energy drinks if it had bad effect on health.

Application of Neurophysiological Studies in Clinical Neurology (임상신경생리 분야에서의 신경생리적 검사법의 응용)

  • Lee, Kwang-Woo;Park, Kyung-Seok
    • Annals of Clinical Neurophysiology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 1999
  • Since Hans Berger reported the first paper on the human electroencephalogram in 1920s, huge technological advance have made it possible to use a number of electrophysiological approaches to neurological diagnosis in clinical neurology. In majority of the neurology training hospitals they have facilities of electroencephalography(EEG), electromyography(EMG), evoked potentials(EP), polysomnography(PSG), electronystagmography(ENG) and, transcranial doppler(TCD) ete. Clinicials and electrophysiologists should understand the technologic characteristics and general applications of each electrophysiological studies to get useful informations with using them in clinics. It is generally agreed that items of these tests are selected under the clinical examination, the tests are performed by the experts, and the test results are interpretated under the clinical background. Otherwise these tests are sometimes useless and lead clinicians to misunderstand the lesion site, the nature of disease, or the disease course. In this sense the clinical utility of neurophysiological tests could be summerized in the followings. First, the abnormal functioning of the nervous system and its environments can be demonstrated when the history and neurological examinations are equivocal. Second, the presence of clinically unsuspected malfunction in the nervous system can be revealed by those tests. Finally the objective changes can be monitored over time in the patient's status. Also intraoperative monitoring technique becomes one of the important procedures when the major operations in the posterior fossa or in the spinal cord are performed. In 1996, the Korean Society for Clinical Neurophysiology(KSCN) was founded with the hope that it will provide the members with the comfortable place for discussing their clinical and academic experience, exchanging new informations, and learning new techniques of the neurophysiological tests. The KSCN could collaborate with the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology(IFCN) to improve the level of the clinical neurophysiologic field in Korea as will as in Asian region.1 In this paper the clinical neurophysiological tests which are commonly used in clinical neurology and which will be delt with and educated by the KSCN in the future will be discussed briefly in order of EEG, EMG, EP, PSG, TCD, ENG, and Intraoperative monitoring.

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Palliative Care Education in Gynecologic Oncology: a Survey of Gynecologic Oncologists and Gynecologic Oncology Fellows in Thailand

  • Ratanakaaew, A;Khemapech, N;Laurujisawat, P
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.15
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    • pp.6331-6334
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    • 2015
  • Background: The main purpose of this study was to survey the education and training of certified gynecologic oncologists and fellows in Thailand. A secondary objective was to study the problems in fellowship training regarding palliative care for gynecologic cancer patients. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study was conducted by sending a questionnaire regarding palliative care education to all certified gynecologic oncologists and gynecologic oncology fellows in Thailand. The contents of the survey included fellowship training experience, caring for the dying, patient preparation, attitudes and respondent characteristics. Statistics were analyzed by percentage, mean and standard deviation and chi-square. Results: One hundred seventy completed questionnaires were returned; the response rate was 66%. Most certified gynecologic oncologists and fellows in gynecologic oncology have a positive attitude towards palliative care education, and agree that "psychological distress can result in severe physical suffering". It was found that the curriculum of gynecologic oncology fellowship training equally emphasizes three aspects, namely managing post-operative complications, managing a patient at the end of life and managing a patient with gynecologic oncology. As for experiential training during the fellowship of gynecologic oncology, education regarding breaking bad news, discussion about goals of care and procedures for symptoms control were mostly on-the-job training without explicit teaching. In addition, only 42.9 % of respondents were explicitly taught the coping skill for managing their own stress when caring for palliative patients during fellowship training. Most of respondents rated their clinical competency for palliative care in the "moderately well prepared" level, and the lowest score of the competency was the issue of spiritual care. Conclusions: Almost all certified gynecologic oncologists and fellows in gynecologic oncology have a positive attitude towards learning and teaching in palliative care. In this study, some issues were identified for improving palliative care education such as proper training under the supervision of a mentor, teaching how to deal with work stress, competency in spiritual care and attitudes on responsibility for bereavement care.

Factors to be considered in designing a faculty development program for medical education: local experience from the Western region of Saudi Arabia

  • Algahtani, Hussein;Shirah, Bader;Alshawwa, Lana;Tekian, Ara;Norcini, John
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.210-216
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    • 2020
  • Background: Among the different aims of medical education, the provision of society with skilled, professional, and knowledgeable healthcare workers who maintain and develop their expertise over a lifetime career is important. The achievement of this goal is linked with the professional development of both faculty members and healthcare workers. This study aims to measure the perception of faculty members regarding their views about the goals of faculty development programs, practices and activities, and factors that determine their achievement. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in multiple universities in the Western region of Saudi Arabia. The participants were given a pre-designed self-administered questionnaire generated from literature. The survey questionnaire consisted of three sections that were designed to assess the faculty members' perception on the faculty development program. Results: A total of 210 faculty members participated in the study. The most important perceived goal was to motivate teachers to become better teachers. The most important perceived practice was establishing a positive climate for teaching and learning. The most important perceived factor was skilled and dedicated staff support. Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrate that faculty members have positive perceptions regarding all aspects of faculty development programs. This study will raise awareness regarding the importance of faculty development programs in sustaining educational vitality. We recommend the implementation and maintenance of comprehensive faculty development programs in Saudi universities.

Angle concepts and introduction methods of angles in elementary mathematics textbooks (초등학교 수학 교과서에 제시된 각의 개념과 도입 방법 분석)

  • Kim, Sangmee
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.209-221
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    • 2018
  • Angle concepts have a multifaceted nature such as quantitative aspects as the amount of rotation, qualitative aspects as geometric shapes, and relationship aspects made with planes or lines. This study analysed angle concepts and introduction methods of angles in elementary mathematics textbooks which have been used from the Syllabus Period to the 2015 Revised Mathematics Curriculum. First, the concepts of angles in mathematics textbooks focus through the definitions, representations, and components of angles presented in mathematics textbooks are analyzed. Secondly, how various aspects of each angle are sequenced through the tasks or activties in the introduction of lesson is looked. As a result of analysis, the methods of introducing angles in the changes of mathematics textbooks have mainly focused on learning about geometric shapes and relations of components. In the mathematics classroom, students should experience various aspects of geometric shapes, rotations, relational aspects of points, lines and surfaces, and support and link them to form a wide range of concepts.

Perception of Yaksun in the Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Chungbuk Areas (서울, 경기 및 충북지역 일부 성인의 약선(藥膳)에 대한 인식)

  • Shin, Woen-Sun;Lee, Seungyuan;Park, Soojin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.339-347
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    • 2013
  • Yaksun, a medicinal diet, has been traditionally prepared and applied (based on theories in oriental medicine) for the modulation of disease symptoms and signs. However, restaurants that serve and claim Yaksun mainly focus on stamina foods. A consistent definition of Yaksun has not been provided, which can confuse the public interpretation of Yaksun. The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception of Yaksun in Korean adults living in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Chungbuk regions. Among the participants (M=55, F=168, 25y), only 10.4% understood the definition of Yaksun (mainly through the broadcast media). The frequency of Yaksun consumed when eating out was 2~3 times per month in 50.2% of participants. The main reason for choosing a Yaksun menu (46.3% of participants) when eating out was for health. The mean satisfaction score of Yaksun was $3.5{\pm}0.8$ on the five point Likert scale. Participants highly agreed ($3.8{\pm}0.8$) that Yaksun is composed of nutritious foods combined with oriental medicinal herbs for the treatment of disease, which was significantly higher in groups with learning experience on Yaksun (p<0.05). Interestingly, participants showed neutral to the description, that a diet without oriental medicinal herbs is not Yaksun ($3.1{\pm}1.0$), which was significantly different between genders (p<0.05). Men recognized more than women that Yaksun should be based on oriental medical theory (p<0.05) and should be prepared for the prevention or treatment of diseases (p<0.05). In conclusion, the concept and terminology of Yaksun need to be defined and publicized in modern diet.

LSTM based Supply Imbalance Detection and Identification in Loaded Three Phase Induction Motors

  • Majid, Hussain;Fayaz Ahmed, Memon;Umair, Saeed;Babar, Rustum;Kelash, Kanwar;Abdul Rafay, Khatri
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.147-152
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    • 2023
  • Mostly in motor fault detection the instantaneous values 3 axis vibration and 3phase current in time domain are acquired and converted to frequency domain. Vibrations are more useful in diagnosing the mechanical faults and motor current has remained more useful in electrical fault diagnosis. With having some experience and knowledge on the behavior of acquired data the electrical and mechanical faults are diagnosed through signal processing techniques or combine machine learning and signal processing techniques. In this paper, a single-layer LSTM based condition monitoring system is proposed in which the instantaneous values of three phased motor current are firstly acquired in simulated motor in in health and supply imbalance conditions in each of three stator currents. The acquired three phase current in time domain is then used to train a LSTM network, which can identify the type of fault in electrical supply of motor and phase in which the fault has occurred. Experimental results shows that the proposed single layer LSTM algorithm can identify the electrical supply faults and phase of fault with an average accuracy of 88% based on the three phase stator current as raw data without any processing or feature extraction.