• Title/Summary/Keyword: Eriocheir japonicus

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Experimental Culture of the Korean Mitten Crabs I. Growth of Korean Mitten Crabs, Eriocheir japonicus at Different Outdoor Culture Methods (참게류의 양식에 관한 연구 I. 동남참게, Eriocheir japonicus 의 야외사육지별 성장효과)

  • 오봉세;김숙양
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 1998
  • The results of experimental culture for Koran mitten crab, Eriocheir japonicus at different outdoor culture methods such as rice field, pond, and vinyl house from July 21, 1994 to October 23, 1995 were summaried as fellows. 1. The water temperature was 2${\circ}C$~32${\circ}C$ during the culture periods from July 21, 1994 to October 23, 1995, and it ranged from 15${\circ}C$ to 30${\circ}C$ during the terms showing the intake habit of feed with these temperature maintained for 281 days of 460days of the total cultur periods. 2. The gain weight of Korean mitten crabs was 1,711.3g at the rice field, and 1,565.4g at the pond, and 1.220.0g at the vinyl house. The survial rate was 22.7% at the pond, and 18.7% at the rice field, and 18.3% at the vinyl house with the average survial rate of 19.9%. The daily growth rate of cauapace width was 0.64% at the rice field, and 0.61% at the pond, and 0.59% at the vinyl house. And the gain weight and the daily growth rate were the best at the rice field. 3. When the culture was finished, the frequency of carapace width of 4.0~4.9cm was 57.1% at the rice field, and 33.3% at the vinyl house. Therefore, culture at the rice field for the cultur of mitten card was considered to be the best outdoor culture method from the point of view in the fast growth and polyculture feasibility with paddy rice.

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Studies on the Seedling Production of the Freshwater Crab, Eriocheir japonicus (De Haan) 3. Physiological Study of Osmolarity of the Body Fluid and Oxygen Consumption of the Larvae (동남참게, Eriocheir japonicus(De Haan)의 종묘생산에 관한 생물학적 기초연구 3. 유생의 체액 삼투질 농도 및 산소 소비에 관한 생리학적 연구)

  • LEE Bok-Kyu;KWON Chin-Soo
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.273-284
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    • 1993
  • Ion concentrations and osmolarities of the body fluid and oxygen consumption of the larvae of the freshwater crab, Eriocheir japonicus under the influence of various salinities and water temperatures were studied. The levels of $Na^+\;and\;Cl^-$ ions in the body fluid of the crab placed in the low salinities (freshwater and $30\%$ seawater) were higher at the low temperature $(16^{\circ}C)$ than high temperature $(30^{\circ}C)$. However, the crab in the high salinity $(90\%\; seawater)$, those ions in the body fluid were higher at the high temperature $(30^{\circ}C)$ than the low temperature $(10^{\circ}C)$ When the zoea larvae were young (first and second stages), the ion concentrations of the body fluid were more affected by salinities and temperatures of the media. The salinity levels of the media more influenced the levels of $K^+$ ions of the body fluid of the larvae than the temperature. The osmolarities of the body fluid of the larvae were almost isotonic when they were placed at $70\%$ seawater $(24.5\%o)$. Oxygen consumption of individual larva was lower in zoea 1 and 2 stages than the other stage larvae. The high oxygen consumption of the larvae was observed at $70\%$ seawater compared to the other salinity levels.

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Purification of the Yolk Protein, and Identification of the Synthetic Site of Its Precursor in Eriocheir japonicus (Decapoda, Brachiura) (동남참게(Eriocheir japonicus)의 난황단백질 정제와 그 전구체의 합성부위 구명)

  • HAN Chang-Hee;BAE Hyun-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.432-442
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    • 1992
  • To identify the histological site of synthesis of yolk protein precursor, vitellogenin, by immunocytochemical method in the freshwater crab Eriocheir japonicus, we purified the yolk protein, vitellin, from crude egg extracts, and prepared the anti-rabbit serum against vitellin. Then, the site of vitellogenin synthesis was demonstrated by immunotytochemical method with PAP(peroxidase-antiperoxidase) reaction using the rabbit antiserum aganist vitellin. Female specific serum protein was identified in female serum by immunoelectrophoresis and Ouchterlony's immunodiffusion test for mature male and female sera. Based on the immunoelectrophoresis and Ouchterlony's diffusion test for mature male and female sera and crude egg extracts using antiserum against vitellogenic female serum absorbed with male serum, the female specific serum protein was identified as vitellogenin, detected in female serum only. The major yolk protein, vitellin, was purified from the crude egg extracts by DEAE-cellulose ion exchange chromatography, followed by sepharose CL-4B gel filteration chromatography. The molecular weight of vitellin was estimated to be about 245,000 dalton by sepharose CL-4B gel filteration chromatography. from the results of immunological analysis for vitellin, it was found that the vitellin antiserum contained the antibody against vitellogenin. In the results of immunocytochemical reaction by PAP method with the rabbit antiserum against vitellin, the vitellogenic oocytes and the hepatopancreas of mature female showed positive PAP reaction, but not in follicle cells and previtellogenic oocytes nf ovary, muscle of female and mature male hepatopancreas. Therefore, it showed that the hepatopancreas of mature female is the site of vitellogenic synthesis.

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Reproductive Cycle and Environmental Factors on the Gonadal Maturation and Egg Breeding of the Freshwater Mitten Crab, Eriocheir japonicus Living in Sumjin River (섬진강 서식 동남참게(Eriocheir japonicus)의 생식년주기와 암컷 생식소의 성숙과 포란에 미치는 환경적 요인)

  • Lee, Hyun-Kee;Lim, Sang-Koo;Kim, Dae-Jung;Kim, Dae-Hyun;Lee, Je-Yong;Kim, Myung-Hee;Kim, Byung-Ki;Han, Chang-Hee
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.231-241
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    • 2008
  • The present study was designed to clarify aspects of the annual reproductive cycle of the fresh water mitten crab, Eriocheir japonicus inhabiting Sumjin river, and to determine the adequate conditions of temperature, photoperiod and salinity on the gonadal maturation and breeding of adult female crabs. Based on the seasonal changes of GSIs and gonadal histology of adult crabs, the annual reproductive cycle could be divided into 4 periods as follows: previtellogenesis period (from September to October) when GSIs were low value and ovaries had oocytes in previtellogenesis stage and meiotic prophase stage; maturing period (from November to March of the next year) when GSIs increased gradually and ovarian oocytes accumulated yolk globules; spawning period (from April to June) when high value of GSI of female was kept and ovigerous female appeared; resting period (from July to August) when GSIs decreased rapidly, and vitellogenic oocytes degenerated. Gonadal maturation was influenced by water temperature, but not photoperiod and salinity. GSI more increased in experimental regime of $18^{\circ}C$ than that of $10^{\circ}C$ regardless of photoperiod conditions (12L12D and 15L9D). However, in $26^{\circ}C$ regime of both photoperiod conditions, the value of GSI was not changed, and vitellogenic oocytes were not observed. Spawning was considerably influenced by water temperatures and salinities regardless of photoperiods. Vitellogenic female crabs did not spawn at $10^{\circ}C$ in any salinity conditions. However, at $18^{\circ}C$ and $26^{\circ}C$, over a half of rearing female crabs spawned in condition of 30% sea water (salinity 9.6%o) and 60% sea water (salinity 19.2%o), while no female spawned in freshwater condition (salinity 0.0%o).

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동남참게, Eriocheir japonicus 유생의 성장에 따른 이료효과

  • 이복규;김홍권
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Fisheries Technology Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.459-460
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    • 2001
  • 게류의 유생에 관한 수온, 염분 및 먹 이에 관한 연구들의 대부분은 유생의 각 영기에 따른 형태적 특징 등을 중심으로 한 것이며 여러 종류의 먹이를 공급하여 그 효과를 다양하게 조사한 연구는 찾아 보기 어려웠다. 한편, 본종의 자원조성과 종묘생산을 위해서는 먹이에 대한 기초조사가 다양하게 이루어 져야 할 것으로 생각되어 본 연구팀에서 조사하여 발표한 연구결과를 기초로 하여 여러 종류의 자연 및 인공 먹이를 공급하여 여러 가지 먹이에 대한 섭이효과를 조사하였다. (중략)

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Metacercarial infections of Paragonimus westermani in freshwater crabs sold in markets in Seoul (서울시내 시판 동남참게의 폐흡충 피낭유충 감염상)

  • Cho, Seung-Yull;Kang, Shin-Yong;Kong, Yoon;Yang, Hyun-Jong
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.189-192
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    • 1991
  • Status of metacercarial infections of Paragcnimus westermani was observed in freshwater crabs, which were purchased at 3 markets in its peak season of 1990. All of 85 crabs were Eriocheir japenicus. No other species of Eriocheir were found. When crushed muscle and viscera was examined individually, the infection rate was 11.8% ; and mean number of metacercariae was 2.1 per infected crab. Unless adequately cooked, freshwater crabs are still potential sources of human paragonimiasis.

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Studies on the Seedling Production of the Freshwater Crab, Eriocheir japonicus (De Haan) 1. Reproductive Ecology (동남참게, Eriocheir japonicus (De Haan)의 종묘생산에 관한 생물학적 기초연구 1. 번식생태)

  • KWON Chin-Soo;LEE Bok-Kyu;LEE Chae-Sung
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.235-253
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    • 1993
  • The freshwater crab, Eriocheir japonicus inhabits from sub-tropical to temperate zone in Asia. This species belongs to a large size group among freshwater crabs. Common size of this crab is 5-6cm in carapace length and occasionally 7cm in carapace length. This species of crab used to inhabit in estuaries, rivers and inland waters in Korea. However, natural population recently has been rapidly decreased because of pollution and lost their habitats by suburban development. Therefore, development of proper methods of seedling production to increase natural stock became necessity. As parts of achieving this goal, duration from mating to spawning, egg incubation period, and egg development of this species were studied. The influence of temperatures and salinities on the egg incubation and hatching was also investigated. It took 2-8 hours from mating to egg spawning and the spawning lasted 3-9 hours from the first spawning. Egg numbers per female (6cm in carapace length) were 380,000­410,000. Optimum temperature for egg incubation was $17\~23^{\circ}C$ and optimum salinity, $14.0\~31.5\%o$. Incubation period of the eggs at $14^{\circ}C,\;17^{\circ}C,\;20^{\circ}C,\;26^{\circ}C,\;and\;28^{\circ}C$ was 42, 28, 21, 15, and 14 days. respectively. Relation between temperature (X) and incubation days (Y) was LogY = Log 2764.267 - 1.608 LogX. A female can spawn 4-6 times per year by manipulation of environmental conditions. Under the conditions of $18^{\circ}C\;and\;24.5\%o$, it took 6 days up to embryo formation, 18 days up to compound eye formation, 22 days up to abdominal movement, and 25 days up to hatch out as zoea larvae.

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Survival of the early lavae of the Freshwater Crab, Eriocheir japonicus (De Haan) fed on different diets in the Laboratory (먹이종류에 따른 동남참게, Eriocheir japonicus(De Haan) 초기유생의 생존율)

  • 허윤성;권진수;이복규;김홍권;김병기;최주수;김양우
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.407-415
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    • 2002
  • The survival of the early larvae of the freshwater crab, E. japonicus, fed on different diets at 22土1$^{\circ}C$ and 24$\pm$1% were studied in the laboratory. The larvae in the control (no feed) lived for 4 days (1~2 zoeal stages), and in the experimental container of non-living foods (egg Powder, soy bean Powder, Pellet Powder, millet Powder, and mussel meat), they were lived for 7~9 days (2~3 zoeal stages), When the larvae fed on phytoplankton (Chlorella ellipsoid., Skeletonema costatum. and Chaetoceros gracilis), they lived for 10, 18, and 19 days(3~5 zoeal stages), and fed on zooplankton (Artemianauplii and rotifer), they were reached to the juvenile stage in 24 and 25 days, respectivily. When the larvae fed on a mixed diets (see table 1). it was more effective than a single food diet, and the most effective diets included Chaetoceros gracilis, Artemia nauplii and rotifera, in which the larvae reached the juvenile stage in 22 days, and the survival was 73%.

Studies on the Seedling Production of the Freshwater Crab, Eriocheir japonicus (De Haan) 4. Combined Effects of Temperature-Salinity on the Moulting Intervals of Larvae (동남참게, Eriocheir japonicus (De Haan)의 종묘생산에 관한 생물학적 기초연구 4. 성장단계별 유생에 대한 脫皮 간격일수에 미치는 수온-염도의 복합적인 영향에 관하여)

  • KWON Chin-Soo;LEE Bok-Kyu
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.21-39
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    • 1994
  • In order to study the optimum environmental condition for larvae culture of the freshwater crab, Eriocheir japonicus, larvae from different growth stages and young crab were cultured under the 16 different conditions of $4\times4$ temperature-salinity combinations (4 different temperatures at 22, 24, 26, $28^{\circ}C$ with 10.5, 17.5, 24.5 and $31.5\%$ of salinity). The duration of metamorphosis, metamorphosis rate, the interval of moulting period, and survival rate were measured from each experimental group of larvae and young crab under the different conditions. The results indicated that the optimum conditions may be a $24.5\%o$ of salinity at water temperature at 22, 24, and $26^{\circ}C$. At $28^{\circ}C$ with $24.5\%o$), the duration of metamorphosis reduced somewhat, nevertheless metamorphosis and survival rate decreased a lot. And the lower the salinity showed the lower the metamorphosis and survival rates at $28^{\circ}C$.

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