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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Environmental Policy Assessment

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Evaluation of Fish Acute Toxicity and Preliminary Risk Assessment of Plant Extracts, Sophora, Neem and Derris (유기농업자재 고삼, 님 및 데리스 추출물의 어류에 대한 독성과 위해성 평가)

  • Park, Kyung-Hun;Oh, Jin-A;Paik, Min-Kyoung;Son, Mi-Yeon;Lim, Joung-Taek;Jin, Jung-hwa;Hong, Soonsung;Cho, Nam-jun;Han, Sang-Gyun;Kim, Byung-Seok
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.255-263
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    • 2015
  • Promoting the organic farming, much of the plant extracts used for controlling pests and fungi have been imported from China, India and Myanmar. But, it is so worrisome that aquatic animals such as muddy loach inhabiting in paddy field and common carps in river exposed to the pests and fungi likely be harmed. This study was conducted in order to evaluate the risks of aquatic animals influenced by the three plant extracts, i.e. Sophora flavescens, Azadirachta indica and Derris elliptica. The toxicities of common carp (Cyprinus Carpio), muddy loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) and PEC (Predicted environmental concentration) exposed to the three plant extracts were estimated by the typical spray volume method. Risks were determined by the toxicity value as 48-hr LC50 (Lethal concentration, median) or NOEC (No observed effect concentration) into PEC. 48-hr LC50 of Common carp and NOEC by Sophora flavescens extracts was 7.9 and 6.2 mg/L, 26.8 and 21.8 mg/L by Azadirachta indica extracts and 47.0 and < 24.0 mg/L by Derris elliptica extracts, respectively. 48-hr LC50 of Muddy loach and NOEC by Sophora flavescens extracts was 16.9 and 10.0 mg/L, 35.6 and 30.0 mg/L by Azadirachta indica extracts, and 73.9 and < 40 mg/L by Derris elliptica extracts, respectively. Therefore, acute toxicities of the three plant extracts for aquatic animals were proved to be very low level. PEC of Sophora flavescens extracts in paddy, drainage and river water was 68.0~3.0, 11.33~0.50 and 3.0~0.0018 mg/L, respectively. TER of Sophora flavescens extracts in the three water was 0.2~5.6, 1.5~33.8 and 2.6~4388.9, respectively. PEC of Azadirachta indica extracts in paddy, drainage and river water was 90.9~1.2, 15.2~0.2 and 4.8~0.00075 mg/L, respectively. TER of Azadirachta indica extracts in the three water was 0.4~29.7, 2.3~178.0 and 4.5~35733.3, respectively. PEC of Derris elliptica extracts in river water was 0.0063 mg/L. TER of Derris elliptica extracts in river water was 5222~15667.

Development of dietary behavior items available in Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (국민건강영양조사에 활용 가능한 식생활 조사항목 개발 및 유용성 검증)

  • Lim, A-Hyun;Choi, Suk-Young;Shim, Jae-Eun;Hwang, Ji-Yun;Moon, Hyun-Kyung;Kim, Kirang
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.407-418
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: Given that the indicators related to chronic diseases are important to evaluating goals of the national health policy, the aim of this study was to develop dietary behavior items available in the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Methods: The dietary behavior items were developed based on the literature reviews, need assessment of the field, expert focus-group interviews, and expert advisory meeting. Questions for each dietary behavior item were developed by reflecting on environmental, personal, and behavior factors of the ecological frame and then revised through expert focus-group interview and expert advisory meeting. The understanding and reliability of the developed questionnaire were assessed by cognitive interview and test-retest reliability. Results: The developed items were sodium and salt intake, added and simple sugar intake, enough time to consume a meal for all ages, caffeine drinks and fresh/healthy food intake for children and adolescents, and limited dietary intake, fresh/healthy food intake for seniors. In most questions except some questions on sodium and salt intake, subjects understood over 70% and consistency of responses based on the kappa values was acceptable. Conclusion: Developed dietary behavior items are expected to be useful for evidence-based nutrition policy, interventions and research targeting dietary patterns through investigating and monitoring dietary behavior patterns.

A Study on Aviation Safety and Third Country Operator of EU Regulation in light of the Convention on international Civil Aviation (시카고협약체계에서의 EU의 항공법규체계 연구 - TCO 규정을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Koo-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.67-95
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    • 2014
  • Some Contracting States of the Chicago Convention issue FAOC(Foreign Air Operator Certificate) and conduct various safety assessments for the safety of the foreign operators which operate to their state. These FAOC and safety audits on the foreign operators are being expanded to other parts of the world. While this trend is the strengthening measure of aviation safety resulting in the reduction of aircraft accident. FAOC also burdens the other contracting States to the Chicago Convention due to additional requirements and late permission. EASA(European Aviation Safety Agency) is a body governed by European Basic Regulation. EASA was set up in 2003 and conduct specific regulatory and executive tasks in the field of civil aviation safety and environmental protection. EASA's mission is to promote the highest common standards of safety and environmental protection in civil aviation. The task of the EASA has been expanded from airworthiness to air operations and currently includes the rulemaking and standardization of airworthiness, air crew, air operations, TCO, ATM/ANS safety oversight, aerodromes, etc. According to Implementing Rule, Commission Regulation(EU) No 452/2014, EASA has the mandate to issue safety authorizations to commercial air carriers from outside the EU as from 26 May 2014. Third country operators (TCO) flying to any of the 28 EU Member States and/or to 4 EFTA States (Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland) must apply to EASA for a so called TCO authorization. EASA will only take over the safety-related part of foreign operator assessment. Operating permits will continue to be issued by the national authorities. A 30-month transition period ensures smooth implementation without interrupting international air operations of foreign air carriers to the EU/EASA. Operators who are currently flying to Europe can continue to do so, but must submit an application for a TCO authorization before 26 November 2014. After the transition period, which lasts until 26 November 2016, a valid TCO authorization will be a mandatory prerequisite, in the absence of which an operating permit cannot be issued by a Member State. The European TCO authorization regime does not differentiate between scheduled and non-scheduled commercial air transport operations in principle. All TCO with commercial air transport need to apply for a TCO authorization. Operators with a potential need of operating to the EU at some time in the near future are advised to apply for a TCO authorization in due course, even when the date of operations is unknown. For all the issue mentioned above, I have studied the function of EASA and EU Regulation including TCO Implementing Rule newly introduced, and suggested some proposals. I hope that this paper is 1) to help preparation of TCO authorization, 2) to help understanding about the international issue, 3) to help the improvement of korean aviation regulations and government organizations, 4) to help compliance with international standards and to contribute to the promotion of aviation safety, in addition.

Characteristics of Fish Assemblage by Reservoir Size in Yeongsan·Seomjin River Watershed in Korea (영산강·섬진강 수계 호소의 규모별 어류군집 특성)

  • Park, Sang-Hyeon;Kim, Jeong-Hui;Baek, Seung-Ho;Choi, Ho-Seung;Kim, Dae-Won;Ko, Eui-Jeong;Kim, Hyun-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.229-240
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    • 2020
  • In this study, the results of fish assemblage survey for 16 reservoirs in the Yeongsan·Seomjin-River watershed were presented with fish assemblage characteristics analysis in relation to reservoir size. The survey method including number of sampling sites was followed the "Biomonitoring survey and assessment manual" of the Ministry of Environment/National Institute of Environmental Research (MOE/NIER), and the reservoirs were categorized as three size groups, small, medium or large reservoirs, based on the MOE/NIER as well. Total 13 family classified into 44 species were collected from 2018 (7 reservoirs) to 2019 (9 reservoirs), and the dominant and subdominant species were Hemiculter eigenmanni (Relative abundance, RA, 32.9%) and Lepomis macrochirus (RA, 31.4%), respectively. As a result of the analysis in relation to the reservoir size, the average (±standard deviation) number of species of the small, medium and large reservoirs were 11±2.9, 14.3±2.1, 22.7±0.6, respectively, which showed positive correlation with the reservoir size. Total 6 fish assemblage characteristics(number of species, number of individuals, richness index, herbivorous fish ratio, carnivorous fish ratio, exotic fish ratio) showed significant differences between the each reservoir size groups (P<0.05). As a result of cluster analysis, 16 reservoirs were clustered into 5 groups with 60% similarity, and the each reservoirs seems to be clustered depends on the distance from each other, watershed and their historical geology rather than size. These results are baseline information for the understanding of fish assemblage in Korean reservoirs, important for establishing management policy of reservoirs in the Yeongsan·Seomjin-River watershed.

Suggestion for Technology Development and Commercialization Strategy of CO2 Capture and Storage in Korea (한국 이산화탄소 포집 및 저장 기술개발 및 상용화 추진 전략 제안)

  • Kwon, Yi Kyun;Shinn, Young Jae
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.381-392
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    • 2018
  • This study examines strategies and implementation plans for commercializing CO2 capture and storage, which is an effective method to achieve the national goal of reducing greenhouse gas. In order to secure cost-efficient business model of CO2 capture and storage, we propose four key strategies, including 1) urgent need to select a large-scale storage site and to estimate realistic storage capacity, 2) minimization of source-to-sink distance, 3) cost-effectiveness through technology innovation, and 4) policy implementation to secure public interest and to encourage private sector participation. Based on these strategies, the implementation plans must be designed for enabling CO2 capture and storage to be commercialized until 2030. It is desirable to make those plans in which large-scale demonstration and subsequent commercial projects share a single storage site. In addition, the plans must be able to deliver step-wised targets and assessment processes to decide if the project will move to the next stage or not. The main target of stage 1 (2019 ~ 2021) is that the large-scale storage site will be selected and post-combustion capture technology will be upgraded and commercialized. The site selection, which is prerequisite to forward to the next stage, will be made through exploratory drilling and investigation for candidate sites. The commercial-scale applicability of the capture technology must be ensured at this stage. Stage 2 (2022 ~ 2025) aims design and construction of facility and infrastructure for successful large-scale demonstration (million tons of CO2 per year), i.e., large-scale CO2 capture, transportation, and storage. Based on the achievement of the demonstration project and the maturity of carbon market at the end of stage 2, it is necessary to decide whether to enter commercialization of CO2 capture and storage. If the commercialization project is decided, it will be possible to capture and storage 4 million tons of CO2 per year by the private sector in stage 3 (2026 ~ 2030). The existing facility, infrastructure, and capture plant will be upgraded and supplemented, which allows the commercialization project to be cost-effective.

Proposed Sustainability Risk Framework through the Analysis of Advanced Donor Countries' International Development Cases (선진 공여국의 국제개발 사례 분석 기반 지속가능성 리스크 프레임워크 제안)

  • Lee, Kyung-Tae;Kim, Ju-Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.12-23
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    • 2023
  • The goal of international development projects is to assist sustainable development in recipient countries through foreign aid from donor countries. However, despite the need for both countries to negotiate and work together from the initial stages to maintain sustainability after the project, clear guidelines or standards have not been established. Additionally, despite the need for donor countries, which are relatively advanced, to understand the situation of recipient countries, many projects are donor-centric and fail to prioritize the value of sustainability. Therefore, this study extracted economic, social, and environmental risks that threaten sustainability through literature review and proposed a sustainability framework based on these criteria. To validate framework, actual international development cases conducted by advanced donor countries such as Australia, the United States, and Japan, in collaboration with South Korea, were analyzed by applying content analysis with the reports, which covers the overall contents from the planning stage to the operation stage. Analysis of sustainability perspectives focused on economy, society and the environment, advanced donor countries emphasized (1) the importance of pre-assessment, (2) the need for coordination with the local population and communities despite the existence of donor-specific values, and (3) addressing economic considerations such as pre-operational and maintenance costs, social communication with the local population, and environmental considerations starting from the initial stages of construction regarding the treatment of pollutants as values to be improved. Compared to other advanced donor countries, the Republic of Korea should also focus on consultation with local residents to achieve social integration, and improve sustainability by deployment the managers in local sites for better negotiation.The proposed framework in this study will serve as a tool to enhance communication among the countries and the locals, with the expectation of increasing project efficiency and sustainability.

Analysis of the Issues received by Quality Improvement Department and their Management in a Medical Center (일 의료원의 통합 고충처리센터 접수 내용과 이에 대한 해결방안 분석)

  • Tark, Kwan-Chul;Park, Hyun-Ju;Chun, Ja-Hae;Kang, Eun-Sook;Moon, Ju-Young;Choi, Mi-Young;Kim, Hyun-Ju;Kang, Jin-Kyung
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.118-131
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    • 2000
  • Background : A continuous healthcare quality improvement is needed to provide high quality healthcare service as well as to maintain trust in terms of satisfying the needs of the patients. Recently it also became an essential issue. in hospital management, recognized for it's competitive potentiality among healthcare organization groups. This study was conducted to analyze patient complaints and issues received by the Quality Improvement Department. Its purpose is to improve healthcare qualities within the hospital, as well as establish policies and appropriate strategies in hospital management. Method : From July 1st to September 30th of the year 1999, we analyzed all complaints and issues made by various patients and their families, which were received through 24 hour phone consultation, numerous suggestion boxes, letters and E-mails, The issues were classified into 16 different categories based on a Patient Satisfaction Assessment Tool. All data were segregated according to the departmental frequencies and their contents. To come up with for environmental and patient satisfaction improvement, all complaints or issues were communicated with hospital administrators, medical and nursing staff and employees. Comprehensive customer satisfaction activities including improving phone etiquette were discussed in Customer Satisfaction Team, CQI Team and each Department. All opportunities for improvement were implemented. Feedback actions were discussed. Results : A total of 317 cases were collected. Issues regarding parking and other accommodation facilities were most common complaints that were 14.5% of total. Issues regarding admission rooms (10.7%), admission procedures (10.7%), waiting room environment (8.8%), nurses and nurse assistants (7.6%), physicians (6.6%) and others (23%) followed. Thirteen of 45 departments received more than 8 complaints. The Nursing Department had the most complaint, receiving 9.8% of total complaints. Complaints regarding the Nursing Department were predominantly related to the environment of patient rooms. The Department of Psychiatry for phone etiquette (4.7%), Department of Otolaryngology for the nursing staff's attitude and phone etiquette (4.4%), and the Admission Department followed. As a part of efforts to improve patient satisfaction, a new parking structure was built and reallocation of the parking space was done. Renovation of other accommodation facilities were carried out by hospital administration, Monthly phone call and answering attitude survey was done by QI Department. Based on this survey we made a phone etiquette manual and distributed throughout the hospital. Compare to the last year, Patient Satisfaction Index measured by Korea Productivity Center using National Customer Satisfaction Index was improved 7 points. According to our organization's own study, we confirmed the phone etiquette was improved 11% than last year. Conclusions : Issues related to parking and other accommodation facilities ranked first followed by complaints made regarding the patient care area, the admission and cashier process, and nurses' and doctors' attitude. The Nursing and Psychiatry Departments need improvement regarding phone etiquette. Results were shared and played a vital role in policymaking and strategic planning of the hospital. It is imperative that we keep our database updated by listening to and solving the needs of each patient. The CQI activities can be achieved only by full commitment of the hospital top management supported by related personal.

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Mineralized Patterns of Plant Nutrient and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Soil Incorporated with Acidified Biochar Pellets with Fish Powder (어분 혼합 산도 조절 바이오차 펠렛 시용에 따른 토양 무기화 패턴 및 온실가스 발생량 비교)

  • Joo Hee Nam;Min Jeong Kim;Chang Ki Shim;SangWon Park;Seonggil Hong;OkJung Ju;NanHee An;JaeYee Choi;Seok-In Yun;Joung-Du Shin
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.5-16
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    • 2024
  • This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of mineralization patterns of plant major nutrients, greenhouse gas emissions, and plant growth responses in the Kimchi cabbage cultivated field incorporated with acidified biochar pellets with mixed dry fish powder. The treatments consisted of 1) Control; recommended application amounts of fertilizers (32-7.8-19.8 kg 10a-1), 2) RBFP; acidified rice hull biochar fertilizer pellet incorporated with dry fish powder, and 3) PBFP; acidified poultry biochar fertilizer pellet incorporated with dry fish powder. Mineralized cumulated NH4-N concentration in the RBFP decreased at 14.2%, but the cumulated NO3-N concentration enhanced at 52.5% compared to the control. In addition, the cumulated P2O5 concentration was not significantly different(p<0.05) between the control and RBFP. The mineralized patterns of cumulative NH4-N and NO3-N were significantly fitted well (R2>0.917) for sigmoid curves. The cumulative mineralized P2O5 concentration in the PBFP was decreased at 2.8% compared to the control. Also, the cumulative mineralized K concentration in the RBFP increased at 5.4 folder than the control. However, the mineralized patterns for the cumulative P2O5 and K concentrations were significantly fitted well (R2>0.983) for linear types. The cumulative CH4 and N2O gas emissions in the RBFP mitigated by 14.4% and 54.6%, respectively, compared to the control. The highest yield was observed in the RBFP and PBFP. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that the RBFP is applied to mitigate the greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing the yield for the organic farming practice of Kimchi cabbage cultivation.