• Title/Summary/Keyword: Environment Logistics

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Port Development & Comparative Advantage Industries For The Reinforcement of Regional competitiveness : Focused on Gyeongnam Provincial Government (신항만개발, 수출경쟁산업과 지역경쟁력 - 경남지역을 중심으로 -)

  • 공덕암
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.153-172
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    • 2004
  • With swelling of Chinese Economic scale, the competitive environment is swinging over the north-east Asia countries, Korea, Japan, China, and Taiwan. As the result of this circumstance, each countries in this area has been reformed their industries. According to the expanding in ocean logistic. The trends of competition on Hub port is looking forward much more severe year after year to preoccupy in logistics competitive within this Area. On the other hand, considering competitive environment & swelling of Chinese Economic scale, the structural reforms are imperative in korea. Korea have to convert the traditional sects into new high added value sects. In these trends, provincial government also should look for the plan for reinforcement of Regional competitiveness. The focus of this study is to look for the reinforcement methods on regional competitiveness of Gyeongnam Provincial Government. First, competitive industries in Gyeongnam, and second, Masan Free Trade Zone will be surveyed from data. Finally, the effects of New Hub port developing in Pusan-Jinhae will be discussed.

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A Study on the Development of u-WMS within SCM using RFID (RFID를 활용한 SCM환경의 u-창고관리시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Li, Guang Zhu;Li, Zhong Shi;Lee, Chang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.137-143
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    • 2008
  • This paper is mainly about the development of u-warehouse management system by using RFID in SCM environment. We developed a web-based real-time u-warehouse management system centering to manufacture enterprises by analyzing the process before and after the adopting of RFID technologies in warehouse management, deducing the standard application process which adopts RFID technologies in SCM environment.

A study on establishing railroad industrial informatization architecture around service implementation by railroad industry field (철도산업 분야별 서비스 구현을 중심으로 한 철도산업정보화 아키텍쳐 수립에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jun;Moon, Dae-Seop
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.1895-1905
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    • 2009
  • Recently it is required to present a new goal and direction regarding a railroad industrial informatization in order to respond to external change of environment along sharp development technical information communication (ICT), establish a strategic plan for o establish a strategic plan for harmonious developments of private and public sector through harmonious developments of private and public sector and efficient investments on an railroad industrial informatization. Forwarding plans for informatization industrial the existing railroad have been proceeded mainly around informatization of related organization regarding railroads. Study to have read to this established informatization architecture industrial a railroad for establishing deliberate systematic forwarding regarding informatization industrial a railroad of the center functional service a railroad taking charge of. we selected a system sub-of 25 by each fields for this after classifying it to, eight fields such as construction, train driving control, environment, maintenance, logistics, a train, assets management, passenger service.

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Global Trade Management Strategies for Export Companies from the Supply Chain Management Perspective (공급사슬관점에서 수출기업의 글로벌 무역관리 전략)

  • Yang, Jung-Ho
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    • v.35
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    • pp.179-219
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    • 2007
  • Cross-border supply chains undergone complexity in the global trade process, unpredictability and continually evolving regulations and information requirements. Under these circumstances, longer lead time inhibiting quick response to market demands, unanticipated supply chain costs eroding product cost savings, compliance and documentation errors causing delays and fines are challenging global trade companies when they execute global business. These problems are mainly caused by unautomated, unintegrated process which lead to longer and more unpredictable lead times, slower cash flow, cost overruns, and ultimately lower profits and less satisfied customers. Complex and unpredictable global trade environment requires global trade companies of global trade management functions to automate and control this complex environment for driving out cost, time and risk from their business. Global trade management allows cost savings, supply chain efficiencies and improved compliance through improving global supply chain visibility, facilitating cash flow by supply chain financing, enhancing supply chain security and risk management.

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A Method on building SCM between manufacturer and supplier (제조업체와 협력업체간 SCM구축에 관한 방법론)

  • 심상용;박재현;김봉진
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2001
  • Today's environment of enterprise is changing. They have to face customers' demands with the right product, the right service and supply them at the right time. And aIso cut down logistics and inventory cost and bring up the Profit as much as they can. This means the change of putting enterprise first in importance to putting customer first in importance. therefore to correspond to customer's demand, shorting lead time is becoming a essential condition. The answer to this changes of environment is supply chain management In this study, we use Goldratt's drum-buffer-rope scheduling in between manufacturer and supplier. And when shortage of inventory occur, search for the supply chain's CCR. Pressing CCR for more production, and supply Inventory from logistic center to guide for inventory buffing. using logistic warehouse between manufacturer and supplier, can execute function of buffer.

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Determine Customer Value for Scheduling (일정계획을 위한 고객가치 결정에 관한 연구)

  • 양광모;박재현;강경식
    • Proceedings of the Safety Management and Science Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.115-120
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    • 2002
  • Today's environment of enterprise is changing. They have to face customer' demands with the right product, the right service and supply them at the right time. And also cut down logistics and inventory cost and bring up the profit as much as they can. This means the change of putting enterprise first in importance to putting customer first importance. therefore to correspond to customer's demand, shorting lead time is becoming a essential condition. The answer to this changes of environment is supply chain management. In this paper, It consolidates the necessity on a LTV(Life Time Value) and analyzes data which is concerned of Customer Value. Under the these environments, defines the LTV(Life Time Value) rule that can improve the customer value.

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A Study on Electric Data Interchange System with Format Server under Intranet Environments (인트라넷 환경하에서 문서형식 서버를 갖는 전자문서교환 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Tae-Woo;Sung, Che-Hoon;Seo, Yong-Won;Hahm, Ju-Ho
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 1997
  • Among the driving methods of CALS, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), the pivot of procurement and logistics, is becoming the standard of data interchange. In this article, we examine the standard, growth, and status of EDI, and present a scheme to make it available via Internet that grow to be a standardized network, in comparison with a method to use a Value Added Network(VAN). So we studied an implementation of EDI system to exchange and process the business intra-works in order to integrate it into Intranet environment. As well, we present a client/server model running under Intranet environment, and a system with a format server to share the load of server and client. To do this, we list the functions and requirements of EDI system, connect a database to the Intranet, and develop applications using $Java^{TM}$.

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A Development Strategy for Hub-Port in Korea (우리나라 주요 항만의 중심항 발전전략)

  • 양항진;장봉규;정두식
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.23-44
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    • 2005
  • The port environment is rapidly changing in North-East Asia. Containerships are getting larger and faster and major shipping companies are converting to Hub & Spoke port networks on the transport systems. Therefore, the main ports in North-East Asia are intensively competing with each other for hub port. In terms of geopolitical position, locational conditions and external reputation of ports, Busan and Kwangyang ports have a comparative advantage in comparison with main ports in other countries. But in terms of weight of transshipment cargos in total container cargos, the quality of infrastructure in ports, the environment of logistics service and the cost of, using ports, Busan and Kwangyang ports have a comparative disadvantage. For the growth into hub port in North-East Asia, it is necessary that Busan and Kwangyang ports improve their weakness. Besides It is necessary to develope ports and hinterland quickly, offer uniformity of foreign investment laws and incentive systems.

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On the Design and Test for the 150 Gallon Composite External Fuel Tank (150갤런 복합재 외부연료탱크 설계 및 시험평가)

  • Chang, Inki;Kim, Changyoung
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.22-27
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    • 2007
  • The 150 gal Ion EFT(External Fuel Tank) used to enlarge the aircraft operation range was adopted an import equipment in T-50 FSD phase. But in Production phase the EFT was planed to develop for the stable ILS(Integrated Logistics Support) and technical ability improvement by using the composite materials. The design for configuration and fuel system is intended to maintain compatibility with aircraft systems and the development test is performed on component, assembly and aircraft. This study is conducted to provide the technology of design and test for the 150 gallon composite EFT in LRU level. The test results show that the composite EFT is satisfied with structural, functional and environment requirements which are described in specification.

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A Study on Determining Weight of Lifetime Value(LTV) using Analytic hierarchy Process(AHP) (계층분석과정을 활용한 고객생애가치 가중치 결정에 관한 연구)

  • 양광모;강경식
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2002
  • Today's environment of enterprise is changing, They have to face customer' demands with the right product, the right service and supply them at the right time. And also cut down logistics and inventory cost and bring up the profit as much as they can. This means the change of putting enterprise first in importance to putting customer first importance. therefore to correspond to customer's demand, shorting lead time is becoming a essential condition. The answer to this changes of environment is supply chain management. In this paper, It consolidates the necessity on a LTV(Life Time Value) and analyzes data which is concerned of Customer Value. Under the these environments, defines the LTV(Life Time Value) rule that can improve the customer value. We solved this problems using AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) for consistency at relationship matrix, AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) is based on Saaty's consistency rate. If consistency rate is under 0.1 point, preference rate's weights are acceptable. This study develop a program for AHP weights and support Satty's consistency rate.