• Title/Summary/Keyword: Energy response factor

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Seismic Fragility Analysis of Equipment Considering the Inelastic Energy Absorption Factor of Weld Anchorage for Seismic Characteristics in Korea (국내 지진동 특성에 대한 기기 용접 정착부의 비탄성에너지 흡수계수를 고려한 지진취약도 평가)

  • Eem, Seunghyun;Kim, Gungyu;Choi, In-Kil;Kwag, Shinyoung
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2023
  • In Korea, most nuclear power plants were designed based on the design response spectrum of Regulatory Guide 1.60 of the NRC. However, in the case of earthquakes occurring in the country, the characteristics of seismic motions in Korea and the design response spectrum differed. The seismic motion in Korea had a higher spectral acceleration in the high-frequency range compared to the design response spectrum. The seismic capacity may be reduced when evaluating the seismic performance of the equipment with high-frequency earthquakes compared with what is evaluated by the design response spectrum for the equipment with a high natural frequency. Therefore, EPRI proposed the inelastic energy absorption factor for the equipment anchorage. In this study, the seismic performance of welding anchorage was evaluated by considering domestic seismic characteristics and EPRI's inelastic energy absorption factor. In order to reflect the characteristics of domestic earthquakes, the uniform hazard response spectrum (UHRS) of Uljin was used. Moreover, the seismic performance of the equipment was evaluated with a design response spectrum of R.G.1.60 and a uniform hazard response spectrum (UHRS) as seismic inputs. As a result, it was confirmed that the seismic performance of the weld anchorage could be increased when the inelastic energy absorption factor is used. Also, a comparative analysis was performed on the seismic capacity of the anchorage of equipment by the welding and the extended bolt.

Electric energy saving system with high speed response to load variation using power-factor correction (부하변동에 속응하는 역률개선형 전력절감시스템)

  • Kim, Tae-Soo;Kang, Hyung-Sik;Joo, Kyung-Don;Lyu, Seung-Heon;Koo, Kyung-Wan;Han, Sang-Ok
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2002.07d
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    • pp.2388-2390
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    • 2002
  • Small type electric energy saving system is proposed in this paper. The system improves power factor fastly according to load variation of each customer. Phases of voltage and current are detected as 1[ms] unit. Phase coincident algorithm is applied for power factor improvement. Capacitance is controlled for optimal power factor correction. Series reactor is controlled for harmonics reduction. Non-contact device is used for fast response and long life. Test result shows the effect of this system. Power factor of 40[W] electric fan is improved from 95[%] to 100[%]. In the case of electric light, power factor is improved from 82[%] to 100[%]. Response time for load variation is less than 1[ms].

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Evaluation of Response Modification Factore for Earthquake Resistant Design of Moment-Resisting Steel Frames (모멘트-연성 강구조물의 내진설계를 위한 반응수정계수의 평가)

  • 송종걸
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.201-208
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    • 1997
  • In most seismic codes such as the Uniform Building Code(UBC), the response modification factor(or the force reduction factor)is used to reflect the capability of a structure in dissipating energy through inelastic behavior. The response modification factor is assigned according to structural system type. Ductile systems such as special moment-resisting steel frames are assigned larger values of the response modification factor, and are consequently designed for smaller seismic design forces. Therefore, structural damage may occur during a severe earthquake. To ensure safety of the structures, the suitability of the response modification factor used in aseismic design procedures shall be evaluated. The object of this study is to develop a method for the evaluating of the response modification factor. The validity of the evaluating method has been examined for several cases of different structures and different earthquake excitations.

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Revaluation of Inelastic Structural Response Factor for Seismic Fragility Evaluation of Equipment (기기의 지진취약도 평가를 위한 구조물 비탄성구조응답계수의 재평가)

  • Park, Junhee;Choi, In-Kil
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.241-248
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    • 2015
  • There are a lot of equipment related to safety and electric power production in nuclear power plants. The structure and equipment in NPPs were generally designed considering a high safety factor to remain in the elastic zone under earthquake load. However it is needed to revaluate the seismic capacity of the structure and equipment as the magnitude of earthquake was recently increased. In this study the floor response due to the nonlinear behaviors of structure was analyzed and the inelastic structural response factor was calculated by the nonlinear time history analysis. The inelastic structural response factor was calculated by the EPRI method and the nonlinear analysis method to realistically evaluate the seismic fragility for the equipment. According to the analysis result, it was represented that the inelastic structural response factor was affected by the natural frequency of equipment, the location of equipment and the dynamic property of structure.

Forecast study for active factor of V2B(Vehicle to Building) operation zero energy building using monte carlo method (몬테카를로방법을 이용한 V2B(Vehicle to Building) 운용 제로에너지빌딩의 액티브 요소 예측 연구)

  • Kim, Youngil;Kim, Insoo
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.29-34
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    • 2017
  • Factors of Zero-Energy Building are divided into active and passive factor. Passive factor means insulation, heat bridge of building like insulation, windows and doors, awning, outside etc. and active factor means energy output and efficiency coefficient. Energy output of active factor is achieved by new generating energy. This study anticipated how many effects will be produced when not new generating energy but Vehicle to Building; V2B, bi-directional charging and discharging technology, is applied to Zero-Energy Building. In new generating energy, power generation will be anticipated by geography and climate, but in V2B, several input variable like user's discharging intention and number of usable charger etc. should be considered. We can check how much V2B contribute to the Zero-Energy Building by anticipated results, and that results should be anticipated by using probabilitic method because there is few statistical data. This study anticipate change of charging and discharging pattern, based by Demand Response slot, by using monte carlo method among the probabilitic methods.

Evaluation of seismic reliability and multi level response reduction factor (R factor) for eccentric braced frames with vertical links

  • Mohsenian, Vahid;Mortezaei, Alireza
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.537-549
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    • 2018
  • Using vertical links in eccentric braced frames is one of the best passive structural control approaches due to its effectiveness and practicality advantages. However, in spite of the subject importance there are limited studies which evaluate the seismic reliability and response reduction factor (R-factor) in this system. Therefore, the present study has been conducted to improve the current understanding about failure mechanism in the structural systems equipped with vertical links. For this purpose, following definition of demand and capacity response reduction factors, these parameters are computed for three different buildings (4, 8 and 12 stories) equipped with this system. In this regards, pushover and incremental dynamic analysis have been employed, and seismic reliability as well as multi-level response reduction factor according to the seismic demand and capacity of the frames have been derived. Based on the results, this system demonstrates high ductility and seismic energy dissipation capacity, and using the response reduction factor as high as 8 also provides acceptable reliability for the frame in the moderate and high earthquake intensities. This system can be used in original buildings as lateral load resisting system in addition to seismic rehabilitation of the existing buildings.

Energy dissipation demand of compression members in concentrically braced frames

  • Lee, Kangmin;Bruneau, Michel
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.5 no.5
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    • pp.345-358
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    • 2005
  • The response of single story buildings and other case studies are investigated to observe trends in response and to develop a better understanding of the impact of some design parameters on the seismic response of CBF. While it is recognized that many parameters have an influence on the behavior of braced frames, the focus of this study is mostly on quantifying energy dissipation in compression and its effectiveness on seismic performance. Based on dynamic analyses of single story braced frame and case studies, it is found that a bracing member designed with bigger R and larger KL/r results in lower normalized cumulative energy, i.e., cumulative compressive energy normalized by the corresponding tensile energy (${\sum}E_C/E_T$), in both cases.

Energy-factor-based damage-control evaluation of steel MRF systems with fuses

  • Ke, Ke;Yam, Michael C.H.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.589-611
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    • 2016
  • The primary objectives of this research are to investigate the energy factor response of steel moment resisting frame (MRF) systems equipped with fuses subject to ground motions and to develop an energy-based evaluation approach for evaluating the damage-control behavior of the system. First, the energy factor of steel MRF systems with fuses below the resilience threshold is derived utilizing the energy balance equation considering bilinear oscillators with significant post-yielding stiffness ratio, and the effect of structural nonlinearity on the energy factor is investigated by conducting a parametric study covering a wide range of parameters. A practical transformation approach is also proposed to associate the energy factor of steel MRF systems with fuses with classic design spectra based on elasto-plastic systems. Then, the energy balance is extended to structural systems, and an energy-based procedure for damage-control evaluation is proposed and a damage-control index is also derived. The approach is then applied to two types of steel MRF systems with fuses to explore the applicability for quantifying the damage-control behavior. The rationality of the proposed approach and the accuracy for identifying the damage-control behavior are demonstrated by nonlinear static analyses and incremental dynamic analyses utilizing prototype structures.

Analysis of Shoreline Response due to Wave Energy Incidence Using Equilibrium Beach Profile Concept (평형해빈단면 개념을 이용하여 파랑 에너지 유입에 따른 해안선 변동 해석)

  • Kim, Tae-Kon;Lee, Jung-Lyul
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.116-122
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    • 2018
  • Dean's equilibrium beach profile formula was used to investigate the correlation between the static shoreline position and the incident wave energy. The effect of the longshore sediment transport was neglected, and the results showed the reasonable agreement compared with the field observations of Yates et al.(2009), which were conducted for almost 5 years on southern California beaches, USA. The shoreline response varies with the scale factor of Dean's equilibrium beach profile. This implies that the shoreline response could be simply estimated using the sampled grain size without laborious long-term field work. Therefore, the present study results are expected to be practically used for the layout design of submerged or exposed detached breakwaters although the further work is required for performance verification. In addition, after laborous mathematical reviews, the linear relation between incident energy and shoreline response, which was obtained from Yates's field study, yielded a clear mathematical equation showing how the beach slope is related to the grain size.

Seismic Response Amplification Factors of Nuclear Power Plants for Seismic Performance Evaluation of Structures and Equipment due to High-frequency Earthquakes (구조물 및 기기의 내진성능 평가를 위한 고주파수 지진에 의한 원자력발전소의 지진응답 증폭계수)

  • Eem, Seung-Hyun;Choi, In-Kil;Jeon, Bub-Gyu;Kwag, Shinyoung
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.123-128
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    • 2020
  • Analysis of the 2016 Gyeongju earthquake and the 2017 Pohang earthquake showed the characteristics of a typical high-frequency earthquake with many high-frequency components, short time strong motion duration, and large peak ground acceleration relative to the magnitude of the earthquake. Domestic nuclear power plants were designed and evaluated based on NRC's Regulatory Guide 1.60 design response spectrum, which had a great deal of energy in the low-frequency range. Therefore, nuclear power plants should carry out seismic verification and seismic performance evaluation of systems, structures, and components by reflecting the domestic characteristics of earthquakes. In this study, high-frequency amplification factors that can be used for seismic verification and seismic performance evaluation of nuclear power plant systems, structures, and equipment were analyzed. In order to analyze the high-frequency amplification factor, five sets of seismic time history were generated, which were matched with the uniform hazard response spectrum to reflect the characteristics of domestic earthquake motion. The nuclear power plant was subjected to seismic analysis for the construction of the Korean standard nuclear power plant, OPR1000, which is a reactor building, an auxiliary building assembly, a component cooling water heat exchanger building, and an essential service water building. Based on the results of the seismic analysis, a high-frequency amplification factor was derived upon the calculation of the floor response spectrum of the important locations of nuclear power plants. The high-frequency amplification factor can be effectively used for the seismic verification and seismic performance evaluation of electric equipment which are sensitive to high-frequency earthquakes.