• 제목/요약/키워드: Energy consumption comparison

검색결과 450건 처리시간 0.028초

Impact of Hull Condition and Propeller Surface Maintenance on Fuel Efficiency of Ocean-Going Vessels

  • Tien Anh Tran;Do Kyun Kim
    • 한국해양공학회지
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    • 제37권5호
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    • pp.181-189
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    • 2023
  • The fuel consumption of marine diesel engines holds paramount importance in contemporary maritime transportation and shapes energy efficiency strategies of ocean-going vessels. Nonetheless, a noticeable gap in knowledge prevails concerning the influence of ship hull conditions and propeller roughness on fuel consumption. This study bridges this gap by utilizing artificial intelligence techniques in Matlab, particularly convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to comprehensively investigate these factors. We propose a time-series prediction model that was built on numerical simulations and aimed at forecasting ship hull and propeller conditions. The model's accuracy was validated through a meticulous comparison of predictions with actual ship-hull and propeller conditions. Furthermore, we executed a comparative analysis juxtaposing predictive outcomes with navigational environmental factors encompassing wind speed, wave height, and ship loading conditions by the fuzzy clustering method. This research's significance lies in its pivotal role as a foundation for fostering a more intricate understanding of energy consumption within the realm of maritime transport.

빛환경 및 냉난방환경 기반 광선반 성능평가 연구 (Performance Evaluation of Light-Shelf based on Light Enviorment and Air Conditioner Enviorment)

  • 전강민;이행우;서장후;김용성
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • 제16권5호
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: As the energy consumed by buildings increases, there is a growing need for studies and technology development to address this issue. One of the solutions to excessive energy use by buildings is the light-shelf, which is a natural lighting system enabling efficient reduction in light energy, and research in this area has been intensive. However, most of the studies about the light-shelf are limited to the light environment, and thus the application of their findings to an actual environment in the form of a design may be problematic. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to provide fundamental data for light-shelf design by carrying out a light-shelf performance evaluation on the basis of the light environment and the heating and cooling environment. Method: In the present study, a testbed was established to conduct a light-shelf performance evaluation by measuring the electric power consumption of lighting and heating and cooling devices depending on the existence of a light-shelf and its angle. Result: The findings of the present study are as follows: 1) With respect to the uniformity of the indoor light environment amenity, the optimum angle of a light-shelf was found to be $30^{\circ}$ for the summer solstice and the winter solstice. 2) With respect to the reduction of electric power consumption by indoor lighting devices, the optimum light-shelf angle at the summer solstice is $30^{\circ}$, at which time electric power consumption may be reduced by 10.2% in comparison with when no light-shelf is applied. However, at the winter solstice, a light-shelf may increase the energy consumption for lighting in comparison with when no light-shelf is applied, and this should be taken into account in the design of a light-shelf. 3) In terms of reducing the electric power consumption of heating and cooling devices, the optimum angle of a light-shelf was found to be $30^{\circ}$ for the summer solstice, while a light-shelf is inappropriate for the winter solstice since a light-shelf creates shade and thus increases the heating energy consumption. 4) To summarize the findings above, the optimum angle of a light-shelf is $30^{\circ}$ for the summer solstice, but the installation of a light-shelf may in some circumstances increase the energy consumed by lighting devices as well as by heating and cooling devices. Therefore, more studies and technology development may need to be performed to solve the problem of increased energy consumption at the winter solstice.

Efficiency at Energy Industry : A Comparison of Energy Consumption Efficiency among Asian Pacific Countries

  • Kim, Tae-Ho
    • International Journal of Quality Innovation
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes a scheme to estimate the technical efficiency of energy consumption and production and shadow prices of $CO_2$ emission in country-level at Asia Pacific countries by Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The result of technical efficiency estimation shows that there exists an heterogeneity and a substantial opportunity for improvement in technical efficiency at energy consumption and production across countries, specially in the $CO_2$ emission, which implies that more pollutant are spread in air. Each country will have the different willingness to pay for the additional $CO_2$ emission right and this result enables us to predict the competition in international $CO_2$ emission right market.

Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Improved Grey Wolf Optimizer

  • Zhao, Xiaoqiang;Zhu, Hui;Aleksic, Slavisa;Gao, Qiang
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • 제12권6호
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    • pp.2644-2657
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    • 2018
  • To utilize the energy of sensor nodes efficiently and extend the network lifetime maximally is one of the primary goals in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Thus, designing an energy-efficient protocol to optimize the determination of cluster heads (CHs) in WSNs has become increasingly important. In this paper, we propose a novel energy-efficient protocol based on an improved Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO), which we refer to as Fitness value based Improved GWO (FIGWO). It considers a fitness value to improve the finding of the optimal solution in GWO, which ensures a better distribution of CHs and a more balanced cluster structure. According to the distance to the CHs and the BS, sensor nodes' transmission distance are recalculated to reduce the energy consumption. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed approach can prolong the stability period of the network in comparison to other algorithms, namely by 31.5% in comparison to SEP, and even by 57.8% when compared with LEACH protocol. The results also show that the proposed protocol performs well over the above comparative protocols in terms of energy consumption and network throughput.

복합열원 히트펌프 최적 제어를 위한 열원에 따른 히트펌프 성능 및 에너지 소요량 패턴 비교 (Comparison of Heat Pump Performance and Energy Consumption Patterns according to Heat Sources for Optimal Control of Multi-Source Heat Pumps)

  • 고유진;박시훈;민준기
    • 한국지열·수열에너지학회논문집
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2020
  • The investment in the technology of using a combined heat source is insufficient, which utilizes the advantages of various heat sources to maximize the potential energy and at the same time increases the performance of the heat pump. In this study, as basic data for the development of a high-efficiency hybrid heat pump system that actively connects and uses various heat sources, simulations were conducted for the heat pumps in two cases where geothermal and hydrothermal heat were applied respectively. In May, COP increased by about 27.3% compared to geothermal heat. In February, the COP percentage decrease of hydrothermal heat compared to geothermal heat is -6.9%. In May, total energy consumption can be reduced by 21.1% when hydrothermal is applied compared to geothermal heat. In February, the total energy consumption increases by 3.4%.

다목적 복합건물의 하절기 열원기기 운전시 소비전력에 관한 시뮬레이션 (Simulation on Energy Consumption in the Summer Season Operation of primary HVAC system for Multipurpose Building Complex)

  • 서재경;최승길;강채동
    • 대한설비공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한설비공학회 2006년도 하계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.903-908
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    • 2006
  • Building energy simulation has become a useful tool for predicting cooling, heating and air-conditioning loads for facilities. It is important to provide building energy performances feed back to the mechanical and electrical system operator and engineer for energy conservation and maintenance of building. From this research, we set up the typical weather data of location, basic description of building, geometric modelling data and the specification of Installed primary HVAC system for establishing the simulation model about energy consuming that take place in multipurpose building complex. The simulation tool of building energy - EnergyPlus (DOE and BLAST based simulation S/W), it has been used and accomplished calculations and analyses for evaluating the effect of the system types and operating condition of central HVAC plant on the building energy consumption. In this paper, we offer comparison and simultaneous results those involve electricity consumption pattern and amount between actual operation versus EnergyPlus simulation to the object building during summer season.

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System Dynamics를 활용한 기본소득의 지역 영향성에 대한 연구: 보편적 현금급여와 현물에너지급여의 비교를 중심으로 (A Study on the Local Effects of Basic Income Using System Dynamics: Focused on the Comparison of the Universal Cash Payment and Energy Payment-in-kind)

  • 최인수
    • 한국시스템다이내믹스연구
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.51-74
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    • 2014
  • Over the past few years Korea has achieved rapid economic growth, while the deepening polarization of income has negatively affected Korea economy and society. It can be the reason of this negative effect on economy that the increased income by the economic growth has not been distributed socially, but overly focused on one part of social class. One of the important and powerful solution of social polarization could be the strengthening of the income distribution. In these circumstances, the social interest and discussion on the universal welfare system and on the basic income as the means of income redistribution have been increasing. In this study, a system dynamic analysis was conducted to find how an universal cash payment as basic income providing cash benefits impacts on the promotion of consumption in private sector, of local jobs and of local economic organizations. Recently, the poor energy consumption ability of energy poverty became one of the social problems. Also it was analysed how an energy payment-in-kind as basic income influences on the energy consumption of the region, the energy production capacity, the promotion of local energy. The universal cash payment and energy payment-in-kind as the basic income policy showed similar and positive effects on the local economy system and on the local energy system respectively.

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일반보행보조기(RGO)와 동력보행보조기(PGO)의 보행시 에너지 소모도 비교 평가 분석 (Comparison of Energy Consumption of Reciprocating Gait Orthosis(RGO) and Powered Gait Orthosis(PGO) during Gait)

  • 강성재;류제청;문무성
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제25권8호
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    • pp.104-110
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    • 2008
  • The aim of this study ultimately is verifying that PGO gait is more efficient than RGO fur paraplegics because the air muscle assists hip flexion power in heel off movement. The gait characteristics of the paraplegic wearing the PGO or RGO are compared with that of a normal person. PGO with air muscles was used to analyze the walking of patients with lower-limb paralysis, and the results showed that the hip joint flexion and pelvic tilt angle decreased in PGO. In comparison to RGO gait, which is propelled by the movements of the back, PGO uses air muscles, which decreases the movement in the upper limb from a stance phase rate of 79$\pm$4%(RGO) to 68$\pm$8%. The energy consumption rate was 8.65$\pm$3.3 (ml/min/Kg) for RGO, while it decreased to 7.21t2.5(ml/min/Kg) for PGO. The results from this study show that PGO decreases energy consumption while providing support for patients with lower-limb paralysis, and it is helpful in walking for extended times.

The study of the calculation of energy consumption load for heating and cooling in building using the Laplace Transform solution

  • Han, Kyu-Il
    • 수산해양기술연구
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    • 제50권3호
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    • pp.292-300
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    • 2014
  • The Laplace Transform solution is used as a mathematical model to analyse the thermal performance of the building constructed using different wall materials. The solution obtained from Laplace Transform is an analytical solution of an one dimensional, linear, partial differential equation for wall temperature profiles and room air temperatures. The main purpose of the study is showing the detail of obtaining solution process of the Laplace Transform. This study is conducted using weather data from two different locations in Korea: Seoul, Busan for both winter and summer conditions. A comparison is made for the cases of an on-off controller and a proportional controller. The weather data are processed to yield hourly average monthly values. Energy consumption load is well calculated from the solution. The result shows that there is an effect of mass on the thermal performance of heavily constructed house in mild weather conditions such as Busan. Building using proportional control experience a higher comfort level in a comparison of building using on-off control.

A Joint Allocation Algorithm of Computing and Communication Resources Based on Reinforcement Learning in MEC System

  • Liu, Qinghua;Li, Qingping
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.721-736
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    • 2021
  • For the mobile edge computing (MEC) system supporting dense network, a joint allocation algorithm of computing and communication resources based on reinforcement learning is proposed. The energy consumption of task execution is defined as the maximum energy consumption of each user's task execution in the system. Considering the constraints of task unloading, power allocation, transmission rate and calculation resource allocation, the problem of joint task unloading and resource allocation is modeled as a problem of maximum task execution energy consumption minimization. As a mixed integer nonlinear programming problem, it is difficult to be directly solve by traditional optimization methods. This paper uses reinforcement learning algorithm to solve this problem. Then, the Markov decision-making process and the theoretical basis of reinforcement learning are introduced to provide a theoretical basis for the algorithm simulation experiment. Based on the algorithm of reinforcement learning and joint allocation of communication resources, the joint optimization of data task unloading and power control strategy is carried out for each terminal device, and the local computing model and task unloading model are built. The simulation results show that the total task computation cost of the proposed algorithm is 5%-10% less than that of the two comparison algorithms under the same task input. At the same time, the total task computation cost of the proposed algorithm is more than 5% less than that of the two new comparison algorithms.